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File: 9 KB, 180x230, cab75cc9d0e27c2f3ed114f2ea8b7222--julius-evola-rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19244758 No.19244758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Mfw I'm so redpilled I don't even need to sleep anymore

>> No.19244846

The biggest redpill this nigga ever gave me was that Monkes were former humans.
It turned my whole worldview on its head.

>> No.19244858

i already learned this in islamic school

>> No.19244890

That wasn't his biggest redpill but it was one of the most essential to detach yourself form all the modern horseshit thinking that inevitably makes you into a nihilist retard.

Savage races like nigs were the surviving remains of the pre-flood peoples that chose materialistic/animalistic corruption and thus they live like animals with no bridges to the superworld of principles and divinity that are a requisite of being fully human.

He flips evolution on it's head by tossing aside it's idea of material/biological progress across time as the completely relativistic meaningless garbage that it is and instead makes the ultimate value conscious realization which the older humanities of course put at the center of their existence.

>> No.19244912

I am reminded of lord of the rings, where the amount of magic available in the world reduces over time.

>> No.19245155

How so?
It might not seem a lot to you but I was a hardline sciencefag for most of my teenage years and had this worldview formed where everything progressed to be higher and more complex.
Then I got memed into reading books like revolt and was shocked with what he says.

>> No.19245179

But how big was the pill which got you speaking ebonics?

>> No.19245186
File: 242 KB, 1280x720, 1614164526329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have that really long Evola copypasta? it's written in the style of one of his books. it's about hyperboreans and it's usually accompanied by pic related.

>> No.19245203

If you type *inhales* on the archive you will find it fairly easily

>> No.19245220

suppository size I suspect

>> No.19245222

found it, thanks

>> No.19245244

Post it

>> No.19245249

not him but:

*inhales* over ten thousand years ago the luminous monadic godhead emanated holy mantras through the aether into the minds of wise Aryan sages living an idyllic existence with their noble but fierce people in arctic Hyperborea, it was the last golden age, usury was banned; men conducted themselves righteously, women were chaste and loyal to their family. In the absence of maleficent psychic influences all well-meaning people as they approached the end of their lives successfully attained liberation and union with the monadic Supreme Being, the "Solar Self of all that is in motion or at rest" - (Rig-Veda I.115.1). Being subject to the same cyclic degradation as the rest of manifestation however, eventually the unique climatic conditions that allowed them to live in Hyperborea ended and the land was encased in a permanent blanket of ice and snow, driving the Aryans south where after mingling with several peoples they eventually formed and arranged themselves into the various Indo-European tribes of the Black and Caspian seas; the original expulsion from Eden.

Before long, destiny called and the wanderlust of the Aryans answered it with a relish. Successive waves of Aryans ventured out in their fearsome chariots and gloriously conquered most of the world in their vicinity, stamping their imprint and legacy upon Europe, Anatolia, Persia, India and western China. The eternal truth revealed by the Source was disseminated across the globe, where it was gradually woven into the fabric of almost every major religion and culture according to varying degrees of secrecy and esoterism. Even Taoism comes from the Tocharians. Western culture sprang from the intermingling of Indo-European esoterism and the antediluvian wisdom of Egypt that occurred in ancient Greece when the Aryan-derived mystery cults existed alongside and interacted with the dissemination of Atlantean knowledge that occurred when Plato and others studied with Egyptian priests; flourishing in the eventual culmination of Neoplatonism which during its heyday represented a return to the golden age of Hyperborean wisdom.

>> No.19245261

What is this image? (0 matches on tineye).
I saw Evola in that one interview soon before he died and he looked nothing like this.

>> No.19245269

He's obviously about a week without sleep here.

Detaching yourself from the human condition makes you alittle imposing

>> No.19245280

Thanks. Didn't the spread of all of this happen after Atlantis sunk?

