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19217303 No.19217303 [Reply] [Original]

I find 'man's best friend' to be one of the most beautiful phrases out there, referring to one of the most affirming relationships a guy can have.
Are there any great books out there about the simple stories of a man and his dog?

>> No.19217311

start with the greeks

>> No.19217317

Argos :(

>> No.19217318


>> No.19217688

this is so pathetic, you are a victim of psychological warfare. stop being a fucking baby.

>> No.19217698

>you are a victim of psychological warfare because you like dogs
You surely see that this is ridiculous

>> No.19217708

Your "best friend" is a shaggy beast with IQ of a toddler. Reassess your life's values if your friendship is so easily purchased.

>> No.19217753

Not because you like dogs, because you are so weak and emotional. Strong men lead society forward and raise families and have children and the emotions are basically irrelevant, they aren't poetic fags like OP. I had a dog, and I liked him, then he got old and had to be put down. Yes, it was very "sad" when he was yelping and convulsing and in obvious great pain, stiffening up and going cold, shitting out bile, fear and suffering in his eyes. I had to have him put down and it was sad, but I didn't shed a tear nor let it stop me for a second, yet even now thinking about it could bring a tear to my eye if I permitted such things. I'm not a pussy.

The same can be said for these guys who find a girl and think she is "the one" and obsess over her and think their life is meaningless if she doesn't like you or even hates or is digusted by you (I was guilty of this myself when I was younger, yes it sucks but guess what you are meant to overcome it to become superior). Being overtaken by your emotions is for women and children, all normal civilisations understood this. Now men are becoming trannies. This is a disease.

>> No.19217761


>> No.19217802

More evidence that you're an effeminate wimp is superfluous at this point. You're probably underaged. Your dog doesn't matter, it will die and mean nothing, as billions of dogs have died before, and millions will die this year. The active overcoming of your emotions is what provides true meaning.

>> No.19217821

You are cucked by society by bending to it’s definition of masculinity and repressing emotion.
You refuse to forge on your own in genuine pursuit of real experience by denying yourself emotions in the interest of appearing “masculine” to other people.

>> No.19217833

anon do you 1) read mishima 2) are short by any chance

>> No.19217839

Get to overcoming them then bruh

>> No.19217851

You're a faggot. A dog is strong, steadfast, and loyal. There's a different between a heckin cute little pupperino who's there to look cute and make you forget that you're miserable, and a companion who embodies nobility.

>> No.19217886

Masculinity and femininity are not societal constructs. They exist in and above nature or space and time. You are claiming I'm "cucked" by society, yet we live in a society where your ideas are promoted and mine are not. You lack even the most superficial level of introspection and reflection to not be able to see this.
>You refuse to forge on your own in genuine pursuit of real experience by denying yourself emotions in the interest of appearing “masculine” to other people.
My goal is overcoming the human condition, not falling to it like you. Why are you assuming that I care a whit for what other people think of me? I have to assume you're projecting here, because I don't know where else this would come from. You do not know the first thing about transcendence, you are implying there is some sort of superior meaning to emotion in itself, which essentially epitomises my point. Yours is a purely plebian perspective, deriving from your weakness of will. Do you think great emperors and kings had time to give a fuck and cry about their dogs dying? men in the past would see their children slaughtered before them and overcame it, because that is the true meaning of this illusion we experience: the overcoming of the human condition. Stay comfy.

No to both. I have absolutely no interest in that author you mentioned.

>> No.19217897

>Masculinity and femininity are not societal constructs. They exist in and above nature or space and time
Opinion disregard completely. You have nothing to say.

>> No.19217901

I am at all times.

Dogs don't embody nobility, this is the funniest and gayest thing I've read so far. A complete inversion of the truth. They are animals who want food and are aware of who is part of their group. Sure, maybe the are the best animals. You are like a little baby.

>> No.19217902

I saw a dead mouse years ago that was curled up in the grass and its body was expressing so much pain in a form so small. I occasionally remember it and it still breaks my heart to think about it and I shed tears about it. There are many things I'm ashamed of but compassion in the face of death is not one. You seem to have stereotyped such a simple thing as love for dogs into the construct of a furbaby eunuch who substitutes a dog to his son, nobody implied this but you. I think you're pitiful and the world has broken you far more than the people you don't want to be.

>> No.19217905

Where the Red Fern Grows

>> No.19217914

>no argument
I have nothing to say to you, you mean, because as you have shown, you are dominated by emotion, like a child or a woman.

>> No.19217925

Where did I say that you shouldn't be compassionate? I have said explicitly that you shouldn't let your emotions control you, and I have a bunch of crybabies taking it personally and biting my head off, presumably because I've touched a nerve.

>> No.19217952

No, it's because your entire argument is built on a logical fallacy.
What you're saying is just as retarded as that line in Interstellar that "Love transcends space & time."
That is just as untrue as saying masculinity and femininity exist outside of the human condition.
I'm sorry, but the universe doesn't have some meme magic list somewhere that dictates what the "reality" of human cultural touchstones are, and you're genuinely retarded if you believe otherwise.
What's more is your argument continues to drive down the path of fallacy in relation to your criticism of my argument being
>et we live in a society where your ideas are promoted and mine are not.
This is also incorrect. The people running society right now are those who say if you are traditionally masculine you're a man, regardless of XY or XX (and is why many tomboys of the past are LARPing as men).
Indeed, this is also why trannies are also a thing, because they're told by society if they don't completely identify with traditionally masculine behaviors than they MUST be a woman inside or some other such crap.
You're expunging the same kind of pants-on-head logic that the people who support this kind of fuckery propagate.

Now, I do agree that one should not let emotion cripple them or let it freeze you in place. Whether it's an inability to recover after hardship, or falling down the rabbit hole of depression over a woman. But saying emotion is to be feared because of this goes in the opposite direction too far. It's reactionary.
You should let emotion fuel you, sadness can be very powerful if it's channeled into anger.

Quiet moments of appreciating the fleeting beauty in the world are nice and essential to a good life, and just as essentially, letting the worst parts of life fuel your inner fire and determination are critical to fulfilling your potential.

>> No.19217956

Everyone is making fun of you
You're entertaining us and I thank you for that

>> No.19217972

Animals experience pain at a different level than humans. I saw a mouse trap in my house catch a mouse and destroy its back legs and it squeaked for about two seconds before going back to trying to get the mayo. I then had to take it outside and crush its head, killing it instantly.

