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[ERROR] No.19205527 [Reply] [Original]

>408 IQ
>Recorded my best thoughts
>They're so strong that they supersede Friedrich Nietzsche in quality


What do you think about this? I think if I read this when I was 17 it would have been a dramatically life altering experience even though I am the one that wrote it.

>> No.19205529

A thread died for this

>> No.19205533

boring derivative garbage that's poorly worded.

>> No.19205541

Where is the first thought derived from?
I've never read that from anyone.

>> No.19205544


>> No.19205549

You didn't write it down, so it can't be derivative. Furthermore, you would have to provide proof to the public with the side of your head (IQ score) if you decided to steal my thoughts and claim that they are your own. Otherwise it's easy to prove you are lying.

>> No.19205557

I'm not talking about The first thought you imbecile.

>> No.19205560

You are if you call the entire thing derivative garbage and the first thought doesn't derive from anything.

>> No.19205573

Read more. This is all pedestrian shit. I'm not debating you because you are not worth my time.
Start with the Greeks.

>> No.19205581

The Greeks?
Those people are collectively no good.

The only good philosopher is Friedrich Nietzsche. The rest are low IQ.

If there were a truly good Greek philosopher, everyone would know his name. He would be more popular than Nietzsche, and he would have made sure to record the side of his skull as well.

>> No.19205582

I did

>> No.19205592

Really, anon? All this effort just to shitpost? And here was I thinking you were just a cringe teenager.

>> No.19205598

No you didn't. I can prove you're a liar if you post your name and a picture of your face anywhere on the internet.

Everyone will know you are a liar eventually because it takes real intelligence to write what I've written, and if you aren't as smart as I am it's over.

>> No.19205599


>> No.19205618
File: 141 KB, 592x638, Screenshot_20210825_160242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People dont even try to bait subtly these days

>> No.19205718

I'm not baiting.
I'm pretty much the same thing as the James Webb telescope at this point. There isn't anybody else that can write what I've written.

>> No.19205749

>#21.) The angle of a person's eyebrow is reflected in their personality. So brows in a "V" shape show that that person is a "Grab what is directly in front of me.", brows in a straight line show that that person is a "Grab what is coming and more valuable in the future, and stay steady down the road." There is no study on this, but from what I've seen of people, generally that is true.
stimulating stuff

>> No.19205752

>>They're so strong that they supersede Friedrich Nietzsche in quality
low bar

>> No.19205760


>> No.19205765

Embarrassing thread

>> No.19205768

>408 IQ
>still looks up to Neetch

>> No.19205769

There's nothing out there though.
I think you're just another 360 IQ like Nietzsche at best.

I've never seen written word from someone with an IQ higher than 360. Most men with that IQ score like Adam Lanza (393 IQ) end-up committing suicide before they find out how smart they really are. I'm lucky I didn't come out with an Asian face and die from suicide like Eric Harris because of the amount of gray matter in my brain. I'm super-sober 24/7, and that kills most people.

There's Geraint Davies, but he's not intelligent enough to record his best thoughts. I think he's barely aware that his IQ is 387, and he's struggling because of the amount of estrogen he's been exposed to (which is also keeping him alive)

It's important though. Reading that would protect you from a predator.

>> No.19205770

> (Really, I am only 3.72x smarter than the average adult man, for a 372 IQ, as I have a head value of 6.72 while the average male has a head value of 1.80 in ears, but because the average very healthy man would score 123 on IQ tests set to 100 IQ, and Nathan Leopold is 2x smarter than the average man when fully exercised and at 4.15 head value in ears, I would be at 405 IQ as I am about 62% smarter than him. The smartest possible man on the face of the earth likely has an IQ of 427, or about 19 IQ points ahead of my 408 IQ. That's because the name Edward is the smartest possible name and at a 330 IQ standard. It is the last functional name in the human species, so that's all there is likely forever. Anytime something like a 347 or 365 marries a female, it is generally a return to 330 IQ due to lack of people. I do not think it smart to drop my IQ score when other men will claim higher, and because the average IQ is so high there is greater variance between people as well. I also think it is not smart to erase the 40 point IQ drop from lack of exercise by setting everyone at a 100 IQ standard, which conceals reality. I am supposed to be at 432 estrogen IQ too as someone at 123 IQ is supposed to be at 150 estrogen IQ. )
we’ve got ourselves a schizo thread boys

>> No.19205785

Thank you for providing a powerful argument against IQ faggotry

>> No.19205789

I think I've been to OP's YouTube page. He did seem intelligent but obviously not functioning well in this world. The IQ number is absurd but maybe we are not understanding the measurement system

>> No.19205794

After digesting the entire monologue I have to say you are fucking retarded and some kind of HAPA focused entirely on race and extremely inflated IQ numbers for some reason.