>> No.19245284
File: 205 KB, 863x649, 1620208373493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Israelites were originally an unremarkable Semitic tribe existing alongside many others of a similar ilk all with their own basic tribal cults; Herodotus makes no mention of them despite having had traveled through the area. When Babylon conquered Palestine and deported all the Israelites to slavery back in Mesopotamia, the cultural memory of the Israelites was wiped clean. Soon the Aryan Persians conquered Babylon and the magnanimous Cyrus freed the Israelites and sent them back home, remaking the shattered remnants of their primitive tribal beliefs into a system resembling Zoroastrianism, for which he was praised as a messiah in the Jewish holy scriptures. The pain and ignominy of enslavement during the Babylonian captivity was too much for the Israelites to bear though. Even though Zoroastrianism preached a dualism involving a universal beneficent Father culminating in the esoteric non-dualism of Zurvan, the Israelites twisted what they had so graciously been taught and retconned Ahura Mazda as the sole true God of Yahweh with the Israelites as his "chosen people", in their vindictiveness they turned to narcissistic self-worship as a form of catharsis. All the ancients were astounded at their hostility and ill-character, Plutarch wrote about how the Egyptians believed that the Israelites worshipped the bringer of discord, Set.

The Dharma characterizing the lower, conditioned aspect of the monadic Supreme Being caused the incarnation of Jesus Christ to bring righteousness and truth to the region and its peoples. Christianity was originally an esoteric initiatic ascetic order open to all those with the courage to abandon everything to join Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven here and now in this life. When a man asked to join Jesus on the road, Jesus warned him of what it entailed, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head" - (Luke 9:58). The Gospel of Thomas and its 'Q source' are both real, they are the words of Christ. The Israelites harbored a special hatred for Jesus because in his preaching of the true, universal father and his openness to everyone Jesus was confronting the Israelites with the wickedness of their own perversion of the eternal truth. Shankaracharya and Jesus were both too good for this world, which was why they were destined to die before the full span of their lives were over. The partial subversion of Christianity into the dogmatic limited-hangout of Paulism sowed the seeds of the West's eventual downfall into nihilism, hedonism and apathy after a long holdout against them during the middle ages. Christianity still offers a valid path through Theosis, but to get there and be ready for it westerners have to battle the multi-headed hydra of modern society and the values that it inculcates.

>> No.19245285

How do you know he didn't sleep?

>> No.19245288
File: 146 KB, 863x645, 1609984391624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The conditioned aspect of the Supreme Being eventually descended again as Gabriel to disseminate to the Prophet the last revealed religion of this stage of human existence, Islam. Its absolute and all-encompassing nature which totally penetrates into every aspect of Islamic societies being appropriate to its role as an Ark against the flood of modernity. The conflicts between Islam and other religions being an unfortunate but ultimately irrelevant side effect of its coexistence alongside them; the revealed religions being equivalent to God tossing pebbles in a pond, when the ripples caused by each splash meet each other there is conflict as well as opportunity for learning. As the great Ibn Arabi correctly notes, Islam is the continuation of the previous revealed religions and does not invalidate them, compare 40 Hadith Qudsi 25 narrated by Abu Hurayrah and Brihadaranyaka 3.8.11. Non-conditional multiplicity is Shirk. Islam is an ally of the West in their struggle against the usurers and in the search for spiritual meaning. Islamic societies will always offer a second chance for westerners fed up with their culture who want to shed their identity and seek something new, but the eventual destiny of the West writ large is to rejuvenate western spirituality in an organic way and not to adopt something foreign.

The Russian Empire was the last chance for humankind to be guided into the modernity by a Traditional continent-spanning empire but the agents of darkness prevailed over it. The 20th and 21st centuries are the legacy of the collapse of monarchies and the spread of secularism, materialism, scientism, nihilism and so many other poisons. Post-scholastic philosophy stems from the need to fill the gaping hole in the heart of western society left by the absence of the transcendental Ātma-jñāna originally revealed to mankind at polar Mount Meru and again later by subsequent prophets. East Asia fared moderately better, the Buddhism it fell under the sway of was originally a crypto-egalitarian and proto-materialist subversive psyop, although later Buddhists who were initiated by Hindus and Taoists were able to salvage some of it. Heidegger and Debord exemplify man waking up to the emptiness of modernity and realizing something has been stolen from him, but without knowing exactly what it is. Marx also understood there was a problem but didn't realize the correct solution, a consequence of his alienation from the primordial Tradition like so many others. Evola was torn by the inner contradictions of having a heartfelt yearning to understand the primordial Aryan knowledge but at the same time being afraid of the total liberation from all name and form that this knowledge entailed; he couldn't accept that in the end multiplicity wasn't real, desiring to still retain in transcendence some form of permanent superiority or lasting individual achievement like a kid who can't put down a videogame.

>> No.19245291
File: 31 KB, 316x511, 1629821334087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like a 600 year old vampire.