>> No.19217994

>you are a victim of psychological warfare
>Raise families and procreate cuz society

>> No.19217999

Why is there always one of you when I mention compassion for animals? Are you upset or what?

>> No.19218035

>No, it's because your entire argument is built on a logical fallacy.
>What you're saying is just as retarded as that line in Interstellar that "Love transcends space & time."
>That is just as untrue as saying masculinity and femininity exist outside of the human condition.
>I'm sorry, but the universe doesn't have some meme magic list somewhere that dictates what the "reality" of human cultural touchstones are, and you're genuinely retarded if you believe otherwise.
>What's more is your argument continues to drive down the path of fallacy in relation to your criticism of my argument being
Up to this point you have just been throwing personal insults and opinions. If you want to debate the reality of metaphysics then get to the point. Masculine and feminine are universal principles that exist everywhere. They are hot and cold, dry and wet, solve and coagula, repulsion and attraction, positive and negative, etc. These are principles which exist independent of humanity. They can be relative, but they are fundamental polar opposites. If you are arguing that not all men need to confine themselves to the masculine principle, that is another issue, which does not refute my point. And the fact that you would deny anything higher than life as you know it is not at all surprising, and I'm not here to convince you, since as I said, yours is a truly plebian attitude, and there is no discussion to be had here in regards to such things.
>This is also incorrect. The people running society right now are those who say if you are traditionally masculine you're a man, regardless of XY or XX (and is why many tomboys of the past are LARPing as men).
No, all of the universities, megacorps, global groups like the UN, etc are all promoting the idea that is inline with yours, which is that gender is a construct and you can be whatever you want, that principles do not exist.
>Now, I do agree that one should not let emotion cripple them or let it freeze you in place
You should try putting that into practice, instead of making an ass of yourself.
>. But saying emotion is to be feared
Where did I say this? There is no fear. You are a child, spiritually and mentally, which goes back to my first point, that you are victims of psychological warfare.

>> No.19218043

You started your retarded rant off of literally nothing but a guy saying he liked dogs.
If that's all it takes to have you go absolutely bananas and wail about how society is garbage because everyone isn't just like you, then hilariously enough you're the most easily swayed by your emotions of anybody in the thread.

>> No.19218047

>I am at all times.
I wish to one day possess such an astounding measure of spiritual discipline and intellectual rigor that I too might improve myself whilst shitposting on an Arabian cheese-making forum.

>> No.19218060

No, you're upset about nature. I don't enjoy killing small animals, in fact it is sad and I feel sorry for them, but that doesn't stop me from doing what needs to be done. I can't set them free, because they will just come back in and crawl through my house in the night chewing things up and shitting everywhere, digging hole through things, etc. You're a pussy with no life experience.

No, they're upset children, like you.

Back to r3ddit.

>> No.19218076

No you!

>> No.19218080

Having a strong will is not the same as being emotional. You have substituted the former for the latter. You haven't refuted anything I've said btw, you are like a child.

I'm not here to prove anything, I'm here to have a discussion, but you are too much of a pussy for it.

>> No.19218082
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>Up to this point you have just been throwing personal insults and opinions.
Now that's the pot calling the kettle black lol
>Masculine and feminine are universal principles that exist everywhere. They are hot and cold, dry and wet, solve and coagula, repulsion and attraction, positive and negative
False equivalence fallacy
>the fact that you would deny anything higher than life as you know it is not at all surprising, and I'm not here to convince you, since as I said, yours is a truly plebian attitude, and there is no discussion to be had here in regards to such things.
Strawman argument
>No, all of the universities, megacorps, global groups like the UN, etc are all promoting the idea that is inline with yours, which is that gender is a construct and you can be whatever you want, that principles do not exist.
No, they're pressuring people who do not conform to the traditionalist values to go beyond what they are. Enforcing a reactionary attitude among people so that they try and break the chains of the past by completely going in the opposite direction. The only difference between their perspective and yours, is that you would them kill themselves and they would have them become trannies.
>You should try putting that into practice, instead of making an ass of yourself.
Strawman x2
>Where did I say this?
Let's take a look at
>overcoming of your emotions is what provides true meaning.
>weak and emotional
>emotions are basically irrelevant

Yawn, you can't even keep a coherent argument together.

>> No.19218083

Start arguing any time.

>> No.19218097

this is what stoicism does to a mfk

>> No.19218098

You've spent the last hour sperging about dogs on 4chan merely because somebody had the gall to mention liking them.
You do not have a strong will. Directionless narcissistic rage is still an emotion, and one only experienced by little bitches.

>> No.19218102

>I'm not here to prove anything, I'm here to have a discussion
>proceeds to describe dying animals
I know it's a troll, but I can't help myself.

>> No.19218105

Write an actual response instead of copy-pasting lines at random and writing reddit quips and just saying things are a logical fallacy (which is in itself a logical fallacy). This is /lit/, not /b/. You have not refuted anything, you have not even written a coherent response. Until you do this I have won.

>> No.19218107

I enjoy the poo flinging :(

>> No.19218116

haha look at this faggot
he thinks spouting non-sequiturs or calling things reddit = winning an argument
what a cockmongler hahaha
don't you have some cocks to suck under the queensborough bridge for $5 a pop Adam?

>> No.19218124

I'm not a stoic, my "philosophy" is what stoicism degenerated from.

No, I've been trying to have a discussion about why overcoming emotion is important, and a couple of babies are having a tantrum and veering off topic.

Why am I not allowed to describe dying animals? Should I give you a trigger warning?

>> No.19218128

This retard is trolling and not even doing it well.

>> No.19218133
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>> No.19218138

>still no argument
I win.

>> No.19218145
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>> No.19218146

>I've been trying to have a discussion about why overcoming emotion is important
>Why am I not allowed to describe dying animals?

>> No.19218149

"I Win"? Are you fucking kidding me? I spent a decent portion of my life writing all of that and your response to me is "I Win"? Are you so mentally handicapped that the only words you can comprehend are "I Win" - or are you just some fucking asshole who thinks that with such a short response, he can make a statement about how meaningless what was written was? Well, I'll have you know that what I wrote was NOT meaningless, in fact, I even had my written work proof-read by several professors of literature. Don't believe me? I doubt you would, and your response to this will probably be "I Win" once again. Do I give a fuck? No, does it look like I give even the slightest fuck about four fucking letters? I bet you took the time to type those four letters too, I bet you sat there and chuckled to yourself for 20 hearty seconds before pressing "send". You're so fucking pathetic. I'm honestly considering directing you to a psychiatrist, but I'm simply far too nice to do something like that. You, however, will go out of your way to make a fool out of someone by responding to a well-thought-out, intelligent, or humorous statement that probably took longer to write than you can last in bed with a chimpanzee. What do I have to say to you? Absolutely nothing. I couldn't be bothered to respond to such a worthless attempt at a response. Do you want "I Win" on your gravestone?

