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19221703 No.19221703 [Reply] [Original]

What causes schizophrenia? Can reading too many "schizo" books (eg. Deleuze, Hegel, Jung, Land, Finnegans Wake) give you schizophrenia?

>> No.19221724

>Can reading too many "schizo" books (eg. Deleuze, Hegel, Jung, Land, Finnegans Wake) give you schizophrenia

>> No.19221740

Why would you call these "schizo" books?

>> No.19221744

No, sorry OP, you'll always be a boring normie, at worst you might develop a little gender dysphoria, but you'll never be a schizo.

>> No.19221754
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>le heckin schizo is bazed

>> No.19221760

Those books attract schizophrenic audiences. That does not mean they cause schizophrenia, which - since you asked - is caused by a satanic force known as industrialization, literally a demon come to ruin us. A few can see it, and it drives them mad

>> No.19221762

O. K.

>> No.19221770
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finna smoke a splifferino and read this book about wholesome schizo mysticism.

>> No.19221773

>satanic force known as industrialization
Why are christoid such babies? Why does your world-view lack any mechanisms that explain things without resorting to demons?

>> No.19221780

So is a proclivity towards those books a potential warning sign for schizophrenia? Thankfully I grew up in a rural area though which does reduce my risk factor.

>> No.19221788

why do you hold such a narrow conception of what constitutes a demon?

>> No.19221792

god save me from this hellscape

>> No.19221797

Industrialization is not a demon. It's a transformation of the economy. It is an impersonal force. It's no more a demon than a gust of wind, and can be understood using science.

>> No.19221812

>So is a proclivity towards those books a potential warning sign for schizophrenia?
Possibly. I'm not familiar with all of them. A better sign would be when someone breaks into your home and changes the channel on the TV so that when you turn it on you see a news program and the anchor is making veiled threats about murdering you

>> No.19221817
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>demons don't exist because... LE SCIENCE!!!

>> No.19221847
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When a big boy or girl don't understand something, they try to use their brain to figure out what is going on. We use our brains to figure out thatz a gust of wind is just air moving due to differences in pressure. We also use our brains to figure out that advances in technology allow other big boys and girls to design machines and work processes that facilitate a more efficient production process. If we're smart, we can explain why things happen without resorting to demons and faeries.

>> No.19221907

>Can reading too many "schizo" books (eg. Deleuze, Hegel, Jung, Land, Finnegans Wake) give you schizophrenia?
Grow up anon

>> No.19221927

Industrialisation ironically enough doesn't work the same way as a machine, it is a social/cultural/economic force and therefore, unless one foolishly applies mechanistic interpretations to history, should not be understood "scientifically". Also, that other anon was perhaps not positing demons as a causal factor necessarily but was using a figure of speech known as metaphor (something we used to employ before the literal-mindedness of the scientific worldview) -- but it is also true that, just as with Biblical interpretation, what may be understood as caused by literal, material factors on one level may, on a higher level, have spiritual causes and significance.
Anyway it seems your brain has been so corrupted by post-industrial society that you will refuse to see anything except through the lens of machinery, so I doubt this will get through to you.

>> No.19221978
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No, even if you were predisposed to schizo you wouldn't (( get )) it from media or thinking hard enough about it. Although not all schizo people experience it the majority of schizophrenic people (and people with severe mental illness) lack self awareness or insight of it. I've heard of it as presenting as schizophrenics not recognizing things as hallucinations, and realizing they were hallucinations after learning they're schizophrenic. Think about it. You'd have a lot more academics who would have schizophrenia (more than the already higher amount) because they think about abstract concepts. Education would be regulated as a health danger.

>t. long term interest in psychology ruined by the trauma of experiencing a schizophrenic family member

>> No.19222022

Thank you, helpful post. I was only half-serious with the question, but I did still believe the myth that schizophrenia was caused by some sort of hyper-functioning of abstract thinking and perhaps als thato the stresses of academia, insomnia, etc. might play a role. So realising that's not true from a rational perspective is helpful.

>> No.19222028

that was me

>> No.19222074

The only purpose of this thread is to shoehorn Land in with some names.
Stop responding to accfag threads.

>> No.19222382

>things are not always mechanistic
>therefore demons and zombie rabbi
At last I truly see

>> No.19222412
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I read too many books and now I exist in a state of philosophical schizophrenia, which is to say I've lost any coherent world-historical narrative and am now full of competing tendencies, many of which are held simultaneously in spite of their mutual exclusivity.

>> No.19222488
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>What causes schizophrenia?
reading too many chivalry books

>> No.19222629

it's the only reasonable position to hold desu

>> No.19222648

>industrialization, literally a demon come to ruin us

agriculture did it first

>> No.19223413
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read laing

>> No.19223418

Schizophrenia is caused by poor diet

>> No.19223553

the best way to become schizo is to study math you will start to notice it after only a few days

>> No.19223639

This is the clear answer, anybody I've ever met who was successful in a field heavily surrounded by math ended up being really eccentric and schizophrenic.

>> No.19223685
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Unfathomably based.

>> No.19223732

It's like 75% genetics and 25% early childhood trauma. Being raised by a schizo communist who reads Deleuze will probably earn you that 25%.

>> No.19223819

>What causes schizophrenia?
My abnormal psychology textbook unironically says weed does.

>> No.19223867


Being abused, and partaking of hard drugs. Not reading books. You're fine.

>> No.19224178

learn what schizotypy is. you are not crazy.

>> No.19224190

Math confirmed for evil arcane scribblings

>> No.19225877

>I deny the possibility for does not fit my view
arrogant fool

>> No.19225879

>literally a demon come to ruin us