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File: 123 KB, 495x700, bertolt_brecht_illiterates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19219189 No.19219189 [Reply] [Original]

How did a one-note hack like Brecht become so widely acclaimed? Whenever I ask people they never even try to defend the plays themselves, they always start to go on about muh V-Effekt, muh technical innovations and such, tacitly admitting that his actual plays are creatively bankrupt and predictable tankie propaganda pieces.

>inb4 translations
I read them in the original, they are nowhere near impressive.

>> No.19219385

Nepotism. Ideologically motivated 'art' clears the ground for mediocrities to shoe horn their on-message horseshit. Socialist Realism on one hand, infantile garbage on the other as thinly veiled money laundering instruments.

>> No.19219610


>> No.19219650

If he wrote the exact same shit but for the nazis he would have gotten completely memory holed.

>> No.19219660

Fuck your Bert I btfo'd the cunts defending you in high school debate

>> No.19219717

>If he wrote the exact same shit but for the nazis

>> No.19219730

According to my theater loving friends, Brecht ist the best because he is a commie. They always spout the line from Benjamin that fascists can Not make art. That art is only possible with the communist goal in mind, making Brecht the first true and oh so grand playwright.
I am not joking.

>> No.19219789

You aren't better than them for believing the opposite, you know.

>> No.19219855

I thought Mother Courage was good. I can take or leave Threepenny though.

>> No.19219867

I thought he was a mixed bag
Mother Courage
Caucasian Chalk Circle

I thought Threepenny was meh overall but liked a few of the songs
(Mack the Knife and the Black Freighter)

I loathed Baal

>> No.19219877

He interceded for Ernst Junger post WW2 when some of the German commies wanted to put him on a hit list.

>> No.19219904

>predictable tankie propaganda pieces
That's all there is to them

>> No.19219932

>Bertolt Brecht
A Stalin Peace Prize award winning author, that runied theatre by inventing regietheater.

>> No.19219958


>> No.19219989

>A Stalin Peace Prize award winning author, that runied theatre
Name one who isn't based

>> No.19220076

>Neruda, Jorge Amado, Guillén, Alberti

All shit. And yes, I read them in the original.
Picasso (half the time), Aragon (not always) and Joris Ivens (at least one movie) are good.
Some good scientists there too.

>> No.19220136

That doesnt mean his art is worth anything more because of it

>> No.19220282

>Commies claim that only under communism true artistic freedom can be achieved
>All commie artists produced soulless shit like 'socialist realism' that is the state-sponsored equivalent of capitalist grubstyle garbage
How do they reconcile these two contradictions?

>> No.19220305

Something something the dialectic of history something something the purpose of artist is to get society there something something classless and stateless utopia at the end of history making anime real

>> No.19220376

Easy. The commie artists you described worked to please the exploitative state capitalism system, and therefore could not produce anything of merit by definition. All the actual commie artists were the dissidents who were persecuted by the commie states for pointing out how what the state doing is literally capitalism with a red paint coat - but they proliferated in exile or through samizdat. The current artistic discourse still worships the ground they trod on.

>> No.19220389

>Whenever I ask people they never even try to defend the plays themselves, they always start to go on about muh V-Effekt, muh technical innovations and such, tacitly admitting that his actual plays are creatively bankrupt
Kek that's like saying Shakespeare is "creatively bankrupt" because he stole all his plots and people mostly defend one aspect of his plays (the language). Get filtered, pseud.

>All commie artists produced soulless shit like 'socialist realism'
>he says, in a thread about Brecht

>> No.19220395

Brecht is great, but the main reason he is remembered is Weill
Nazis can't into irony. Imagine unironically listening to nothing but Wagner, marches, and Schlager. Even pol needed to copy cultural Marxist strategies to be effective trolls

>> No.19220432

You'd think his plays are complete shit if you didn't already agree with his politics.

Don't even try to pretend otherwise.

