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/lit/ - Literature

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1920688 No.1920688 [Reply] [Original]

Everything that is a book is literature. Deal w/ it, you insufferable fucking faglords.

>> No.1920702

That's all right. But when we say literature we mean something of graduated quality higher than some certain faggotry.

e.g. We don't say that comics are literature when we talk about Hamlet. Even if its a comic based on hamlet.

>> No.1920703
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>> No.1920710

Unless you're talking about manuals and things like that right?

>> No.1920713

lit·er·a·ture   /ˈlɪtərətʃər, -ˌtʃʊər, ˈlɪtrə-/ Show Spelled
[lit-er-uh-cher, -choor, li-truh-] Show IPA

1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays.
2. the entire body of writings of a specific language, period, people, etc.: the literature of England.
3. the writings dealing with a particular subject: the literature of ornithology.

For the purposes of this board, the first definition is most pertinent.

For your purposes, the bastardization of the second definition is most pertinent.

The third is still valid but doesn't really settle anywhere within this debate.

TL:DR: You're mostly wrong.

>> No.1920721


>> No.1920726

Let's discount logical argument based on fact with childish quips for the purpose of trolling, that'll learn him!

>> No.1920728

if you have to waste your energy replying to obvious trolls then you're probably insecure and wrong.

I guess this means not all books are literature.

>> No.1920729

But comics can most certainly be literary.

>> No.1920732

Please don't refer to Sandman or Watchmen. Comics certainly do have literary value in terms od entertainment. But to pack the kind of ideas into them compared to what we usually consider literature would be (is) really difficult.

>> No.1920758

Sure comics can be literary, so can films. But why would you want a comic to be functioning on the terms of another medium?

Comics might be literary but they're not literature.

>> No.1920766

Thats a really awful way of putting it.
I think what you are trying to say is that a lot of people use the word literature to refer to those books of established literary merit - as determined by those who study literary theory.

Arguably, creating such a work is harder than creating a work that would not be considered literature, so if that is how you define quality, then thats fine. However, a lot of people don't, so to communicate effectively you should explain what you mean.

>> No.1920768

G.K. Chesterton said that the most beautiful part of a painting is the frame. In other words, the limitations of an artform are what makes it worthwhile. Just enjoy it for what it is and don't try to make it into something else.

>> No.1920779

Now I want to see some manuals written by acclaimed/well-known authors

Imagine trying to accomplish anything guided by H.P. Lovecraft

>In the dark recesses of this box you will find a most singular object upon which no human eye has ever gazed, and which is almost impossible to describe. This is tab A, and when you touch it you will feel that it is deadly cold. You must take hold of it and unite it with slot A. Do not unite it, however, with slot B, for a cosmic abnormality irreconcilable to the minds of mortal men would result, rendering you utterly bereft of all ability to reason. You would be unable to enjoy your entertainment center in accordance with the laws of Nature and instead you would remain paralyzed for terrible eternities, eyes fixed upon the grotesque, ungodly monstrosity your careless hands had wrought.

>> No.1920800

Five star post.

>> No.1920802

SHG, you're alright.

>> No.1920804

Or Hemingway.

>He put the tab into the slot. It felt good, like he was doing the right thing.

>> No.1920823
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here, maybe vonnegut can do it

>> No.1920836

Dont try
To put together furniture
When you're drunk
Just listen to Mahler

>> No.1920864


>> No.1920914

all things are texts, therefore all things are literature. that shit you took last week that almost wrecked your ass? literature.

>> No.1920918

Not just literature. High art.