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[ERROR] No.19217193 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite Hemingway

>> No.19217208

I like his short stories best, my favorites are Nick Adams'

>> No.19217295

You already did

>> No.19217385

Someone already did.

>> No.19217419

He’s probably my favorite writer. I enjoy 75% of his short stories, TSAR, AFTA, FWTBT, TOMATS, A Moveable Feast and The Green Hills of Africa. I’m going to read his minor works sometime soon

>> No.19217518

>Island in the stream.

Now what, OP?

>> No.19217526


>> No.19217560

First 2 acts were good. But act 3 out of nowhere, chasing nazi submarines was stupid

>> No.19217571
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>chasing nazi submarines was stupid

>> No.19217581

the action scenes in heminway books have always been the weakest part. he's at his best when the scene is in a bar, or a restaurant, or fishing. even the war scene to start off farewell to arms is only good because of the dinner scene right before it happens

>> No.19217590

>y books have always been the weakest part.
even the end of "For whom the bell tolls"?
I thought it pretty neato, desu.

>> No.19217602

never been crazy about that book, and yes I also found that action scene an anti climax. my favorites parts of that book was the banter in the cave, doomed romance with rabbit, and when pilar told that story about a revolution in the town.
also the name of the hero is Robert Jordan who is also the fantasy author so sometimes it makes me laugh

>> No.19217610

>an anti climax
he literally dies. How is that anti climactic?
are you a woman? (do you bear ovaries?)

>> No.19217616

ah perhaps I am not using the word right, I meant the ending was unsatisfying for me personally. I remember finishing and thinking, "that's it?"
and no i'm not a woman lol, what kind of woman reads all these hemingway books?

>> No.19217631

>I remember finishing and thinking, "that's it?
How better could that book end for the anarchists anyways tbqh.

>> No.19217647

Idk man. I have to read it again some day. basically my biggest problem with the book was this weird olde english thing Hemingway had the characters do, as though simulating how weird a translated language is or something.

>> No.19217680

I’m pretty sure that was a stylistic choice. It kinda gave it a “wise savage” trope that you’ll commonly see with Native Americans. I personally like it. It gives more gravity and tension to the scenes

>> No.19217712

>I’m going to read his minor works sometime soon

His collected journalism is worth a read - there are some gems in there.

>> No.19219186
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It tolls for thee.

>> No.19219327

The Old Man and the Sea. Why do all you fags shill TSAR so much? I read it and thought it was v boring
>muh penis got blown off
>muh cafes

>> No.19219348

>when pilar told that story about a revolution in the town
Only great thing he's ever written

>> No.19219357

Either The Sun Also Rises or A Farewell To Arms, I can't pick.

>> No.19219364

Worst is bell toll, it's such a slog to read.

>> No.19219418

A farewell to arms

>> No.19219504

A farewell to arms >= The sun also rises > The old man and the sea > the first 49 stories >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To have and have not

To have and have not is the worst book I've read this year.

>> No.19219507


>> No.19219511

Did anyone else prefer the Paris part of this book to the Spain part? I know it was meant to show the emptiness and vapidity of modern life in Paris versus fulfilling traditional life in Spain, but I liked the slice of life in Paris' cafes and nightlife. I could have read a whole book about that regardless of if it was supposed to thematically be a bad thing.

>> No.19219516

the Paris part was objectively the worst part. though the whole thing was vapid and boring

>> No.19219523

Didn’t alot of Hemingway’s books get banned in fascist states?

>> No.19219551

Which hemingway book/short story will make me tear up.

>> No.19219559
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Death in the Afternoon. for contrarian purposes only.
I do actually own this specific edition with the dust cover.

>> No.19219570
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>> No.19219957
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>> No.19219966

It builds up to it in act 2, Retard

>> No.19220610

I loved the paris part, probably why I enjoy Moveable Feast so much

>> No.19222019

And they make the line of civilians to throw the elites in the building off a cliff....? Holy shid

>> No.19222061

It's one of the comfiest books. simple as

>> No.19222086

I have tinnitus

>> No.19222126
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