>> No.19220462

Don't be daft, Commies are as retarded as any other doctrinaires, and Brecht shows universals that are equally applicable to all hypocritical systems of exploitation, and the length people will go to to fake themselves being better
Like you, reading everything as political

>> No.19220510

But the opposite has more merit. It should not be a surprise that almost all socialist writers either created mechanical works of aesthetic engineering, cynical propaganda, or kitsch for the masses. Mann and Tolstoy (due to their religiosity) and Kafka (due to his mental issues) are the only exceptions I can think of.

>> No.19220525

Name three good non-socialist writers.

>> No.19220538

Stein, Eliot, Pessoa

>> No.19220563

>Stein, Eliot, Pessoa
I said non-socialist.

>> No.19220566

I never read any of his plays, but he wrote some decentish poetry early in his life. Nothing great, and a lot of it annoys me, but I like some of it.

I can post some when I get home, if anyone is interested.

>> No.19220573

How is Kafka a "socialist writer"?

>> No.19220583
File: 362 KB, 365x497, 3a29f7d74f2165d9d1afe06ad034f468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagner was a better and more influential dramatist.


>> No.19220584

He called himself a socialist.

>> No.19220587

He simped for Bakunin and Kropotkin.

>> No.19220596

And I anime’s them. It seems socialists and lefties just seem to assume that any celebrated artist was a socialist by default. It’s a bizarre form of dogmatism.
He was a socialist who wrote. His politics are pretty clear in the way he presents the conditions of laborers.

>> No.19220597

Not *true* commie artists. Real communist art hasn't been tried.

>> No.19220600

But his writing wasn't.

>> No.19220678

You can clearly see the socialist sympathies in his works.

>> No.19220695
File: 68 KB, 877x546, 8e7b4919c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19220714

Conservatives are incapable of higher thought and therefore can't produce art

>> No.19220715

I haven’t played that game, so if you’re referencing something specific, I wouldn’t get it.
If you’re making fun of me for the way my misspelling of “named” autocorrected to “anime’s,” fair enough.

>> No.19220736

by defining socialist realism as "true artistic freedom" and demanding that anyone who disagrees is killed

>> No.19220738

They were pretty good at it before WWII. What’s more interesting is the observable decline of all arts since the left achieved hegemonic control of them. Seems like all that “higher thought” you’re so proud of isn’t conducive to the production of good art.

>> No.19220743

Not really making fun of you, but it gave me a reminder, yes.

>> No.19220748

Seems commies really need capitialism as the ultimate antagonist how else would their art work? Would it just be aesthetic wankery and personal dramas?

>> No.19220755

Waugh and eliot are pretty good. Can maybe lump lawrence in there too

>> No.19220757


>> No.19220774

>Seems commies really need capitialism as the ultimate antagonist how else would their art work?

> Would it just be aesthetic wankery and personal dramas?
Obviously, after winnning they become the new conservative dogmatists and lose all capacity for creativity - and it's the subversives who criticize them from the POV of a new (even more fully automated, luxury and gay sort of space communism) prospective formation that become the font of creativity in the society.

It's basic fucking dialectic, it's a classic, you're supposed to know this shit!

>> No.19220826

So is there true art at the end of whatever humanity can maximally achieve? Or would we finally relaize art was fake and gay

>> No.19220831

Why do americans think that the entire world during all ages defaults to their 21st century categories of reactionary and socialist?

>> No.19220840

There is a continuous process of aspiring towards true art and declaring anything that is not this aspiration (be it from past or present) as fake and gay, and that process in itself is practical - so we cannot know if anything lies at the end of it or of it is even finite or not without going through the process first - but we can certainly say that the process exists.

>> No.19220849

Because they will it to be so, and have issues with comprehending reality's disagreement with what they will.

>> No.19220869

How so?

>> No.19220913

His depiction of labor and its effects on the individual seem more sympathetic to socialism than to anything else.

