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19230161 No.19230161 [Reply] [Original]

>Favorite book you've read this year so far
>Favorite film you've watched this year so far
>Favorite videogame you've played this year so far
>Favorite series you've watched this year so far

>> No.19230199

>cathedral by ben hopkins
>perceval by eric rohmer
>don't play video games
>don't watch tv

>> No.19230205

>The Tree of Man by Patrick White
>The Lion in Winter
>nothing of note
>I, Claudius

>> No.19230207

>Farewell to Arms
>The original Scream (never seen it before)
>Don’t play video games
>Don’t watch tv

Time to go to the zoo.

>> No.19230242

>What The Buddha Taught
>Crumb (one of the two movies I’ve watched lol)
>don’t play
>Better Call Saul

>> No.19230251

>Secondhand Time by Svetlana Alexievich
>The ear
>Stronghold for nostalgia
>Don't watch series.

>> No.19230257

>A Glastonbury Romance
>Young and Innocent
>Married at First Sight: Australia

>> No.19230259

>About Love and Other Stories by Chekhov, (specifically) translated by Rosamund Bartlett
>The Expanse

>> No.19230283

>Inherent Vice or The Pale King
Both are in my all-time top 5 now, closer to the top than the bottom.
It's literally the only movie I've watched so far this year. Wasn't mindblowing or anything, solid 8/10 action, don't know if a rewatch would be worth it or not.
>Red Dead Redemption 2
Most everything else I've played this year I've played before with few exceptions. Really enjoyed this but haven't finished main story yet, dragging out all the secondary objectives, hunting, gambling, etc.
It's nicer in the wintertime when I don't feel like actually going outside into the snow.
Good atmosphere.
>The Wrong Mans
Only TV show I've actually watched a full season of this year, but since there was less than 10 thirty minute episodes between series 1 & 2, and I had to watch it for a philosophy class I was taking at the time, it didn't take too long. Again nothing mind-blowing, pleasant enough irreverent comedy.

>> No.19230298

>Elektra or Oedipous Rex
>Rocket League
>King of the Hill

>> No.19230302

>don't know if a rewatch would be worth it or not.
It's worth rewatching but leave it a bit before you do.

>> No.19230303

>The Prince of Nothing.
>More Wargame Red Dragon
>Haven't watched anything

>> No.19230315
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>Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool
>Death Stranding
>Thunderbolt Fantasy

>> No.19230316

>Roadwork by Stephen King
>I don't play a lot of games anymore - enjoyed a bit of Styx: Master of Shadows
>Watched a bit of Money Heist

>> No.19230321

>The Rings of Saturn
>Rear window
>Don't play
>Pride and Prejudice (1995)

>> No.19230325

I momentarily forgot there was a new Dune movie out and was extremely concerned after reading this post

>> No.19230356

That was a nice one

>> No.19230431

>Sound of Waves
>Masculin Feminin

>> No.19230442

>war and peace or that hideous strength
>picnic at hanging rock
>true detective season 2

>> No.19230459
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>Saucers, Spooks and Kooks by Adam Gorightly
>Savage Three (years of lead boxset)
>MS Flight Sim
>American Dad


>> No.19230466

Huh, it's been a weeb year for me for everything except books.
>The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
>Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time
>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
>Vivy -Flourite Eye's Song-

>> No.19230469
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>Dota 2

>> No.19230476

>>Favorite book you've read this year so far
bros k
>>Favorite film you've watched this year so far
>>Favorite videogame you've played this year so far
part time UFO
>>Favorite series you've watched this year so far
squid game (i never watch tv shows)

>> No.19230509
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Pic related

>> No.19230653

>The Fisherman
>The Wailing
>haven't played new games this year
>Better Call Saul (hurry up with that last season)

>> No.19230665

>the king in yellow is the only thing I remember reading that was decent
>can't think of anything good I've watched (only thing I remember watching that was okay was a beautiful mind)
>barely watched anything at all; best thing I remember was the queen's gambit

>> No.19230671

>Master and Margartia
>The Prestige
>Darkest Dungeon
>I dont watch serieses theyre all shit

>> No.19230685
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>White Plains by Gordon Lish
>Curb Your Enthusiasm

>> No.19230734

>Moby Dick
>The Medium
>League of Legends because I dont play anything else.