>> No.19218150

Yeah go back to your wife and kids since you're a strong man with priorities. You have a family, right?

>> No.19218151

>don't you have some cocks to suck under the queensborough bridge for $5 a pop Adam?
oddly specific

>> No.19218164
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>> No.19218170

Is that all you shitposting fucks can say?!? Duurrhhlll... cope, based, cringe, cringe, based, cope, cringe, cringe, cope, based, cringe... I feel like I'm in a FUCKING asylum full of dementia-ridden old people that can do nothing but repeat the same FUCKING words on loop like a fucking broken record!!! Cringe cringe cringe cringe!!! Cringe, based, based! cope, cope, cope, cope, cope. Onions? Onions, SNOYY!! Onions L O L onions! Cringe, BOOMER?? Le zoomer, I am BOOMER!!! No zoom zoom zoomies!! Zoomer going zoomies!! YnnnggGGHHAAHH I..FUCKING hate the internet so god DAMN much... FUCK! Shitposting, honest to...god...fucking hope your mother CHOKES on her own feces in hell you...COCK SUCKER. But oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh I know my post is CRINGE!! ISN'T IT??? Cringe, cringe, CRINGEY cringe, based, cringe, based, REDDIT?? CRINGE!! BASED? CRINGE!! ZOOM?? CRINGE!! ONIONS?? REDDIT, BASED....BASED!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.19218175
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>> No.19218180

Go back to your tranny discord

>> No.19218182


You fucked up kid. As I type this I have my modded PS2 running a track IP script on your post. Once I have triangulated your position in the world, my PS3 will release to your router my very own Pandora box virus. You won't notice it at first, but soon your lame PC will begin to work against you in ways you can't even imagine. First your graphics card will start to emit the flu virus, your ram will be uploaded online so everyone will be able to use it, your motherboard will slowly secrete acidic resin which will fry the electronics. The processor will be fine, just to give you hope.
You will be left with a husk of a machine, all because you decided to critique my mental ability... was it worth it?
Not even your mummy can help you now fuck boy

>> No.19218183

jesus fucking christ /lit/

>> No.19218185

>I've been trying to have a discussion about why overcoming emotion is important
You've actually done a very good job of that by being such a clownishly petulant child that the sight of a dog sends you into an explosive babbling fit that's been going strong for well over an hour

>> No.19218187


Cope. It's what Buddha would tell you to do.

>> No.19218192
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>> No.19218193

Americans should be rangebanned on the internet and gassate in real life.

>> No.19218197

Please shut the fuck up and use words properly you fuckin troglodyte, do you think God gave us a freedom of speech just to spew random words that have no meaning that doesn't even correllate to the topic of the conversation? Like please you always complain about why no one talks to you or no one expresses their opinions on you because you're always spewing random shit like poggers based cringe and when you try to explain what it is and you just say that it's funny like what? What the fuck is funny about that do you think you'll just become a stand-up comedian that will get a standing ovation just because you said "cum" in the stage? HELL NO YOU FUCKIN IDIOT, so please shut the fuck up and use words properly

>> No.19218201

Start arguing any time.

>> No.19218205

It's obviously some redditor discord, I'm from the UK if you can't tell from my spelling.


>> No.19218210

Not funny I didn't laugh. Your joke is so bad I would have preferred the joke went over my head and you gave up re-telling me the joke. To be honest this is a horrid attempt at trying to get a laugh out of me. Not a chuckle, not a hehe, not even a subtle burst of air out of my esophagus. Science says before you laugh your brain preps your face muscles but I didn't even feel the slightest twitch. 0/10 this joke is so bad I cannot believe anyone legally allowed you to be creative at all. The amount of brain power you must have put into that joke has the potential to power every house on Earth. Get a personality and learn how to make jokes, read a book. I'm not saying this to be funny I genuinely mean it on how this is just bottom barrel embarrassment at comedy. You've single handedly killed humor and every comedic act on the planet. I'm so disappointed that society has failed as a whole in being able to teach you how to be funny. Honestly if I put in all my power and time to try and make your joke funny it would require Einstein himself to build a device to strap me into so I can be connected to the energy of a billion stars to do it, and even then all that joke would get from people is a subtle scuff. You're lucky I still have the slightest of empathy for you after telling that joke otherwise I would have committed every war crime in the book just to prevent you from attempting any humor ever again. We should put that joke in text books so future generations can be wary of becoming such an absolute comedic failure. Im disappointed, hurt, and outright offended that my precious time has been wasted in my brain understanding that joke. In the time that took I was planning on helping kids who have been orphaned, but because of that you've waisted my time explaining the obscene integrity of your terrible attempt at comedy. Now those kids are suffering without meals and there's nobody to blame but you. I hope you're happy with what you have done and I truly hope you can move on and learn from this piss poor attempt

>> No.19218215

>hold male children to excessive and outmoded standards
>99% of them are unable to meet them
>they go completely fucking insane
story of mankind

>> No.19218223

>If I say meme words that means I win
You've thoroughly embarassed yourself enough, just leave the thread and move on
Unless of course you're too emotionally invested :^)

>> No.19218275

I'm waiting for a response to the arguments I've made, for the sake of intellectual discussion, because this is /lit/, not /b/. Start arguing any time.

>> No.19218283

>I'm from the UK
A proto american, basically the same thing.

>> No.19218293

Well by that loose definition most people are "proto american" since their "culture" has been exported to the entire world.

>> No.19218300
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>he's still replying
Dude just move on. You were told to act like a man and threw a temper-tantrum, samefagging and trolling with gay copypastas. Take the L and go cuddle your dog like the manchild you are.

>> No.19218301

more like post-american

>> No.19218304

Not me, I live in Glorious Chinese city of Chengdu.

