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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 160 KB, 460x483, 1279556622460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1924051 No.1924051 [Reply] [Original]

Some time ago I saw here a picture, wherein was counted the pages of all of George R.R. Martin's books, compared to a list of actually good books one could have read in the same amount of time. Along with some closing words by Schopenhauer. Can someone repost this pic?

>> No.1924065

You're asking for Deep&Edgy (the one who made it) or maybe Brownbear (the only one who keeps this kind of stuff). Good luck!

>> No.1924073

I am neither Deep&Edge or brownbear.


>> No.1924096

sounds intersting

>> No.1924119
File: 9 KB, 187x252, 1309848998168s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from the source from green-oval, but it's unusable. Sorry, OP.

>> No.1924145

>same amount of time
>implying you read derrida and meyer with the same speed.
d&e is a troll on a power trip and you are a fag for believing him

>> No.1924208
File: 28 KB, 339x326, 1278527041526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the one, indeed.

>> No.1924361
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A bigger version? Somebody?

>> No.1924383

D&E is a faggot for making it, as OP is a faggot for /r/ing it.

OP is D&E with no trip

>> No.1924404

itt: butthurt genrefags in denial

>> No.1924410
File: 226 KB, 357x400, meh.ro5681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lulz I'm a genrefag and I'm not in denial. U mad?

>> No.1924417


Pretty much what I expected.

>> No.1924431


o hai D&E, still feeling awesome?

>> No.1924440

It's just like I never left /v/!

>> No.1924468
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>> No.1924510

C'mon D&E, just post it already

>> No.1924515
File: 90 KB, 409x328, hijack_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since he's obviously not around, this thread is now about what an imbecile D&E is.

>> No.1924560


imbecile isn't fair - autistic is closer to the mark.

>> No.1924564


D&E is a supreme asshole, but I've sparred with him a few times on this board, and he's definitely one of the smartest motherfuckers on this board.

>> No.1924577

>he's definitely one of the smartest motherfuckers on this board

Most people on this board are kids. D&E isn't very smart and always retreats into name calling when smarter people make a fool of him.

>> No.1924592

aww man i remember when I first saw that picture

/lit/ used to make me smile

>> No.1924602

He says something which makes him sound like he has some sort of knowledge, possibly impressing people who have no knowledge of the debate he's referring to, then is utterly incapable of backing his position up.

>> No.1924604


You don't get a philosophy PHD if you're not very smart

>> No.1924606


Mostly he just reverts to that shit where he repeats the same post ove and over again in response to an argument he's incapable of answering.

He's a playgground level troll, at best.

>> No.1924616

Possibly true, I think that getting a PhD is more a matter of obsession than intelligence. You can't spend 3-7 years working on a single question without obsession.
How is that relevant to D&E?

>> No.1924629
File: 337 KB, 614x360, BB_DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1924640 [DELETED] 


because he has a PHD in philosophy
surely the fact you need to get a degree (requires intelligence to get a good one) and then you have to be good enough to get sponsored for your PHD (requires intelligence to actually be good enough to get sponsored for your studying) means that a PHD in any field does require intelligence.

>> No.1924643

>need to pay for PHD.

No-one's stopping his parents from supporting him

>> No.1924650
File: 132 KB, 800x534, BB_DE_ass-kisser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>because he has a PHD in philosophy

No he doesn't.

>> No.1924651

It's a fail because martin actually is quite a quick read.

I can easily read 200 pages a day of martin just by cutting corners during my usual day.

I can't read this fast any serious book. Usually I average around 20 - 30 pages an hour depending how dense is the prose.

>> No.1924652

Put on your trip, Deep&Edgy.

>> No.1924655

are you sure or is this just one of his claims?
he only seems to have a vague idea of what philosophy even is
anyone can claim anything on the internet
I am Rosalind Hursthouse.

>> No.1924660


Hi Rosalind, my name's Tao Lin.

It really is lol

>> No.1924669

How's it going Tao Lin?
My name is Plato.
I invented the plate.

>> No.1924680


i think their income is stopping them from supporting him

>> No.1924678 [DELETED] 


not really a viable option for most

>> No.1924692

Two replies in the same minute to the same post.
Wonderful. Except, not at all in any way.

>> No.1924704


yeah internet messed up

>> No.1924703

are you D&E's mum?

>> No.1924710


no, are we to assume that everyone's parent can afford to give their child money for a PHD now?

>> No.1924716
File: 180 KB, 658x562, BB_DE_Window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1924717

Don't you worry. As I'm sure you noticed, I haven't been around a lot. So you can take comfort in that.

I probably won't be posting with it except in special circumstances, mostly those involving tripfags.

>> No.1924718

still, what makes you think he has a PhD in Philosophy?
can you link to his thesis? or at least tell us what it's about?

>> No.1924734
File: 21 KB, 470x332, costanza_hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>D&E's Mum

I seriously hope you guys don't do her.

>> No.1925635
File: 45 KB, 500x400, 1278483913002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still interested in seeing the pic OP was talking about.

>> No.1925642

I don't think anyone with a PhD (not PHD) in philosophy would be bragging about it on 4chan.

>> No.1925882


But it brings with it so much credibility.

>> No.1926046
File: 51 KB, 190x272, 1289941417505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still nobody?

>> No.1926068
File: 775 KB, 1011x1362, grrm troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I save everything.

>> No.1926075

seeing as the metamorphoses is included in that list, I think the board needs a little taste education as far as classical literature is concerned...

>> No.1926084

>Implying D&E has read all of those books

>> No.1926763

i think you mean
>implying D&E has read anything other than wikipedia

>> No.1926771


I read GRRM and medieval classics, problem?

>> No.1926777


But think of how much more worthwhile literature you could have read if you hadn't wasted time on GRRM.

>> No.1926781


GRRM takes about a week to read, and sometimes you just feel like something light and easy.

It's like watching a Hollywood film, not intellectual, but good fun.

>> No.1926785


Is it so far beyond your comprehension that some people read to be entertained?

>> No.1926787


A Hollywood film doesn't destroy a week of your life.

>> No.1926792


If you enjoyed that week, what's the problem?

>> No.1926794

It does if you watch it on a continuous loop for a week.

>> No.1926799

>implying a week of entertainment isnt better than 2 hours of it

>> No.1926803


Nothing, if you're a brainless hedonist.

>> No.1926810


Watching Avatar lowered my IQ more than reading all GRRMs Song of Ice and Fire twice over.

>> No.1926830
File: 9 KB, 300x240, 1259267993915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bet you're a party animal.

>> No.1926831

I guess these are the cancer threads of this particular board.

what's the matter annoyed at the recent attention that this series got? sad fucking elitists

>> No.1926838


This board is 98% cancer, this is just one of the most aggressive and recently acquired kinds. Stick around, it's great. Honest.

>> No.1928256
File: 36 KB, 500x427, 1290140294036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here. Thank you, good anon.

>> No.1928264
File: 371 KB, 601x399, 1282023043431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, genrefags! Stop reading about people knights walking aimlessly around war zones for a year and women riding dragons. That shit's trashy nonsense. Instead, read this book about a troll that eats Scandinavian people and then there's a dragon out of fucking nowhere. Or this other one about a dude that leaves a war and gets lost for 20 years. You know, REAL literature.

>> No.1928272

Fiction as fiction, somebody else's fantasies do not become more relevant or intellectual because they are old.
And you give Deep&Edgy to much attention.

>> No.1929615


Wrong, failures.