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[ERROR] No.19211281 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book the reason why Marxists today are obsessed with hating white people and want to give all land back to indigenous groups instead of establishing socialism? Or is there another source?

>> No.19211298

No, marxists don't need a book to hate white people, and they also don't read books

>> No.19211306

Neither do right wingers

>> No.19211353

You're giving to much agency to some Maoist living in their parents basement

>> No.19211440
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This is from the original introduction:

>We hold that settlerism is the historic instrument created by the European ruling classes to safeguard their colonial conquests with entire, imported populations of European invaders. In return for special privileges and a small share of the colonial loot these settlers became the loyal, live-in garrison troops of Empire over us. As such they objectively side with our oppressors and become imperialism’s willing servants. Everywhere they are filled with white supremacy, national chauvinism, and a hatred and fear of the oppressed. So that in South Afrika, in Palestine, and right here in the U.S. Empire, the Revolution objectively is locked in battle with the European settler masses. On this matter there is no choice.


>Scientific investigation reveals that: 1) The Euro-Amerikan masses, making up the base of an oppressor society, have throughout their entire history attempted to advance themselves primarily by further oppressing us – not by any class struggle. 2) That during most of U.S. history the U.S. Empire’s proletariat was a colonial proletariat, made up only of oppressed Afrikan, Indian, Latino and Asian workers. 3) While a white proletariat made up of immigrant Europeans did emerge in the early 20th Century, by the end of World War II it was literally dissolved by integration into the petit-bourgeois settler mass. Today there is no genuine white proletariat, but only a scattered minority of variously privileged white workers totally commanded by the petit-bourgeois consciousness of their settler community. 4) That in the U.S. Empire the Revolution is the liberation struggle of the Third-World oppressed nations and national-minorities.


>Originally the term “proletariat” (a term which came from the Roman Empire and was certainly not invented by communists) referred to the lowest free class in a European society. Marx and Engels in the early 1800s in Europe used it to refer to the industrial workers – a small class in that period which was far more exploited, far more desperate and disorganized, far more lashed by capitalism than the older, more stable peasant class. Today some socialists use the term “proletariat”” primarily to refer to workers in basic industry. That would be true for some nations in some periods. But it isn’t universal dogma or unchanging reality (there are no such things). In China, for example, Mao Zedong correctly saw that the role of the revolutionary proletariat would be taken by the migrant rural laborers (whom he recognized as the main part of the Chinese proletariat). In the Afrikan colony during the period of chattel slavery, the field workers on the plantations were the main element in the proletariat of that nation.

>> No.19211445

Is this the "there is no white working class" book? If so, yeah.

>> No.19211453
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they don't need a book

>> No.19211468

White “leftists” (the former precludes the latter) will seethe and cope, but this book is spot-on. You know how Marx predicts the transition from capitalism to socialism? Well, the extinction of whites is an essential part of that. Give their birthrates, it seems most whites have accepted this.

>t. Labor aristocrat

>> No.19211472

>Well, the extinction of whites is an essential part of that.
Also whites will literally never go away, you're going to have to accept this or you'll never get over your anger and feelings of inferiority.

>> No.19211473

>Or is there another source
Wall Street needed to plant the seed of another narrative to keep the heat off of them during Occupy and it looks like they just kind of rolled with it.

>> No.19211474

Imagine ever wasting your time reading books by tankies

>> No.19211482

To dismantle the bourgeoisie one must also dismantle the genetic bourgeoisie.

And it’s happening. Look at birthrates and immigration stats for Europe and America. /pol/tards cry about it, I celebrate it.

>> No.19211493

I don't know if you pay attention but most leftists in America are staunchly anti-white and anti-Western. Slowly but surely they are adopting beliefs that claim America should be destroyed and given back to native tribes in the "Land Back" movement. They no longer care for establishing a socialist state in America. They want to get rid America entirely. So it's necessary to look at books like Settlers and understand how the majority of Marxists have come to accept these beliefs when they're so distant from anything Marx wrote.

>> No.19211514

Well, I guess if you're willing to rape and murder to get what you want. Many others couldn't afford to have such a hard heart.

>> No.19211520

The term 'genetic bourgeoisie' has never existed in the writings of Marx, in fact the removal of reactionary delusions such as race and genetics in favour of the theory of historical materialism is one of the main tenants of his work. please stop being american on the internet and actually read

>> No.19211522

>to rape and murder to get what you want.
No need for such violence, whites are solving themselves. By 2200 they will be a memory, and the transition to socialism can begin in earnest.

>> No.19211526

Those numbers don't spell out white extinction. They are a contemporary situation.
There are slightly over a billion white people and even if this dips by ~200 million over the course of 20 years, whites will just start breeding again. Most European countries are over 95% white.
Whites literally are never going away and making up this fantasy with your friends on r/genzedong isn't going to truly alleviate your anger or feelings of inferiority. You have to find peace within.

>> No.19211530

>No need for such violence, whites are solving themselves.
And you and your cronies haven't helped them along at all, have you comrade.

>> No.19211533
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I think people read whatever they want into Sakai. For one, he outright says there was a white proletariat -- although it was mostly immigrant -- in the United States, but they assimilated into this mainstream middle-class, imperialist, settler society. In other words, the class politics of white workers have been radical... when white workers were not yet considered white (or at least not entirely). They were most radical in the late-19th century to WWII when they were still racialized as non-Anglo foreigners.

Individuals can't really do much about this either way. It's a whole society that is corrupted by settlerism. John Brown is a rare exception in American history, and he seemed completely nuts at the time, because he rejected his own society for a radical identification with the slaves (the real proletarians of the time). Malcolm X said something once about how wouldn't let white people join his organization, although if John Brown was still alive they'd probably accept him.


