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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19214328 [Reply] [Original]

Keep the Catholic questions and threads in here.

>The Vatican website

>The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

>Catechism of the Catholic Church

>Catholic Encylopedia

>Catholic Resources

>Catholic News Service

>National Catholic Reporter

>The Jesuit Review

>> No.19214462
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Hopefully this one stays up

>> No.19214473

Attended SSPX mass for the first time Sunday (overslept normal diocesan TLM). I was amazed by the beauty and reverence. It’s 20-30 min further than the diocesan, but I am strongly considering making it my regular Sunday mass after that experience.

Anyone have experience with SSPX? Anything to be aware of or watch out for?

>> No.19214477

What's the best option if I'm interesting in reading Aquinas but know for sure there's no chance I'll ever have the motivation or time to work through the unabridged Summa?

>> No.19214483

>i want to read
>but i don't want to read
catholic larp general

>> No.19214517

Summa of the Summa by Kreeft, or Cardinal Cajetan’s little Summa, or Aquinas: a Beginner’s Guide by Feser, or just read the parts you’re interested in directly on newadvent.

>> No.19214538

>Anything to be aware of or watch out for?
just be aware of schismatic tendencies, that's all. If the priest there starts saying your Bishop is evil or NO is illicit or invalid, probably time to bounce. Otherwise no problem.
More importantly, the Mass is valid but not licit, meaning you should really only go if there's no other option or if it isn't to fulfill a Sunday obligation.

>> No.19214556

Yeah the homily was honestly very milquetoast, just usual prepared remarks on the Gospel reading. Nothing at all controversial. But obviously that’s just one week’s experience.
WRT the liceity, I thought that Pope Francis had given them faculties to licitly perform the sacraments. Am I misinformed?