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File: 250 KB, 1303x518, Sally-Rooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19244994 No.19244994 [Reply] [Original]

If your girl reads Sally Rooney, she's spoiled goods.

>> No.19245003

> raising children "contradicts market demands"
the absolute idiocy of the leftist

>> No.19245011

Does the hollow uppitiness of women explain why all intellectual fields suck now? Have they just been Rooney'ing everything like this? Prattling away as if they know anything, while knowing nothing. How can she write this and not cringe?

>> No.19245012

My sister told me to read Sally and now im a few chapters into normal people. I told her to read houellebecq

>> No.19245025


>> No.19245027


>> No.19245037

Houellebecq gets called an autistic incel for making analogies of this nature that are not entirely shit

>> No.19245068

>Prattling away as if they know anything, while knowing nothing.
That describes women so accurately that it hurts.
Why? Why was I not born homosexual?

>> No.19245108

this is powerful...

>> No.19245152

and it's beautiful.

>> No.19245170

Like all womyn, especially fat ugly black ones

>> No.19246256

Even with nose reduction surgeory I can still spot that beak. Yeesus...

>> No.19246273

>nooo society owes me if I have kids, I'm not making babies UNLESS THEY PAY ME FOR IT
What an uppity cunt. Yikers.

>> No.19246289

i should get her pregnant

>> No.19247085

Sally Rooney is both ugly and sexually attractive, and no I will not explain myself.

>> No.19248279

This. Having chidlren in this day and age is something only a retarded consoomer would do