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/lit/ - Literature

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1920601 No.1920601 [Reply] [Original]

Deathly Hallows flaws General?
Elder Wand theory(lol)
>inb4 not literature

>> No.1920608

nothing in harry potter makes sense if you think about it for more than 5 minutes

>> No.1920621


>> No.1920624

Is some other board trolling us in a weird sort of way? All day has been Joyce and Harry Potter threads. OP I assume you're new here if you're not trolling. We're the slowest board on 4chan and there are like eighteen harry potter threads alive right now. Find one of them and let this one die.

>> No.1920649

because the final Harry Potter film is debuting this week all the Harry Potter fags are coming out of the woodwork and embarrassing themselves.

>> No.1920652

i wanted to solely talk about The Elder Wand theory and was wondering what other people's opinions

>> No.1920664
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I know right? Fucking brooms flying, what the fuck man?

Oh wait, it's a book.

>yfw making that statement

>> No.1920675

No, asshole. The book does not make sense in itself. Trust me, I have put some thought in it.

>> No.1920689

if you don't want to pay attention to things and just want to say "it's just a book" okay

i'm just saying, ultimately analyzing the world of Harry Potter is kind of pointless because at some point it fails to hold together

>> No.1920717

I wrote a termpaper about the astonishing fact that wizards fucking love Christmas, which makes no sense.

>> No.1920722

what? did you actually write a termpaper about harry potter? is this ajoke or what is gong on I DONT <NOW SOMEONE EHEAHHHELP

>> No.1920725

No, I am currently doing an M.A. in Cultural Studies, I actually wrote it. Here is some, just for proof:

Witches and wizards sing carols just as Muggles do (Rowling 1998: 159). However, they are transformed in order to fit in with wizarding culture: “God Rest Ye, Merry Hippogriffs” is a carol sung by Sirius Black which is obviously modelled on an actual Christmas carol. It is unclear why the ‘Merry Gentlemen’ have been altered and not the first part of the title, but it makes visible to us the jarring layers of imagery used, as the Christian God normally absent from the wizarding world is combined in a seemingly benevolent and peaceful relationship with a mythological creature that actually exists in the Harry Potter novels.

>> No.1920730

Oh shit, that's really fucking cool. Sorry I thought you were mocking me. That's seriously so dope on a level I can barely process.

>> No.1920739

Just to blow your mind a little more, I also wrote my Bachelor's thesis on HP, but on the representation of Eastern Europeans in Harry Potter. My Professor asked another student and myself to do a presentation with him about the topic at a conference and now I am theoretically a published author, since they made a book from the conference contributions (which obviously hardly anyone will buy/read, but whatever).

>> No.1920744


Last year I read a similar book analyzing the cultural effect of Pokemon. Someone will read your work and be grateful.

>> No.1920746


>put thought into the logic of a fucking fantasy book for children

Aspie retard detected.

>> No.1920752

I think the entire wand allegiance thing was fucked up with the Elder wand. If the wand is so powerful why is it that it loses allegiance when it is simply taken from another wizard.

Also. how did Ron speak parseltounge . this isnt even a language a regular person can speak and just happened to speak it and then how did he and hermione get out of the chamber without flying out like in CoS?

>> No.1920753

The topic is not necessarily the problem, but the conference wasn't high-profile enough for anyone to care. And since the topic was representations of Eastern Europe in Anglophone Literature, people looking for Harry Potter probably won't even find it.

>> No.1920757 [SPOILER] 
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>Reading Harry Potter

>> No.1920759

he just tried to mimic harry is all
he didn't "speak it" or have a conversation or anything
just mimic a word or two

>> No.1920764

Well, at the very least, you probably made Edward Said proud.

>> No.1920769

I only read the final book in the series.

The Elder Wand thing didn't really make any sense at all to me. It seemed like Rowling was just pulling convoluted bullshit out of her ass to make Voldemort kill himself.

>> No.1920776 [DELETED] 

A good female writer writes through the lens of female experience. She comments on the role of women in society and in the world of men. She makes a statement about the politics of gender relations.
All of these themes are absent from Harry Potter. They are written from a bluntly, hypocritically male perspective, with women playing second fiddle and existing only to serve the needs of the aggressive male hero and his sidekick.

Rowling has done a disservice to her gender. She is a coward who chooses to write from a male perspective because she feels a female perspective will not sell. She even omitted her real name in favor of the acronym "J.K." because she felt ashamed to be a woman, and felt like a work by a female author wouldn't sell. Spineless women like J.K. Rowling make me sick. She has done nothing for the cause of womens' independence, only set it back.

>> No.1920774

Good instinct. Said is actually the most important resource for that one, I think. There is a good book by Larry Wolff called "Inventing Eastern Europe", which, like all the other "Inventing <place>" books from the 90s is mostly Orientalism with <Orientalism> swapped with <place>. Still good though, he does go through the respective literature.

>> No.1920786

cool story troll

>> No.1920790

so the fact that the ONLY advanced wizard to be mentioned in the entire school is hermione granger. She is always level headed and is the one who harry and ron look up to to get them out of trouble. J.K used her name to probably hide her identity but she isnt like that now at all.

>> No.1920811

I hated Deathly Hallows. I found Snape's motivations to be completely unsatisfying. He did all that, all those years, just because he felt bad about indirectly getting Lily killed? I understand that would make him feel bad, but for Snape to do all that, do all the spying, and all the hating on Harry, all just because of Lily dying so many years before. It was a hard sell for me and I couldn't buy it. That's what I was looking most forward to and I was so disappointed.

Also, I feel like Malfoy should have played more of a part...

>> No.1920812

ron and hermione fucking still makes no sense to me. they had nothing in common. hermione was bright and controlling, ron is dumb and laid back

>> No.1920815


You cannot be that naive about relationships.