Sentient pig murder I agree with, but its not something that requires lines of bold warning text.

HAPA having no racial autonomy is widely discussed already.

My biggest issue is the focus on pseudo-phrenology IQ statistics, it reads like a receipt.

Nothing special in the universe explanations either, nothing unique.

I was highly disappointed as I spent a few minutes reading that expecting at least something interesting. It was less interesting than a teenage girls blog

>> No.19205807

the shit about measuring heads is pretty great but perhaps not in the way OP intended

>> No.19205813

It should read like a receipt for accuracy. And I'm not a hapa. I'm 73% European, 15% West African, and 13% Chorotega Amerindian.

You can claim hapa, but it's not advisable when Puerto Ricans exist. You should read #15 as that's a serious expansion of will-to-power if you haven't.

I think it all makes perfect sense, so most people read it and understand it, and it doesn't feel new even though it really is. So it's easy to take it for granted.

>> No.19205829

Ahhh, a nigger. That explains the insecurities oozing from your writings. A complete IMBECILE.

>> No.19205831

That is unfortunate. I myself am verified 100% Eurotrash of 70/30 German Scando. 6'3

It did not require four or five bullet points for exactly the same concept. I mean, wrap it all together with the WARNINIG THIS MIGHT BE TOO EXTREME UNLESS YOU ARE EDGY
sentient autistic pigs.

It really needs to be more chronological as well. Please sort of figure out where you want to introduce and lead us instead of whatever bullshit you decide to type. format that fucking shit.

I Will say I appreciate the write up and interaction.

Do you feel Cameron is a strong name given the twisted meanings of the origins? Do you feel the naming requires historical examples of the name or in the innate " Name Power " IE Cameron is " Bent nose "

Nose being the first sensory organ IMO because particle detection is more important in evolution than eyesight. So the nose is bent, crooked. So different path in life?

>> No.19205834

I'm not.
I'm at a 96 IQ human development standard. I'm pretty much Slovenian/Korean.

>> No.19205835
File: 162 KB, 800x600, ACAE24BF-9DE4-4A73-A205-C72AB70ECE5C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> #10.) Your name is an IQ test that your parents took, and because IQ is hereditary, you can not escape your name no matter how hard you run-up in IQ. So you can look-up people with your name, and you will know your intelligence standing. The names of Kings and presidents recur throughout history because of this. Some names have stronger thinking behind them than others.

>> No.19205838

>Doesn't realize space-time is designed to be conquered in the first place.
>Doesn't realize information locally reverses entropy.

Yes, you should cum-guzzle that Nietzsche of yours further. Perhaps it's all the semen and its collective IQ points that increases yours.

>> No.19205842

I think the African admixture would possibly create a MAOA gene expression leading to more "Explosive" bouts of thought and creation.

There is a deep innate need for belonging I feel in the writings. Which personally is a false thought. Even thought your heritage is very mixed you can also look behind you and see the thousands of ancestors also staring back at you.

They did not have the time to worry about the issues we have (I know durr) what I am getting at is there IS a real connection. Its not entirely RACIAL but it is there.

The same cell has been dividing and continuing on. Even with fucked up heritage they are still there behind you.

>> No.19205843

I think Cameron is a 285 IQ standard name. It's probably right there with James like James Cameron.

I would say there could be a king named Cameron as well because really the smartest Cameron is probably 382 IQ, and King IQ is at 306.

I have to warn people.
If I write "You're killing and creating things that can actually experience pain and that means people deserve to die", then that's extremely upsetting. Life is something different for different people.

>> No.19205853

I am paternal descendant from Niall of the Nine Hostages and that is my name.

Its true, and upsetting I agree because its creation of perpetual and increased suffering that is also extra terrible because of the total ignorance of it.

