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File: 46 KB, 326x500, Summa Teologica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19239207 No.19239207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Women sicken me. Because they're like some kind of philosophical nightmare thought experiment about a self-aware and autonomous thinking being whose self-awareness and autonomy is simultaneously undermined and squandered as soon as it begins thinking, by inescapable mental dead-ends. It's like a slave programmed to love slavery. It's fucking hideous.

The mere existence of Men is like an implicit Prometheus argument for the existence of an encouraging benevolent God, who wants to seed the Universe with stars and watch them self-create and grow into perfect beings and join him in heaven. You can stare up at the statue of David with his lusty sinews and stern gaze all ready to manfully confront Being itself, and be instantly transported back to 5th century Athens, feel the purity of humanitarian self-love that the Greeks created when they first tried to understand the question "Why are we here?" And just as you get lost in that reflection, you hear an odious noise and look to your left and there's a repulsive disgusting woman taking selfies and demanding that people pay unearned deference to her, and in a flash, the dream of human transcendence is lost, in an instant the crushing weight of nihilism and the pointless Brownian jiggling of the Universe comes crashing back into your mind. If God created this, you think, looking back at David, why did he also create THIS?

Everything is so finely balanced in man, even his tragedies are so paradoxically noble that he actually invented and conceptualized tragedy itself as a form of becoming-through-suffering. And then there's women, pointless consumers and self-obsessed narcissistic animals, functionally parasites, redundant and vestigial organs, like the tonsils of the species. Women are the single biggest argument against Intelligent Design. Only a cold uncaring sloppy messy process of gradualist evolution could create women, taking the beautiful noble soul of Man and making such a mockery of it, an inferior and degenerate form of it that only uses it for mindless self-gratification.

Every single animal in nature is beautiful in form and function except woman. Every non-human organism is the perfect entelechy of itself, except Man, whose entelechy is an endless paradoxical striving to complete his own entelechy. In the race of life, plants and animals provide the scenery, and man runs the race itself. That all makes perfect sense. It's an elegant design. But then there's woman, the being that simply "is," like a plant, but who is yet somehow on the racetrack and refusing to run. Woman, perpetually sitting at the starting gate of life, in the dirt, bawling for men to carry and pay attention to her as they pass by on their journey toward self-fulfillment. It's like looking at pure failure. Women are like an insect that only exists to come into existence, jerk itself off while parasitically leeching off the surrounding environment, and expire.

>> No.19239211

Have sex

>> No.19239212

Why do you gotta overthink things so much? They’re just behaving.

>> No.19239227

I used to think like this. Then I got older than 18 and it magically stopped. Please consider aging before you start spilling spaghetti like this in public.

>> No.19239230
File: 50 KB, 540x568, Arguing with Holes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have sex
Pathetic, i knew you were gonna say this, is that the best you can come up with? All you're doing is admitting w*men have no worth except sex

>> No.19239248

Honestly, you might have written this for the (you) but the argument is good. Why didn't God create us asexually like cells? Is genetic variation really that important? Having to deal with women for a bunch of new gens, was it necessary?

>> No.19239299

I'm sorry that you're so lonely and unhappy. I am too. But it doesn't change the fact that women don't have to be the way they are now. They have been corrupted by modernity, but they can be so much better than this. They are built to be man's second half. I wish I had a great woman by my side, but most of them are not in a great place right now. The search will continue.

>> No.19239375
File: 1.76 MB, 2408x3840, Equality Utterly BTFO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have been corrupted by modernity, but they can be so much better than this. They are built to be man's second half.
Kek, nice cope, history shows the opposite

>> No.19239380
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 8fjk96rI_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your argument is invalid because I know very smart and respectable women. Some of them are against the moral degradation of the modern world.

>> No.19239566

That picture is trying to prove what, exactly? Who says women are supposed to be great inventors? You're actually looking at them from a modern lens, which makes you just as flawed as modern women. Why would a mother worry about inventing?

>> No.19239573

>They are built to be man's second half.
As a helper

>> No.19239749

That would be a slave, sir. A wife has her own set of duties that are not merely an extension of the will of the man.