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19235795 No.19235795[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>wrote an erotic poem for my oneitis
>send it her
>she replies, "wow that's really good"
>then ghosts me

>> No.19235797

stop this retard

>> No.19235810

What drives men to do this gay "confess my feelings" shit? Like why do they think that despite no emotional intimacy, no physical contact or you know holding hands or holding around the waist that a narcissistic venting of their spleen is somehow meant to make her suddenly want to go steady?
Like is there any /lit/ to explain this shit?
I was always too shy to every try it as a lad, and now that I'm older I'm all about that non-verbal stuff.

>> No.19235811

Are you the anon that wrote about the Portuguese titties?

>> No.19235818


>> No.19235826

government welfare programs that promote single motherhood and unfettered access to anime cartoons to fatherless children

>> No.19235828

You need to unironically go out more. I’m not being mean here. Just go out every weekend of possible It’s harder now due to covid but that’s how you get over her.

>> No.19235837

Is the whole 'confession' of love thing, or writing her a poem a big trope in anime?
I think you might be onto something, just the other day I was wondering wtf was responsible for "mommy" posting. You know when autists post not particularly sexual photos of celebrities who are not old enough to be the poster's mother "mommy"?
Or is it unrelated to the confession thing?

>> No.19235851

yes it's a lost in translation lifting of something that might have happened in a shakespearean romance but autists wouldn't know the difference

>> No.19235867

ahh okay, so it's a misinterpretation of a reinterpretation of a fictional trope. Yeah it's just weird how pervasive it is because I see it a lot on other boards too, and it just feels alien even to a normie-sperg like me.

>> No.19235988


>> No.19236826