I have thought about this and the real solution is gene-modification and development of pigs, humans, ect, that can be grown entirely retarded and braindead but physically complete.

Human banks, pig banks, ECT. Artificial uterus will provide gestation and coded to be retarded so less issues (always will be faggots fucking with my flash tech)

Imagines the warehouses of brain dead human s being grown and grazed upon for the masses of wealthy humans.

I think there will be flesh tech eventually. Its very efficient and easy to program. Imagine the undulating canals of the intestinal subways.

The future is macro-cellular

>> No.19205858

I doubt that they would bother to run this program because it makes it difficult to feed the pigs if they are schizophrenic/brain-dead.

It's way too much money as well and higher maintenance.

>> No.19205866

Ideally its just a nutrient slurry that is fed. The animals never move, they are set up utero until delivery date.

It will be higher maintenance/cost but I can see a real push towards it in the next few generations are PETA and other groups continue to push animal suffering awareness.

It would also provide the people with flesh without having to witness anything, including the excrement.

>> No.19205870

I don't think this would fly though.
They have to feed 300 million people a day.

It is way too much.

>> No.19205879

>408 IQ
You are Qail on yt right, been watching your videos.

>> No.19205881


>> No.19205882

I do not think it is too much at all. If you are talking volume, it doesnt even need to look like a pig anymore. It can just be bred from cancer cells and engineered to have the correct MEAT taste and texture. Then you can have a constantly growing mass that never dies and simply cut the tonnage off the end each time interval.

Obviously this is 50+years out as we hit the population where traditional livestock is out of the question.

>> No.19205893

It's easier to throw down slop and kill the animal than to hook-up all of that expensive equipment and labor, and because other countries are just killing the animals, the people to spend that much money on animal welfare are putting everyone's life at risk.

The best thing you can hope for is that the workers don't grab semen from large headed pigs, but it's extremely doubtful they are smart enough to follow such training.

I think it's just like the atomic bomb and how that will probably kill billions of people and there's no way to stop any of it.

>> No.19205908

How is your portfolio doing? You made money on suncor, are you still in it, or will you diversify?

>> No.19205916

I'm at 88 thousand USD. I went up to 100k, but I just kept holding because I'm expecting to hit about 160k-180k within the next 6 months.

If I had sold I would have made a video stating so.

>> No.19205926

This is an embarrassment to N, Kurt. Please take your Phrenology and Eugenics elsewhere - pseudoscience isn't welcome here.

>> No.19205927


I agree that is it unfeasible in the current world. That is sort of my " Ideal Utopia " vision for meat production in the future. I fully believe we will grow most of our technology in the future with programmed cells and nutrients.

Also do not feel too bad about DNA results, as you sort of concluded that the data is lacking. They really just go suck dicks in all the locations then use that as their database files.

Ideally we would be exhuming corpses over the centuries and using that material for a more accurate genetic map.

I think you really just need to get away from "Match" type dating services.

You really look Mexican in the videos. I know a lot about you now and unfortunately have no photos on this pc and I feel entitled to share that now.

>> No.19205947

I actually got a good laugh from reading a few sentences. Damn, your IQ must be sub-65.

>> No.19205949

People used to say the earth is flat, and people like me that said "the earth is round" were called schizophrenic and full of pseudo-science too, the devil

I don't agree that I look Mexican as Mexicans have higher eyebrows and way darker skin. I can easily tell a Mexican man from a Puerto Rican man. My white dad has black hair, so realistically I would have black hair as well, and that's what happened.

I am trying to get away from those dating apps too. The women that use them are very poisonous. I saw a girl on Puerto Rican tinder that would put poison in my food and kill me for money.

The data is lacking. You are right.

>> No.19205966

Have you ever seen a therapist?

>> No.19205968

I did go to one to get diagnosed with autism, and I was diagnosed with Level 2 autism.

There's no cure. I am just 408 IQ to the end when I'm supposed to 345 IQ at max.

>> No.19205978

>Man has made technology to make his life easier
Stopped reading there.

You have much to learn yet, child.

>> No.19205993

>Stopped reading because you read something mathematically perfect

Technology wouldn't spread if it didn't make life easier for people. It doesn't exist just to exist. There's utility behind all of it.

