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[ERROR] No.19208775 [Reply] [Original]

how are my fellow marxist sadgrrlz and bois suffering so far in this cesspit we found ourselves in together?
i seem to be currently slogging through the Political Writings anthology by Verso in between blinking out of consciousness

some links to help start off this thread hopefully:

>> No.19208783

LTV is retarded you should all kys at the first available opportunity

>> No.19208787

go back to /pol/

>> No.19208842
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, armchair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, speaking of italians, have this translation of a bordiga tv interview: https://www.docdroid.net/V4aLUSZ/fragments-of-an-interview-with-amadeo-bordiga-pdf
the interview itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiMVz-KtKCw

>> No.19210282

The LTV still kind of holds up, I think. Obviously you can get filthy rich from speculation and market gambling in general and the like, but it still doesn’t make you Wealthy.

>> No.19210286


>> No.19210321

God I fucking hate Bofogna...

>> No.19211279

not a marxist but that serge text was an interesting read.

>> No.19211457
File: 78 KB, 700x1050, Heinrich, Introduction to Capital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The "content" of something (its "natural form") is distinguished from its "social form"—sometimes Marx speaks of an "economic form-determination" (okonomiscke Formbestimmung). The "natural form" of the chair is simply its material composition (for example, whether it is made of wood or metal). "Social form," on the other hand, means that the chair is a "commodity," something that is exchanged and that therefore possesses an "exchange value." That the chair is a commodity is not a characteristic of the chair itself as a thing, but rather of the society in which this thing exists.
But this is wrong. The use-value is also a property of a relation, between the thing and it's 'user', it's not a property of the thing-in-itself or a 'natural form' of a thing; there's no use-value in a thing without a relation to a 'user', a 'social form', the value exists only in the relational act of using. A chair only has a use-value if a person uses it for sitting; a relational act or 'social form'. Exchange-value isn't different in essence to use-value, both only exist in a relational or 'social form' context, things-in-themselves have no value at all, no use-value or exchange-value.

>> No.19211531

>If exchange exists, then a division of labor is implied. I only exchange for things that I do not myself produce. Division of labor is a precondition of exchange, but exchange is not a precondition for the division of labor, as a glance at any factory would confirm: within a factory, there is a high level of division of labor, but the products themselves are not exchanged for one another. (p43-44)
This is a non-sequitur is it not? The specialised workers within a factory have to exchange their labour, via the intermediary of wages, for a variety of goods to meet all their needs. Wherever there is divison of labour there is necessarily exchange, life requires multiple goods and services, if you only produce one good or service, like a specialised labour role in a factory, you have to exchange it for all the others in order to keep living.

>> No.19211542

The only coherent form of Marxism nowadays is left-wing accelerationism. We need to multiply the contradictions within capitalism in order to accelerate its collapse.

>> No.19211604
File: 409 KB, 750x1096, 1804E323-8DAD-4D0B-AAA5-4D5DEB4C280E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m pioneering praxis at work with colleagues as part of my sixty hour weeks.

>> No.19211911

>Value-constituting labor-time (or the magnitude of abstract labor) cannot be measured before, only during exchange—and when the values of all commodities are set into relation with one another, then this act of measuring can only be conducted by means of money.
But if value can only be measured during acts of exchange how can the values of *all* commodities be set in relation with one another? They would all need to be actually exchanged with eachother to determine their values.

When are they all supposed to be "set" in relation with eachother? Is it on the same day, the day of the exchange, the day of their production, a random day plucked out of the aether?

>> No.19211944

marx was a minor ricardian who lucked out by becoming the basis of a large european empire's state religion. it's not sound economics.

>> No.19211969

Can you not talk like a fucking faggot if you're trying to proselytize Marx? You're cementing the perception that everybody interested in Marx is a twitter tourist homosexual.

>> No.19212003

>everybody interested in Marx is a twitter tourist homosexual.
Marxist-Leninists already do that by choosing red and yellow for their colors. Red and White would be acceptable, red and yellow is just cringe.

>> No.19212005

I did, but I only came back with this quote
>What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is the worldly god? Money.
On that note, you'd think antisemites would be less fervently procapital

>> No.19212009
File: 52 KB, 828x741, 1633883915849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody interested in Marx is a twitter tourist homosexual.

>> No.19212013

They mostly reject the category of capital entirely, using categories like usury, corruption, currency dilution etc instead to describe the things they don't like in our economic systems.

>> No.19212025
File: 201 KB, 421x519, 9F0F0D56-C7D6-469C-B6B8-DEA1CA1657C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxism is the proto religion of weakness and mental suffering because you never take your life into your own hands.
Suffer more and dilate.

>> No.19212039

hi, just coming into this thread to tell you to fucking kill yourself. i wish misery on every stage of your life from here onward.

>> No.19212086

fuck off back to nature, subhumans

>> No.19212114

>didn't pull the pin
lol monke

>> No.19212185

you say you hate the global capitalist class and have all the answers, yet you inject their "medicine" straight into your veins like a retard farm animal. you should trust your fellow civilian who keeps getting maimed over government propaganda through infiltrated national governments. don't be like the others who don't even feel a need to even try to investigate it for yourself--you might just be surprised at what you find. for starters
ignore and scoff at your own peril

>> No.19212254

>how are my fellow marxist sadgrrlz and bois suffering so far in this cesspit we found ourselves in together?
also yeah like that other anon said
you would do well to not talk like a faggot

>> No.19214001

not a cuck that wants to appeal to reactionaries with smelly dicks, sorry

>> No.19214023

it's not "value" that can only be measured during exchange, it's "the magnitude of abstract labor". you're thinking way too hard into individual parts of the text
i assume you're quoting heinrich's intro?

>> No.19214027

it's not "value" that can only be measured during exchange, it's "the magnitude of abstract labor". you're thinking way too hard into individual parts of the text
i assume you're quoting heinrich's intro?

>> No.19214068

If it talks like a cuck, it probably is a cuck

>> No.19214262


>> No.19214310
File: 509 KB, 720x1269, Screenshot_20211012-161741_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Fascism is the conclusion of "die rücksichtlose Kritik alles Bestehenden", and thus Marxism.

Daily reminder Marx wasn't a Materialist in the ordinary sense.

Daily reminder to read early Marx and the Paris Manuscripts.

Daily Reminder to read Sorel.

Daily Reminder that every existing 'Socialist' government was reactionary.

Daily reminder Mussolini was right.

>> No.19214322

>Nicola Bombacci
>Stalin will never make socialism; rather Mussolini will.
1945, to a crowd in Genoa, as quoted in Mussolini (2011) by R.J.B Bosworth, p. 511

>> No.19214366
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