>> No.1920817

Hermoine must have major self esteem issues.

>> No.1920816


Agreed about Malfoy. He became really weak, cowardly and pissy by the end. I was hoping he would man up and do something.

>> No.1920820


>> No.1920827


what? opposites attract?

i mean you can see why ron likes hermione. shes hot, smart, knows what shes doing and is going places. but why would she like ron? he is everything she dislikes. even if ron is cute, so what?

harry/hermione makes way more sense

>> No.1920833


Hermione needs someone to calm her down and offer her the more emotional needs in her life. She spends so much time working and worrying, Ron's easy-going nature comforts her. It takes her away from the stress of real life.

Ron is attracted to Hermione's obvious vulnerability. He gains satisfaction from awakening what she's really feeling.

>> No.1920960
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>> No.1920976


I've casually watched all the films over the years and that is one of the few lines that I remember an enjoy.

>and the core?
>dr-dragonheart sire

Voldemort is fucking perfect in that scene.

>> No.1922393

i think the actor who played Malfoy, Jason Isaacs was just as good showing how scared and weak him and family had become now that voldemort has returned

>> No.1922881

The fact that Ron was able to tell Dobby to take the prisoners in Malfoy Manor to Bill and Fleur's shell cottage makes no sense, considering it was under the fidelius charm - and Bill was secret keeper, so there was no way Ron could have told anyone else about it.

And yes, Ron/Hermione makes no sense. JK Rowling just catered to what her fan base wanted, instead of what was actually plausible. Why the fuck would Harry be attracted to the girl who reminded him of his dead mother, and Hermione attracted to the person who exemplifies every quality she hates.

>> No.1922900

I find the worst kind of nerds are those who spend their time finding flaws in things. Life is more fun if you try using your brains to fill in any gaps yourself.

>> No.1922907

You've never heard the tale of Oedipus have you?

>> No.1922918

Harry potter, imo, is a perfect example of how people raised on movies and tv do a writing.

>Why are haters on youtube always they most ugly people you could hope to find! Also, dem voices.
>why do people read books they don't like.

>> No.1922941

>And yes, Ron/Hermione makes no sense. JK Rowling just catered to what her fan base wanted, instead of what was actually plausible.

JKR explicitly stated that she modeled Hermione and Ron's relationship after a relationship she had when she was that age that she wishes had ended up better.

If she'd been catering to what the fanbase wanted, she'd have ended up with Harry, and Ginny would have been just another background character.

>> No.1922943

I've read all the fanfiction, if she was catering to the fanbase Harry would have wound up with Lupin, Ron or Draco

>> No.1922949


Ok, the fanbase other than horny tween girls.

>> No.1922956

not literature

>> No.1922981

If she was catering to that fanbase Hermione would have fucked a vampire.

>> No.1922988


Or Draco Malfoy. In a threesome with Harry. But Malfoy in the middle taking it both ways.

>> No.1923032

The problem here is that anyone who takes the time criticize"Harry Potter" in-depth has given the books more thought than Ms. Rowling ever did. Here are a few examples to prove my point:
Why does there have to be wizard money?

Why do spells only work when certain words are pronounced? How were these words discovered?

What is the relationship between the magical government and the muggle government? Is there a separate parliament for the magical community or does the minister of magic have his own little totalitarian regime?

Why are wizards so ignorant of muggles? Witches and wizards have every reason to fear muggles, so one would think they would take the time to understand them better. Plus, don't many wizards live among muggles anyway? How is it that no one in the magical community knows what a gun or a telephone is?

Is the Hogwarts Express the only way to get to Hogwarts? What about all the children who don't live near London? You'd better not say they get to London by floo powder, because you'll just raise the question of why they don't go straight to Hogwarts by floo powder. Wait...why does anyone need to ride a train to Hogwarts again?
Giving these books any critical thought has no point.

>> No.1923083

Why would anyone try to apply logic to books whose central premises are illogical?

>> No.1923094

While I agree with you...

>Is the Hogwarts Express the only way to get to Hogwarts?
Second book. Harry and Ron use the flying car thing to get to Hogwarts. And you can apparate outside the school grounds (apparently? I'm assuming you can apparate into Hogsmede) and walk/some other form of transport there.

Wow. Amazing I can still remember that crap. Unless I'm wrong.

>> No.1923112


There's a different between something being fantastical and something being illogical.

>> No.1923116

I agree with what another person said - Snape's motivations for his actions were totally unsatisfying. Ruined the whole series.

>> No.1923122

Shit, man, can you upload that to Google docs? I'd love to read it.

>> No.1923128


>>Why do spells only work when certain words are pronounced? How were these words discovered?

They explain, I forget when, that they are just a crutch and that spells can be cast without the words, e.g. Dumbledore often casts spells silently. It's just that the words assist in the learning process because they help the kids associate the process of spellcasting with something concrete.

>> No.1923137

Why would you ask several questions that are answered explicitly in the books?
I'll give you 6/10 for effort, though.

>> No.1923139

How is tru luff as motivation not satisfying enough for you?

>> No.1923176

like the poster above its a fiction book not meant to be taken seriously but another Huge fucking plot hole is Hermoine gets a amulet or something that gives her the power to control time. She uses it once and never again

>> No.1923177

Dorothy ends up in Oz when she is caught in a sandstorm.

>> No.1923180


oh my goodness I normally hate reading /lit/ but the hearty laugh i just had at your expense just made it all worth it.

protip:women often choose relationships that make no damn sense to the outside world. this is an amazingly realistic bit of characterisation.

>> No.1923193

JK should have only introduced the "edler wand" concept with backstory in the last book. Not the 3 bullshit things. At least the elder wand flows with the rest of the story, I mean Dumbledore fucking had it, it had to have been special.

Oh well.