>> No.19230854
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>Favorite book you've read this year so far
Esaú e Jacó & Memorial de Aires from Machado de Assis.
>Favorite film you've watched this year so far
The Searchers.
>Favorite videogame you've played this year so far
Civilization V, I guess. Or Minecraft.
>Favorite series you've watched this year so far
Mad Men by far.

>> No.19230863

>Can't remember but probably something gay
>Not Applicable
>Not Applicable
>Not Applicable

>> No.19230879

>tidings of the trees - wolfgang hilbig
>can't remember any
>didn't play any
>haunting of hill house

>> No.19230888

>Cat's Cradle
>Prince of Darkness
>That came out this year: Rome TW Remastered, In general: Factorio

Dekalog is great but it's also the only TV series I've seen this year. And I barely play videogames any more.

>> No.19230892

>The Makioka Sisters
>Moborosi or Terrorizers
>Thief 1
>Squid Game
Squid game is the only TV I've watched this year. It was ok.

>> No.19230922
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The Loser, Bernhard
Atlantis (2019)
Doom Eternal (I sold my PS4 and setup in the beginning of the year to focus on books and writing)

>> No.19230978

>Favourite book
Watt, Beckett, a deeply philosophical book. its hilarious at times, yet incredibly beautiful and incredibly sad. reminds me of Kafka in that sense.
>Favourite film
Touki Bouki (1973), french new wave cinema settled on African soil and got twisted into a new poetic expression that makes me feel things that are hard to put into words
>Favourite videogame
havent really played anything new but im really enjoying slay the spire, its aesthetically and narratively kinda boring, but by god is it mechanically refined. every mechanic is perfectly fine tuned
>Favourite series
dont really watch series honestly

>> No.19231324

>Thus Spake Zarathustra
>The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
>Squid Game

>> No.19231327

Thank god I'm not you

>> No.19231476
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That's hard to answer, I'd say The Collector (John Fowles). It was my first book by Fowles and it was amazing, I wasn't expecting such a good story.
Joker? But to be honest I don't know if I watched this year or last year, I simply don't watch movies.
Assassin's Creed: Ezio Trilogy. This year I gave the series a second chance, I began with Altair's games and finished with Chronicles, but the Ezio Trilogy was the best in the series.
I haven't watched a series in years.

>> No.19231481

>>Favorite book you've read this year so far
I haven't read any books this year.
>>Favorite film you've watched this year so far
I'm not a redditor.
>>Favorite videogame you've played this year so far
I'm not a child.
>>Favorite series you've watched this year so far
I'm not a woman.

>> No.19231541

>Klara and the Sun
>Our Man in Havana
>Borderlands 3
>Rewatch of Deadwood

>> No.19231639

>>Favorite book you've read this year so far
The adventures of Jonathan corncob by anonymous , the manuscript found in saragossa by jan Potocki
>>Favorite film you've watched this year so far
The bank dick staring wc fields,
>>Favorite videogame you've played this year so far
Rdr2, minecraft
>>Favorite series you've watched this year so far
John adams

>> No.19231651

>Favorite book you've read this year so far
Not sure, it is one of three: Brothers Karamazov, Walden, or the Iliad
>Favorite film you've watched this year so far
Apocalypse Now
>Favorite videogame you've played this year so far
>Favorite series you've watched this year so far
Don't watch series

>> No.19231668

>Favorite book you've read this year so far
Dune by Frank Herbert
>Favorite film you've watched this year so far
Dune by Denis Villeneuve
>Favorite videogame you've played this year so far
Dune II by Westwood Studios
>Favorite series you've watched this year so far
Frank Herbert's Dune miniseries by the SciFi Channel

>> No.19231886

Extremely underrated. The Magus if fantastic and I'm really enjoying the French Lieutenant's Woman. Planning on reading The Collector by him next.