>> No.19218306
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I am sorry guys

>> No.19218314

>tells people to act like a man
>proceeds to masturbate to the thought of dead animals
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19218318

kek that's much worse. China is a nation of soulless worker ants, quite literally the butt of the West for centuries, all while being brutalized by your own dictators.

>> No.19218320

I can understand your desire to overcome your emotions, but not your compulsion to browbeat everyone else into doing so.

>> No.19218327
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>> No.19218333

You're alright, OP. This was an entertaining thread nevertheless. Your only mistake was your failure to realise there really aren't very many books about dogs. Or least not very good ones.

>> No.19218336

I was speaking to men in body and in soul. Men hold other men to account, for the betterment of civilisation. If you are not a man or are a eunuch in spirit, that is fine, just be open about it next time.

>> No.19218343

wasted trips

>> No.19218345

I'm not satisfied. let's dig a little further.
what, in your opinion, is the value of an falsifiable claim?

>> No.19218351

unfalsifiable. bear with me, it's fucking late

>> No.19218423

Jesus fuck how sad that you took the time to write this drivel.

>> No.19218435
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the adventures of tintin

>> No.19218442

>still replying

I don't care if you're satisfied or not.

>> No.19218449

did you just beg for a debate and then dodge it
not very manly anon

>> No.19218467

>writing things?
>on /lit/???
You can't refute him.

>> No.19218489


As an aside, and I'm not trying to offend you here, even the way you type comes off as very weak and feminine, like you have antifa noodle arms and have no life experience. It reminds me of some pussy who sits in a discord all day living in a delusion bubble of anime and porn, which loosely ties into what I was saying originally.

>> No.19218510

>As an aside, and I'm not trying to offend you here, even the way you type comes off as very weak and feminine,
fucking kek

>> No.19218535

I mean.. to be fair, he has a point though.

>> No.19218541

Not really, nothing he's said in this thread makes very much sense tb'h

>> No.19218569

Your complete inability to refute anything says otherwise.

You are probably female btw.

>> No.19218584

1: I don't have to explain myself to someone who's opinion I don't care about
2: You're the one butthurt enough to respond to me when I wasn't even talking to you in the first place.
Did your feefee's get hurt by me saying you lack critical depth to someone else?
Big oof.

>> No.19218613

Yes, you're definitely female, which is hilarious but ultimately better for you, since your opinion is utterly meaningless on this topic and you aren't a pathetic male wimp. Go back to the harry potter subreddit sweetie! sorry if i was mean to you

>> No.19218622

take your meds schizo

>> No.19218666

I hate dogs, only the cjinese know how to relate to them imo desu

>> No.19218722

Man meets dog - Konrad Lorenz

>> No.19218967
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I picked up a Jack Russell Terrier and holy shit they're the best dogs I've ever had. He lays on me and cuddles, he actively hunts around the property for pests and never leaves my side. He is my companion. When a repair man came by he stood between him and my girlfriend to defend her knowing full well he couldn't win. I'll never not own Jack Russell Terriers. Pic related. My dog as a puppy before the rough coat.

>> No.19219028

I recently saw a video of a puppy mercilessly biting into the spine of a rat and the owner cheering it on as the rat screamed. The fact that the owner recorded this and seemed to derive a kind of pleasure from witnessing the act disturbed me more than the puppy following natural instinct. I’m personally a fan of cats though, so I guess I can’t be too upset over the innate cruelty of domestic animals.

>> No.19219030


>> No.19219810

Nature is Hell and animals are too cruel to relate but I hate human beings above the worst of beasts. Human beings are actively malignant and their ability for rational thought has only made them more malignant.

>> No.19219936

Jack London. Has many short stories. Two novels about dogs and man. Both are from the dogs perspective. Good stuff. Would definitely recommend if you enjoy Alaska too.

>> No.19219943

>4 AM
>Car seven blocks away revs engine
Fuck dogs

>> No.19219948

Instead, we have tons of romantic bullshit

>> No.19220095

>dog on a chain in some shitty backyard
>goes insane and barks all night
>it's the dog's fault
I hate barking dogs but if I had to poison someone that'd always be the owner.

>> No.19220141

Bashan and I (sometime referred to as A Man and His Dog), Thomas Mann

>> No.19220374

Marry your girlfriend or leave her. Start making decisions.

>> No.19220392

Include me in the screencap

>> No.19220422
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weak bait. but imagine not acting out your best in the play of life

>> No.19220433


>> No.19220443

>do you are

>> No.19220473

>A companion who embodies nobility

>Shits on your floor
>Lice ridden
>sheds everywhere
>All your possessions smell like filth
>Breath like decaying offal

Face it, dogs are filthy creatures and no sane man would let one near him outside of being used as a working tool. There is no such thing as 'companionship' with dogs. They don't love you, they merely want the food you hand them like the voluntary slave you are. Everyone I see an adult man with a dog on a lead, I feel embarresed for him. Owning a dog as an adult is pathetically childish and everyone else sees you that way. Someone who hasn't been able to grow up and accept that they are picking up the shit and cooking meals for a very large rat.

>> No.19220527

>he never had a pet rat

>> No.19220539

I had Guinea pigs (gmi).

>> No.19220561

Dogs are fine, but they're no substitute for decent human company.

>> No.19221040

Hitler, napoleon, stalin and ceasar all had dogs.

>> No.19221057
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>They don't love you, they merely want the food you hand them

>> No.19221074

This, got a dog with my gf a few years ago. Now I cant stand the bitch and we still have to figure out a way to share the dog.