I know it's ultimately driven by space-time, but if it didn't have utility it wouldn't spread at all.

>> No.19206006

>the first people to say that the Earth was round were called schizophrenic and pseuds...
The difference between them and you is that they had empirical observations to work with; you have bogus. Phrenology is literally an unfounded field my dude...

Shouldnt that be obvious for someone with "408 IQ", though?

>> No.19206017

No. I have empirical observations too.
They killed Galileo because he had empirical observations about the earth revolving around the sun.

People like you suppress the truth.

>> No.19206025

How can you make empirical observations regarding IQ? Have you measured the skulls of many people, and then given them tests?

>> No.19206033

>They killed Galileo-

You really arent worth my time... good luck baiting other people, though.

>> No.19206034

You can see in everything they missed in their lifespan that they are missing intelligence compared to myself. Nietzsche could have easily written "The space-time of the earth affects man and forces them forward", but he never did it. Or "Life is likely eternal, etc."

It's because he is missing neurons compared to myself. And Nathan Leopold is a Jew that killed another Jew with someone that is not his race. He even went to prison because he dropped his glasses. That's extremely stupid.

It's all self-evident that this is how human intelligence works. In the same way ants are dumber than man and have smaller skulls and brains, people with larger brains have longer/larger skulls and brains.

>> No.19206035

It’s impossible to have an IQ over 200 because it is designed to always average out to 100. Otherwise, you’d need negative IQ’s to be a thing.

>> No.19206039


It really happened. They killed him because he won at the IQ test, and they didn't.

>> No.19206040

How old are you? I'll just be blunt with you: none of this is profound, and most doesn't even approach truth. You say these are your best thoughts, but they read like shower thoughts--that is, shallow and only mildly stimulating--and many are just safe opinions reworded, bar a few. I think you've hyperinflated your estimate of your own intelligence, especially given the bizarre IQ scaling here.

I'll give you credit for at least recording your thoughts because it's a good habit to have and it will help you delve deeper into such thoughts.

>> No.19206047

Whoops, wrong guy

>> No.19206049

I love how almost everyone in this thread is equally as conceited and mediocre as OP

>> No.19206050

I am 24 years old and 10 months.

>> No.19206061

I'm not conceited.
I'm really 408 IQ

>> No.19206066

>You can see in everything they missed in their lifespan that they are missing intelligence compared to myself.
Every philosopher and thinker needs to build off the ideas of those who came before.
What you need are numbers, measure people's skulls, and then give them IQ tests, you can start with members of you family, and then if you have the time, set up a booth on the street. Then you can get actual data to support your theories.
>In the same way ants are dumber than man and have smaller skulls and brains, people with larger brains have longer/larger skulls and brains.
Whale brains are bigger than human brains, and Neanderthal brains were bigger than human brains, but neither are smart enough to combat humanity.

>> No.19206077

Whales are smarter than people. About 2x smarter. They've counted the cortical neurons in their skulls. They simply do not have hands.


It's killer whales who are the smartest.

>> No.19206080

>god does not exist
several lines later:
>cruel and demonic men

>> No.19206084

You can write whatever you want to get a point across. It doesn't mean I believe in a deity even though I did in the past.

>> No.19206098

If you were able to prove this relationship in humans, you should be able to gather the data no?

>> No.19206100

Fair enough

>> No.19206105

>What do you think about this?
you surely do not supersede nietzsche in one sense at least, because nietzche hardly ever provided proof or sufficient explanations

>> No.19206109

I can, but even if I do there will be people that claim it is not correct because I did not run an MRI on the respondents.

They want serious medical research when it's not possible for one man. It would take about 50 million USD to get it done with the way they want everything verified even though it's all very obvious.

>> No.19206115

Because he was incapable of doing so. If he could explain what he was picking up on, he wouldn't have been a 363 IQ.

He is really good for what he is, but he's not the best that humanity has to offer. I'm not even the best, but I may as well be the end of the human species because 19 IQ points won't be the leap in thinking from Nietzsche to me, which is 45 IQ points in brain. Worse than mental retardation.