>> No.19220920

>socialism is when you feel sad for mistreated people

>> No.19220939

Unironically yes.

>> No.19220944

That's essentially the only meaningful distinction applicable ever since the inception of the novel as a format
If it makes you feel better I don't think homer would be qualified as a socialist but that's about it

>> No.19220969

>Imagine unironically listening to nothing but Wagner, marches, and Schlager.
You dont understand because you lack empathy.

>> No.19220977

>Conservatives are incapable of higher thought and therefore can't produce art
statements like these are supossed to show off ones dark triad traits.

>> No.19220996

>inception of the novel as a format
So since the hellenistic age?

The grammar and vocabulary of your post-French Revolution ideology barely even maps down to post-Renaissance societies, much less earlier ones or societies that are not European. Attitudes like yours a couple centuries down the line will sound like medieval monks arguing about whether Plato, Aristotle, or Homer were crypto-christians : completely nonsensical and unaware of the historical contingency of the frameworks by which they made their evaluations.

>> No.19221153
File: 118 KB, 1288x1600, bhxugfxkkdfbng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19221170

The measures taken is a fucking masterpiece you useless cunt. It’s the only left proletarian aesthetic defence of Leninism. Koestlers gladiators is bourgeois.

>> No.19221185
File: 200 KB, 955x1600, thepillarsofsociety_george_grosz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brecht is to theater as Grosz is to the visual arts. They will be forgotten when the tides shift and their flavor of politics and activism falls out of favor.

Such is the price they pay for whoring themselves out wholesale to ever-shifting political currents.

>> No.19221234

>this quote

what an asshole, you don't know how to live if you don't vote? rejection of politics comes from awareness of reality, dumb utopian faggot.

>> No.19221242

That is a rather vague fundament to call someone a "socialist writer".

>> No.19221252

By the way, I'm not even really sure who they made their works for. Right-wingers? Obviously not. The middle classes? Nah, they (the commies) are too anti-bourgeois (nominally), and the tribalistic air about the whole communist vs. fascist thing has a bit too much of a lower-class tinge to it for most self-conscious bourgeois citizens. The lower classes? Most likely, but the overwhelming majority of lower classes don't like either the marked association of communism with semites, nor the militant atheism or social and artistic libertinism that accompanies it.

So I'm tempted to think that they didn't make it for any group particular, but for each other, as a shibboleth expressing affiliation and loyalty towards the in-group, on the surface directed towards "society", but in practice actually meant to convey belonging to the group and little else. At the very least, I'm yet to encounter a work which is both popular and -aggressively- geared towards championing a particular social cause with little in the way of other things going on.

>> No.19221296

He has some cool art but this one just screama SEETHE

>> No.19221314

I think the fact that he identified as a socialist is enough to justify describing him as one.

>> No.19221327

Guess what faggots if you throw your hands up and say bah they are all the same anyway your daily life is going to be heavily affected by political forces with you willingly having no saying whatsoever in the matter
If you rejected politics to become a terrorist or something that would be acceptable but you just sit at your computer shuddering and saying it doesn't matter while complaining about how stupid and bad the world is

>> No.19221332

>lower classes don't like either the marked association of communism with semites, nor the militant atheism or social and artistic libertinism that accompanies it
Lower classes are not conservatives and secret ultra-nationalist like you wish they were hun

>> No.19221350

The collaboration of Brecht and Weill is one of the best duos in history.

>> No.19221360

Spoken like someone who never spent any time among actual proles.

Seriously, I'd be willing to bet that at least half the reason why communists never got anywhere was the irreconcilable contradiction between the sort of milieu required to become a true believer tankie and the sort of milieu the overwhelming majority of actual proles grow up and live in.

Stop treating proles like they are noble savages endowed with magical qualities and purer souls due to their poverty.