>> No.19221133

>Tommy, a 7-year-old German Shepherd, continued to visit the church where his owner's funeral had been held. The owner, Maria Margherita Lochi, used to come with Tommy, to the Santa Maria Assunta church in San Donaci, Italy. After she died, the dog was present at her funeral service and followed after Maria's coffin. The father of the church, Donato Panna, said, "he waits patiently by the side of the altar and just sits there quietly. I didn't have the heart to throw him out—I've just recently lost my own dog, so I leave him there until Mass finishes and then I let him out."
>Seaman, the Newfoundland belonging to explorer Meriweather Lewis, would not eat or leave its owner's grave, and died of grief.
>Fido, a mixed-breed dog, whose master, Carlo Soriani, had died in an air raid over Borgo San Lorenzo (near Florence, in Italy) in 1943, during World War II. Fido waited in vain, for the following 14 years, for Soriani's return, going daily to the bus stop in Luco del Mugello (a frazione of Borgo) where the man used to get off after coming home from work.
>In the mid-1990s in Togliatti, Russia – a family died in a car crash during the summer of 1995, leaving their dog as the only survivor. The German Shepherd, named Constantine aka Kostya or Faithful Kostya by the locals, kept coming to the same spot for the next 7 years braving freezing winters and hot summers. Loyalty – a bronze statue honouring the dog's loyalty was placed on that spot in 2003 by the city authorities.
>Canelo in Cádiz, Spain, used to walk with his owner to the hospital where he was receiving dialysis treatment. In 1990 his owner died at the hospital. Canelo died outside the hospital after waiting for 12 years. The town of Cádiz put his name to a street and a plaque in his honor.
>Kelsey, a dog, is being hailed a hero after he rescued his owner who became paralyzed when he slipped and fell in the snow. Kelsey stayed by his side licking his face to keep him warm for nearly 20 hours.
>An unnamed dog drowned itself after its master, aged 77, died after 18 years with it.
>Talero is a German shepherd who loyally stayed next to his owner, Bernardo Leónidas Quirós, for 23 days, after Quirós died in a snow storm in Argentina. According to El Patagonico, Talero appears to have prevented wild animals from attacking the body of his owner and survived by hunting small animals. The loyal companion also seems to have slept by his owner's side, attempting to keep him warm and shelter him from the winds. When police approached the body, Talero growled and barked at them, continuing to protect his owner.

>> No.19221197

>Strong men lead society forward and raise families
Stop telling me what to do, you patronizing bastard.
>lead society forward
I have my own ideas of this that run contrary to modern progressivist scientism bullshit. Very few intellectuals have a consensus on what it means to "lead society forward".
>raise families
I don't personally want a family. I'm not an antinatalist though. Some men want to devote themselves to certain endeavors rather than have children.

>> No.19221225


>> No.19221228

When I was a kid I wanted to have a fox terrier because I loved Tintin. Sadly they're very fragile dogs.

>> No.19221257

Just want to say, it's okay to sometimes keep sadness from showing, but bottling it up to this extreme is not healthy, dude. Dog or no dog. I don't care how angry you are or aren't towards any opinions expressed in this thread, you shouldn't do this to yourself. I think you can get better. Grief is hard. It's okay to express that, even if it might not seem that way. (I also don't think it's comparable at all to the next example you gave, but that's neither here nor there.)

>> No.19221301

mary oliver - dog songs

>> No.19221330

A rat got caught in a trap I set outside my bedroom window and I listened to it screech and thrash for a minute before it died. I felt awful for days. I felt no guilt over killing it, because it was eating my plants, but I hate that I inflicted so much pain on an animal.

What's funny is that I found it's baby sitting in a corner of my room, and I swept it into a bucket and dropped it in some foliage down the road. I like to imagine it will grow up and try to avenge it's parent by killing me, then spares me in the last minute when it realizes I saved it. Hehe

>> No.19221349

I think Lorenz wrote something like "If someone observe a dog and after some he is not convinced that the dog is able to feel similar emotions to him, I will show you a man who is psychologically abnormal"

>> No.19221428

Thank you anons

>> No.19221465

You missed this>>19220141

>> No.19221474


>Jump head first into financial decisions that could ruin you

I love my dog and I'd cry bitch tears over him. But, I'm not going to marry over a dog. Also, that dog is mine.

>> No.19221534

A boy and his dog by Harlan Ellison is what you're looking for

>> No.19221552

>I felt no guilt over killing it
Just like I feel no guilt over Jewsus dying.
You should die too honestly, and your corpse can be used as fertilizer for my plants.

>> No.19221775

>To address your point:
There is a balance. A purely masculine man, if there ever was such a man, would inevitably self-destruct.
>To address what you’re really saying
You’re crying for help anon. Go to a professional to learn to deal with your emotions. Find a good one. You’re on a path of self-destruction.

>> No.19221925

You repress so much emotion that you are lashing out at some anon liking dogs lol
You can keep your cool without being stunted, anon

>> No.19222269

Hope you actually look into the Jack London stuff. Saved this thread all night at work and kept on mind to post after.

>> No.19222356

Seconding the Jack London stories, they tend to be tragic though.

>> No.19222754
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The sad truth is that most peoples actions harm animals greatly. 77 billion land animals and over 1 trillion sea animals get tortured and murdered every year in animal agriculture, and billions of wild animals die out or get killed because of modern civilization.

When you realize that we could avoid all this; you realize that humankind is currently a horrible parasite on the world of animals.

>> No.19222773

dogs are the niggers of animals

>> No.19222849

Unfortunately this is not at all the prevailing opinion. The American Vetenerian Association only recognized in 2004 that dogs can feel pain.

>> No.19222857

Americans get slaughtered by nignogs in massive numbers, so they have misplaced aggression towards either innocent animals or foreigners in other countries minding their own business (normally done at the order of Israel).

>> No.19222915

you are the biggest faggot I've ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.19222995

Personally, because I think it detracts from a more robust system of values. and reduces things to pain and pleasure machines rather then ascribing higher, more idealist, and more accurate notions of value creation. I find it myopic.

A mans dog passing is tragic because its his dog, its the relationship he has with it. A nameless squirrel that dies falling from a tree has little but a petty aesthetic to it. Its impressions are petty. It does not have a god, it does not have a perfect form or a beautiful motivation or ambition, rather than the ones we impart on it. I find it a spurious concern that lowers things rather than raises them.

>> No.19223038

>compassion reduces things to machines
Your argument is a direct contradiction to what empathy and compassion mean. The suffering inherent to life that small things experience is not a projection, it's an objective fact. You're wrong about this, you're wrong about God, you're wrong about beauty and ambition because all these things can be found in small things as well as men. You seem to imply that compassion is exclusive to other thoughts or feelings about the world when that is untrue. Then you call it myopic?

>> No.19223073

Yes. Its in the human connection to something that we find it of value. not in itself. What makes mans best freind a grand phrase, is that it is in relation to man that the dog becomes great. Not the dog in isolation. Its the impressions connecting to the ideas from which we create values. A fish is important because it is Mias fish. A fish isolated is nothing. So A death of a random animal, not johns animal, not your animal, is disassociative. Its a weak anthropomorphization.

>> No.19223076


I have diagnosed ASPD with sadistic traits, but never once have I ever harmed an animal. People like you are the reason why it makes it so easy for me to use and enjoy the suffering I cause others. Truly people are wretched when there are those who can not put the incredible beauty of love that a dog will give you. It's one of the few beauties of this world.

