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[ERROR] No.19217410 [Reply] [Original]

The would-to-come caesar in spenglarian terms will most certainly be BAP adjacent and you niggas act like this isn't a big deal

>> No.19217429

>twitter ecelebs are going to overthrow the government
[laughs in Bidenese]

>> No.19217469

The new Caesar will never have heard of BAP or Nietzsche tbqh

BAP is fun but there's only so much you can hint at having big plans and not do anything before people stop listening

>> No.19217481

Do you listen to his podcast? He had Moldbug on recently

>> No.19217529
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Right now we're in our Sulla period. Trump represented a Gracchi/Marius type figure, sort of both of them rolled into one, including Marius' attempts to overthrow the established order. Biden and the establishment are Sulla and the Senatorial class, ruthlessly trying to stamp out deviations from the established order and trying to get things "back to normal," but in the process destroying a lot of norms and removing a lot of guardrails that held rulers back in the past.

If America truly does parallel Rome, the man who comes after Biden will be the first sign of true Caesarism. Trump was merely a hint of what's to come, and not even all that dramatic a hint. The man who comes after Biden is going to blow Trump and Biden away in terms of the way he wields power.

I suppose we're probably due for some kind of American version of the First Triumvirate, too.

>> No.19217548

I dont really understand what baps political philosphy is but it's definitely not Spenglerian. It seems more like fascism to me than anything else

>> No.19217565
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pic related?

>> No.19217574

when will incels self-becomers GTFO of this board

>> No.19217578

based and redpilled

>> No.19217584
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>> No.19217666

Possibly. I think if Tucker wants power he can get it, the question is does he want it. I do think Tucker's a strong Caesar candidate. Maybe not the man who comes after Biden, but Tucker may be the man who comes after the man who comes after Biden. The death knell of the Republic.

>> No.19217675

But the man who's gonna come after Biden is Kanye West. He isn't going the a Caesar

>> No.19217677

Isn't it rather likely Tucker is a spook or spook-adjacent? I know he says some edgy stuff on his show that makes it seem he might be a loose cannon but I cant really see the regime allowing someone that big to exist if he weren't unde lr their thumb.

>> No.19217690

I want to believe this but it seems too wishful to be true. I dunno if we are on the verge of embarking on a new and glorious era like the Romans did after going from Republic to Empire, or if it's 473 AD.

>> No.19217773

Nice digits, but I think Tucker is best suited for where he is right now. He isn't hostile enough. We need somebody with the fire of Alex Jones who doesn't come off as a mental patient.

>> No.19217790

Are you kidding? Kanye is absolutely a Caesar-type figure. He's got the ego for it.

>> No.19217797

Tucker is quite literally controlled opposition. His entire point is to dilute Right wing beliefs and points. He just furthers finklethink.

The White Pilled choice is 473AD. America's Caesar would be the most grotesque synthesis of both sides of the kosher sandwich that you can imagine.

>> No.19217809
File: 458 KB, 1500x2250, Statue-Augustus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, the drama and the chaos we've increasingly seen feels more like the end of the republic than the end of the empire.

Someone in a debate similar to this one said something important: "The republic went out with a bang, the empire went out with a whimper." At least in the West. The chaos and tumult we have increasingly seen feels more like the former than the latter. Not to mention that America still doesn't feel all that week compared to its peers. Rome, too, seemed on the verge of collapse at the end of its republic, the beginning of its empire. Augustus revitalized it and set the stage for renewal. An American Augustus could reinvigorate Imperial America and set the stage for another century or two of dominance and grandeur. Perhaps even more grandeur than before. Remember, Rome didn't reach the highest heights of its wealth and power until Trajan.

>> No.19217813

kanye is a retarded nigger

>> No.19217817

>America's Caesar would be the most grotesque synthesis of both sides of the kosher sandwich that you can imagine.
If he/she will save the country, I don't care.

I really hope you are right

>> No.19217822

>save the country
"Saving the country" involves Jews getting richer and you getting poorer. You don't seriously think that you're a Patrician, do you? The system was built around exploiting you, not benefiting you.

>> No.19217825

We are at the end of the kali yuga, the masse depopulation agenda is in effect in the west, by 2030 they will have imported hundreds of millions of 3rd world retards to replace the dead westerners, and we will see cataclysms and book of revelations shit. it won't last though, humanity will be destroyed but for a few survivors to usher in the next golden age, but they might be waiting around underground for a long time.

>> No.19217829

you think jews are a patricians? they are merchants at best, if not servants

>> No.19217831

He has a different type of ego. He likes expression, art, celebration. He isn't a conquerer.
He's the richest one in American history, you don't do that by being stupid

>> No.19217840

Kali Yuga is Guenon, not Spengler.

>> No.19217841

The country =/= the regime

>> No.19217848

two more weeks bros

>> No.19217861

>AHHHHHHHHH iiiitttt burnnnsssss noooooo

>> No.19217899

The absolute state of Americans.