>> No.19211541

>whites will just start breeding again.
lmao, even if they do there’s a billion+ Africans on the way. The whites will be a minority for good.
>Most European countries are over 95% white.
So was America once. That got fixed (not completely, but only 52% to go) and so will Europe.
>Whites literally are never going away and making up this fantasy with your friends on r/genzedong isn't going to truly alleviate your anger or feelings of inferiority. You have to find peace within.
Go back to r*ddit if you know this sub so well

>> No.19211557

No, this is a more influential text in modern anti-white leftism. It considers communism and capitalism alike to be white settler ideologies and ultimately concludes that killing all white people is an acceptable way to achieve decolonization if the colonized people choose it, as colonizer opinions don't matter when it comes to decolonization.

>> No.19211570

You can see that the Left really is now trapped within a panopticon it itself built completely out of criticism, which has now come to well and truly take precedence over both corporate and government power, now everybody gets sucked into a world where they are beholden to a mob duty-sworn to 'resist' them, everybody winds up complying with each other in the most outrageous, paranoid, and zealous ways...truly a story so fucking weird you could never imagine it as fiction, and yet it is exactly what we have wound up doing to ourselves.

>> No.19211584

It's because of jews

>> No.19211602
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>colonizer opinions don't matter when it comes to decolonization
Well, from a long-term historical perspective, do they matter? Did any successful anti-colonial revolution succeed by liberal "both sides have good points" politics? Didn't seem like it worked out that way.


>> No.19211614

While a white proletariat made up of immigrant Europeans did emerge in the early 20th Century, by the end of World War II it was literally dissolved by integration into the petit-bourgeois settler mass.
The exact same thing has happened to blacks and descendants of natives.

>> No.19211618

>Well, from a long-term historical perspective, do they matter?
Yes, they do.

>> No.19211620

The taboo on race mixing is because the same continuum of disciplinary practices is employeed on the free man and the slave. All americans really are niggers. All of these discourses about race are bourgeoisie liberal whites laying claim to the archaic paternalist authority of the good master. To them ordinary white folks are just uppity niggers. In our post industrial society the optimum value of a slave is not working but shooting up heroin being prostituted and being made to fight other niggers in epic mandingo combat.

Mr johnsons surveys his plantation "the great society" on horseback followed on foot by his foreman a wily bespectacled irishman by the name of mcnamara, apparently they are talking abot "breaking some bucks"

>> No.19211624

I wonder what the world will look like when it's run by proleniggers

>> No.19211633

>All americans really are niggers.
Speak for yourself.

>> No.19211637

What race are you?

>> No.19211642

We got an uppity buck here come om spread your cheeks for massa

>> No.19211646

Why would you even bother arguing? These people aren't interested in what's true or not in the slightest, they're interested in building up an anti-white narrative because they already hate white people.

>> No.19211647

Eat more shit, rapist.

>> No.19211660

>You know how Marx predicts the transition from capitalism to socialism? Well, the extinction of whites is an essential part of that
Feel free to provide a source

>> No.19211665

What would marx think about buckbreaking?

>> No.19211683
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Maybe. I think what's going on is that as the U.S. empire (which is a global empire) cracks up, the parasitic non-proletarian settler society might end up getting re-proletarianized anyways, hence the western labor aristocracy / petty-bourgeois failsons turning to reactionary politics when staring down this barrel. It's a desire to punch down, while also being super mad at those above. That has not been as attractive to the black masses, even though there are minor reactionary currents among them, and one reason might be because the former are so hostile to the latter.

Well, the Chinese used to be considered the niggers of Asia and some people still think of them that way.


>> No.19211699

Haiti was able to eradicate its white colonist population. Everybody else was afraid of them afterward, leading to 200 years of poverty. The white population alone of the USA is 300 million (and there are more "settler" groups under the decolonization definition, like rich African migrants, Asians, Middle Easterners...), a sucessful extermination of their population by black and native groups would be the bloodiest genocide EVER and would leave them an international pariah.
If they merely deported every colonizer (also a solution Tucker and Yang deem acceptable), the state would still be hated by all the countries that need to take in millions of refugees.

>> No.19211706


Settlers is the

>read Siege!

of intersectional tumblrist extremists.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.19211707
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The elite has one goal in mind: Buckbreaking for everyone.

>> No.19211712
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I don't think he said that, but Engels wrote to Marx with some comments about English "proletarians."

>The British working class is actually becoming more and more bourgeois, so that this most bourgeois of all nations is apparently aiming ultimately at the possession of a bourgeois aristocracy and a bourgeois proletariat as well as a bourgeoisie. Of course, this is to a certain extent justifiable for a nation which is exploiting the whole world.

And Engels writing to German socialist Karl Kautsy about what the English working class thought of colonialism:

>Exactly the same as they think about politics in general, the same as what the bourgeois think. There is no working class party here, there are only Conservatives and Liberal-Radicals, and the workers merrily devour with them the fruits of the British colonial monopoly and of the British monopoly of the world market.

>> No.19211720

Marx was friends with Abraham Lincoln and supported the USA during the Mexican-American war because he thought the Mexican government was too stupid to use all the nice land it had.

>> No.19211723

>Haiti is poor because people are too scared to do business with them

>> No.19211736

On the contrary we are seeing the imperial core coming to be governed more and more like a colony according to the principles of counterinsurgency and the strategy of tension.

>> No.19211741

>the interest of workers within the imperial core will more closely align with the bourgeois than of those outside of the imperial core because their luxuries are derived from exploitation of the third world
holy fuck you're a retard

>> No.19211747

>There is no working class party here, there are only Conservatives and Liberal-Radicals

I guess nothing has changed for the West.

