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[ERROR] No.19205689 [Reply] [Original]

I know there are some mythical religion books as well as books on state craft from 2000 years ago but I was wondering if there's modern books on the period 2000 years ago.

>> No.19206044

Calasso’s Ka: Stories of the Mind and Gods of India and Ardor?

>> No.19206051

I don't want those myths

>> No.19206087

India: The Ancient Past by Burjor Avari

>> No.19206162

I'd like to farm her in the rain, if you know what I mean

>> No.19206196

i know youre beautiful i just know it

>> No.19206230

she cute

>> No.19206862
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>> No.19206867
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>> No.19206882
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>> No.19206904

God, I want to let loose a huge, thick, pungent load of cum in her mouth. I’d stretch this girl out nicely

>> No.19207342

The Anarchy by William Dalryple

>> No.19207366

Hinduism is demonic

>> No.19207498

This is a good rec.

>> No.19207516
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>> No.19207543

Just got L'ardore the other day, also Calasso's and also about Indian myths and whatnot. Have you read it butters? Is it good too?

>> No.19207548

Nevermind I'm a retard I just saw that you also recommended it and not only Ka

>> No.19207563
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Cow worshiping mongs
Don’t waste your time

>> No.19207600

>when it rains
Bitches don't have no idea, men think of sex all the freaking time, every second of the day. And that's what has kept the human race alive, see how the currently increasing amount of faggots in developed countries is making the population count stagnant or even decreasing.

>> No.19207653

Homosexuality is a result of evolutionary pressures from the human population growing too large.
Very likely linked with microplastics and pollutant runoff infecting water and food supplies.

>> No.19207717

>see how the currently increasing amount of faggots in developed countries is making the population count stagnant or even decreasing.
Did you read Giorgio Celli's books perhaps?

>> No.19207761
File: 27 KB, 257x400, Cover_of_An_Introduction_to_the_Study_of_Indian_History.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're new to Indian History start with An Introduction to the Study of Indian History by Damodar Dharmananda Kosambi

>> No.19207788

Based Kosambi shiller. One of the greatest intellectuals of the 20th century.

>> No.19207792

Can't say I have, what do you recommend?
Can't find much on the web about what he's written.
Mostly just basing this off of some of my personal biology research.

>> No.19207999

>Can't say I have, what do you recommend?
I haven't read anything, but in the 70s he published "Omosessualità negli animali: l'omosessualità come strumento naturale di difesa contro la sovrappopolazione" (I think the title is understandable even if it's not in English). It seems extremely hard to find, btw

And I agree that phtalates probably play a role.

>> No.19208009

>Bitches don't have no idea, men think of sex all the freaking time, every second of the day
only porn addicted incels do, incel.

>> No.19208862

Haven’t read them. Working on Cadmus and Harmony right now

>> No.19209312

why dont you work on getting a job you filthy fucking commie tranny

>> No.19209933
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>> No.19211022

I have never fucked an Indian prostitute. There are not many indians on here in the first place
Are pakis/bangla genetically similar to them?

>> No.19211444

Homosexuality didn't just appear with pollution

>> No.19211452

>le jewpedia link proves me right
No ones saying that’s where all gays come from, I doubt microplastics are why some Male Lion in the Kalahari likes taking dick.
But there’s far more homosexuals now than there were in the past (%), and given the way microplastics fuck up the endocrine system & neurology of developing babies, it’s not the most outlandish thing to suggest.

>> No.19211454

Oh great an anti-semite. Not going to even bother you you

>> No.19211471

I'm not anti-semite, but I am anti-israel and anti-corporate bootlickers (e.g. Jimmy Wales)

>> No.19211603

israel if the project and culmination of the jewish people, it's an expression of pure judaism. If you are anti-israel you are anti-semitic.

>> No.19211626

If any white nation tried to enforce the same level of racial/religious isolationism, they would get their ass chewed, and probably by Israeli scholars no less.
They are by far the most morally bankrupt and hypocritical nation that currently exists.

>> No.19211867
File: 112 KB, 1300x968, members-of-neturei-karta-a-fringe-ultra-orthodox-movement-within-the-anti-zionist-bloc-protest-outside-a-polling-station-in-beit-shemesh-about-20km-12-miles-from-jerusalem-november-11-2008-some-160-local-elections-are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torah forbids the creation of """israel"""

>> No.19211896

this thread sucks obviously but Basham's The Wonder that was India is still well regarded as far as I know even though it's a lil old

>> No.19212407

>Cadmus and Harmony right now
Is it any good? I have it sleeping on my library but I'm yet to pick it up

>> No.19212613

I like it. He’s all essays I guess. I wonder if the fictional subject matter would turn off the strictly nonfiction doofuses around here. Definitely getting a lot of little details not included in the Graves book on Greek mythology

>> No.19212664

indian women aren't usually that attractive but when they are they're fucking hot. there is a 9/10 indian girl at work who was checking out my forearms arms the other day as i was moving something.

>> No.19212667

>jews jewing jews

>> No.19212669

Don't know if you read Italian but he did write a novel as a youngster. It isn't as good as his essays but it's still cool.
Don't know if it's translated to English tho, it's kinda obscure even in Italian.

>> No.19212692

I agree. It’s feast or famine with them. No wonder the hot ones usually have attitudes

>> No.19212917

Could you elaborate

>> No.19212936

I'd like to ejaculate into her womb during the rainy season if you catch my drift.

>> No.19212944

I’d just like to fuck her in the rain in a muddy Indian field. I’d fill her womb up with my seed