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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 474x484, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19231903 No.19231903 [Reply] [Original]

What a shit fucking writer. Why do people pretend this hack is good?
Read Dubliners & Portrait.First is complete dog shit and second is decent at best.

Do not waste your time with this retard.

>> No.19231917


>> No.19231929

>noooo not my heckin Joycerino
OP is right, this guy's books are all just excuses to write about dudes wanking, it's insane how many times that occurs in his works

>> No.19232064

Who do you think is good anon?

>> No.19232165

>Has not read Ulysses
>Has not read the Wake
You haven’t really read Joyce, have you?

>> No.19232182
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>> No.19232184

imagine being filtered this hard.

>> No.19232240
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when was the last time you wrote anything people will talk about for literal centuries, OP?

>> No.19232277

>t. NPC
You also think Picasso was a good artist, right?

>> No.19232302

correct. Both Picasso and Joyce defined eras and styles.

>> No.19232374

Why are Asian women so repulsive?

>> No.19232501
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>You also think Picasso was a good artist, right?

>> No.19232612

>Joe Rogen
Deepest lore

>> No.19232662

i memorized one of his poems and i have to agree it was just ok

>> No.19232717

which one? they sound unearthly btw

>> No.19232775
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I think they're adorable.

>> No.19232791

I can tell just from a glance that’s not Finnegans Wake cause it’s awfully written, and the Wake is brilliantly written

>> No.19232800

What’s crazy is that you’re actually kinda stupid and shouldn’t be reading Joyce in the first place

>> No.19232867

What foul cum bucket did you crawl out of to bark if someone should or shouldn’t read anything? you less than zero slice of scrotum

>> No.19233011

Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Hugo, Burgess, Kierkegaard, Vernes (notice: all men who don't write about wanking)

>> No.19233183

Does wanking god/christianity not count?

>> No.19234479

No, God and Christianity are good, while wanking is evil. That is a qualitative difference that cannot be overcome by any degree of writing ability.

>> No.19234665

The Wake is the greatest literary achievement of the last 300 years and Ulysses defines the postmodern genre. Joyce didn't write for smoothbrains like you, he wrote for barely literate Catholic peasants who, surprisingly, had a greater grasp of the canon than you

>> No.19234891

Dubliners is much better than Portrait.

>> No.19234999

>most critically acclaimed piece of literature of all time is a cuck fantasy
we truly have become kiked, ulysses is at best an exercise in advanced fart sniffing

>> No.19235250

>Joe Rogan

>> No.19235294

Is that Sam Hyde

>> No.19235351

>read books that were written for critics and are about thousands of references
No thanks

>> No.19235699

>written for critics
That ain’t it lol. Whatever makes you feel better. Even Djuna Barnes got it and you yankee kids are getting filtered left and right.

>> No.19235706

Wasn't he into smelling farts or something? Why would I want to read the works of someone like that?

>> No.19235743

I finished reading aloud Finnegans Wake last month and, while I didn't enjoy Ulysses that much, this was beautiful throughout. I cried during the last few pages.

>> No.19235749

He's a spiritual Semite

>> No.19235848
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>> No.19235871

You need to leave

>> No.19236340


>> No.19236343
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Most /lit/ thread ever.

>> No.19236350

Holy Based

Meh he's 'good' I just hate reading him. I find him very boring through Ulysses. Try his poetry and Exiles though, people who hate his prose usually like that. Also read The Epicurean - Thomas Moore for some true Irish kino.

>> No.19236353


>> No.19236378

I just don't have the chops to read a book with a billion references to Western canon

>> No.19236397

>billion references to Western canon
That'd be Gaddis, Joyce isn't as referential as people make him out to be. Academics do that to justify him being some unreadable classic, when it's really just a hollow linguistic experiment. Don't get me wrong, I hate reading Joyce, but do think there's something in there to make him 'good,' but not great.

>> No.19237478

>which one? they sound unearthly btw
idr it was like a decade ago for hs

>> No.19237529

shameless samefaggot dilate kys

>> No.19238370
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Bitch, please.

>> No.19238738

What's the matter, does he spend too much time writing about the spirit and not enough time writing about wanking?

>> No.19238752

>Joyce isn't as referential as people make him out to be
Yes he is, he just doesn't namedrop and quote like Gaddis so you missed it

>> No.19238810
File: 105 KB, 881x1360, 61rsCiPHCvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are wrong

>> No.19238961

>hates Joyce
>loves Dostoyevsky
So ... style isn't your thing?

>> No.19238974

Writing about wanking isn't my definition of style

>> No.19239019
File: 1.88 MB, 320x234, FDD3368D-CD4D-4C9F-8A8B-EEAB8796474F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>student edition

>> No.19239040


She's Mexican.

>> No.19239097

This thread is depressing. Surely I can't be the only one here that enjoys reading Joyce? I mean, his prose is so beautifully written; his characters have such depth; the themes he deals with in his stories nuanced and complex; and the command of language he displays in Ulysses is nothing short of breathing-taking, for all the people wanting to take the piss out of it for eschewing established forms. I really want to believe the people baselessly criticizing him have simply never read his work and are just flinging shit for a laugh, but if that's the case, then this board's in an even sorrier state than I thought it was.

t. cried at the final scene of "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"

>> No.19239889

Ask me how I know you're a homosexual.

>> No.19239943

> t. low T

>> No.19240904

well he is one of the most influential modern writers for me the best in the 20th century
i think it's just the typical contrarian bullshit, i remamber someone here saying that king lear is shit, there is no hope for them they get filterd by dan brown levels

>> No.19241068

There's contrarian nonsense all over the blue boards. It's one of the things that make this site even worse. At least when it's seemingly sincere and not a shitpost.
I thought it was beautiful, too, anon.