>> No.19211768
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I think Sakai's point is that it always has been. It only seems like this stuff is new because it's starting to also apply to white people as their settler privileges are withdrawn. Oh, the government is running COINTELPRO and domestic GLADIO operations on you? Welcome to the party. But IMO, all that "freedom" here means for the white settler society is a return to the old system, nestled comfortably within a kind of Apartheid liberalism.

>> No.19211810

Nigger traits are being bred over white traits. Free men are too much of a trouble to deal with. much of this settler stuff is paternalist appealing to tje good master to take away unfair privileges for uppity slaves and buckbreak them gently . of course the reasonable thing is to avoid getting sorted into high control risk categories. Like look at trannies for example they are pityful mkultra victims

>> No.19211841

Marxist here.

This book and Sakai in general are very controversial even amongst Marxists. I’m personally not a fan of it, and neither are most other Marxists I’ve spoken to, but a few are definitely fans of it. Mostly Third Worldists (they basically hold that there is no longer a proletariat in the Global North, as globalism has exported it to the global south. Instead what we have is a labor aristocracy), and especially the Black Hammer type (who I haven’t met anyone take seriously).

I think this book has doubtlessly reinforced that belief amongst idpol “Marxists”, but I would trace the intrusion of identity politics into western Marxist spaces to the incompetence of the western left under neoliberalism. With no effective or coherent class-based movement around, unfortunately many on the Left end up flocking to identity-based movements instead.

Sakai’s work and identity politics left or right are dependent on race essentialism. Marxism is inherently anti-essentialist, so I would not pin this development on Marxism, rather in liberalism in the Western Left. I suggest you look at Adolph Reed’s work if you would like to read about anti-race-essentialism from a Marxist perspective.


>> No.19211851

based marx understander

>> No.19211853
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>> No.19211905

>intrusion of identity politics into western Marxist spaces to the incompetence of the western left under neoliberalism

Your post is true except this part. Marxists funneled identity politics themselves. Angela Davis, Herbert Marcuse, Paulo Friere, etc are just as responsible for turning leftism into identity-based oppressed vs. oppressor essentialism as liberal technocrats are. Virtually every intersectional theorist was influenced by Marxism and Third Worldism is unambiguously derivative from your ideology as well. You can't dance around this fact by always saying they aren't true leftists or that only class matters in Marxism.

>> No.19211938

I think it's kind of funny how Marxists willingly got themselves in a position where they're now signing up for a race war along with a class war.
You're deluded if you think there won't be actual bloodshed in Europe if you try and take over the white population. I know a lot of people irl who were already furious about migration to Europe, and now you're throwing in white genocide rhetoric into the mix. These are people who don't have any other homeland, they aren't going to just let you take it like Americans might. With the exception of German faggots.

>> No.19211942

Imagine attaching a singular issue to behavior.

>> No.19211943

Well yes, but actually no.

It’s true that they dealt with “identity”, but they did so from a Marxist perspective, not an essentialist one, so I don’t think they are “just as responsible”.

I didn’t say that intersectionality and third worldism weren’t influenced from Marxism (I never even trashed third worldism in my post or said they aren’t Marxist). However, as soon as your analysis hinges on any sort of identity essentialism, it can, by definition, no longer be Marxist. I don’t think only class matters: it would be idiotic to say that Black or indigenous people aren’t oppressed, but it would also be idiotic and anti-Marxist to attribute this to some inherent aspect of them rather than the historical and material conditions.

>> No.19211958

Well yes, but actually no.

It’s true that they dealt with “identity”, but they did so from a Marxist perspective, not an essentialist one, so I don’t think they are “just as responsible”.

I didn’t say that intersectionality and third worldism weren’t influenced from Marxism (I never even trashed third worldism in my post or said they aren’t Marxist). However, as soon as your analysis hinges on any sort of identity essentialism, it can, by definition, no longer be Marxist. I don’t think only class matters: it would be idiotic to say that Black or indigenous people don’t face oppression, but it would also be idiotic and anti-Marxist to attribute this to some inherent aspect of them rather than the historical and material conditions.

>> No.19211963
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>but I would trace the intrusion of identity politics into western Marxist spaces to the incompetence of the western left under neoliberalism.
Yeah, the more I read about this the more I am getting onboard China putting the West to the sword and liberating us from this autism
t. White

>> No.19211975

>it would also be idiotic and anti-Marxist to attribute this to some inherent aspect of them rather than the historical and material conditions.

Every leftist already does this so you have no real reason to disagree with them when they talk about identity and race nonstop. They will typically spout their identity narcissism then link it with capitalism and material oppression. See their universal adoption of transgenderism because they believe gender is a colonial invention and inherently oppressive. Yes they support transgenderism mostly due to their own morality and narcissism, but their analysis hinges on Marxist elements like class and materialism. Nothing is un-Marxist about the Left today because they refuse to drop Marxism. As long as they still use Marx as their prophet anything can be justified.

>> No.19211980

Whites are a conquered people, you guys won't do shit.

>> No.19211983

Alexa what was the Spanish inquisition

>> No.19211985

Whites today are not what they once were, before the two world wars.

>> No.19211994

You're missing the point about conquered peoples. Did things look good for chinese during the century of humiliation

>> No.19212018

“Marxism is when you appropriate terms and call Marx your daddy”

I don’t know how you think bringing up trans discourse is a good idea to support your point when so much of it hinges on really blatant gender essentialism.

Stay mad

>> No.19212031
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Unironically the Jews

The brave, mysterious J. Sakai reports:

>At the same time (I) was working as an Asian houseboy for the family of a Jewish used car dealer (stereotypes abound for a reason). Was fired for taking a night off for my own high school graduation. The wife lost it and screamed, 'People like you don’t need graduations!' A month later was living in a different state to find a job and avoid the “colored” military draft. And active as the novice food drive coordinator in a long, bitter, ugly hospital workers’ strike, whose main public demand was pay raises up to the federal minimum wage (we lost badly). Have been through a thousand campaigns and movement groups since then...

