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/lit/ - Literature

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19249621 No.19249621 [Reply] [Original]

You people act as if reading a 1000+ page book is difficult when wine moms plow through 5 romance novels a month

>> No.19249631

key word: romance
and romance novels are usually not 1000 pages long

>> No.19249632
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yeah but romance novels are fun to read. these 1,000 page tomes are boring as fuck and we only read them for street cred.

>> No.19249643

Next you’ll say that picking up bikini models is easy just because 5 different dudes manage to plow your mom every month

>> No.19249671

I've read 3000 pages this month across 24 books. To me it makes sense to hit up all the smaller ones first to increase my breadth of experience. If I had gone for those tomes I could have read 3 at most.

>> No.19249690

and how many hours a day do you read?
what type of books?

>> No.19249694

Comic books mostly.

>> No.19249703


>> No.19249714

poetry books and novellas. reading time varies from 3 hours upwards a day, I suppose.

>> No.19249942

9gag memes

>> No.19250155

The recognitions is hilarious though.

>> No.19250213

It’s so good. I preferred it to JR, at least some of the protagonists are likable in that one
>captcha: WHYOK

>> No.19250395

I couldn't pick between the 2. I lauded
Laughed more often with J R and the running gags but the recognitions had some epic moments. Like when he goes back home and no one knows who he is lol.

>> No.19251027


>> No.19251874

You kidding? Bast and Amy were more likable than anyone in The Recognitions.

>> No.19251879

on /lit/ this is true

>> No.19252005

thank you number 6 pepe

>> No.19252013

Romance novels are frighteningly easy to read. I once tried one and the pages per hour rate made me feel like some kind of reading God.

>> No.19252130

Just started this, still only about 30 pages in (out of a 655 page PDF edition) and in New England.

Are the meme's about it being hard to follow later in the story true? Will I have to use some garbage wikinotes just to understand what's happening?
I wouldn't call it "funny" so far but it is intriguing and as someone with the name Wyatt, it's also kind of surreal.

>> No.19252161

I plow through 5 wine moms a month

>> No.19252342

It's not half as difficult a read as people for some reason make it seem. There are a boatload of religious references you probably won't understand if you're not a studious Catholic, but they usually aren't extremely important in gleaning the general thrust of what Gaddis is trying to convey. There is also the Gaddis website to use as a reference. I just looked up most stuff that I noticed kept popping up and read closely and actively. The Sound and the Fury was harder for me.

But it is definitely a book that necessitates active reading.

>> No.19252551

If I don't sit down andthink about what I just read, its almost like not reading at all. More like scanning the page with your eyes

>> No.19252576
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1 page of moby dick has more content than 100 pages of a YA novel