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/lit/ - Literature

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19239132 No.19239132 [Reply] [Original]

What long dead writers would browse 4chan were they alive today?

>> No.19239149

Maquis De Sade would be a great shitposter

>> No.19239160
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>> No.19239176

Amazing. Another thread seemingly about reading or being well-read which completely avoids any discussion of literature. Amazing.

>> No.19240274

he would browse /gif/ for fart webms but he wouldn't touch /lit/ with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.19240281


>> No.19240282

Wilde would be convincing /fa/ to wear even dumber shit

>> No.19240291

Ezra Pound, Casanova, Sade,

>> No.19240295
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>> No.19240299
File: 309 KB, 1600x1137, CS-Lewis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C.S. Lewis was pretty conservative in his social mores, because of the time and his upbringing, but he would loathe the Alt Right. ANYONE who read just the Chronicles of Narnia would know that. Aslan would be double vaxxed and wear a mask. Tash would have superspreader events every weekend, and serve spike protein punch. Lewis served in WWI as an officer, and was wounded in combat. He tried to reup for WWII, but was rejected. Instead, he and his brother took in evacuated children into their home. and he did work with the BBC. So that's one writer that wouldn't use 4chan!

>> No.19240300

dude is that St. Hildegaard?

>> No.19240324



>> No.19240329


>> No.19241263

Frithjof Shuon, he would only browse /s/ though

>> No.19241277

He would also definitely be into anime

>> No.19241314
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Young Hamsun would be on /r9k/
Older Hamsun would be on /pol/

>> No.19241328
File: 625 KB, 2708x2708, AE3D8864-1217-41A1-9EA3-F81F5A8A4E3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely on /x/

>> No.19241329

when is the next book coming out, also is it true you have green eyes

>> No.19241333

No it's Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz; kindly excuse his Mexican autism anon and ignore from no on, have a nice day :)

>> No.19241678

Nietzsche's writing style is a proto-4chan shitposting masterclass.

>> No.19241698
File: 32 KB, 360x440, 65E263FF-3191-4CEF-8826-B5E981FB4011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carson would be an /r9k/ poster as well
She was a lesbian proto incel
I just can’t bring myself to respect a lesbian who never in her entire life got any pussy

>> No.19241722


>> No.19241814

can totally see o'conner being a /pol/lack and making fun of tradcaths on /his/. mommie Dickenson would be the goth girl version of butterfly

>> No.19241899

quite literally, in fact

>> No.19242356
File: 76 KB, 976x549, luther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he would be a namefag and start all kinds of autistic drama on a /lit/ discord server

>> No.19242374

>Ayn Rand
Wait I thought CŒMGENVS didn't like Jews and libertarians?

>> No.19242629

mishima would be one of many homos obessed with bodybuilding as a cope on /fit/

>> No.19242675
File: 225 KB, 696x900, Robert_E_Howard_suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robert E. Howard.

>> No.19242756


>> No.19242766

Proto Rod Dreher

>> No.19242803

Kierkegaard liked writing with various pseudonyms, he would have loved the anonymity of 4chan to explore his ideas and larp as the ultimate existential Lutheran

>> No.19242853


>> No.19243026

Probably splitting his time between /hm/, /x/ and /k/
Not up on my Jap cartoon porn terms but if there’s a board that posts underage boy jap porn cartoons he would probably be there too.

>> No.19243032
File: 833 KB, 3822x2545, 7D6D27ED-B979-47E9-9A6B-711833FA8C4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.19243046

Joyce would love Gainax shite

>> No.19243079

Who are these women?

>> No.19243108

top right is lispector

>> No.19243116


>> No.19243133

Bottom right is Miguel de Cervantes.