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/lit/ - Literature

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19235592 No.19235592 [Reply] [Original]

the person who is gonna write the most important novel of the first half of the 21st century is most likely shitposting among us

>> No.19235601

There is no will or is gonna; there is only is.

>> No.19235603

philosophy truly is gay

>> No.19235729

most important =/= best

I think /lit/ is more likely to produce the best than the most important

>> No.19235757

>in 21 century

>> No.19235761

I unironically think /lit/ is the best place to discuss literature in the whole internet. I wouldn't be surprised if we created a great writer. Remember about us when you influence the world, you autist.

>> No.19235771
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Holy Cringe!

I preferred /lit/ when people constantly complained about how shit this place had become since x year when they had firsted joined.

>> No.19235773

do you know other places with actual people to discuss good books?

>> No.19235779
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>good books

>> No.19235789

I agree with this, not out of any high regard for /lit/, but because institutions that once may have nurtured literary talent (or at least passively allowed it to flourish) like universities, arts organisations, literary rags, and so forth... all now signal loyalty to and work in conformity with corporate, neoliberal, or rational economic values (and the moral figleaf of wokeness). It isn't that there is some conspiracy, or that these things are inherently bad... but there is just an overwhelming monoculture, and the things in the future that are new and exciting and successful will probably not come from within that monoculture.

>> No.19236052

r/lit/ is trash and has been since I came here in 2021

>> No.19236057

If you watch anime you will never write a decent book. Watching cheap bugman entertainment degrades your artistic sensibilities.

>> No.19236062

>corporate, neoliberal, or rational economic value
Do you unironically think this is what they're doing? How do people like you interpret the Civil rights movement and the legal changes therein?

>> No.19236071

More niggers participating in the market = cheaper labor.
Same reason they push immigration.

>> No.19236079

Then leave newfag

>> No.19236101

Do you know what affirmative action is? It forces companies to not use eg. hiring tests because of "disparate impact". How does it make sense for them to hire less competent people for the same price? That's not corporate greed, that's state mandated ideology

>> No.19236147
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>It isn't that there is some conspiracy, or that these things are inherently bad...
Here's a rare one for you.

>> No.19236216
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he sus

>> No.19236480

Dude, the era of most important novel of whatever is over. You're terribly new.
Write what you believe, write what you wanna write. There is a story out there waiting to be told.

>> No.19236504

We’ve seen many times over the literature this place can produce. Mike Ma, Logo Daedalus, BAP, F. Gardner, Tao Lin. All geniuses, every one of them. Your premise is very behind the times.

>> No.19236517

Why does /lit/ constantly fantasize about deriving some surrogate scrap of validity from another person’s success.
>I posted on the same website that another potentially famous/better writer may be posting on
Do you realize how pathetic that sounds? This board is dogshit. Please log off and actually read something

>> No.19236749
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I'm not *trying* to shitpost, but I'm sure someone will still feel I am.

Picrel is my entry for the contest.

>> No.19237005

Gonna have to do more than just post a pic to convince anyone to read your shit

>> No.19237020
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>among us

>> No.19237032
File: 95 KB, 500x699, nice croc bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say his name

>> No.19237036

and that person is me and my book is unironically going to be called "my diary desu"

>> No.19237490

I will :)

>> No.19237581

Unfortunately, there are anime and manga out there right now which are better than anything that’s been published since the turn of this millennium.

>> No.19237610

Give me an example and I'll read/watch it.

>> No.19237677

He even posted the excerpts that one time. About the niggers.

>> No.19237688

Meh, I’m really more of a lurker than a shitposter.

>> No.19237703

I will read it.

>> No.19237716

I don’t think anyone who still likes among us has any real potential as a generational writer

>> No.19237722

They can go to the Amazon page and read the first several pages of it for free...or, if they have Kindle Unlimited, they can read the whole thing.

Or, they can read an early draft of about 40% of the novel for free. See >>19218109

>> No.19237724

>So anon what were your major influences in writing the most important novel of the first half of the 21st century?
>Well I actually have subfolders organised on my laptop by the expressive face of a cartoon green frog. You see...

>> No.19237736

Maybe he likes Among Us ironically.

>> No.19237742

Honestly, some of the posts are left there are more important than the classics of philosophy. Ofcourse you barely sentient troglodytes didn't appreciate them, but future generations will. Not only am I a metaphysician-revolutionary, I do it for free, content to remain anonymous. If you think about it, I'm greater than Jesus.

>> No.19238121
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>> No.19238242

Among us...?

>> No.19238443

It won't be a novel due to the short-lived nature of this generation. The next earthly savior will express himself via video, it will be a series of short films and beyond anything someone would think off, just a complete spam of different aesthetics and intuitive snapshots in hopes of portraying the fundamental context, the ultimate grand narrative. The effort will be incredible compared to the landscape. It will start to seriously happen in 2022 although the first sprouts and sparks are already there.

There will be a series of edgy, transparent wannabe writers who will try to write the best novel of their generation, but they won't have the impact, because they can't shock anymore. People like Mike Ma will continue to rise and they will make quite a profit, but they won't lift your spirit and won't break out of their little niche.

>> No.19238460


>> No.19238482

>the most important novel of the first half of the 21st century
>not epic poetry on clay tablets

>> No.19238703

but anon he didnt say that, he said "most important"

>> No.19238713


>> No.19239435
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The globohomo publishing industry no long publishes books written by straight white men, for white people, unless they are already an established big name that they know is a reliable cash cow. The Big 5 will reject them on the basis that they "center whiteness and white voices" and that's the end of it. I am not joking. This is a constant problem with no visible solution in the future.

The great works are out there, they are just not given space to thrive anymore. Go into most bookstores hawking new books instead of used - the same uninspired minimalist digital art cover designs, YA authors who are women, non-white, LGBT; all with embarrassingly subpar writing - they are only approved because it helps to cement the current narrative. Publishing was cucked long before the rest of the established authorities in politics, academia, and media were. There will not be another great novel published unless there is a mass unrest that slays the sacred cow of globohomo pseudovirtues for good.

>> No.19239452

You watch too much anime and don't read enough contemporary literature. Absolutely absurd opinion and even worse because you think you're enough of an authority to make it.

>> No.19239471