>> No.19221382

poor people are just normal people dude, they don’t magically have political & social views assigned to them. plenty are progressive, plenty conservative, more communists than reactionaries if we wish to look at minority positions

>> No.19221390

Pretty good for obvious propaganda. Kind of like that nazi film maker chick

>> No.19221405

The vast majority of proles don't reach the sufficient level of political consciousness to be said to have any coherent views about politics, they just drift along with the currents around them and at best assimilate or reject things depending on their mood or particular affinity.

>> No.19221409
File: 664 KB, 220x369, gigachad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine unironically listening to nothing but Wagner, marches, and Schlager

>> No.19221433

His work could never be used by the Nazis. Even the techniques would fall flat. If the Threepenny Opera were produced by the Nazis it would just be Jews huckstering around and killing people with no subtlety or thought put into it.

>> No.19221438

Brecht willingly did not live in East Germany as they trued to suppress him. Rather he lived in the west. Make of that what you want to.

>> No.19221439


>> No.19221443

Why did they suppress him when probably nobody outside the USSR had their tongue farther up communism's ass than him?

>> No.19221458

Wasnt brecht a not true communism'r when he talked of the soviets

>> No.19221529

People can dislike it all they want but you have to admit Weill is catchy.

Anstatt Dass. Anstatt Dass. Das ist die moon uber Soho.

>> No.19221563

>more communists than reactionaries if we wish to look at minority positions
You have never spoken to a WORKING CLASS minority, have you? Here's a hint, they are center-right, usually.

>> No.19221636

Von der Kindsmörderin Marie Farrar

Marie Farrar, geboren im April
Unmündig, merkmallos,rachitisch, Waise
Bislang angeblich unbescholten, will
Ein Kind ermordet haben in der Weise:
Sie sagt, sie habe schon im zweiten Monat
Bei einer Frau in einem Kellerhaus
Versucht, es abzutreiben mit zwei Spritzen
Angeblich schmerzhaft, doch ging's nicht heraus.
Doch ihr, ich bitte euch, wollt nich in Zorn verfallen
Denn alle Kreatur braucht Hilf von allen.

Sie habe dennoch, sagt sie, gleich bezahlt
was ausgemacht war, sich fortan geschnürt
Auch Sprit getrunken, Pfeffer drin vermahlt
Doch habe sie das nur stark abgeführt. Ihr Leib sei zusehends geschwollen, habe
Auch stark geschmerzt, beim Tellerwaschen oft.
Sie selbst sei, sagt sie, damals noch gewachsen.
Sie habe zu Marie gebetet, viel erhofft.
Auch ihr, ich bitte euch, wollt nich in Zorn verfallen
Denn alle Kreatur braucht Hilf von allen.

Doch die Gebete hätten, scheinbar, nichts genützt.
Es war auch viel verlangt. Als sie dann dicker war
Hab ihr in Frühmetten geschwindelt. Oft hab sie geschwitzt
Auch Angstschweiß, häufig unter dem Altar. Doch hab den Zustand sie geheimgehalten
Bis die Geburt sie nachher überfiel
Es sei gegangen, da wohl niemand glaubte
dass sie, sehr reizlos, in Versuchung fiel.
Und ihr, ich bitte euch, wollt nich in Zorn verfallen
Denn alle Kreatur braucht Hilf von allen.

An diesem Tag, sagt sie, in aller Früh
Ist ihr beim Stiegenwischen so, als krallten
Ihr Nägel in den Bauch. Es schüttelt sie.
Jedoch gelingt es ihr, den Schmerz geheimzuhalten.
Den ganzen Tag, es sei beim Wäschehängen
Zerbricht sie sich den Kopf; dann kommt sie drauf
Dass sie gebären sollte, und es wird ihr
Gleich schwer ums Herz. Erst spät geht sie hinauf.
Doch ihr, ich bitte euch, wollt nich in Zorn verfallen
Denn alle Kreatur braucht Hilf von allen.