>> No.19206160

>In healthy volunteers, total brain volume weakly correlates with intelligence, with a correlation value between 0.3 and 0.4 out of a possible 1.0. In other words, brain size accounts for between 9 and 16 percent of the overall variability in general intelligence.
9%-16% is far less than the difference between 100IQ and 408IQ

>> No.19206167

They're handing people tests of how well they can hold a number in their skull and claiming that that's their IQ score even though that really ends at 237 IQ for the highest forehead male. Women can't answer male 225 IQ questions, so it's over.

When you mix mathematical questions with questions of raw neuron activity, you end-up botching the entire IQ test.

I got an IQ score of 100 on the Woodcock Johnson, but my real IQ is 408. This is how bad they are destroying their own intelligence tests. Do not count that fake correlation as reality. It's built off of stupidity and racism.

>> No.19206176

if you were high iq, you wouldn't keep making this thread
you're just an autistic attention whore like the rest

>> No.19206179

I'm making sure it's recorded in the public eye before I die. I'm going to Nicaragua in 3 months.

If I end-up getting killed down there, there will be no record of my thoughts or anything. Everyone will be condemned to Friedrich Nietzsche standard thinking which is awful.

>> No.19206184

How can you conclude that your test is better though? How do you know that it isn't you who are messing up the test and not them? Where do you get the confidence from?

>> No.19206193

Because I'm aware that other people are hopelessly stupid and insane. There's no way I am 100 IQ, so that's proof that my IQ test is superior. I even handed it out to tons of people, and the average person could only answer 6 questions correctly on 4chan of all places on earth.

Most intelligence tests you find on the street, like the WAIS-IV, are built with pure racism. That's why I took from Nathan Leopold and not any other man because he was handed a Jewish IQ test from his own race. If I am 100 IQ, then Adolf Hitler, the King of the Germans, is 80 IQ.

It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.19206194

based schizo thread

>> No.19206201

good call on suncor bro, up 30% in a month
whats next?

>> No.19206209

I'll probably buy HBM stock when it drops in value at around $3-to-$4 USD a share and just hold onto it. Or look into shorting CFPZF stock next. It depends.

>> No.19206218

A lot of it is pure opportunity and paying attention to what commodities have dropped in value or are rising in value and looking at individual companies as well.

So there's no telling if I will pick HBM/CFPZF stock even if it is a good buy/short because first I'll look for something better as things are constantly happening.

>> No.19206225

Your IQ test is fucking retarded.

>> No.19206229

My impression from this is that you are 17 at the time of writing this

These ideas were overplayed the point of being boring to think about by the time I was 15. You spend more time thinking about how smart you think you are than actually thinking about the apparent nature of reality vs the properties of your own conscious experience.


>> No.19206234

ok im gonna wait to jump in because you're not as confident as suncor last time, but I will start paying attention to lumber and metals.

Another question - what is your opinion on the state of AI artificial intelligence? Do you believe in the singularity and if so how close are we to it

>> No.19206239

What is your IQ score according to the Level IQ test? I've never seen any of this recorded in human philosophy.

>> No.19206246

Is this a new copypasta

>> No.19206253

I don't think Artificial intelligence will ever rival the human brain. There will never be a tech singularity as man is limited to his own brain.

It would take something 2x smarter than the entire human species (including me) to make technology capable of improving itself better than man.

I think at best, what people will get is a very strong emulation of the human brain and consciousness, but it won't be at the same quality as the original, so none of it means anything.

>> No.19206265

>Because I'm aware that other people are hopelessly stupid and insane.
Most people feel this way, including most of the other posters in this thread.
>There's no way I am 100 IQ, so that's proof that my IQ test is superior.
Circular logic
>I even handed it out to tons of people, and the average person could only answer 6 questions correctly on 4chan of all places on earth.
You designed the test, so the questions will seem obvious to you. However, by your own admission, you have never had an IQ test up to your standards, so how do you know you wouldn't get only 6 questions right on an equivalent test? And if you are someone who thinks a lot about these tests, and takes them often, how do you know that your results on traditional tests are not just a result of careful practice, something that most people don't have the time to do. Then such tests would not be able to accurately judge your intelligence, but not because they were bad.
>That's why I took from Nathan Leopold and not any other man because he was handed a Jewish IQ test from his own race.
What do you know of the test that Leopold was given?