If God exists a dogs loyalty is the most blatant truth of his existence.

>> No.19223107


>> No.19223113

Unironically Dean Koontz's book about his dog

>> No.19223117

>conveniently forgets all the instances of men crying for their loved ones in the illiad and pretty much every epic poem from antiquity.

>> No.19223131

And why do you not like causing harm to animals but you do to people? is it because you see them as somehow lesser? you pity them? I find the reasons why people are and can be despicable wholey more sympathetic and multifacetted.

I never said you should go out of your way to kick a squirrel on the sidewalk. Just getting teary eyed that circumstance cause the thing to get run over seems hysteric.

And I agree with you about dogs great aesthetic value in their loyalty, specifically in their capacity related to humans. I see that bond specifically as a great one. I am simply talking about animals isolated from your personal involvement.

>> No.19223133

>Yes. Its in the human connection to something that we find it of value.
So an influencer with 500000 followers on Instagram is inherently more valuable than someone who is isolated? Actually that person is literally nothing because he's alone with nobody else to bestow value upon him.

>> No.19223141

Game of thrones has some good dogs

>> No.19223160

Do you know what compassion is, the literal meaning of the word? You don't really need a justification to understand that other things feel pain. One of the most valuable characteristics of which humanity is capable of is completely absent in you and you think it's "hysterical".

>> No.19223164

congratulations this just might be the gayest thing I've ever read on this board

>> No.19223181

>things suffer, being compassionate literally means you understand that and relate to it
>hUrrRrRrr GaaaYYYYYyyYYy
this has to be bait, you can't be this retarded
compassion isn't supposed to be in function of practical value, you are a psychopath

>> No.19223200

your gay ass low utilitarianism is showing. He can bestow value on himself. I would invite you to read either Hume or Plato on this.
Getting teary eyed about a random occurrence of it is, understanding a physical process is not.

>> No.19223202

>He can bestow value on himself.
Animals do not bestow value upon themselves?

>> No.19223212

Actually am I not bestowing value upon the animal that I feel empathy for? How exactly do you discern that the suffering that I recognize in some random animal is less relevant than the suffering I recognize in my own dog or someone else? If you think that value is bestowed upon things arbitrarily then why is my giving value to a random dead animal hysterical?

>> No.19223215

If you want to hold a coherent view it makes much more sense that all empathy is hysterical, since everything is but a random occurrence. If the aesthetic value I see in a random dead animal is fictitious then how is the aesthetic value I see in a random animal that happens to be close to my home not fictitious? Isn't all my affection for the dog hysterical since it's just a dog?

>> No.19223232

Well I guess thats contextual. At that point why are you sad at this particular incident rather than at all times about all things ever? Why limit it to animals at that point, why not go further and bemoan the oblivion of a rock of the mutation of a ameaba?

Its about how relitively close in relation to your being you want to empathies/anthropomorphize or implicitly empathies/anthropomorphize viscerally with outside things.

To mean it seems extremely alienated. Like, not as much as a rock, but not so much for me to be sniffiling about it.

>> No.19223246

I guess thats the same reason we can empathies with non-real characters in movies. We intentionally cultivate closeness. If we do not, they are largely irrelevant.

Think Augustine wronte something about that in relation to Tragedies in his confessions.

>> No.19223247
File: 307 KB, 750x738, 01FA000E-13DF-4BAF-A474-F627D97FBFB0_1_201_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gayest shit ive read all day

>> No.19223249

Reminds me of my mom and her ancient, wretched dog who she refuses to put down out of selfish attachment . The pitiable creature doesn't even know where it is any more, is all but deaf, and has patchy fur underneath which her mottled, sore-pocked skin is visible. The dog has some kind of skin disease and is plagued by constant itches, and so she can't resist scratching herself and developing open wounds. She (the dog, not my mother) occasionally lets out the saddest, most pathetic whimper of pain, and I cannot even pet her in consolation because she recoils back as if responding to touch sensitive neuralgia or if she doesn't even know what's happening.

Sometimes, I hold my mother in contempt for not doing the right thing and putting the poor thing down. It's a sign of weakness. At times I wish I could bring myself to end the dog's life myself with a swift karate chop to the back of the neck. It would be that easy, but I can't do it. Instead the dog will probably die a thrashing, shit-spewing, spastic death because my mother in her womanly sentimentality could not bring herself to bring it a peaceful end.

>> No.19223264


>> No.19223271

>Why limit it to animals at that point, why not go further and bemoan the oblivion of a rock of the mutation of a ameaba?
Because I do not see dead rocks or amoebas, and they do not show upon themselves the suffering inherent to life? If one day I understood that rock suffered and I learned to recognize the signs of suffering onto a rock, I'd mourn for the rock. Of course it's much more immediate to see the suffering in a creature that shows upon its body that it's suffering.
Answer me please, you say
>[agree about] dogs great aesthetic value in their loyalty, specifically in their capacity related to humans. I see that bond specifically as a great one.
Why is a dog's loyalty valuable? The dog has no valuable ethics or virtue, because it's an animal. If the thoughts and feelings of animals were of consequence then the value that animals bestow upon itself would make it inherently valuable. Why is a dog's loyalty valuable then if not because of utilitarianism? Then why do you argue that compassion should come on a condition that the animal is useful to you? By your own reasoning you are still anthropomorphizing the mechanical behavior of an animal.
>Its about how relitively close in relation to your being you want to empathies/anthropomorphize or implicitly empathies/anthropomorphize viscerally with outside things.
What determines exactly when this becomes hysterical? At what point the stray cat you see outside your home becomes worthy of affection? In your brain, never, because you would never feel affection for a random animal, 'cause it's a random animal.

>> No.19223315

>the suffering
yes, but is that suffering in relation to your notion of self as a being?
>animal is useful to you
I did not say this, I said because it is CLOSE to you. as in it takes up a portion of your experience. You dont love the indiviguize dog you love MAX or ROVER. If a man lived in a box, nearly worthless to him, cold and of little value but spent much of his life in it. it is close to him. It need not have a net positive or negative use.
>Why is a dog's loyalty valuable?
Because it is close to you. It is in its closeness to you in the capacity of a faithful being that it is valuable. If I had a trained squirel that I met with enough, I might feel more sympathy to its passing. Or with your example with the cat, the amount in which I engage with it and in what capacity might impact my care in its death.

