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19243975 No.19243975 [Reply] [Original]

Is there literally even a single primary source suggesting Greeks were constantly fucking boys?

>> No.19243989

Yes, have you read any? Even Solon the lawgiver wrote poems lusting after youths thighs. Not to mention all the pottery. You can’t read a goddamn Greek work without bumping into this shit

>> No.19244003

Bruh do you even Plato's Dialogues? Socrates is horny-posting for half of it.

>> No.19244011

You need to start with the greeks before asking questions about it's content

>> No.19244043
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Pederasty was a huge part of Aristocratic Ionian life. The rest of the Greek world, however, seems to have had lower opinions on it. The Dorics, and the lower classes of Ionia, were of the opinion that it was disgusting. It shows up readily in Plato's dialogues, but Plato was an aristocratic Ionian and, as Plato ALSO tells us, the rest of Greece outside of the aristocratic classes of Ionia found Homosexuality abominable. One can imagine this fueled the Democratic vs Aristocratic feud in Athens. It must have been easy to support the completely batshit idiotic Athenian Democracy when the alternative was rich nobles going around assraping little boys.

For contrast, there isn't any homosexuality in Homer or Hesiod, the two oldest Greek writers. It isn't until Ionia's aristocrats start commissioning (or themselves making) literature that we start to see it show up. For example, in Homer, Zeus abducts Ganymede and makes him his cupbearer because he can't bear to see a boy with so much life ahead of him die. He replaces Hebe (who he gives to Hercules as a wife) with Ganymede here, 1) making Ganymede a servant (and Zeus never does this with any other lover) and 2) making Ganymede a God (Zeus never does this with any other lover). Again, it isn't until the Ionia's start putting out literature that we see Zeus and Ganymede become lovers. Why? Because they wanted them to be lovers to justify pederasty.

>> No.19244044

Didn't they paint it on their pottery?

>> No.19244065
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>> No.19244097

>The Dorics, and the lower classes of Ionia, were of the opinion that it was disgusting.
>as Plato ALSO tells us, the rest of Greece outside of the aristocratic classes of Ionia found Homosexuality abominable.
This doesn’t seem to be the case. In the Laws Plato seems to accuse the Dorians of introducing homosexuality to the Greek peninsula — both the Spartans and the Cretans. In Plato’s Symposium Pausanias describes cities ruled by the barbarians as opposed to homosexuality, describes certain others as too indulgent toward it, and says that the attitude in Athens and Sparta is ‘complex’. Xenophon describes Sparta as forbidding sexual relations while maintaining the educational aspect, and states that this must be surprising for his readers, since “most cities do not outlaw men’s love for boys”, and Cicero and Plutarch say that the Spartans practice pederasty without allowing intercourse (Cicero seems to be cynical in his description, saying they “permit everything except the filthy act itself”). Furthermore, Thebes famously had the Sacred Band.
This is obviously modern.

>> No.19244101

Phaedro, Sympossium and Lysis come to mind