>> No.19217900

He named the Great Replacement. How much further right can you go without goosestepping around? He’s probably avoiding the JQ to avoid alienating his boomer evangelical audience

>> No.19217917

>If he/she will save the country, I don't care
Define “the country”. I don’t feel like saving our new Haitian neighbors. Maybe I’m shortsighted and going the way of Cato.

>> No.19217934

Ya ik, but Guenon is not really Guenon, just ancient wisdom.

well he is stupid, even if he has enough intuition to see through the lies (presumably because he's seen all the eyes wide shut freakshow shit behind the scenes)

>> No.19217937

He probably doesnt believe in it. Even most of the far right guys seem in denial about it or afraid to confront it or something.

>> No.19217939

The nation is all huwhite people and the non-whites who are huwhite in spirit who can share in the glory and get their own chunk of land.

>> No.19217945

the fact remains he has been gently introducing his normalfag boomer audience to the replacement of europeans.

>> No.19217949

When shit really hits the fan is when individual officers in the armed forces start getting ambitious. Anyone truly interested in destabilizing the United States would begin trying to destabilize the officer corps in the Army and the Marines. Try to convince the more ambitious ones to start plotting. After all, Caesar was a military man. Centuries later, so was Napoleon.

>> No.19217961

Moldbug is the opposite of exciting

>> No.19217964
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Tucker already did the JQ on his show, what else do people except? Only glow n'ggers call him a shill

>> No.19217968

This shit is gravely delusional

>> No.19217990

>“the country”
The collection of English-speaking peoples of North America who see the American Revolution and the Founding Fathers as the foundation of their national identity.

I have no doubt the US military has a gazillion countermeasures in place to prevent an internal coup from happening.

>> No.19217995

>We are at the end of the kali yuga
The kali yuga has barely begun kek
Yugas are Hindu, they're not thought up by Guenon.

>> No.19218018

>a gazillion countermeasures

What if they don't, though? Everybody always assumes this hypercompetance on the part of the US military and the US intelligence community. The "deep state." But what if a lot of them are a bunch of clueless old Boomers, apathetic Gen Xers, and idiotic woke Millennials? What if the people "in charge" of the country, the deep state, isn't nearly as smart as they're made out to be?

>> No.19218019

>I have no doubt the US military has a gazillion countermeasures in place to prevent an internal coup from happening.
The coup is already happening. Someone has to counter-coup. Although now is the wrong time. Too early.

>> No.19218036

>What if the people "in charge" of the country, the deep state, isn't nearly as smart as they're made out to be?
Then China has already won and we are doomed

>> No.19218054

It's too early for full caesars, the decline is a long process. Especially people thinking something major will happen after Biden. Technology might have sped up things a bit, but there should be centuries left still. Each crisis brings things closer, but things seem to be relatively "good" still.

Here's one possible timeline: http://avery.morrow.name/blog/2014/10/oswald-spenglers-decline-of-the-west-the-100th-anniversary-update/

And here is another, which assumes things take a lot longer to fall apart: http://www.benespen.com/spenglers-future

>> No.19218074

They have the same problems. History is not always about who is the best, sometimes it's just about who sucks least.

>> No.19218087

>The kali yuga has barely begun kek
No, it is almost at it's end. It isn't actually hundreds of thousands of years long. Guenon has shown this.

>> No.19218088

Call me a chink shill for not pretending China is decadent to please Americans;

They have a good momentum, China as a nation is raising quire fast, they have not yet fully developed a cancerous elite that will block any action because it'll hit one of their privileges, while the US is already too old and rooting.

Take for an example rent, both countries have deep terrible issues with poor people paying too much rent, China is taking many actions to deal with this while the US need to fight an uphill battle with banks, rich individuals and all sort of HOA like organizations to do any minor move.

>> No.19218094

The reason everyone's thinking we're further along is Trump. He's a very clear sign of the decline of the republic and the closeness of Caesarism. In a healthier civilization someone like Trump doesn't get into power. Sure, he didn't win the popular vote, but that fact that his rise even happened at all is a sign that caesarism isn't as far away as some people thought five years ago.

>> No.19218108

The sign of degeneration is not Ceasarism, but an ever-growing cancerous establishment that does nothing to deal with growing issues harming the nation and its people.

A health US would not have a Trump because the situation would not get degraded by many Obama/Bush types to the point people are willing to accept any savior.

>> No.19218123

moldbug history mogged BAP in that episode

>> No.19218140
File: 240 KB, 1080x1055, Screenshot_20211013-132842_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAP has been btfod. He will not recover from this.

>> No.19218141

True, but probably the most caesarian murican president ever was probably FDR. Populism is not a new thing even in American. Trump is a sign, but not necessarily a critical one.

>> No.19218143

>2027 A.D.
>Rome, 100 B.C.: The birth of Julius Caesar.
Julius Caesar is already in his teens as we speak. This is what Moldbug told Michael Anton in a recent conversation.

