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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 162 KB, 307x475, OrangeCover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1922785 No.1922785 [Reply] [Original]

I was at a book store today and I noticed they had a large stack of Summer readings out on this table. A lot of the books were real classics.

Then I saw it. Eat. Pray. Love. And I realized that this was an instance were censorship was desperately needed. I lifted a stack of A Clockwork Orange that was next to this piece of shit, and I made sure to cover all of that easy casual garbage with Burgess's masterpiece. Does it make me a prick? Yeah. But I felt fucking good.

Any similar stories?

>> No.1922788

edgy hipster general

>> No.1922791

I actually commonly do this at bookstores. I mainly just turn books over though. Especially to that god awful 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coehlo.

>> No.1922793

anyone else meeting for the anarchists anonymous meeting on tlny chat

>> No.1922797

down with organized religion

>> No.1922800

Why is it so bad? I heard it was fantastic...

>> No.1922801

teenage boys should be kept in cages

>> No.1922803

I'm not the only one who thought that book was trite? :D

>> No.1922804

the strangeri s my bible

>> No.1922807

GOD IS DEAD !!!!!!!

>> No.1922811


yea i want to know why you hate it, too. it was a required reading in middle school and i remember it being a fantastic story.

>> No.1922813

facebook is a tool use dby the government to get your personal info this is hwy i dont use facebook

>> No.1922823

I do that shit all the time. I put books on top of the others, flip them over, change places and organize them from my own point of view. I usually pick a book I really like and leave it on top of the best selling shelf.

>> No.1922831

YEah, i put a bubblegum in a bible in the store once for fun.

Ripped out a page in half in another one. I always damage the bibles in the stores, this way it will discourage them from selling these brainwashing manuals.

>> No.1922833
File: 64 KB, 598x436, FatGothKid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1922836

Repression only succeeds in strengthening the repressed. oppressive hypocritical faggot

>> No.1922837

>Even Burgess himself looks down on the book
Retarded hipsters here we goooooooooo

>> No.1922841
File: 30 KB, 300x225, tinfoil-hat1-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1922842

Let's talk on how we can sabotage bibles.

How about printing copies with "wrong content" in them? Is this a viable plan? We could give them out to churges for free. We could set something in motion.. How knows how the real bible looks like? They are all different versions anyway.

>> No.1922850

Eat Pray Love isn't about religion so much as it's about a shallow bitch spreading her legs to enlightenment as she whores her way around the world.

>> No.1922859

I think i can get into that.

>> No.1922861

I didn't know /lit/ had a hard on for Eat, Pray, Love

>> No.1922862

Love <3

>> No.1922867

after reading clockwork, i noticed i had read a revised version with an added extra chapter.

it changed the whole message of the book, and i was pissed. anyone have thoughts or comments on this, or want to discuss the message of the book.

>> No.1922872

no, you read the original version.

When the book was first printed in the US they removed the final chapter.

>> No.1922874


>> No.1922883


Nope. The "extra" chapter was in the original release, it was just removed in the early US releases.

>> No.1922884


Yeah but obviously a book like A Clockwork Orange must have a downer ending. Obviously the original was changed to allow it to be printed. How better to change the moral of a story than to add a false ending?

>> No.1922887

Anthony Burgess lamented that he let US publishers take the final chapter out in the first place. He thought that without the final chapter the book lost its meaning.

>> No.1922898


Did you not notice my post was dripping with sarcasm?

>> No.1922905

His other books worth reading besides this?