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/lit/ - Literature

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19221918 No.19221918 [Reply] [Original]

>be at university for many hours every day
>cannot even study more than 20 pages of literature per day anymore

What do I do?

>> No.19221962

kek university is literally the only time you will ever have tons of time to read, work on your passions, make friends/relationships, and have a lot of sex. this is your free time before wage slavery. if you find that you don't have a lot of time in uni you are probably a brainlet.

>> No.19221982

Not get yourself into debt for this.

>> No.19222025

>Associates degree detected

If you weren't doing between 10-14 hours of homework every day then you didn't get an actual education

>> No.19222029
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>this is your free time before wage slavery

>tfw wageslaving and doing uni at the same time

>> No.19222045

>this is your free time before wage slavery.
Confirmed for having gone to a shit school.

>> No.19222052

>having to do homework instead of just thinking during examination and figuring out how to do the questions as they come
big yike

>> No.19222058

homework is just busy work. totally worthless.

>> No.19222059

Just wait until you have an actual job.

>> No.19222067
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Depends on what it is. If you're learning a language or something, it's because you have to put in the time to learn it. If it's a larger thesis project or something, yes it's make-believe bullshit, but it's also preparing you for long-form projects you may do in your professional life.

Well hopefully you picked a field of study that you actually have some interest in, that way you get to read stuff you're interested in while also studying.

>> No.19222775

I felt similar in uni, but the job I got has lots of downtime, so I can just read there. Hope you can land a low effort job with your degree.

>> No.19222828

you are clearly not a STEM major at an at least mediocre 4 year university

>> No.19223067

I was. And what he said was true. You're just a brainlet.

>> No.19223455

ugh i dont have any money so i have to go to community college for at least the first two years. its gonna be so lonely bros

>> No.19223469

Fuck you too dick.

>> No.19224268

This is absolutely not required for most degrees lmao. Even most STEM degrees. I can't tell if you're just retarded and needed all that time to learn or if you never went to a university and are just LARPing

>> No.19225578

Nobody does homework for 10-14 hours. Where did this number came?

>> No.19225598

its bs. i saw an article recently that said the average time a uni student spends doing uni stuff is like 20 hours a week in 2021.

>> No.19225684

It semmi a bit low and of course it depends on your major. But the original 10-14 hours is just a flat-out lie.

>> No.19225688

you know something is wrong with higher education when it actually prevents you from becoming genuinely cultured and educated.

>> No.19225864

>he didn't apply for a scholarship.

>> No.19225884

Not that guy, but I've applied to 50+ scholarships and never received one.
GPA has been a 4.0 the last year of coursework too.

>> No.19225889

fuck, from which country are you in? I'm planning to get one and that gives me a sense of hopelessness.

>> No.19225911

just put other for your race

>> No.19225918

and yeah
I'm white

>> No.19225935

I was being tongue in cheek but the numbers were real for me, I was taking several research intensive courses each semester so I had to write dozens of papers, many of them between 10-30 pages long, with tons of books and scholarly articles as the base reference material. Nearly every waking moment of my days went towards this, I almost never had exams.

>> No.19225951

Affirmative action admission detected

>> No.19225956

>10-30 pages
No, they were not. Stop lying. No Professor wants to read a 30-page paper, let alone from some retarded undergrad like yourself.

>> No.19225960

I only had a couple that were that long during my undergrad. One was a case study on two figures of the Salem Witch Trials, the other was regarding the Pequot War. Writing others that were 10 pages or more was not uncommon, I don't know what you majored in but it must not have been writing intensive

>> No.19225997

The majority of uni students are gonna be at shit unis though.

>> No.19226019

it used to be that you would be expected to spend 3-4 hours a week per credit hour studying. so if you do 12 credits, in addiction to class time, that will be another 40 hours or so of study time. i think this only holds for really elite universities though. if you look at the reading that assigned in, for example, the eng-300 at yale which is intro to lit theory, the reading is absolutely massive: 100s of pages of dense primary sources every week, but at a state college, you'll probably just read a few articles and maybe an accessible secondary source summarizing all the stuff the yale kids actually read. not having to time studying isn't a flex, it's a sign your school is shit.

>> No.19226032

bullshit, i know literal brainlets that studied at yale
i think you are ascribing too much value to ivy league

>> No.19226034

Literature and philosophy at Oberlin. Even at HLS, law professors don’t want to read research papers in seminars exceeding 30 pages (usually 20 pages not including the footnotes).

>> No.19226037
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>Not taking part time degree and doubling your time in uni to avoid wagie shit life.
OP, ngmi. Sorry.

>> No.19226046

I took 15 credits each semester, barring one when I took 12, but they were all research intensive so I still had my work cut out for me. I stuck with some of the same professors, one of whom was notorious for his extreme workload, because they were great at teaching.

You are right about the school being shit. I hated the place, and had constant problems with the administration. Many of my friends either left the college or were forced out because they got screwed--which nearly happened to me on several occasions--and only one of my friends there from the start actually graduated. I benefited from my degree in a couple ways, at least, because I'm acknowledged in a book and am learning Latin and Egyptian with a former professor of mine.

>> No.19226057

The difference may come in class sizes, though correct me if that's an incorrect presumption. Most of my classes only had between 9-15 people, and the biggest only around 30, so it would have been less work for the professors than if there were full lecture halls of students.

>> No.19226062

i have the text book for yale engl-300, it's 2000+ pages of primary sources from aristotle to zizek. most people on /lit/ could not read that in three months. yale student have to do that and they have three other classes.

>> No.19226066

they have grad students do most of the grading in those big generic classes.

>> No.19226072

low degree completion rates is actually a sign of a shitty school. it means they don't have a competitive cohort of potential students to pick from, so they have to admit people who aren't able to do the work. high admit rate plus low graduation rate is the tell tale sign up of a rip-off school.

>> No.19226075

LOL kys nigger

>> No.19226099


>> No.19226108

I'm not making any claim that my school was prestigious or in high standing. Just the opposite, in fact, because you are right. I went to a SUNY school where admission rates have dropped nearly 20% in the last three years, even accounting for COVID. My experience at the school was different than most in terms of workload (I was much busier than most others), but pretty standard in terms of constant battles with the administration. I'm already getting close to doxxing myself so I won't reveal the school name, but yeah, it was a mess

>> No.19226136

Albany? If so, are you the situationist?

>> No.19226175

No, not Albany, although I have some friends there. Who is the situationist?

>> No.19226409

dopamine fast

>> No.19226451

>40 hours or so of study time
Wow, what a coincidence: it's the *exact same* amount of time in a wagie work week ... You fell for their trick, retard.

>> No.19226507

Having fun in University and other lies you tell yourself...

>> No.19226603

>getting an education is a trick
wow ur smart dude

>> No.19226710

Look at the syllabus for the course you keep jerking off at an Ivy League you fellate so damn much. Who gives a shit how massive the textbook is when the syllabus only assigns like 30+ pages for each topic?

>> No.19227742

Can you share the list. I'm intrested.

Also I don't think they get assigned every page of every book desu, I think they need to read parts of it.

>> No.19227852

>liberal arts major
give me a fucking break