Where articles like this that precede 2016 fall short is the element of Trump. Trump accelerated the timeline beyond anything we could have predicated before 2015. Any article that talks about Caesarism before 2016 without having predicted Trump will fall short in it's timeline by something like 20 years (yes, that's the impact Trump had)

>> No.19218147

BAP refuted Moldbugs Cathedral and worship of the Elites in the last segment of that episode

>> No.19218153

Does BAP have a new twitter account? Where can I find it?

>> No.19218157

>This is what Moldbug told Michael Anton in a recent conversation.

>> No.19218162

When you talk like this you jinx all of it.

>> No.19218169

Your article fails to account for Trump. The timeline will invariable fall short by at least 10 years.

>> No.19218186

Not really. Like Moldbug was saying, they have a different idea of "elite" and BAP was having an emotional response to their moral character, I think Moldbug is right in his disdain for this

>> No.19218200

Landshark is based, but he posts no example here, and such posts sound like typical BAP humorous anicdotes, like when he says on his pod the elites are sending poisonous radio waves to him etc. BAP doesn't want to look like Alex Jones

>> No.19218207

I didn’t post an article. I just stumbled in here and it’s painful to read this garbage.
> “moldbug mogged BAP”
> “you niggas”
> “Tucker Carlson 4 caesar”
> “No, Kanye 4 caesar”
> “Ackshually it’s the Kali Yuga”
> someone links the blog of the guy who wrote a book about Japanese UFOs (Avery Morrow)
> ctrl + f “Spengler”, 4 results, 2 are hyperlinks, 1 is OP
These will be the chapters of my new book, “The Decline of “/lit/“. Hopefully, I can the very big genius, Moldbug (not at all a literal who) to write the foreword.

>> No.19218208

Between election night and January Trump attended that Army Navy game and the whole crowd erupted over him. He was wildly popular.
He probably could have stayed in office if he really wanted to.

>> No.19218221

The elite of yesterday listened to Bach and read Goethe. Moldbugs "elites" go to naked raves were they twerk to Cardi b. Why are you and Moldbug disregarding the element of Taste and Class? This is what BAP meant by shrimp risotto eating Podesta

>> No.19218273

>He probably could have stayed in office if he really wanted to.
Then why didn't he? Don't pretend he didn't want to.

>> No.19218290

In the end he was either a coward or overly compassionate for the American people and didn't want to stir up too much trouble.

>> No.19218316


He's more powerful as a martyr.

>> No.19218331

He's clearly joking in the latter cases if you listen to his podcast.

>> No.19218377

He obviously didn't want to go full coup/civil war. Either that or he was ctrl op. But iw ouldnt be surprised if he just got scared when he realized what it would take. Hes an old man after all and he was in business not military.

>> No.19218447

Poast premium ep?

>> No.19218470

Yeah it's a fun show, I like it

I feel like he didn't understand Moldbugs point at the end though

>> No.19218475

No he just kept repeating that they aren't good people and didn't seem to absorb what Moldbug was saying that they were talking about two totally different groups

>> No.19218625

Why are Americans so gay and cringe? Uhh we’re gonna repeat Rome because...we just will ok? Muh trump gracchi. Fuck iff

>> No.19218647

Yeah nobody else has ever drawn comparisons between their country and Rome, only America

>> No.19218650

I used to think highly of BAP until I followed his social media and saw how much time he spent on it. How can you be inproving fizeek and travelling the world like he says he does while spending 8 hours on Twitter a day?

>> No.19218656


>> No.19218675

wait, you unironically don't believe the way he presents himself on his podcast with the fake voice, funny anecdotes and stories about himself are actually real do you?

I'm a big fan but honestly I think he's just a middle aged former academic and the things he says on the podcast are just for entertainment value (which I highly appreciate and think are funny)

>> No.19218693

But that’s the problem. The guys talking about the value of combat and vitality and shiet when he’s just a /neverserved/ rogue intellectual raised by university indoctrination. It comes off as a LARP, as much as I hate that word

>> No.19218705

I got filtered by "..and.. ummm the ... ahhh ummm"
I honestly felt like he was taking the piss and haming it up because hes reknowned for it. When he was on tuckerhe barely did that shit at all.

>> No.19218710

I'm guessing the Tucker bit was scripted

>> No.19218845

BAP is Tucker Carlson

>> No.19218908

BAP is Q for millennial simps.

>> No.19218917

Qrd on this guy? Watched the video, it's a decent argument

>> No.19218924

What a faggot cuckold, jesus christ

>> No.19218952

He's an interesting guy, studied music and philosophy for a long time. He's made a lot of videos concerning science based cosmology, historical power structures and such. He may or may not be a schizo trying to form a pedagogical method to create philosopher kings a la Plato and bought land to create a school

>> No.19219036

>both countries have deep terrible issues with poor people paying too much rent
never seen this but I know China for millennials has a 70% rate of home ownership so China have a headstart again in that the issue is isolated to a smaller segment of the population