>> No.19212035

Because you fucks always do this. You talk about the miserable state of the Left today and associate it with neoliberal subversion but then concede that most of your deficiencies explicitly come from Marxism itself. What about the Left today is any different from student radicals in the 1960s other than that they are no longer militant or violent? Their rhetoric and narcissism is the exact same, it was revived by social media and consequently neutered since airing grievances on the Internet is the only action they're willing to take today. Their views on sex, gender, race and identity all stem from Marxism regardless. You can dismiss it as essentialist all you want but all the ideological forefathers of the intersectional movement were capital M Marxists. And even if you don't consider it Marxist it doesn't matter anyways since these leftists far, far outnumber leftists like you who see materialism as the most contingent aspect of life. Your own people will call you a fascist bigot for saying the shit you say about essentialism. congrats

>> No.19212041

I love how the left is shedding its most feckless, most controlled opposition sections by fusing them with all the worst parts of society. "The left" is now a neoliberal social club for rich trust fund brats on permanent vacation, and increasingly rich immigrants who acquired the resources to flee their home countries by being among their most privileged castes, so they could come to white countries and LARP as the oppressed.

Let them have it all, let them keep whining about the civilization that invented everything they use, think, say, wear, and benefit from on a daily basis, including leftism, democracy, liberalism, socialism, etc. Let them identify it with themselves and take it up into themselves while angstily haranguing whites all day. When actual socialism reemerges for the first time in century in the hands of a "minority" vigorous and competent enough to use it, like it was vigorous and competent enough to invent it in the first place amid conquering the entire planet, it'll be that much easier to see where the real problems lie.

>> No.19212070
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>This book and Sakai in general are very controversial even amongst Marxists. I’m personally not a fan of it, and neither are most other Marxists I’ve spoken to, but a few are definitely fans of it
I'm partial to it, but I also think it's a product of its time, so it's all contextual. It was written in the early 1980s at the onset of neoliberalism when things started to seem totally hopeless and the socialist project looked like it was running out of gas. The language in the book ("Amerika" etc.) is also very 70s Maoist talk. Thing is, it has been nearly 40 years since it was published and the U.S. empire is looking fairly shaky compared to the beginning of the Reagan counter-revolution.

Also, I think some people tend to think they're being individually indicted when the book talks about white settlers. But why? Because you makes you feel bad? But a lot of the conclusions you can draw from this seem intuitive. Right-wing people too understand at some level that the empire is basically bloated and unwilling to make big sacrifices or slug it out like it did during World War II. Some techno-legion troops in Afghanistan get whacked, and everyone is wailing, like the U.S. has turned into a very well-armed but essentially private mafia for a gated suburb.

And even if you disagree, that's actually a good reason to have it out. That's dialectics, it's how leftist movements grew and changed throughout history, and if there's any hope for a leftist movement in the future, it absolutely needs to get away from the whole "let's just agree to disagree (p.s. imma ignore you)" bullshit that occupies liberal spheres. It's a lot better to have these battles before the left has power than after (if that time ever comes), when internal struggles are more likely to have guns and prisons involved.

>I think this book has doubtlessly reinforced that belief amongst idpol “Marxists”, but I would trace the intrusion of identity politics into western Marxist spaces to the incompetence of the western left under neoliberalism.
Well that and the collapse of the Soviet Union and the general discrediting of socialism (at least for awhile).

>You're deluded if you think there won't be actual bloodshed in Europe
Seems like there has been plenty of bloodshed in Europe in recent history? But Sakai is talking about America.

>Yeah, the more I read about this the more I am getting onboard China putting the West to the sword and liberating us from this autism
Well, Sakai was (or is) a Maoist. Anyhow, you should read what the CPC says about America in their journals. They'll describe the U.S. as a white supremacist colonial empire that has divided up the world in a hierarchical order to maintain the U.S. at the top. And while it's willing to promote individual members of minority groups as a form of "politically correct" masking, it's fundamentally a structurally racist society.


>> No.19212078

White men literally leave the US to go work in China kek

>> No.19212088

What's your point

>> No.19212098

How could conditions for employment be better in China than the white supremacist US for a white man?

>> No.19212102

>They'll describe the U.S. as a white supremacist colonial empire
Replace white with black (oh sorry, Black) and you'd be right

>> No.19212110

White people literally control over ten thousand atom bombs you fucking coping retard.

>> No.19212116

Putin is an Asian, and if Biden resigned tomorrow a black woman would control America's nukes. Your position is not as solid as you seem to think, and your race is a conquered one.

>> No.19212119

>Also, I think some people tend to think they're being individually indicted when the book talks about white settlers.
Gee, I don't know, it could be that an angry mob shows up at their doorstep or they otherwise get targeted by some of the most spiteful and dishonest people they've ever come across. I hope you guys find better shit to do than whatever the fuck this bullshit is.

>> No.19212126

Russians cluster closer to Europeans than any asian group. I mean they are Europeans, they speak an indo euto language, they just have a bit of asian admixture and they are part of the west slav cluster

>> No.19212129

East slav sorry

>> No.19212130

Russians do not identify with East Asians anon, they consider themselves white (they are) wtf are you talking about.

>> No.19212140


>The white cries out in pain as he strikes you
They should be afraid. Communism is going to win and with it, the defeat of the whites.

>> No.19212142

There is literally nothing more pathetic than chinese incels creating an elaborate cope, thinking that we're entering a chinese era, simply because chinese women prefer white men.
You really need to get back to reality here.

