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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19219195 [Reply] [Original]

Any book recommendations for a guy addicted to the internet/porn. I notice that after vacations with no internet, my attention span is good, I have clear and coherent thoughts and my general state of mind is quite stoic but sharp. Then, when I revert back to previous behaviours (i.e. impulsively watching hundreds of hours of youtube video's, mindlessly scrolling through news feeds, and sometimes binging porn) everything requiring intellectual effort becomes a huge struggle. Especially the porn, it is so powerful when you do not watch it for 2 weeks. I know this, yet I cannot stop it. Watching 30 mins. of crap in the morning fries my attention span for the whole day and leads to more and more time spent on the internet. I also know this, yet I cannot stop this which means I waste entire days. In some ways, I can still achieve the goals set out for me, and I have a good relationship with my girlfriend. But these addictions make these things so much harder, and a needless struggle.

Any book recommendations or people that have successfully fixed themselves, who can provide some insights?

>> No.19219212

This kind of thread needs to be banned.

>> No.19219217

The Easy Peasy Method Hackbook
The Shallows
Your Brain on Porn
If you like philosophy, Spinoza's Ethics delves into these things as well

That's all I've got in terms of reading material. And I haven't fixed myself yet, and have a game addiction to boot.

I also think that indulging in addictive behavior has something to do with making up for what you feel you're lacking in life, like intimacy, stimulation or companionship. Go for more walks, and run, if you're up for it. Personally everything feels sharper and in focus (especially the following morning) after a run. Spend more time with friends. I feel less of a need to masturbate after a good with others. If you are on the run from personal problems and have the time/money, therapy would probably help as well. Good luck.

>> No.19219691

Bump because I suffer from the same degenerate loop

>> No.19219715

I thought a wank cleared the mind? Always worked for me.

>> No.19219833

Thanks man.

I think I am quite aware of what such behaviours lead to in terms of neurophysiological responses. That doesn't mean that I can stop it though. Are you aware of any books where they explicitly formulate ways of preventing or stopping those behaviours?

Spinoza is a very interesting "of angle" approach to this. Thanks for this suggestion. I guess Meditations by Aurelius can also be considered.

>> No.19219838

Definitely not for me, and I think many others would agree.