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[ERROR] No.19215181 [Reply] [Original]

>first page
>you need to have read all of kant to read this
Well I guess I'm never reading this

>> No.19215192

start with the greeks

>> No.19215222

you have to read kant first for almost anything in modern philosophy

>> No.19215239

not all of him. honestly secondary literature would cover you for anything in schope

>> No.19215246

yes, you can bridge almost any gap with secondary literature but that does not change that for most modern philosophy knowing your basic kant is expected

>> No.19215254

aww, but if you've already read him can't you just explain it to me

>> No.19215255

Is there any way to make him more bearable? I do not want to read hundreds of pages of this man's bullshit systemizations of thinking if it's not going to be worth it

>> No.19215262

You haven't read Kant yet?

>> No.19215266

read an introductory work about him then and maybe some lectures but if you want to be serious about your study of philosophy there is no way around reading at least the "critique of pure reason"

>> No.19215334

What do you need to read before Kant then?

Not him

>> No.19215345

obviously you could go with the whole start with the greeks meme but if you want to read mostly modern kontinental phil. then kant is the perfect foundation to start

>> No.19215368

No. Ayn Rand said he was a baby dicked fag and her clit was bigger.

>> No.19215380

Just read a fucking tertiary philosophy 101 text then break into whomever actually resonates with you.

>> No.19216182

>wow Schopenhauer's metaphysics is soo cool and interesting
>have to wade through hundreds of pages of cringe unphilosophical sadboy anecdotes
I didn't have to do this for Kant, or any other real philosopher.

I don't remember Buddha doing this shit either, so don't act like his philosophy is dependant on this extremely subjective writing style.

>> No.19216308

why would you not want to read kant though? he's 1000x times better than shchopenhauer

>> No.19216321

have a decent understanding of aristotelian logic, read descartes discourse on method and meditations on first philosophy, and then the prolegomena to any future metaphysics. those are what have helped me. I don't think you need to read the empricists, just know what they basically believed which is not complicated and know what the problem of induction is.

>> No.19216323

Read the prologemena to future metaphysics and find a syllabus for critique of pure reason so you can read the important parts.

>> No.19216345

I bet you haven't even read Duproix or Hent, have you nigger?

Oh you have? Yeah?

I just made those names up, faggot.

You are such a piece of fucking trash, dude. You have no idea, lol.

>> No.19216759

>to read Kant u need to read 40 greek books too bro

>> No.19218225

you dont need any of this

>> No.19218231

I originally tried reading the CPR without any of it and I understood a lot less than I thought I did.