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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 262 KB, 582x590, Screenshot 2021-10-16 at 20-25-44 Woman who won €1m literary prize turns out to be three men Financia….png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19237078 No.19237078 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we all do it. ?

>> No.19237087

> Neither Jorge Díaz, Agustín Martínez nor Antonio Mercero are academics, but in fact television scriptwriters in their 40s and 50s who have worked on Spanish shows such as On Duty Pharmacy, Central Hospital and No Heaven Without Breasts.

>> No.19237090

Based af. I have used Asian American pen names to publish short stories just gauge where my short stories stand in the eyes of the literary journals, etc.

>> No.19237095

>No Heaven Without Breasts.
this is true

>> No.19237143

>award prize to woman because she's a woman
>accidentally end up giving prize to cis white males
Wouldn't be surprised if they rescind the prize money.

>> No.19237195


>> No.19237212

It is.

>> No.19237243

spaniard here. that prize is the most corrupted prize you can even imagine. its all about connections. people who give the prize know perfectly who they are.

>> No.19237346

I'm a Hapa, so I started using Indigenous and Latin American names, and I notice an increase in the positive reception of my applications and work. I was inspired by the pajeet that pretended to be a nigger to get into medical school, and the effect is real. Feels like I'm forced into an extreme form of code switching where I need to reject my name, history, and culture around leftist gatekeepers. Don't know what a white person can do, so maybe consider being trans. The more disgusting you are as a tranny, the bigger your social credit. Give it a try and let us know how it goes!

>> No.19237580

>Don't know what a white person can do, so maybe consider being trans.
I'm considering voting the next Hitler if he ever comes up

>> No.19237594

Sorry saweety but Trump will never be president again, cope.

>> No.19237642

I'm not American and Trump was a clown.

>> No.19237652


>> No.19237682

You write that as if your case is some atrocious outlier, and every other prize in this clown-world is awarded to the most talented or creative.

>> No.19237691

>t.mentally ill hapa
Many such cases

>> No.19237725

based as fuck

>> No.19237783

I have a decent manuscript that I'm thinking of trying to get published, but I'm a white man in his early 30s and so I realize this may be easier said than done. I'm thinking of submitting the manuscript with a woman's name to see what happens. (I have experiencing in writing and editing non-fiction publications and am currently an administrative worker for one of my country's largest libraries, so I'm not completely alien to publishing and literature.)

>> No.19237802

Something similar happened a number of years ago. White guy won a poetry award while writing with an Asian pseudonym. The American Indian writer and chair of the award committee had a minor meltdown over it while attempting to talk himself out of the realization that he was essentially engaging in bigotry by thinking the ethnicity of the writer's name may have been a factor.)

>> No.19237806

>I'm a Hapa
Say no more *unzips*

>> No.19237807

Possibly so, but then...

>> No.19237811

Hapa men are pathetic, but hapa women are the white man's whore.

>> No.19237861

>People have to publish under pseudonyms of the opposite gender to have a fair chance in the literary world
Woah, it's happening again

>> No.19237922

Anyone else read that Piers Anthony novel where one of the planets has a magic system that flops every 1,000 years between availability to men/women.

>> No.19237937

they should donate it to a testicular cancer foundation so it only benefits men and makes the awarders look like assholes when they try to take it back

>> No.19237955

I'm not hanging out with you fucks

>> No.19237984

It's true though, no one values collective work in literature. It's still a 'progressive' award.

>> No.19238089

Prank with the boys goes too far.

>> No.19238363

>crime novel

>> No.19239487
File: 211 KB, 1070x572, hahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek.

>> No.19240266

Hapas only exist because Asian women are the white man's whore. Only makes sense their little slut daughters would inherit the trait.

>> No.19240272

This might end up happening with Elena Ferrante too, though she might be a woman and man.

>> No.19240303

>Carmen Mola
>and it's three men
>Mola as "it's cool"
Hard Kek

>> No.19240308

Simpson's had an episode that eluded to Harry Pooter being written by a think tank. I don't know if that's true but it's very interesting

>> No.19240696

They even suggest Stephen King has literary niggers.

>> No.19241105
File: 565 KB, 680x588, unshaken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice anon, keep it up!

>> No.19241607

>Mola as "it's cool"
No one in this thread except for me and you will understand what you mean.

>> No.19241649

Unironically just do it. If you ever get busted just say you're trans but in the closet lol, and get the person who discovered you're a man cancelled for outing you.

>> No.19242006

You are not the only one that speaks spanish here anonsito

>> No.19242066

I read an erotica book with that premise but I didn't know it was a real thing lol.

>> No.19242072

I'm an espic too

>> No.19242529

Women can develop testicular cancer too, sweaty.

>> No.19242566

Anon, yo...

>> No.19242995

Why do we live in such pathetic times
I really wish I could get a backlog of all the Western classics I can read and then cut myself off the internet and the world completely.

>> No.19243017

What do you mean ese

>> No.19243024

>No Heaven Without Breasts

>No one in this thread except for me and you will speak the second most-spoken language in the world

But you can Anon, what's stopping you? Maybe not the world but the first two are definitely possible

>> No.19243083

>But you can Anon, what's stopping you?
Technically I'm in the process of doing it but it's harder than I thought. Also being completely disconnected is easier said than done.
Gathering and buying a huge list of paper books that I'm supposed to read until death is not that easy also. I don't have that much money.

>> No.19243098

Get a Kobo and download all the epubs you like for free

>> No.19243101

I don't steal and I don't want to be dependent on electronics.

>> No.19243118 [DELETED] 

You don't have to steal. Most important works are copyright-free. I understand wanting to get away from electronics, but accepting compromise is always necessary to get closer to your ideal life. It would still be better than not having the books at all. Mostly cutting yourself off from the internet while maintaining the necessary function would still be better than going ton it all the time.

These sound like a lot of excuses, I think you should ask yourself how sincere your desire is.

>> No.19243142

You don't have to steal. Most important works are copyright-free. I understand wanting to get away from electronics, but accepting compromise is always necessary to get closer to your ideal life. It would still be better than not having the books at all. Mostly cutting yourself off from the internet while maintaining the necessary functions would still be better than going on it all the time.

These sound like a lot of excuses, I think you should ask yourself how sincere your desire is.

>> No.19243160

>These sound like a lot of excuses
They do sound like it but they're not. I really have hard limitations (money, health) and commitments (family, money). But in November I hope I'll get to do WWOOF and hope I won't get a shit experience like I usually do when I try something new.

>> No.19243348

That sounds cool man, I've always wanted to do one of those things. Hope you find what you're looking for

>> No.19243429

>the true face of /lit/ reveals itself

>> No.19243751

I mean if you think about it these people are institutions. When Rawlings blew up it was like there's a billion dollars on the line, I wouldn't be surprised if the publisher started hiring a team of ghost writers to keep the gravy train going.

Stephen King on the other hand has been selling crazy number of copies for decades on any of the bullshit he writes. I wouldn't doubt him having ghost writers either.

>> No.19243801

Well when the brand becomes more important than the writing, I imagine this has to happen. Or at least the writer starts treating it more business-like having long since stopped caring.

>> No.19243818

Basadísimo, I'm proud to have them as my compatriots.

>> No.19243833

Would using a nigger-sounding pseudonym finally get me published? I feel like it could work in the short term but that it would come back to bite me in the ass sooner or later.

>> No.19243855

>Latin American names
No such thing

>> No.19243996

We had a general for a while...