>> No.19245294
File: 181 KB, 863x625, 1623517776640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a global struggle and metaphysical battle occurring between truth, harmony and justice and the opposing forces of darkness, ignorance and usury. The key Elite of NATO countries are mostly controlled by the Cabal through forced participation in pedophiliac human sacrifice ceremonies and the ensuing blackmail this allows, their antagonism towards China and Russian is motivated by their fear of Eurasia eventually becoming a global refuge from the usurers. There is an ongoing race to privatize everything so that from the moment you are born you are incurring massive debt simply for existing, this is how they mow the grass of the masses. You can do your part to prevent them winning by living virtuously, and by raising a family and instilling in the next generation Traditional values. Don't let materialistic and shallow obsessions become obstacles in the spiritual path. Allowing your time to be occupied by electronic entertainment makes you a metaphysical cuckold and a victim of psychic vampirism. When one conducts themselves in an exceedingly depraved way they are given one last chance in the form of rebirth as a black person before they lose human status and are reborn as animals. Time isn't real, only Now exists. If the forces of evil win humankind will be enslaved by machines and forced into manual labor to finance the hedonistic lifestyles of the usurers. Even this will come to pass though and the just and unjust alike will reconstituted into the primordial essence, those without Knowledge being eventually spat out again in the form of intelligent life. Humankind is just a flash in the pan of the abiding tranquility of the Supreme Being, the eternity of phenomenal existence just froth on the surface of the shoreless ocean of the immutable Divine. Wake up.

>> No.19245296

Ah thanks for finishing that for me. Have never seen it before. Thought it was only one post.

>> No.19245302

I am so embarrassed I don't know what to tell you tbqh. I will never speak ebonics again. Sorry.

>> No.19245316

He talks about it all the time, especially in his magic books. The ability to remain fully awake for as long as you'd like because your consciousness has overcome the human condition.

>> No.19245317

this is great. thanks a lot

>> No.19245319

Holy based! Where can I read more about this?
>When one conducts themselves in an exceedingly depraved way they are given one last chance in the form of rebirth as a black person before they lose human status and are reborn as animals
Also where do you get this from?

>> No.19245324

Apology accepted

>> No.19245331
File: 112 KB, 823x1024, 1631948386151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you lads enjoyed it lol. I always get a chuckle from this pasta.
Not sure where it's from. I'm 95% sure some saucy anon wrote this up a few years ago. It's very Evola esque so they were probably some TradChad with a lot of extra time on their hands.

>> No.19245333

This is all Evola? Where does he talk about this?

>> No.19245335


>his nephew is an ex-commie champagne socialist and art critic who makes youtube videos with his autistic commie friend
It is funny and surreal.

>> No.19245341

It's not Evola, he is cobbling together various bits and pieces of esoterica and rw meme stuff. 10/10 of course but dont take it that seriously

>> No.19245347

No fucking way. Honk Honk

>> No.19245348

You are misunderstanding them by interpreting them too literally. He is still sleeping. I hesitate to say more in the company of so many of the profane.

>> No.19245357

A lot of it doesn't really match Traditionalist history.

>> No.19245359

there's a serious truth to it despite being a parody. the magic of nuance i suppose.

>> No.19245364
File: 168 KB, 738x486, evola5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he looks like a fucking Dark Lord.

>> No.19245379

Bases physiognomy changes gatekeeping magic from the fearful plebs

>> No.19245389

No I can't remember the passages but he talks about it all the time. Not needing sleep

>> No.19245391

My thoughts exactly. I would be lying if I said his appearance didn't make me uneasy about continuing down his road of thought.

>> No.19245405

His gnarled appearance is a secret test. If you see him as an old decrepit man your chakras are badly misaligned and you probably have to wait for your next reincarnation to develop metaphysical insight. I see him as a 7 foot tall shirtless Nord with skin that is somehow both blue and shimmering with a rainbow aura. I only know people see him as a craggy old man in a wheelchair based on inferring it from posts I've seen.

>> No.19245421

We should also consider that the path he chose was one of intense awakening beyond the physical condition and the guy is a cripple. Meaning everything he does as far as physical action is replaced by internal actions IN HIS MIND and consciousness, a telling and even fortunate ailment for a magus. He looked fine when he was younger anyway.

