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/lit/ - Literature

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19245990 No.19245990 [Reply] [Original]

Kafka is overrated

>> No.19245992

not really

>> No.19246281

His writing is on par with Dr. Seuss

>> No.19246283
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Not nearly as much as frog posting

>> No.19246291

meme reddit word

>> No.19246583

Let me rephrase it the.

From wiki:

>Harold Bloom said "when he is most himself, Kafka gives us a continuous inventiveness and originality that rivals Dante and truly challenges Proust and Joyce as that of the dominant Western author of our century"

Do you honestly believe Kafka is as influential a writer as Proust and Joyce?

>> No.19246586

>Do you honestly believe Kafka is as influential a writer as Proust and Joyce?
Yes. His influence is all over the 20th century.

>> No.19246637

Kafka is the most original writer of the 20th century. Joycean and Proustian fiction is dwarfed by Kafkaesque in sheer quantity.

>> No.19246763

This is not berry nice board.
This is not berry nice post.
Same as it ever was.

>> No.19246793

Kafka is alright but the Tartar Seppe BTFOs everything he has written

>> No.19247035

His novels are ok but he shines in his short stories

>> No.19247452


>> No.19247457

Just another Jew overhyped by Austrian faggots.

>> No.19247459

Amen brother

>> No.19247462


Kafka is literally just schizo ramblings, and if you think it is anything deeper than that, then you got jewed hard.

>> No.19247468

>t. has read 200 books in his life

>> No.19247472

I've read enough books to know that Kafka was an insane kike and is almost certainly not literature.

>> No.19247870


>> No.19247918

Masterful then.