>> No.19206278

This is prob a dumb question, but any estimate of Greta Thunberg's IQ?
I sort of think she's onto something

>> No.19206288

>Circular logic

It's not. It's valid.
Would you read something like this from the average person at Wal-mart?

>#1.) Life is likely eternal. The Universe is fundamentally unstable as there is something instead of nothing. There are only so many ways for a big-bang to begin, so that is a finite number of variables. Because the universe is fundamentally unstable it is likely eternal. What is happening is a finite number of variables in an eternal Universe at the very start. The big-bang can only begin so many ways, and even if there is a 1E100 in 1 googol of a chance of you, a chemical computer, being re-assembled, it will happen. As soon as it starts, it is all pre-determined to make you no matter what happens due to simple cause and effect. Due to the expanse of the Universe (which may extend into a multi-verse because there is likely more room beyond the big-bang itself for more instability/big-bangs), each big-bang has somewhat of a high chance to create you even if it is very unlikely to be so. Do not live your life like this is a guarantee even though it likely is. Assume oblivion on death. This is called Eternal Return.

Obviously Not. It's not good to pretend that I am not smarter than the average person. It's self-evident that I am smarter than all the presidents and kings of the world.

>Most people feel this way

Most people you know. That's because you live in an intelligent area. Outside of where you live is insanity and stupidity on a very big scale.

>What do you know of the test Leopold was given

I think it was a Stanford-Binet or something similar. I know his exercise patterns though, so he was probably more like 250 IQ

I think my IQ test is a fair judgement of IQ because I have recorded the answers. It's all very basic high-level mathematics. The same thing as Chess:


>> No.19206289


>> No.19206296

Did you measure the size of your ear as well?
You can use the side of your eye and if you get a value of 3.5 then that likely means you're at 35.32 millimeters for an average size ear

>> No.19206322

Nah my ears are huge. Unmeasured

>> No.19206332

Well, I can't tell then.
I think if you're smarter than me that's weird that you haven't realized how smart you are and made your own catalogue of thoughts.

Most 400+ IQ people have average size ears. I'd like to see a photograph of the side of your head for verification. The contact e-mail is on the best thoughts page.

>> No.19206350

I have to assume you are a liar until you provide photographic evidence. I've never seen a living person with an IQ above 393 online.

>> No.19206392

>Would you read something like this from the average person at Wal-mart?
Yes, anyone from Walmart could come up with such a paragraph if given the same amount of time you had. I consider it to be just a random theory on the nature of humanity with no evidence to back it up. It is not extra intelligent insight into anything, do it is unremarkable.

>> No.19206405

That's extremely doubtful.
You need to go outside if you think this is so. Ask people what their beliefs are about life.

>> No.19206452

For how many hours have you thought about life to come up with your own answers? How many hours have the average person devoted?

>> No.19206466

At Wal-mart where I live they've been alive for 50+ years, which is 25 years of life I've never seen, and they'll tell you that god is real.

So it's pretty obvious that they're devoting the time to think about such questions, but they're getting the wrong answer.

>> No.19206483

Anything below 115 is functionally retarded.

>> No.19206489

How is this garbage thread still up?

>> No.19206501

Most Europeans are at the 99 IQ standard. There are about 33 million people in the UK that are at the 100-101 IQ standard.

96 IQ is a very serious racial standing. The Russians are 97 IQ and put men into outer-space at their peak.

>> No.19206516

North Koreans have self developed nuclear weapons and they're really 96 IQ. That's how I know my IQ test works, but really I am at a 115 IQ standard while having 96 IQ DNA because I have Ashkenazi Jewish blood, but I don't honor that because my Dad is a 311 IQ European man which is standard for the White race, and 311 IQ easily exists in a 96 IQ people.

>> No.19206607

And Jews are the definition of functional retardation. They are not good people today. They live in an irreversible industrial machine, but you notice they are like horses in how they treat one another because their brains are collectively poisoned by an abnormal intelligence. The men are collectively cowardly and unathletic. All they are good for is war.

It's not something that would float off into a black high-pressure ravine near the sea floor anymore. The stick to their own and keep back from true hell. People like this do not put men on the moon. They are poisonous to forward progress which isn't immoral.

They're not inventors, creative, or industrious. The 100 IQ White and 96 IQ Asian races produce more than Jews do. They've eaten poison by having a high IQ score.

