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[ERROR] No.19206104 [Reply] [Original]

I've noticed there are a lot of Roman Catholics on this board. Have you ever read the writings of the Reformers?

>> No.19206110
File: 48 KB, 362x512, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reform dat ass

>> No.19206112

Delete this

>> No.19206113

>Luther and his fellow “Headcanons”

Books from Protestant authors? Yes. I enjoyed reading Soren Kierkegaard’s books and Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christ.

>> No.19206125
File: 85 KB, 631x329, 3F17250C-02F3-4917-A78D-19F71A5C496E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you’re proud of yourself, atheistfag.

>> No.19206157
File: 86 KB, 640x564, JesusWashesFeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus has no pride, he would sacrifice his ass for humanity

>> No.19206163

Reading? I'm here to insult people who don't believe in exactly the same stuff as me nigga.

>> No.19206236


Why the fuck would I be interested in what a bunch of gay heretics have to say?

>> No.19206301

No. I really have no interest in doing so either

>> No.19206328

Calvin is worth reading. He is the only one though.

>> No.19206329

The Catholic Church literally exists for gay pedophiles to have a job. If I was anti homo I'd be evangelical or something.

>> No.19206617

* Jesuits


>> No.19206738

What he writes is beautiful. That should be enough but if not he is unlike any other Christian writer and I believe his view on aesthetics and beauty are very important. Or things like his treatise on relics; all of this is greatly neglected in favor of his 'inflammatory' doctrines on sin or supralapsarianism (which is also misunderstood by people who have never read Calvin).

>> No.19207714

You're always supposed to read the other guy.

>> No.19208155

Do it then. Run your sword through our bowels you coward

>> No.19209484
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>> No.19209500

He was immensely intelligent and one of the most well-versed scholars ever, knew all the ancient languages etc. Even if you don't agree with him it's worth reading him.

>> No.19210025

This. William L. Craig is an evangelical protestant, but I as a Catholic have no problem reading his books or watching his discussions.

>> No.19210073

Catholics burned protestants alive and you think they'll read your theology?

>> No.19211075

That was in the past.

>> No.19211108
File: 54 KB, 680x516, sx0c3hen8xv61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've noticed there are a lot of Roman Catholics on this board.
They are all quite literally pic related

>> No.19211121

Perhaps you're projecting your inability for genuine religious sentiment

>> No.19211176
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Ok golem

>> No.19211219
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I read Bullinger and then became enamored with covenant theology so I read the Puritans and became a confessional Presbyterian. All roads lead to Westminster.

>> No.19211241

don't forget that one guy on /lit/ that wanted to convert to Catholicism and then gave up because it required a year long process

>> No.19211344

Is sword in this case innuendo for your cock?

>> No.19211534

>Have you ever read the writings of the Reformers?
Yea, mainly Luther and Flacius
The stuff I agree with them Catholics already implemented during the counter-reformation

>> No.19212053

But I was baptised Catholic as a baby and go to the Latin Mass weekly. I'm also 30.

>> No.19212054

I've read CS Lewis.

>> No.19212064

is the tradcath larper in the room with us right now, anon?

>> No.19212361
File: 662 KB, 1707x2560, Jewel_frontcover-01-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it didn't make me Anglican but it did convince me of Protestantism.

>> No.19213751

Protestants have also persecuted Catholics and other theological opponents. Calvin himself burned a non trinitarian at the stake.

>> No.19213923

The Anglican pill is the hardest to swallow.

>> No.19214276

The city council burned a non trinitarian at the stake. Calvin asked that he be given a lesser sentence.

>> No.19214330

Honestly I'll say this as someone born in to Catholicism, do you actually care about this? The Catholic Church has so many problems right now this is at the bottom of my list — I know a lot of them do just pick it up for political reasons as so many did in history, but I genuinely do wish some of them eventually do find actual firm faith in it.

Meanwhile you just post memes wanting to 'own' them to feel more smug.

I hate to say it, but honestly this. I see the root of most problems today coming from the Church's failures in the pre-renaissance area for unfucking themselves before it was too late and the giga retardation of having everyone be their own Pope happened.

If I wanted to read more on other Christian Sects, I would probably look into Eastern Orthodox and other sects with some real time (more than a few 400 years anyway) behind them.