>> No.19231912
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>mill on the floss - george eliot
>captain fantastic
>i don’t know
>Deep Space Nine

>> No.19231921
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The Magus and The French Lieutenant's woman are great, Mantissa and A Maggot too. I wouldn't recommend Daniel Martin, it's not bad, but it's unnecessarily long and not very interesting.
A few days ago I ordered The Ebony Tower, and I'm considering buying a biography.

>> No.19231941

>Favorite book you've read this year so far
Death In Credit (still reading tho)
>Favorite film you've watched this year so far
Sound of Metal
>Favorite videogame you've played this year so far
Psychonauts 2
>Favorite series you've watched this year so far
Small Axe (more like a few movies with a similar feel though)

>> No.19231978

>Madame Bovary
>The Mother and The Whore
>The Sopranos

>> No.19231990

does the Magus really mean anything? I stayed up all night to finish that book, but I have a feeling it is just a set of plot twists for the sake of plot twists. which is better than most novels, but just wondering if there is anything deeper there

>> No.19232002

Japanese Ghost Stories
Carnival of Souls (1962)
Morrowind, same as every year
Bear Grease, a podcast series about hunting, ecology, and frontier american history. The most interesting episode is about soil ecology and the most exciting about a German market hunter who nearly died killing a black bear in the Ozarks. Made me want to buy two different soil ecology books but I ended up buying a welding and a blacksmithing book first.

>> No.19232003
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>Mrs Dalloway
>The Talented Mr. Ripley
>Cruelty Squad
its cringe but unironically >Squid Game

>> No.19232005

I have no idea. Maybe I didn't understand it, or maybe it was about a rich old man fucking foreign teachers around and, well, that.

>> No.19232025

>phenomenology of spirit or the secrets only known to the inner elites by larouche
>hitchcock’s vertigo

>> No.19232030

In Search Of Lost Time
The Life And Death of Colonel Blimp
Haven't played any games in the past years.
I don't watch TV series.

>> No.19232038

>The Life And Death of Colonel Blimp
Very based.

>> No.19232039

>Rashomon and 17 other stories by Akutagawa
>don't watch a lot of movies
>Cave story

>> No.19232045
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>The Brothers Karamazov
>Druk ("Another round" for you subhumans)
>Realm of the Mad God

>> No.19232067

>Favorite book you've read this year so far
Maybe Firecracker? Wasn't too good though.
>Favorite film you've watched this year so far
The Suicide Squad
>Favorite videogame you've played this year so far
All year I played only LOTRO, for like 30 minutes.
>Favorite series you've watched this year so far
Think I only watched Ted Lasso S2.

>> No.19232114

Watch Akira Kurosawa's Dreams

>> No.19232257

>synecdoche new york
>sonic mania
>grandmaster of demonic cultivation

>> No.19232401

>Capital Vol 1
>The House That Jack Built
>Chivalry 2
>I can't stand watching tv

>> No.19232448

>100 Years of Solitude
>I haven't watched any movies this year
>chess is the only game I play other than sudoku
>squid game (this is the first series I've ever watched)

>> No.19232480
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Got into chink novels this year (started with cradle last year, read all the books and finally started actual chinks novels, remembering, no, even reading chinese names and characters was damn hard at first) , read reverend insanity and few others, Reverend insanity is actually quite bad, poorly translated and low quality compared to published work but at the same time it is so fucking good.
Haven't watched any movies this year
Haven't played any games this year
Watched some grand tour, felt very forced and even pozzed at times, trash in other words, watched anime (slime reincarnated s2) and it was fucking shit. Thats about it, nothing else really got my attention

>> No.19232603

Only season 3 of grand tour is good

>> No.19232663

book: the Universe in a nutshell (Stephen Hawking)
movie: The Andromeda Strain (1971)
videogame: none
series: Prison Break

>> No.19232786

>stoner or answer to job
>haven't watched much this year, i suppose inside but I have my issues with it
>melee as usual or binding of isaac repentance
>don't really watch tv
Should also include music / albums, OP
>porter robinson's nurture

>> No.19232882

So just a regular faggot then.

>> No.19232905

Why did you leave reddit?