Most of their nobel prizes are nothing important. There is no true achievement to the bulk of it.

I am not a fan of Jews. Aside from the fact that they are killing the mixed breeded demons that walk today through financial theft, they are not good people. If I lived in a world populated solely by Jews as an outsider, it would be one of the coldest and blackest pits imaginable. There would be nothing like NiGHTs into dreams.

>> No.19206626

>So it's pretty obvious that they're devoting the time to think about such questions, but they're getting the wrong answer.
You can ask the average southerner about God and get a 1000% more coherent and logical understanding than that paragraph you gave me.
But even if you don't accept that, the thing about religion is that if you follow it from birth, you don't need to think much on the nature of humanity and what not. If you asked them to construct such a paragraph without using their faith, they could do it easily.
You aren't grappling with anything particularly insightful or intelligent.
>Life is likely eternal.
Just an unbacked statement.
>The Universe is fundamentally unstable as there is something instead of nothing.
Unbacked, if the existence of the universe is stable, then something existing is not a result of instability.
>There are only so many ways for a big-bang to begin, so that is a finite number of variables.
>Because the universe is fundamentally unstable it is likely eternal.
Unbacked, also, if the Universe is unstable, then that would imply that because time is infinite, at some point that instability would destroy the universe itself.
>What is happening is a finite number of variables in an eternal Universe at the very start.
Who taught you to write, this sentence has no purpose. I am not even sure if it can even be counted as a sentence.
>The big-bang can only begin so many ways,
already stated
>and even if there is a 1E100 in 1 googol of a chance of you, a chemical computer, being re-assembled, it will happen.
Not original or particularly insightful
>As soon as it starts, it is all pre-determined to make you no matter what happens due to simple cause and effect.
Determinism is not your original idea, some christians have surmised this for centuries, and philosophers have applied it to an accidental universe for as long as they have not believed in God.
>Due to the expanse of the Universe (which may extend into a multi-verse because there is likely more room beyond the big-bang itself for more instability/big-bangs) each big-bang has somewhat of a high chance to create you even if it is very unlikely to be so.
No evidence, just a random guess that is as likely to be true as God having a hand in the big bang.

None of your ideas are particularly insightful or original, and your statements are not backed up by any kind of mathematics or physical knowledge. You are not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.19206650

I am.
You're just angry I've written what I've written.

>> No.19206658

No problem. My head is pretty huge too so my ear looks fine in proportion.

I do have my own cataloging of thoughts but I write in cursive in paper. That's the best medium for me to get thoughts out. Typing is too, flippant

>> No.19206670

I don't agree.
If you can see it and quickly understand it it's very powerful.

>> No.19206681

cope, you have been debunked, and you cannot respond, because you do not have the intellectual capacity

>> No.19206691

Everything you write is a test of your central nervous system. It's all mathematics/physics.

You should be able to pick up what I've written and understand it as math is understood. It shouldn't be important that something appears two times in a paragraph that explains a complicated structure.

>> No.19206712
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>> No.19206724

Jews own the Nobel Prize committee with money. That's why they're getting so many Jewish Nobel Prize Lauretes. Adam Riess does not deserve a Nobel Prize (there is no evidence for dark energy), he didn't do anything for anyone, but he has one because he's a Jew.

Jews are totally corrupt people that snub out the scientific achievements of other races with lies.

It's impossible that Jews would be the race with the highest amount of Nobel Prizes when there are 1 billion Europeans walking around at the same time without Jewish lies and corruption.

>> No.19206728

Send me the full side of your head.
It's looking like the angle of your ear is saying you have a 360 IQ.

>> No.19206739

>You should be able to pick up what I've written and understand it as math is understood.
You made some non insightful statements based on ideas that are well understood, but most of what you said is not logically supported like math.
>It shouldn't be important that something appears two times in a paragraph that explains a complicated structure.
My point was that it had already been debunked, so I didn't need to do it again. Few of your statements actually support each other.

>> No.19206741

Is this somw kind of joke? Fucking schizo

>> No.19206762

Wow, some trolling. Great stuff anon.