Man holte sie noch einmal, als sie lag
Schnee war gefallen, und sie mußte kehren.
Das ging bis elf. Es war ein langer Tag.
Erst in der Nacht konnt sie in Ruhe gebären.
Und sie gebar, so sagt sie, einen Sohn.
Der Sohn war ebenso wie andere Söhne.
Doch war sie nicht, wie andre Mütter sind obschon -
Es liegt kein Grund vor, dass ich sie verhöhne.
Doch ihr, ich bitte euch, wollt nich in Zorn verfallen
Denn alle Kreatur braucht Hilf von allen.

So lasst sie also weiter denn erzählen
wie es mit diesem Sohn geworden ist
(Sie wolle davon, sagt sie, nichts verhehlen)
Damit man sieht wie ich bin und du bist.
Sie sagt, sie sei, nur kurz im Bett, von Übelkeit stark befallen worden, und allein
Hab sie, nicht wissend, was geschehen sollte
Mit Mühe sich bezwungen, nicht zu schrein.
Und ihr, ich bitte euch, wollt nich in Zorn verfallen
Denn alle Kreatur braucht Hilf von allen.

>> No.19221643

Mit letzter Kraft hab sie, so sagt sie, dann
Da ihre Kammer auch eiskalt gewesen
sich zum Abort geschleppt und dort auch (wann weiß sie nicht mehr) geborn ohn Federlesen
So gegen Morgen zu. Sie sei, sagt sie
Jetzt ganz verwirrt gewesen, habe dann
Halb schon erstarrt, das Kind kaum halten können
Weil es in den Gesindabort hereinschnein kann.
Und ihr, ich bitte euch, wollt nich in Zorn verfallen
Denn alle Kreatur braucht Hilf von allen.

Dann zwischen Kammer und Abort - vorher, sagt sie
Sei noch gar nichts gewesen - fing das Kind zu schreien an, das hab sie so verdrossen, sagt sie
Dass sie's mit beiden Fäusten, ohne Aufhörn, blind
So lang geschlagen habe, bis es still war, sagt sie.
Hieraus hab sie das Tote noch durchaus
zu sich ins Bett genommen für den Rest der Nacht
Und es versteckt am Morgen in dem Wäschehaus.
Doch ihr, ich bitte euch, wollt nich in Zorn verfallen
Denn alle Kreatur braucht Hilf von allen.

Marie Farrar, geboren im April
gestorben im Gefängnishaus zu Meißen
Ledige Kindesmutter, abgeurteilt, will
Euch die Gebrechen aller Kreatur erweisen.
Ihr, die ihr gut gebärt in saubren Wochenbetten
und nennt "gesegnet" euren schwangren Schoß
wollt nicht verdammen die verworfnen Schwachen
Denn ihre Sünd war groß, doch ihr Leid war groß.
Darum ihr, ich bitte euch, wollt nich in Zorn verfallen
Denn alle Kreatur braucht Hilf von allen.

>> No.19221708

>your daily life is going to be heavily affected by political forces
You're wrong, and so is he.
Political forces affect your life heavily only if you and your regular activities are tied to the government, or you're in a highly unstable political environment (regular dissent locally). If you're relatively self-sufficient, the only politics you're involved in pertain directly to what you can do when interacting with others, or threatening activities.

>> No.19221713

This, with the exception of gays.

>> No.19221779

>why does everything at the market costs so much now
>anon don't you know? The government approved new import taxes and that's the effect we see on prices for consumer products
>well fuck me good things lately business has been good for my shop
>actually there are new regulations for those products, you can't sell them anymore. Also taxes have been raised
>this sucks, I need to go home and collect my thoughts in peace
>you may want to go somewhere else for that then. Your neighbour has been overrun by loud immigrant and crime has skyrocketed
>well shit I will defend myself then
>nope, guns are banned now. Seriously anon, don't you ever read a newspaper
Unless for self-sufficient you mean an autarchic commune in Alaska or something you are screwed, and even then you are at risk

>> No.19222023

>Nazis can't into irony.
Maybe because irony is negative, superficial, and hostile to higher values?