>> No.19212147

Do brown people really think like this

>> No.19212157
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>How could conditions for employment be better in China than the white supremacist US for a white man?
I dunno. Ask them. Maybe they have a more productive and efficient system over there? Maybe the U.S. is just reaching a dead end, especially for the lower classes and the middle class which is decaying? It's unable to make reforms to save itself, and one reason is because of the "original sin" of racism which divides people up.

Here's another bit from the CPC's journal, actually republished from the Central Party School.

>Gee, I don't know, it could be that an angry mob shows up at their doorstep
What's stopping you from joining the angry mob?

>> No.19212160

Do you know what affirmative action is?

>> No.19212164

>Also, I think some people tend to think they're being individually indicted when the book talks about white settlers. But why? Because you makes you feel bad?
you're invalidating white suffering at the hands of both fellow whites and non-whites and falsely turning them into an oppressor class and falsely characterizing the relationship between whites and non-whites as purely that of oppressor and oppressed. This is all false and part of a broad effort to villainize and dehumanize white people.

>> No.19212166

>What's stopping you from joining the angry mob?
>Why didn't the Jews just join Hitler's team?
You are baiting

>> No.19212168
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You're claiming that this isn't a white man.

>> No.19212179
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>a bourgeois proletariat
Words really don't mean anything to leftists do they

>> No.19212190

Try it.

>> No.19212193

The Jews are genetic bourgeoisie.

>> No.19212197

finally someone said it

>> No.19212203

You're lying through your teeth, and you will burn in the cold fires of Hell for an eternity. I'll pray for you, I guess.

Because I don't want to be surrounded by backstabbing communists, that's why. It's not rocket science.

>> No.19212220

Well, if you're white and a member of an oppressor race, you could become a traitor to your race.


>> No.19212233

That's too kind, they're genetic loansharks

>> No.19212250
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Or I could just work with the Chinese directly and ignore autists like you.

>> No.19212256

>CCP using American leftist jargon about people of color and whitey

And this is supposedly the great alternative to Liberalism that you faggots worship?

>> No.19212259

Yeah China is using this shit to try and destroy whites. Whites have no allies except other whites.

>> No.19212311

>when nobody reads books anymore
shiggy diggy

>> No.19212320
File: 201 KB, 415x914, justice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is an Asian.

Pic rel, we are.

>> No.19212327

once a couple countries go lebanon that's not going to continue

>> No.19212339

go to any communist/socialist/anarchist social function in the US. There will be 3 black people, a dozen brown people, and 500 white people with rainbow hair. Shit bait. Lefties will even bitch that their communities are overwhelmingly white.

>> No.19212347

What race are you? Stop dodging the question.

>> No.19212353

>"b-by 2050 muslims will almost be 20% of the population of these European countries!"
Holy shit dude. By 2050 the global political landscape will have gone through several major changes. By the end of this decade alone, probably by 2025 to be honest, Europeans will have completely stopped immigration and accepting migrants into their countries.
Do you not think that things change over time? Do you really think Russians consider themselves Asians and wouldn't side with other Europeans in a grand race war scenario (which also will never happen).
I don't understand your reasoning at all.

>> No.19212366
File: 1.15 MB, 1348x674, 85039485903405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to any communist/socialist/anarchist social function in the US. There will be 3 black people, a dozen brown people, and 500 white people with rainbow hair.
Depends where and which function really. The redder you get, the less white you often get.


>> No.19212377

By 2050 climate change will ensure hundreds of millions of people pour into Europe, 20% is a massive underestimate. Time is not on you side.

>Do you really think Russians consider themselves Asians
Perhaps they don't now, but they will return to their roots. An Asian is an Asian.

>> No.19212386

>Marxists today are obsessed with hating white people
Please name one prominent Marxist thinker/writer who hates white people

>> No.19212393

>Muslims make up less than a fifth of Europe 30 years into a 'high migration' future
Europeans are letting you into their countries because they feel sorry for you. Don't pretend like you're the ones in control. You could all be shipped back to your wartorn hellscape of a homeland within a year if Euros felt like it. They don't, because they know you pose no real threat to their hegemony.

>> No.19212394

They are genetically, linguistically, and culturally European, are you just baiting here? Obviously they are quite different from western europeans but they're more like them than they are like Chechens let alone Chinese

>> No.19212398

>By 2050 climate change will ensure hundreds of millions of people pour into Europe
No it won't, Europeans aren't going to accept them. What, you think hundreds of millions of people will just pour over the borders of European counties without being bombed and killed? When already over 70% of Europeans are saying they do not want any more migrants at all, and half of the remaining 30% think that "the migrants will be sent back once things are better anyway"?
Your fantasies have no connection with reality.

>> No.19212413

I'm beginning to think this guy is a false flagger trying to make white guys racist. I don't even care about race but when these guys are saying that they want to exterminate white people and they want to send in hundreds of millions of people who desire to destroy western nations that makes me angry.

>> No.19212421


>> No.19212424

White genocide is a meme. And the people that want to destroy the west aren't usually super eager to move to a western nation and live under their infidel laws.

>> No.19212430

Europeans will do nothing. And once whites are a minority, the transition from capitalism to socialism will begin. It's not an accident China, where whites are a tiny minority, is where true socialism is emerging.

>false flagger trying to make white guys racist
>Nooooo, the non-whites were supposed to like us!!!

>> No.19212435

Chinese also have higher iq than whites while the rest of the world...

>> No.19212441

>Europeans will do nothing
Europeans are literally already doing something. Right wing politicians are winning across Europe and the majority of Europeans support complete ban on accepting more migrants. The number is only increasing.
You're not making any sense.

>> No.19212450

>Right wing politicians are winning across Europe
Ah yes, I must have missed AfD winning in Germany.