>> No.19245426

I've studied the books extensively and experienced some of what they are talking about with regards to sleep, you are misinterpreting it. You are thinking of it too materialistically. There is a chapter in early in volume I which talks about needing less sleep (not the usual 8 or 9 hours) but the purpose isn't to literally stay awake all the time; although this is something you could practice for initiatic purposes of development, but not at all a goal in itself.

>> No.19245435

volume I of intro to magic?

>> No.19245436

The point is it's cool and it's possible when you're an initiate and you should do it anyway to dab on newfag materialist betas.

>> No.19245442

He looks more normal in the interview 2 years before he died. He was basically a NEET. Guenon looks pretty weird too.

>> No.19245449
File: 30 KB, 440x329, rene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I'm seeing Gueon old. You are right.

>> No.19245451


Ya I guess, but there are far more crazy things than that which true initiates experience all the time.

>> No.19245458
File: 44 KB, 362x578, 4f01544e8c00d89173587f7d5343d733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the same pic with original lighting and fuller res.

He looks fine.

>> No.19245459

He was also very unhealthy and poor in Cairo during the 1930s and I imagine that took a toll on his health. Apparently after he got news of Schuon doing his weird kinky shit with his tariqa he also became very ill and paranoid.

>> No.19245471
File: 153 KB, 390x571, hermtradition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody understand what the actual end goal is of the Hermetic Tradition? It is incredible how well it is hidden to this day, even with fairly explicit or very explicit works being put out today. Occultists are all retards, if you are right wing and interested in studying the esoteric, read Guenon/Evola and practice what Evola and the UR Group wrote to start, and really understand what they are talking about (study it). It is far beyond the dreams of occult plebs.

>> No.19245478

Looks like a melonhead.

>> No.19245486
File: 119 KB, 396x385, pepe_67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schuon doing his weird kinky shit with his tariqa

>> No.19245488

> if you are right wing and interested in studying the esoteric, read Guenon/Evola and practice what Evola and the UR Group wrote to start...
Yeah that's my plan. I got into occult stuff a few years ago but grew tired of it. Predictably it was mainly new age garbage that I was into.

>> No.19245501
File: 14 KB, 195x276, jevola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he looks like a fucking Dark Lord.

>> No.19245519

The real Redpill of Evola is to eventually pierce through all the traditionalism stuff and see that the ultimate way to unite the experience of everything is in magic, and the traditionalism stuff in all it's prowess is just candies on the icing on the cake.

The hermeticism is just another way we developed a working science around these same intiatic processes of awakening.

>> No.19245526

t. Brainlet

>> No.19245548

What did evola eat? I would love to have a rectal flora transfer from his exhumed corpse.

>> No.19245575

I wish you luck if it is something you end up pursuing. It takes some serious dedication to achieve results compared to chaos magic or whatever. Reread the texts (study ITM 1, 2, 3 and Hermetic Tradition throughout the time you practice to reveal deeper/hidden meanings, and you may as well read his works on Tantra, Buddhism and whatever else), it gives you a rock-solid foundation, and you can branch out from there to other authors, there are some obscure ones who have done the same thing. It will make you re-think you life's path and change it to something your loved ones won't appreciate or necessarily know about, putting you in a completely different direction, very "lonely". Not trying to sound like a fag, just saying it so you know what you're getting into, because it is serious. Idk how redpilled you are, this is a transcendent redpill, and the time is upon us, many have been called.

>> No.19245595

>is in magic
Are you referring to the trilogy Introduction to Magic? I agree the esoteric provides a much deeper appreciation for his work/Traditionalism.
>The hermeticism is just another way we developed a working science around these same intiatic processes of awakening.
Yes, the goal is the same in all authentic initiatic paths. I just find it surprising that most people don't seem to understand what it entails.

>> No.19245603

answer me>>19245486
or i'll assume you're trolling

>> No.19245618

I do remember from reading Mystery of the Grail, where the Grail seeking knight had to stay up all knight until morning while staying in the Castle of the Grail as a trial so that he can be worthy of obtaining it.

>> No.19245630

I appreciate the concern but don't worry. I am coming to terms with the loneliness. Going through a breakup at the moment that I instigated and I'm reading Masks and Faces, which is refreshing. I do enjoy Evola's directness.

>> No.19245645

I'm reading some of the Grail texts before I get back into Evola's Grail book. Is it worth the time? I enjoy reading them but would prefer getting on with it.