>> No.19222031

He defected to East Germany you fucking retard.

>> No.19222082


I actually think Baal is one of his best plays, with Caucasian Chalk Circle being pretty meh (but even with that, it was a lot better than most of today's trash that passes for theatre).

>> No.19222190

Read Total Art of Stalinism

>> No.19222202

Neither Mann or Tolstoj were socialist. Not sure about Kafka.
>But the opposite has more merit
Grow up

>> No.19222207

yeah becoming a terrorist and getting thrown in jail or killed while accomplishing nothing is such a good outcome, what a mongoloid. In the case where nothing can be done then the correct course of action is to do nothing. Focus on something that you can improve for a change.

>> No.19222213

>since the left achieved hegemonic control of them

>> No.19222221

>the correct course of action is to do nothing
The absolute state of conservacucks

>> No.19222225

I was using a broader conception of socialism that included anarchism and social democracy. And I’m serious about what I said. I don’t think there’s any worthwhile literary works written by people who identified as socialists, even in the broader sense. I think holding that set of ideals makes someone incapable of artistic expression.

>> No.19222237

no, conservatives believe in voting and democratic organisation. If conservatives believed in doing nothing they wouldn't embarass themselves by voting of drumpf and believing in qanon. i'm a reactionary.

>> No.19222272

>I'm gonna do absolutely nothing and not react to anything. That's what I call being a reactionary

>> No.19222303

Yes. Eventually the sclerotic liberal state will eat itself and something better will emerge naturally the same way the Soviet Union collapsed with no revolution or terrorism necessary. By all means explain how killing yourself in a deluded terrorist attack accomplishes anything.

>> No.19222331
File: 280 KB, 640x510, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think holding that set of ideals makes someone incapable of artistic expression.
>I agree with this guy, therefore I like his art

>> No.19222402
File: 2.37 MB, 1786x1132, White_House_Moscow_-_August_1991_defences_-_panoramio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the same way the Soviet Union collapsed with no revolution or terrorism necessary
Read books.
>Do you consider necessary the preservation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics in which the rights and freedom of an individual of any ethnicity will be fully guaranteed?

Choice Votes %
For 113,512,812 77.8

Against 32,303,977 22.2

Invalid/blank votes 2,757,817

Total 148,574,606 100

Registered voters/turnout 185,647,355 80.0

>> No.19222470

Brutalist art was nothing more than tacky decorations.

>> No.19222592

So, I take it no one else has read his poetry?

>> No.19222622

>Brutalism begets Analism

>i jes think art can onli be about gawd an stuff. Free people make junky stiff i done lyk, and they watch porn and stuff

>> No.19222682

>>i jes think art can onli be about gawd an stuff. Free people make junky stiff i done lyk, and they watch porn and stuff
Not, free people, people enslaved by their bodies to such an extent that it is their only concern. What marxists call “false consciousness” is the necessary condition for good art.

>> No.19222708 [DELETED] 

>What marxists call “false consciousness”
Oh. Well most socialists aren’t Marxians. We like Utopia, and so Art wouldn’t suffer in actual communism. Hell, some of the. Would remain religious, I’m sure.

>> No.19222714

>What marxists call “false consciousness”
Oh. Well most socialists aren’t Marxians. We like Utopia, and so art wouldn’t suffer in actual communism. Hell, some of them would remain religious, I’m sure.

>> No.19222737

Imagine using politics to judge works of art lol I am so happy im not you.

