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19240074 No.19240074 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will convince me that Free Will exists? I'm really getting the feeling that I have no control over my environment

>> No.19240083

Epictetus. Free will exists in your ability to respond to the external world. You are a dog tied to a rolling cart. Your free will is the choice to trot alongside, or be dragged.

>> No.19240115


It doesn’t exist. Sorry anon

>> No.19240130

thinly veiled non-lit thread

>> No.19240167

Sorry we don't exactly have a philosophy board

>> No.19240271

this reminds me of when I walked in on my dead roommate
i still have bad dreams haha

>> No.19240287


>> No.19241029

>Determinism with extra steps

>> No.19241057

yeah, it fucked me up. we were friends and he had just moved in with me a few weeks prior. I knew he was in a bad place but thought he was on the up, then one day I come home from work to a similar scene as in OPs pic rel
3 years ago next month

>> No.19241061

And yet, you ask.
Is it not proof enough that you have will? To question, to seek answers, and to be fullfilled with them or not?
You may say that you do not have free will in the greater picture, where you are but a cog in the machine, yet there are no real chains stopping you from going against it, preventing you from decrying it, and convincing others of the same, except your very own will. The same will that has been beaten since birth to not do these things, this is the only thing holding you: the domesticated, oversocialised will of yourself.

>> No.19241131
File: 166 KB, 1200x1200, Carl Gustav Jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some books that will convince me that Free Will exists? I'm really getting the feeling that I have no control over my environment
That's a metaphysical question and therefore unanswerable (at least in a 4chan thread), however what causes you to feel like you have no free will or general control over your life is psychological. That's not to say non-existent, rather the opposite, the answer lies in self-reflection.

Read Jung.

>> No.19241161

Think real hard about what you wrote. Think real hard about what Free Will means.

>Free Will
Free will is an idea that there's a non-causal power within your body that generates non-causal actions.
Now think about what you just wrote.
>I have no control over my environment
That is the idea of "free will." Lack of control.

>B-but thats not
Thats why I said think REAL HARD. Our nominal sense of control is not based around non-causal actions. Its based around causal nature of events. If I'm hungry, I'll go eat some food. If I feel sleepy, I'll go to sleep. If I'm feeling bored, I'll look for something. If I see someone I love, I'll be happy. etc. All of our actions are causally connected events. Our notion of control is based around connecting the immediate causal events with our body.