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[ERROR] No.19210778 [Reply] [Original]

is she, dare I say it, our gal?

>> No.19210789

>it turns out to be a business dispute over royalties with the israeli publishers

>> No.19210790

>offends Jews
>works in media
RIP her career

>> No.19210794

I'm not posting anything relevant. I'm just checking to see if I'm still banned.

>> No.19210795

Normal People > Conversations With Friends >>>>> Beautiful World, Where Are You

>> No.19210798

>(((publisher))) you let us publish for free, ya?
>Rooney: wtf fuck off Hymie

>> No.19210813
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The damn Irish

>> No.19210819

tater famine was a hoax

>> No.19210821

So Orange vs Green mentality transcends religion. Based

>> No.19210895

Are they self-aware when they say things like this? Is it chutzpah or a genuine blindspot?

>> No.19210912

This lack of self awareness surely can't be real

>> No.19210946

Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.19210966
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>> No.19210978

So she hates Jews and loves getting money? Sounds like a typical communist to me.

>> No.19210998

The fabled Ulster Jew…

>> No.19211029

twitter trannies seething as usual

>> No.19211135

Looking into it, she's apparently culturally boycotting Isreal over the Palestine shenanigans.

>> No.19211153

>Israel and Palestine only came into existence between her second and third books

>> No.19211186

Probably an excuse to shield actual anti-semitism. Palestine has given a low-hanging fruit for fascists and anti-semites to pick

>> No.19211199

>Palestine has given a low-hanging fruit for fascists
You do realize Israel is the fascist dream state right? Every fascist on the planet would be ecstatic to have an Israel for their people.

>> No.19211208


>> No.19211212

>Every fascist on the planet would be ecstatic to be surrounded on all sides by countries that hate you
I'm not sure if "ecstatic" is the right word. "Historical" might be closer.

>> No.19211231

>oh noes, the Arabs, who haven’t won a war since the Abbasids ruled, hate us!
Poor Israel, how will this nuclear power survive when faced with such threats

>> No.19211292

No, that's just when she woke up.

>> No.19211301

Shut up. Israel is like 30% arab. Its pozzled like everyone else

>> No.19211347
File: 436 KB, 1024x565, rooney-1024x565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

various headlines soon in a web publication near you:

>BREAKING: Sally Rooney dropped by agent, publisher after antisemitic outburst

>Salley Rooney cancels book tour as 'Beautiful World, Where Are You' is removed from print

>Irish author Sally Rooney's books pulled from sale in locations worldwide

>Don't look back in anger: reckoning with anti-Semitism in the post-Sally Rooney publishing industry

>'Normal People' Author Sally Rooney -- 'Memba Her?!

>> No.19211351

Shut up muzzie-loving left cuck. Long live the State of Israel!

>> No.19211379

No anglo moid would ever do this
Absolutely based

>> No.19211439

spoiler these images next time please

>> No.19211458
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Better late than never.

>> No.19211487
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>is Irish
>possibly cucks hebrew translations because of palestine
>described herself as Marxist

>> No.19211523


>> No.19212382

Hating Isreal over Palestine is now part of the liberal zeitgeist. It is as normie as climate change ideology. She gets no points from Uncle Ted for her establishment approved boycott.

>> No.19212409

she seems ugly enough to be smart. I will read normal people. I told my sister I would at least.

>> No.19212417

shut the fuck up