>> No.19223480
File: 417 KB, 1369x1897, Wilhelm Richard Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a Jew may have the amplest store of specific talents, may own the finest and most varied culture, the highest and the tenderest sense of honour—yet without all these pre-eminences helping him, were it but one single time, to call forth in us that deep, that heart-searching effect which we await from Art because we know her capable thereof, because we have felt it many a time and oft, so soon as once a hero of our art has, so to say, but opened his mouth to speak to us. To professional critics, who haply have reached a like consciousness with ourselves hereon, it may be left to prove by specimens of Mendelssohn's art-products our statement of this indubitably certain thing; by way of illustrating our general impression, let us here be content with the fact that, in hearing a tone-piece of this composer's, we have only been able to feel engrossed where nothing beyond our more or less amusement-craving Phantasy was roused through the presentment, stringing-together and entanglement of the most elegant, the smoothest and most polished figures—as in the kaleidoscope's changeful play of form and colour—but never where those figures were meant to take the shape of deep and stalwart feelings of the human heart.

Sums up Brecht pretty well.

>> No.19224077

Funny because that essay by Benjamin was definitely the most surface-level thing he's ever done. I have a feeling he knew that he must at least have one essay or so with some degree of readability so that even the common masses can understand it, and now it's certainly the most "popular" thing he's ever wrote. The day your theater-fags start talking about his impenetrable Origin of the German Trauerspiel instead is when the worm has truly turned

>> No.19224157

I'm perfectly willing to admit that Brecht's works and existence makes me seethe more than he probably deserves to be thought about. He also has one of the least impressive physiognomies of any early 20th century writer I have ever seen. It's not like he's especially ugly or anything, but rather painfully average looking (though one always has to ask whether looking like a disgruntled German factory worker was intentionally part of his master plan all along). There is some solace in knowing that he never really wrote anything that truly penetrated the the barrier to public consciousness that separates timeless works of art from those that are "of their time" that even normalfags know about.

That said Galileo was alright. Nothing that the world couldn't do without however. As trite as this may sound, I can't imagine a world without Shaw's Pygmalion for example, or just Arms and the Man for making Bulgarians seethe, even though I don't like Shaw either

>> No.19224312
File: 37 KB, 474x515, 1630709604959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't speak about Mann but Tolstoy has his fair amount of kitsch as well.
Kafka, which is a one-pony-trick ('hack' on 4channel) may have been socialist leaning but all his major works are pro-personal freedoms and against a bureacratic state. He is rather a proto-Kaczynski. You can't have anarchy and (marxist) socialism in one system.

It has already happened it Germany. Brecht being an incredible piece of shit to his wives and girlfriends fastens it in the current pc culture.

>> No.19224355

Poor people choose the right because a large soulless company or the military will accept them if they do their work, while universities and bureaucrats would outgroup them for not showing the proper social decorum. Its that simple

>> No.19224686

Thoughts on this? It doesn't seem like you guys actually want to discuss literature, with all your bickering about ideology.

>> No.19224810

The biggest kek in the end was that he became a huge, unremovable fixture in the literary curriculum of most eastern bloc countries that I am aware of, people who lived through commie era schooling think of him like his generation though of as Schiller and all those other bougie playwrights who they thought were forced on them by the bougie society and state around them.

>> No.19224838

>Attitudes like yours a couple centuries down the line will sound like medieval monks arguing about whether Plato, Aristotle, or Homer were crypto-christians : completely nonsensical and unaware of the historical contingency of the frameworks by which they made their evaluations.
Very well put

>> No.19224933

Try writing it in a language that matters and then we'll talk

>> No.19225044

Based take.

>> No.19225098

Of the child murderess Marie Farra

Marie Farrar, born in April,
not yet of age, unremarkable, rickety, orphan
so far supposedly unblemished, has
allegedly murdered a child in this way:
She says, already in the second month
with a woman in a storehous
she tried aborting it with two syringes
Supposedly painful, but it did not come out.
But you, I beg, must not in ire fall
For every creature needs the help of all.

Nevertheless, she said, she paid at once
what was agreed upon, and hence she bound herself
drank alcohol aswell, with groundup pepper,
But that had only laxative effects.
Her body has noticably swollen, has
hurt a lot, often when washing plates.
She herself, she says, was still growing then.
She praid a lot to Mary, hoped a lot.
You too, I beg, must not in ire fall
For every creature needs the help of all.