>> No.19212457

>Everybody else was afraid of them afterward, leading to 200 years of poverty.
>Ethnically cleanse the entire white and mulatto population
>Explicitly forbid any white person from owning anything anywhere on Haitian soil
>Install a military dictatorship of elites
>Fall into civil war
>Attempt to invade your neighbors and ethnically cleanse all non-blacks
>Leadership attempts to re-institute forced labor to prop up the smoking ruins of the economy
>Never-ending clusterfuck of revolutions and failed governments ever since
>"White people are the reason Haiti is poor"

>> No.19212459

>Europeans will do nothing.

Europeans will put Muslims in camps and starve them to death. This has happened more than once throughout European history. Do you think the Holocaust is some outlier?

>> No.19212463
File: 227 KB, 602x336, 598340958340958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it seems like you're confirming their argument. China's rise (a non-white country) which is threatening to U.S. hegemony and empire is also perceived here as a threat to "white" people. Non-white individuals at high places in the U.S. system does not change this.


>> No.19212472

By 2025 most European countries will completely stop taking in migrants.

>> No.19212484

>black people conflating themselves with Chinese as 'non-caucasian'
Oh no no no

>> No.19212493

I am suspicious of the Chinese, which is why I keep asking this massive CCP fan what his race is. China in Africa is concerning, especially if they try to pull a Sri Lanka on an African nation.

>> No.19212508

Not that anon, but that not even the main point; now you have whole African and Muslim enclaves in France that will continue to spark political, religious, and ideological skirmishes as that number grows. You get the occasional racial conflict but it will be a silent segregated society with eyes looking suspiciously at each other trying to keep out the displacement numbers. How exactly are you going to deal with a country who clearly politicians who clearly favor the newer arrivals? they practically placed themselves into a corner.

>> No.19212541

Yeah he's pretty much just making an ass of himself.

>I don't even care about race but when these guys are saying that they want to exterminate white people and they want to send in hundreds of millions of people who desire to destroy western nations that makes me angry.
He's a complete fucking retard if he thinks this dumb bullshit is getting him anywhere.

>> No.19212560

>China ... is where true socialism is emerging.

>> No.19212563
File: 119 KB, 1054x664, nameism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your free market bro

>> No.19212567

>>We hold that settlerism is the historic instrument created by the European ruling classes to safeguard their colonial conquests with entire, imported populations of European invaders. In return for special privileges and a small share of the colonial loot these settlers became the loyal, live-in garrison troops of Empire over us. As such they objectively side with our oppressors and become imperialism’s willing servants. Everywhere they are filled with white supremacy, national chauvinism, and a hatred and fear of the oppressed. So that in South Afrika, in Palestine, and right here in the U.S. Empire, the Revolution objectively is locked in battle with the European settler masses. On this matter there is no choice.

Actually based AF. Shitskins and marxists btfo by centuria old 4D chess move. Feels fucking good to be white.

>> No.19212578

Macron will have Marine Le Pen breathing down his neck for his entire political career and this will shift him to the right on immigration.

>> No.19212581
File: 90 KB, 899x590, chinacommunists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China's not really communist guys

>> No.19212590

Why 2025? why not now?

>> No.19212594
File: 140 KB, 500x802, Langan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once the whites are gone you'll all be living in mud huts like the subhumans you are. Just accept that it's better for you to be the slave class and worship white cock as predetermined by your shitty genes.

>> No.19212599

>Or is there another source?

Seriously though, I personally see it as spiteful chimpout. A well informed egalitarian in 1960's thinks we're just few policies away from racial equality of outcomes, well informed egalitarian of 1980's(when all this shit started to be churned out in high volume) knows it became obvious that these few policies thing, that wasn't the case. In fact even science only backs egalitarianism out of pressure these days. So what we are observing are religious fanatics lashing out because reality failed to conform to their wacko beliefs.

>> No.19212600

Well in terms of economy no they're not, it's now mostly capitalist and getting more so steadily.

>> No.19212605

Boomer detected. Egalitarianism is considered racist. Equity is what is cool now.

>> No.19212612

Still fake and gay.

>> No.19212621

It's the same shit to me. None of these egalitarians of the past even considered unequal outcomes to be possible scenario, meaning that in practice their end state was equity. The difference is only relative, an "equitarian" very obviously is just an egalitarian who has seen the writing on the wall that his desired end state won't be achieved.

>> No.19212639

It was always about equality of outcome as being the end goal. An important moment would be the decision in Griggs v. Duke Power (1971) in which the supremes court ruled that intelligence tests, because they were not shown to be directly related to job performance, could not be used in hiring since blacks scored lower on them, and it did not matter whether there was any intent to discriminate. People act as if “standardized tests are racist if they show disparities” is some kind of new idea, but it’s basically been the law in the United States for 50 years, and is still inconsistently enforced.

>> No.19212646

Marxists have been brain dead utopian subhumans since the time of marx, and marx himself hated it. serves him right, i guess

>> No.19212658

Why would he?

>> No.19212745

Why do you hate us so much? I don't understand it. I don't hate nonwhites, even the most popular ones to hate, Jews and blacks. I want people to get along. Wouldn't it be better for whites and people of color to cooperate instead of fight each other?

>> No.19212752

They are jealous and hurt and contemptuous and vindictive and many other things. Are you asking what humans are or what history is?

>> No.19212762

I don't hate the bourgeoise, but they must be diminished for the transition from capitalism to socialism to occur. It's the same with whites. They were needed for the historical transition to capitalism, and now that we must move past capitalism, we must move past whites. If it's any comfort, I don't support violence against you guys. As I said itt, whites will ride off into the sunset via low birthrates and immigration, and then we will move into socialism. It's not a violent or hateful thing, it's just historical progression.

>> No.19212776

>I don't support violence against you guys
You're lying.

>> No.19212839

No, you're not. And you'll continue to not do shit.