>> No.19245658

Read Sedgwick's book Against the Modern World for a basic rundown. Schuon had a dubiously legitimate initiation which he interpreted as a grant to run an Alawite tariqa in Europe. When people read Guenon and wanted to convert to Islam and asked for his advice, he would send them around to various possibilities first, but after a while he started sending them to Schuon because not many other options opened up. I think he originally tried sending Pallis or Valsan or somebody like that to Mount Athos, but eventually he sent quite a few to Schuon.

But Schuon had been doing heterodox Sufism at his tariqa, focused only on the contemplative aspects but very loose on the exoteric aspects, which he partly justified by saying it would be impractical to practice Islam openly in Europe at the time. Over time he became less and less orthodox however and Guenon seems to have become embittered about it once he was alerted to it. After that is when Guenon started to develop his more paranoid features which some visitors have remarked on, like thinking he was being cursed, becoming more reclusive when originally he was described as very cheerful.

Schuon moved to America and changed his movement to the Maryamiyya, based on various revelations he had about having visions of embracing a nude Virgin Mary among other things. His movement became more and more insular and there are several reports that he may have kept a harem and even integrated his followers' wives into it. Some of the reports say he had nude dances involving touching with wives and teen daughters at the compound.

Older followers like Titus Burckhardt and Nasr prefer not to mention all this but it was a scandal. This was after Guenon's death however it did have roots in the heterodox contemplative exercise circles Schuon ran even already in the 1930s.

>> No.19245660

I'm not the guy who responded before and I'm pretty ignorant on the quran but I heard there is a story in the Quran where some people anger god and he turns them into monkeys

>> No.19245661

I wish I could ask you questions but I don't know the language. Not him btw. Is there a overview summary of your knowledge somewhere?

>chaos magic
>hermetic tradition
This sounds almost consumerist, as if I can simply pick a path.
My main question is about the context in which this all resides. Is this, like seemingly every belief and practice, cope and pragmatism for dealing with existence?

>> No.19245664

The author of The Sufi of Rome did mention when he first met Evola, he had a commanding presence like that of a kshatriya, who was not at all hindered by being a cripple.

>> No.19245671

He had health problems from his childhood. Only hostile people claimed that he was paranoid, because they didn't believe in the attacks of the counter-initiation. Also, Guenon looked good.

>> No.19245679

Guenon did 40 years before Schuon established his Virgin Mary cult.

>> No.19245689

You can't actually believe that monkeys are former humans though, right? That's just not true. Do you seriously deny evolution?

>> No.19245691

He began having the Mary visions in the 1960s and was already acting erratic in the 1950s if not before. Guenon died in 1951. Guenon wasn't reacting to the Maryamiyya though, he was reacting to Schuon behaving strangely already in the 1940s and they had a bitter split over it.

>> No.19245692

I always found something dark about Evola's appearance

>> No.19245702

Letter from René Guénon to Louis Caudron, Cairo, 17 October 1950

“What is certainly the worst about this whole affair is the progressive “de-Islamization” of the tarîqah, which is also denied like everything else, but which is unfortunately only too obvious; what you (and I, of course) call “a tarîqah worthy of the name”, they dismissively call “an ordinary tarîqah” or “a tarîqah like all the others”; as I replied to A. B., I would very much like us to deal with an ordinary tarîqah, and not a vague organization with “universalist” pretensions, which, if this continues, will soon no longer be a tarîqah at all. As for the reduction of rituals to a minimum, I suspected that, but from what you tell me, I see that it goes much further than I could have imagined; it goes without saying that, since what I wrote on this subject 15 years ago, I have not changed my mind at all. Basically, there as for everything else, there is a truly incredible lack of technical knowledge; and it is certainly not with so-called “inspired” fantasies that we can make up for it ! Surely, S. M[ustafa] has seen all the anomalies, and that is what will never be forgiven him; they call this the “spirit of contradiction”…”

>> No.19245706

Yes, especially Parzival.

>> No.19245707

This is a symbol, not to be interpreted literally.

>> No.19245710

Is this what no fap does to a man?

>> No.19245725

Literally what the Quran and the Zohar say.

>> No.19245738

Was he capable of fapping after being bombed?