The prayers had, apparently, not worked.
She was asking a lot, anyway. When she was bigger
she got dizzy during breakfast. She sweat often,
fearful sweat aswell, often under the altar.
But she kept the condition secret
until later on the birth ambushed her.
It worked, as no one would believe,
that she, without charms, would fall to temptation.
And you, I beg, must not in ire fall
For every creature needs the help of all.

That day, she says, in early morning,
while scrubbing stairs it felt as if
nails clawed into her stomach. She is shaken.
But she manages to keep the pain secret.
All day, be it while hanging out the laundry,
she racks her brain; then finally she sees,
that she must now give birth. Immediately
her heart grows heavy. She goes to bed late.
But you, I beg, must not in ire fall
For every creature needs the help of all.

She was called back again, when she was lying
Snow had fallen, and she had to sweep.
Until eleven. It was a long day.
Only at night she could give birth in peace.
She gave birth, she says, to a son.
It was a son quite like other sons.
Only she was not like other mothers, though
there is no reason for me to mock her.
But you, I beg, must not in ire fall
For every creature needs the help of all.

So let me keep telling
what has become of that son.
(She says, she does not want to hide anything.)
So that it can be seen how I am and you are.
She says, she was, only briefly in bed,
overwhelmed by strong nausea, and alone
she has, not knowing, what was to happen,
under great effort forced herself not to scream.
And you, I beg, must not in ire fall
For every creature needs the help of all.

>> No.19225104

With her last strength she has, so she says,
as her chamber was freezing cold,
carried herself to the outhouse and there (she doesn't remember when) quickly given birth,
maybe at morning. She was, she says,
now totally confused and was,
half stiff already, barely able to hold the child,
as it snowed into the servant chamber.
And you, I beg, must not in ire fall
Cause every creature needs the help of all.

Then between chamber and outhouse - before, she says,
it was all fine - the child started screaming,
which irritated her so, she says,
that with both fists, without stopping, blindly,
hit it for so long, until it was silent, she says.
Afterwards she had taken the dead
quite into bed with her for the remaining night
and hid it in the morning in the laundry house.
But you, I beg, must not in ire fall
Cause every creature needs the help of all.

Marie Farrar, born in April,
died in prison house in Meissen.
Unmarried child mother, condemned, wants
to show you the ailments of all creatures.
You, who give good birth in a clean puerperium
and call "blessed" your pregnant womb,
shall not damn the discarded weak,
for her sin was great, her suffering was great.
So you, I beg, must not in ire fall
For every creature needs the help of all.

There you go. A very rough translation that completely disregards the (fairly bumbly already) meter of the original. I think at some points I wrecked English syntax a bit, but that's what happens when you translate poetry.

>> No.19225687

>i-its a juice!

>Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht (as a child known as Eugen) was born on 10 February 1898 in Augsburg, Germany, the son of Berthold Friedrich Brecht (1869–1939) and his wife Sophie, née Brezing (1871–1920). Brecht's mother was a devout Protestant and his father a Roman Catholic (who had been persuaded to have a Protestant wedding).

>> No.19225974

He was the most talented writer in the GDR and as such a popular counter-culture choice to read for western German lefty scholars. That's literally it. That's the whole story.

>> No.19225998

>Brecht is counter culture

>> No.19226004

This is it




>> No.19226031

That's kind of funny, isn't it, since all Brecht is, is the outrage and cynicism that comes when your empathy meets all the constant exploitation and hypocrisy of every single fucker around. I like Wagner, and marches, and schlager. Ironically. Because it, like Fascism, simply shows the spirit of the downtrodden, and the worthless
>Maybe because irony requires an IQ above 80 to recognize
See you get it

>> No.19226054

I said "was", not "is", American.


>> No.19226206

Ah. I read an "is" into that conjunctional sentence, my mistake.