>> No.19223373

>yes, but is that suffering in relation to your notion of self as a being?
Are you arguing that if the animal doesn't have a conscious sense of self, it is not suffering? Animals obviously suffer, not simply from a biological standpoint but also from the point of view of consciousness, as animals, not just vertebrates, may not be sapient but they are certainly sentient. They do experience pain as well as the more complex emotion of suffering.
>I said because it is CLOSE to you
>It need not have a net positive or negative use
I arbitrarily decide that the random dead squirrel is close to me, because it also suffers. Why is this hysterical? I determine when the animal is close to me. You say,
>If I had a trained squirel that I met with enough, I might feel more sympathy to its passing.
No you would not. Standing by your own words you would feel no sympathy for it the first time, not the second, not the third, not the tenth, not the hundredth. Why would you care that the animal that showed up the first time also showed up a second time? What is "enough"? At what point do things become "close" to you, is it a geographical matter, a matter of time? It cannot be a matter of deeds because you say,
>It need not have a net positive or negative use.
And you are the one who bestows value upon the animal, not the animal itself. The thoughts and consequent actions of an animal have no inherent worth (again, if they did then the animal would be inherently valuable), but they are "random occurrences" not dictated by virtue but instincts and chance, so these actions arbitrarily gain value upon you and only you determining that the animal is now "close". If you rule out utilitarianism this only allows for quantitative factors like being in the same place or time, but as I said, if the animal were not worthy of sympathy the first time, it wouldn't be worth of any sympathy the second time around. When is exactly where the animal gains this objective closeness in such a way that it is not "hysterical" to think of it as close?

>> No.19223427

All mammals and birds have a degree of metacognition awareness or "theory of mind".

>> No.19223450

>The American Vetenerian Association only recognized in 2004 that dogs can feel pain.
>Americans get slaughtered by nignogs in massive numbers

>> No.19223511

>suffering in relation to your notion of self as a being?
Im talking in terms of imprinting
>I arbitrarily decide that the random dead squirrel is close to me, because it also suffers. Why is this hysterical? I determine when the animal is close to me. You say,
Ok, but that seems, like you said, whoely arbitrary. as if one were to burst into tears at a sudden notice, that is to say, hysteria.
>No you would not. Standing by your own words you would feel no sympathy for it the first time, not the second, not the third, not the tenth, not the hundredth.
?? no I didnt. I felt I was very clear that if a thing is close to me I would see it as having a higher impact?
>what is "enough"? At what point do things become "close" to you
Impressions and significance in terms of impact on my experience. If my blue became red all of a sudden and all my reds blue, then that is significant. Are you saying if your dog died you would be equally, and not moreso, distraught then if a random squirrel died? does this "Proximity" of intimacy not have a sizable effect in terms of emotional scale?

>> No.19223518

>Im talking in terms of imprinting
idk why i said this wrong term, sorry.
This wasnt about if animals have consciousness, it was about the extension of the self on outside being (Including all external objects)

>> No.19223577

>Impressions and significance in terms of impact on my experience.
That is just as arbitrary and hysterical unless you can objectively quantify what makes your experience more objective than mine when it comes to determining this closeness.
>Are you saying if your dog died you would be equally, and not moreso, distraught then if a random squirrel died?
No, you seem to see compassion as something binary that you either feel or not feel, this is why I find your conditional thinking contradictory. I would probably feel more distraught for the death of my own dog, of course, but I would also feel compassion for the random squirrel. You only seem to argue on whether or not it is hysterical to feel empathy for a random animal in vague subjective terms like "impact on one's experience". I think that has a lot of impact on my own experience on the sole virtue that I see suffering in it.
tldr you're just saying "it's hysterical because I personally wouldn't feel that way" so you have to explain what exactly makes your meter of worth objectively more valuable.
getting a bit sleepy though and this will probably be dead tomorrow, so whatever

>> No.19223620

>No, you seem to see compassion as something binary that you either feel or not feel
thats exactly the opposite of what I said. And I was specifically stipulating overreaction to random deaths depersonalized from yourself and crying. I thought I was pretty clear about this.
>To mean it seems extremely alienated. Like, not as much as a rock, but not so much for me to be sniffiling about it.

>> No.19223635

>enjoys causing people pain yet still considers himself superior to them because "at least I don't hurt the puppy wuppies"
Why are all animal lovers like this? You'll praise dogs for supposedly being the embodiment of unconditional love, yet turn around and spit bile and hate to anyone who doesn't agree. Hypocrites of the lowest order.

>> No.19223641

Kinda sick having doctors telling you that a dog or a cat clearly being in pain shouldn't be interpreted as being in pain.

>> No.19223678

I agree, which gives me even more contempt with the vegan faggots who go on about morality.

>> No.19223722
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> At times I wish I could bring myself to end the dog's life myself with a swift karate chop to the back of the neck.

>> No.19223734

>You don't eat the bacon?
>No, I'm vegetarian
>oh you are vegetarian lol more meat for me I love bacon mmmmm tasty bacon imagine giving a fuck about animals loooool I fucking hate vegfags I wanna kill em all I hate them fucking shits, they're worse than pedophiles they should be fed their own entrails REEEEEEE they're so fucking stupid and gay I don't give a fuck about the fucking animals imagine being this retarded, I swear to God I will eat 10 pure lamb burgers a day now because I fucking hate the fucking stupid vegfucks so much, I am a PROUD eater of lamb I personally boil alive in my family's farm where animals are treated with absolute love and respect. I actually enjoy the idea of animals suffering for my protein because I am superior to animals and they're tasty. By the way when you grow crops the innocent worms die how bout that? what if chicken just went extinct? I am a lion btw
>I don't care about having this discussion
>vegetarians are so obnoxious wow
How could anyone possibly become bitter over this? Who knows!

>> No.19223778

Whoah, totally epic argument my dude. Heh. I might just have to tip my hat to you for setting me straight. You should be proud of yourself; I've only ever tipped my hat to three other people: Nietzschie, Schoppenhauer, and Benetar, so you know you're in good company.
And, you know, I only do this because I have such a massive respect for the truth. If I didn't—if instead I was one of those weak theists who'll believe anything their book tells them and never change their mind no matter how many times you debunk any shred of "evidence" they try to present for their fairy tales—I would have read what you said and made fun of you for it. But I didn't, because I am a seeker of truth, even those hard truths that the herd is too scared to acknowledge, like nihilism, libertarianism, and antinatalism. It's because of this that I can tell from reading your post that we are kindred spirits.
So who knows? Maybe we'll meet again, sometime, some thread, on this or some other board. I like to spend my time perusing /sci/ and /his/, so hop on over if you ever want to enlighten the masses with me; I'm sure we'll blow many a mind.