>> No.19212958

I'm not arguing anything. I'm a completely different anon who made a passing comment.

>> No.19212971

I know you think you're hot shit right now because you have been allowed into white countries, but you have absolutely no idea how the mood is changing when you talk to real Europeans.
Just remember that twitter isn't a real place, and white people actually do have an ethnic identity, no matter how much the internet tries to tell you we don't. You'll keep pushing this, because you're too arrogant to do otherwise, but you and your white genocide talk is going to come back to bite you in the ass.

>> No.19212987

>One day we'll reverse the trend, I swear!!
I'm not losing any sleep.

>> No.19212995

I know. Neither am I.

>> No.19213013

Remember that time the Romans undid the German migrations? Or when the pagans undid Christianity? Or when the South won the civil war?

>> No.19213018

Yeah bro politics will just continue being exactly the same for decades
Use your brain, what do you think happens when enough whites hear you people talking like this and actually perceive you as a threat in their own homelands?

>> No.19213023

You will never have a communist utopia.

>> No.19213024

>s-some day, other people will do something about this
Are you some kind of apathetic glowie?

>> No.19213030

You mean like the population transfer out of Greece, or the numerous times Muslims were expelled from the Balkans, or Spain, or the hundreds of genocides that occur in the world each century?

>> No.19213035

>what do you think happens when enough whites hear you people talking like this and actually perceive you as a threat in their own homelands?
Nothing. Whites are not Africans, or Chinese. They will give up their homelands without a fuss.

>> No.19213036

Why would I be glowing? I'm simply asking you how you think this is going to work for you. You're the one advocating shit here, not me.

>> No.19213042

I can ensure you, that won't happen. It's not 2012 anymore. The mood has changed.

>> No.19213049

And you'll have the elite buy-in to do this because....?
Nah I'm a different guy. I just think it's funny that you won't do shit yourself but are prophesizing that you'll (well not you personally) get the result you want because other people will decide they've had enough of the world's wealthiest and most comfortable society and give it up for the turner diaries

>> No.19213052


>> No.19213054

I think it should be assure but I dont care enough to check a translation
Anyway anyone who doesn't think demographic changes is a thing people are talking about in Europe right now is just a retard who doesn't speak to people irl, nobody except twitter fags want to give up their home country

>> No.19213056

You're getting Bernando O'Higgins-Fujimori as your anti-racist authoritarian conservative (nostalgia for the 2030s) dictator in the 2050s and you're going to like it.

>> No.19213060
File: 189 KB, 594x800, damn-i-love-being-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invent everything worth inventing
>create the best art, best literature, best philosophy, best science, best laws, best civilization, best everything
>be the best at literally everything
>chill out for a while
>get bored
>conquer basically entire world in the span of a few generations
>draw pictures of yourself standing astride continents
>rename brown people's entire homelands after your fat bitch queen
>import all the good stuff god accidentally put on the continents of lesser peoples, turn them into factories to produce it
>chill out for a while, content to have defeated space and time
>get bored again
>try having some massive planet-spanning internecine wars
>develop ability to destroy entire world because why not
>finally get bored of even that
>need to devise a new way to fuck with inferior races
>decide to invite them into our homes, let them shit all over the walls, condescend to them and patronize them
>even tolerate them becoming whiny and spoiled and feeling entitled to it
>even tolerate their insults and pathetic admonishments that they are entitled to our homes and we don't deserve them
>lift our inferiors onto our shoulders for a goof, the view ruined by the knowledge that they only have it at the sufferance of the giant who is lifting them
>give everything to them when it is precisely not having things handed to you that makes you strong some day, permanently othering them
>remain the eternal Same
>remain kings of the universe
>still run their homelands as slave factories for mass producing baseball hats and tampons

>> No.19213072

>I just think it's funny that you won't do shit yourself
What do you think I'm saying? I never said anything about Turner diaries shit, I haven't read it.
Yes, I will advocate this irl, I am completely open about pushing for getting migrants out of my country in my own life. I never used to be political before but I am now, and last 2 years many people are even willing to talk about demographic change and even kicking foreign invaders out.
There are nearly 1 billion Europeans still, you cant think you can move in just from legal nonsense and nobody is ever going to send you back, or if you refuse you will have to use violence. But you yourself are too pussy because you know you will lose badly.

>> No.19213075

And you're still going to be eating shit, I guess.

>> No.19213094

>1 billion Europeans
Aren't they disproportionally elderly? Who has more fighting age men, all those countries south of you where the average person is 28 or the world's largest nursing home outside of Japan?
Are you referring to Haitians or something? All of them are going to live in the United States in a few years at the rate your government is allowing

>> No.19213099

>other people will decide they've had enough of the world's wealthiest and most comfortable society
Mass migration makes it an uncomfortable society. People are already well and truly sick of it.

>> No.19213104

Because the post you replied to was b8 as is the whole thread, yet anons are too stupid to realise that nobody has ever actually heard of this book and have started going on about “leftists” as if that is one group of people who all believe the same thing and what they belong is everything they don’t like because pol told them so.

>> No.19213105
File: 208 KB, 361x691, 1595542859494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that you leeches are going to eat each other alive if whitey ever leaves?

>> No.19213107

In the United States the generation that lived through full blown urban race riots in the 60s and 70s decided to cede them and move out to the suburbs. Their children have never been in a fight in their entire lives. And they voted for more immigration.

>> No.19213109

My bet is that the elites who wanted to dilute Europe were not expecting shit to go this badly, I think they were hoping to boil the frog for another 30 years and then have it really be too late, and for dissenters to be very rare when they did arise.

Now there will definitely be civil wars and social breakdown but it's not going to be like Houellebecq's Soumission at least.