>> No.19245756

He looks like that yellow character in Sin City

>> No.19245771

He's stared into the abyss

>> No.19245827

>Is there a overview summary of your knowledge somewhere?
Yes, Evola. There are more obscure books out there, but I am confident that people who dedicate themselves to this path will be able to find them, if they can read Italian or French.
>This sounds almost consumerist, as if I can simply pick a path.
Pick an esoteric Tradition ideally related to your culture. It is hard to find this in the West, which is why Evola and the UR Group are so good. Although they combine things from a variety of Traditions to give you a better idea, authentic Hermeticism is the main path they lay out. The ultimate goal is the same in all authentic initiatic paths.
> Is this, like seemingly every belief and practice, cope and pragmatism for dealing with existence?
No, the goal is quite literally the overcoming of the human condition. It is hard and not for everyone and could turn you crazy if done incorrectly, it leads to greater liberation the farther you proceed if done correctly. If you approached it superficially I suppose it could be used as cope or for some pragmatic purpose like profane philosophy. In this sense it is sort of like stoicism, egoism and Nietzsche combined and on steroids.

>> No.19245847

Also I mentioned chaos magic, not as a serious path, but to laugh at it, because it is retarded. What I am talking about is completely different from modern occult bullshit.

>> No.19245859

Ok. Thanks.

>> No.19245879

Interesting, I don't really see the big deal about having some naked women around though, this is common in other initiatory traditions, even fucking your own daughter, although this is left hand path stuff, which I assume Schuon was not a part of. Maybe it's worse in Islam too, but the Sheiks in the Taliban almost certainly keep little boys as sex slaves. I believe Guenon was probably right about being cursed or whatever it was, he would know. Evola was usually the more paranoid one.

>> No.19245890

I have not read Evola and Guenon but what were their thoughts on Gnosticism?

>> No.19245899

the UR Group was more of a study group. When it comes to their actual practice, seems to be very counter-initiatic, syncretism and ceremonial magic were refuted by Guenon in his book on initiation.

>> No.19245909

the Taliban is not traditional at all, they are like salafis

>> No.19245983

Yes, I've read that and am very familiar with Guenon's writings. Unfortunately I can't just go to Tibet or something. The UR Groups main path is authentic Hermeticism, and along with Evola's book on this, you can acquire the key to unlocking this, and read the old texts. I don't see how it's counter-initiatic; pseudo-initiatic? sure. The emphasis is still on transcendence. It is the best option feasibly available to the average Western man. Again, most people don't have the luxury of just joining an unbroken initiatic chain, they will have to work on their own in the dark for a while before this. Other masters have said as much.

>> No.19245997

probably just that it's cucked for the most part, unless it comes from one of those rare true branches passed down from antiquity, which are very underground.

>> No.19246015

I read Guenon's The Demiurge and it seemed fairly convincing. Though that is all I have read of him.

>> No.19246073

From what I've read in Path of Cinnabar, the books offer multiple ways from many traditions for self-initiation, and it's meant for experimentation. You find out which operations work for you and which do not. As the word introduction implies in the titles, it's meant to be a starting point, not an end.

>> No.19246171

>authentic Hermeticism
Guenon would say that you need a master to get you initiated into that
>It is the best option feasibly available to the average Western man
The easiest options for a westener are catholicism and orthodoxy for exoterism, the later being in a better state, and freemasonry for esoterism (you could face difficulty in combining them since many priests are hostile to freemasons). There is also Islam, its exoterism will always be practicable since you aren't dependent on any priest and there is also sufism, the esoteric side, which is not that hard to get into, ideally would be to move to a north african country. I am aware that this requires to speak with people and get out of your comfort zone, but how hard can it be?

>> No.19246182

retroactively refuted?

>> No.19246187

imagine slipping on those icy steps

>> No.19246188

>This sounds almost consumerist, as if I can simply pick a path.
This is basically the exact premise of chaos magic. "Anything works, as long as you believe in it!" And that's actually true in my experience, though I never produced any result so spectacular that it couldn't have just been confirmation bias. But chaos magic leads nowhere and deliberately encourages nihilism: "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." I honestly can't imagine the type of person who discovers that magic is real and then concludes that it has no purpose but entertainment.

There are different paths, but it's not because nothing is true. It's because the truth requires direct perception to understand. All descriptions are imperfect analogies, best suited for a particular culture or another. And there is more than one way to seek experience of it.

>> No.19246197

>That's just not true. Do you seriously deny evolution?
cant find a basedjak with a mouth open enough

>> No.19246202
File: 47 KB, 720x904, FB_IMG_1634537634858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, ceremonial magic and syncretism are good