>> No.19223872

I'll stop being bitter toward people when they will drop any pretense of empathy and humanity whenever they play on a field where they have the approval of 95% of the population. They all not simply state it's wrong or unreasonable, they always do this proud "more meat for me" thing that betrays malice.

>> No.19223950

Oh, I get it.
So hating humans is good because they hurt your feelings, but also animals are good because they offer unconditional love, which is good, but only when it extends to the good people such as yourself; it's not good when love is extended to the bad people.
But if the love of animals is as uncondiitonal as you people make it out to be, then it also extends to the bad people. Which means their unconditional love is actually wrong because you're not supposed to love the bad people, you're supposed ot hate them.
But actually unconditional love is good, because it means they love you personally, unlike other humans, who are spiteful and malicious, and that includes you seeing as you just admitted to enjoying inflicting pain on people.
And since unconditional love and loyalty is good, whereas hate and malice are bad and make you a bad person, that means you should practice unconditional love, which you don't; instead you actively hate on the vast majority of people, but you're still totally a good preson because you like the doggies and so you deserve their love, unlike all those other assholes who don't like animals.
Or in other words, you are, like most misanthropic animal lovers, a narcissist who likes animals because they'll suck up to you and treat you as a god, but hates anyone who won't bend the knee to fellate you.

>> No.19223974

what do you want them to do? they fundamentally don't care about what you care about. and they care about something you dont care about. Do you just want them to have an awkward silence as some shrill turtleneck stares them down?

>> No.19223983

I drop my good will for people when they openly display malice, and always do so when they are safe to do so. It's not a matter of disagreement but malice and feeling proud about lack of compassion.

>> No.19224008

I dont see people who are usually proud of eating meat, unless when they are accosted by a vegan. They just eat it. That seems more like a reaction to a person than pride in itself.

Maybe you are right about your diagnosis about your doctor.

>> No.19224011

>Malice is bad, but it's good when I hold malice towards others because they're malicious.
Like I said, you're a hypocrite.

>> No.19224055

I am not whatever anon you're talking about and I'm not whoever talked about dogs before. I think animals deserve compassion despite being violent and awful on the virtue of being enslaved to instincts. They don't choose to be murderous shits. Human beings do, and on top of this they pretend they are nice and empathetic because they're not only malicious but also cowardly. My loathing for people is not in function of my compassion for animals, I simply say that making a simple choice and putting one foot in a position of social unorthodoxy (a real one, not shit like being gay) reveals a whole fucking lot about people's true colors.

>> No.19224071

I am not malicious though, I don't want to hurt people. I simply don't care about them anymore. I don't pretend I do either. I'm not the sadist from before. You are conflating a whole bunch of people in me.

>> No.19224091

Yah, But if an animal is a slave to their instincts, why not harvest them for gain?
>they pretend they are nice and empathetic because they're not only malicious but also cowardly.
no they pretend to be nice and empathetic because they want to be/be seen as such. They find it aesthetically pleasing. Thus why professed morals are a thing, lying to yourself, etc. Humans are the most loving creatures there is. Hate is a product of love.

>> No.19224104

>raise families and have children
>emotions are basically irrelevant
ask me how i know you're a LARPing incel

>> No.19224112

>if an animal is a slave to their instincts, why not harvest them for gain?
It's still suffering, I don't see the point. You don't think developing children who have no sense of right and wrong deserve empathy?
>they want to be/be seen as such. They find it aesthetically pleasing.
Insincere fucking argument, if this were true people here wouldn't carry themselves about in the ugliest possible way. If you value beauty you don't attach it to your identity, you just value it for what it is. The reason why people try to hide their psychopathy is cowardice. Human beings are evil cowards for the most part, and they laugh at everyone who is not.

>> No.19224133

Riddle me this /lit/.
Why are there feminists that also have neutered animals?

>> No.19224155

>Insincere fucking argument
>if this were true people here wouldn't carry themselves about in the ugliest possible way
do you think they do that to reach some sort of aesthetic ideal? an absurdism, trying to chip away at pevish artifacts however (un)successfully? is that not a beauty in itself in that persuit? Do you not have people discussing what they find compelling here while disassociated from their personhood?
>Human beings are evil cowards for the most part, and they laugh at everyone who is not.
No Human beings latch on to particulars in pursuit of an absolute, then hate others for latching on to other particulars. As someone who has thought about things in a number of lenses, that's what I have concluded. You can follow a logical path then never understand how another could come to be, then later inundate yourself in another and have the same bafflement towards another position. Thats not ugliness, that dynamism.

>> No.19224339

>I'm not the sadist from before. You are conflating a whole bunch of people in me.
You replied to a post I made in response to someone else without ever once clarifying you're not that person; of course I was going to assume that you're him. If you don't share his views then my points don't apply to you, so I don't get why you hopped into the conversation as if arguing in his defense.

>> No.19224872

Holy fuck you're a gigantic faggot

>> No.19225487

I was arguing in his defense, explaining why many people who are ethical toward animal end up bitter toward people

>> No.19226197

>I think animals deserve compassion despite being violent and awful on the virtue of being enslaved to instincts.
You fail to realize that (most) people are enslaved to a far worse master than mere instinct: ideology. And you? You're only different them in that you're the follower of a different ideology.

>> No.19226420

I wish I were a happy bird. For example, I could have been a happy parrot living in a safe area of the Amazon. I would have preferred that over being a human being and corporate slave during this shitty era. Technology and science are all bullshit, and everyone who thinks mankind's collective march is moving towards some greater glory should die painfully.

>> No.19226422
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, cute crow couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A happy raven or crow would not have been bad either.

>> No.19226513
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Why? The vegans are absolutely right. That's why I wrote the post.

>> No.19226703

So these are the great literature threads that will take over if we get /phil/? I guess that means we can just delete /lit/ and move you faggots to /qa/.

>> No.19226737
File: 14 KB, 376x369, 1633822941590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you are strong... a true Chad™...

>> No.19227042

The ironic part is that what you posted was emotional outburst