Honestly I think one of the things the elites never anticipate is genuine antipathy between ethnic groups. They really do think nationalism and ethnocentrism are irrational, so when they try to social engineer them out of existence, they factor that into their calculations and assume they will dissolve pretty easily in the face of consumerism. I don't think elites, who never associate with crass awful mannerless rude arrogant immigrants on a daily basis, can really appreciate how much the average joe is capable of hating them. They also underestimate(d) how stubborn the immigrants would be about their religion in the face of western style liberal hedonism.

I think they expected to have a melting pot by now, easily manipulated, with no hope of unmixing it. Instead they got retarded inbred Muslims doubling down on their religious fanaticism and most of the original population retaining a basic preference for white European society. Their plans appeared to be working for a long time as long as the "long 1990s" continued into the 2000s, but once shit got bumpy, it all started falling apart.

At this point I have a hard time seeing how they could turn it around. What are you gonna do, just flood another 10 million Turks into Germany and hope the demographics are enough? Germany will collapse internally for sure at this point with the demographic issues as the white population ages, but it's never going to "go Muslim."

Another thing to remember about all these spooky immigrants is that they're extremely low IQ. Little more than footsoldiers for equally retarded, shortsighted leaders. That does have to be accounted for. It's like saying blacks in America will overwhelm whites in the cities, when whites are smart enough to have fled before the total breakdown happens, and blacks literally think food stores automatically restock themselves for fresh looting every morning.

>> No.19213110

>Who has more fighting age men, all those countries south of you where the average person is 28
What do you think we're going to have a big fucking sword fight in the Sahara?

>> No.19213113

No, I'm referring to you eating shit, shiteater.

>> No.19213114

You are a naive fool. The end goal is for the moneyed elite to construct a parallel breakaway civilization and discard the masses through depopulation programs once sufficient advancements in AI, automation, and gene editing have been attained. There is no place for you in this future either. You are a smug little cretin who is too short sighted to realize that he is ultimately being utilized as a disposable tool.

>> No.19213121

I am not an American and I don't give a fuck about what Americans did to their shithole country.
I'm Italian and you will have a fight.

>> No.19213126

>t. historical illiterate
I know there's a poltroon conspiracy about a spooky plan to create a carmel class of pliant subalterns but the fact of the matter is that such homogenization would be harmful to the maintenance of a large empire. What you really want are lots and lots of factions that can't out-dominate you, and you want to spread them out, and that's what goes on, and no you won't be stopping it. Read the Federalist papers. Then some Austrian and Turkish history to see how you manage 20 ethnic groups for 500 years. Lessons have been learned. There are no more large homogenous regions in the empires anymore; every area gets its mix of plurality to make balkanization impossible.

>> No.19213132

No you'll just wake up one day in your 60's and be outnumbered. If only you'd spent less time being an election tourist on the literature board of 4channel

>> No.19213136

Considering they don't really want to stay in Italy it might be less of a fight and more of a "Germany is that'a way" conversation

>> No.19213142

>>this whole thread
>>>/pol/. Imagine being so brainwashed you uncontrollably reeee about “leftist” boogeyman at any given moment. Half of you can’t even keep your ramblings consistent with it self, let alone know half the terms you’re spouting actually mean.

>> No.19213152

So can someone explain to me why Western Communists have turned into this wierd racist cult while Eastern Communists are building sucessful(ish) States for the 21st century?

What the fuck happened? Why does the west keep focusing so hard on this sort if omnicidal autism while the east keeps knuckling down and does their best to actually impliment communism to the best of their ability?

>> No.19213197

It should've been pruned a while ago, in fact purge Marx off the board while you're at it.

>> No.19213263

The only semi-"communist" country that's becoming successful is china.

>> No.19213287


>> No.19213936
File: 67 KB, 640x725, QtFsMsLAQNLdJbQ1GrWMNBiP6-RWC2eBVkCkfhRWA9Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 2005 Université Libre de Bruxelles study estimated that about 10% of the Muslim population in Belgium are "practicing Muslims".[103] In 2009, only 24% of Muslims in the Netherlands attended mosque once a week according to a survey.[104] According to the same 2004 survey, they found that the importance of Islam in the lives of Dutch Muslims, particularly of second-generation immigrants was decreasing. According to a survey, only 33% of French Muslims who were interviewed said they were religious believers.

>But trust me bro, in 30 years all those muslims raised secularly will be literal isis

>white people actually do have an ethnic identity

>> No.19213967

>Europe and NA are being flooded with millions of Somalians (sic!)

>United States 170,192 (2018)
> Sweden 66,369
> Canada 62,550
>Norway 43,196
>Netherlands 39,737[19]
>Germany 38,675
>Denmark 21,210[24]
>Finland 20,944[25]
>Italy 8,228[27]
>Austria 7,101[28]
>Switzerland 7,025>
>Belgium 2,627[33]
>France 2,568
>Ireland 1,495

>491.917 in 14 nations

>Ethiopia 4,581,793 (2007)[3]
>Kenya 2,780,502 (2019)[4]
>Djibouti 534,000 (2017)[5]
>Yemen 500,000 (2014)[6]

>> No.19213990

it’s just a history book
this is another /pol/ thread isn’t it

>> No.19214035

It's the CIA and the bourgeoisie. That book, apparently Sakai is just a pen-name, the real author being unknown, is just one weapon of this system. Spend some time on influence watch and you'll understand a little. Look up pink capitalism and the Israel Lobby and you'll understand everything worth knowing.

>> No.19214038

So the majority of your movement has no vested interest in it whatsoever? Try to keep this to yourself or /pol/ may gain some new lurkers.

>> No.19214043

Because it takes time to enact policies.

>> No.19214045

>implying Westerners who call themselves Maoists are actually Maoists
They just hate Lenin because he's white and Marx because they don't know what Jews are.