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/lit/ - Literature

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19231414 No.19231414 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize prose is inherently inferior to verse?

>> No.19231667

I don't agree with his quote. I don't even know if he agrees with his quote

>> No.19231688

Then why are most students poets rather than novelists?

>> No.19231718

Because they want to be poets (that can't, though).

>> No.19231729

Poet as in Virgil yes, poet as in Virgin no

>> No.19231747

Faulkner was probably ten mint juleps deep when he said that.

>> No.19231801

Students are poets in the same way that eight-year-olds are Superman.

>> No.19232149

Does anyone out there think that the best short stories are better than the best novels?

>> No.19232465

Edgar Allan Poe and Ambrose Bierce thought short stories were superior to novels since you could read a short story in one sitting and therefore all the aesthetic effects of the work could contribute to a "unity of effect". When reading a novel, the aesthetic effects of the earlier chapters will have faded once you reach the conclusion.

Its a pretty unorthodox view, however.

>> No.19232487

faulkner's prose is dangerously based

>> No.19232494
File: 21 KB, 420x420, blayzit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unironically filtered by poetry, the only time I have ever enjoyed a poem was when it was part of a novel or greater media piece. I have the sneaking suspicion that poetry is a lowkey patrician form artform but at the same time if you look at poets today they are all massive faggots who live in coastal cities. I suspect that perhaps poetry was once a great form (back when people read poetry out loud and everyone knew multiple poems by heart up until the ~late 19th century before other media took over) but nowadays it's just as gay and retarded as anything else created by affluent 21st century garbage people.

If I'm to understand poetry, what should I do/read to have a breakthrough moment with this type of writing?

>> No.19232515

Read the old stuff. It's difficult not to like Romantic poetry although it's probably going to be harder for a zoomer since you were raised in a terrible world and might not relate.

>> No.19232521
File: 1.96 MB, 2282x2690, John Keats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I'm to understand poetry, what should I do/read to have a breakthrough moment with this type of writing?
Start with the Keats.

>> No.19232542

Same. Epics are the only poems I enjoy.

>> No.19232549

all good poetry is meant to be spoken. start with theatre

>> No.19232554

alright, i'll look into these. but it wouldn't be the first time i've been steered wrong by image boards if you fuckers are bullshitting me, quite skeptical still.

>> No.19232583

the average short story is better than the average novel but novels have more potential. many novels have substantial issue with pacing and retreading.

>> No.19232834

I'm starting to think that all literature is meant to be read aloud because it completely changes how you receive the text.

>> No.19232856

>When did you realize prose is inherently inferior to verse?
When I read Gongora for the first time

>> No.19232973

Based Góngora shill.

>> No.19233242
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poetry is the most pure form of lingustic expression in any language, you're right though poetry after 1948 is actually horrendous and should not be considered true and actual verse, not like it resembles it anyway. Read these guys, any order is fine but chronological is best. These are the major poets of the english language from our current conception of what 'english' poetry constitutes (no anglo saxon bullshit). Only poet missing here is maybe Dryden.

>> No.19233299

>Edgar Allan Poe and Ambrose Bierce thought short stories were superior to novels since you could read a short story in one sitting and therefore all the aesthetic effects of the work could contribute to a "unity of effect".
I unironically have the same opinion about video games. I can think of half a dozen off the back of my head that should have a note included recommending to play it in as few sittings as possible.

>> No.19233316

I cannot comprehend literal meaning when I read verse. I am so overwhelmed by the aesthetic phrasing that I have difficulty discerning literal meaning. I can't read Dante or Homer because of this. I will get through a page and have no idea what is happening in the plot.

>> No.19233601
File: 41 KB, 798x644, pepe disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Browning

>> No.19233662

thats the whole point

>> No.19233707

Diddly rhymes and obvious meter sound like faggy shit to my modern earns. I just can't help but burst out laughing when I read such poems.

>> No.19233726

the delectation is in the sounds of a poem, then the images; prose has to keep movement up over a sustained period doing the same, more like sculpture

>> No.19233731

I genuinely don't understand poetry

>> No.19233741

Isn't this obvious to anyone with a brain? 90% of novels are bloated nonsense which could be equally communicated in a single stanza of verse.

>> No.19233748

19 - 20 years of age.