>> No.19206807
File: 1.07 MB, 1076x1441, Screenshot_20211010-222729_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls ignore the eyepatch

>> No.19206828

Sorry anon, I take it back. The size and placement of your earlobe indicates a shameful 82 IQ

>> No.19206860
File: 663 KB, 2769x1887, 413 IQ Brachycephaly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take one like this and send it to me in an e-mail.
I'm not going to guess.

>> No.19206869

It does look like a 398 IQ on the surface.

>> No.19206880
File: 115 KB, 515x405, 1600530008011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry anon, I take it back. The size and placement of your earlobe indicates a shameful 82 IQ

>> No.19206928
File: 3.18 MB, 500x375, Zoidchess.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is Estrogen IQ?
How does my brow ridge matter in the slightest?

>> No.19206934
File: 368 KB, 583x800, DigitRatio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this. The man on the left is an Arab with 135 estrogen IQ. The man on the right is a Western European with 150 estrogen IQ.

>> No.19206947

The man on the left looks MORE feminine, and I fail to see how a 'widow's peak' matters.
You should write a glossary of terms; have you read Darwin's 'Origin of Species'?

>> No.19206950

No. You're probably right I do need to write a glossary. It's hard to think like other people do when you're right on top of everything and really seeing it.

You would see the same face in a European and an Arab which is why there is European racism against African Americans.

>> No.19206957

>You would see the same face in a European and an Arab which is why there is European racism against African Americans.
That sounds like a non sequitar

>> No.19206983

It's not.
Europeans and Arabs kill each other because even though they have different skull heights they are literally mortal enemies in the same way jaguars kill chimpanzees.

It's the same thing just played at a more primitive standing. There is no niceness here.

>> No.19206988

Then explain the Maltese

>> No.19207011

They're the descendants of Arabs that traveled north of Syria/Iraq and ended up in Malta. They are not Arab or Western European. They are their own unique ethnic group, but likely mixed-raced.

>> No.19207071

>descendants of Arabs
>not Arab

>> No.19207167
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>> No.19207235

Go back to sleep anon, you got so high today !

>> No.19207295

It's too much genetic distance for them to be Arab. They're the same DNA but not Arab because they can not love Arab men and women.

>> No.19207328

easy , travel back in time and tell your 17 self all that

>> No.19207331

I'd have loved to.
That's not the way life works, but I can tell other people today.

>> No.19207358

I'll go ahead and respond seriously.

There are only so many ways for fire to start and for lightning to strike. This is a universal that there are only so many beginnings to any phenomenon. If you ran the earth for an infinite amount of time, there would be repetition of lightning striking in the exact same way twice over because of that great deal of time. There are only so many things that can happen.


I don't see how it's unbacked. There's something instead of nothing. If it were truly stable nothing would exist as something had to come from "nothing", and yes there is likely a point in time where the Universe is destroyed by the instability.

>who taught you to write

It makes perfect sense and is a very strong sentence.

>already stated
And then you write: Who taught you to write? It is necessary to restate this.

>Not original
But real, and the rest of this is original.

>Determinism is not your original idea
That doesn't mean anything. It's being used in the context of the universe itself. This is an original idea.

You're right there's no evidence for the multiverse, but it's definitely possible. More possible than Yahweh.

It's all mathematics. You just don't want to admit I am the strongest mathematician on the face of the planet.

>> No.19207415

>The bible doesn't exist
>People are evil
Well by what standard? Do you decide what is and isn't evil?

>> No.19207439

Anything that causes serious suffering for no purpose is evil. If someone started goring you with a hot iron, wouldn't agree that it's evil and should not be supported?

We have entire laws against use of flamethrowers on soldiers because of this.

>> No.19207458

Morality and evil cannot be reduced to "serious suffering bad". You should know that there is nuance to such problems, OP; even the law acknowledges this

>> No.19207481

They can. It is from a biological understanding of suffering that has evolved as in the natural order the survival of members stems from the support of the group. It's why most people globally don't brutalize animals (prolonged torture) for fun even though they're not the same DNA.

>> No.19207550

>There are only so many ways for fire to start and for lightning to strike.
The big bang was not a fire starting, we don't even know what caused the big bang, so how can you declare that the big bang has a finite number of starting points. It is unknowable under the current research and physical knowledge. You asserting this is without evidence.
>If you ran the earth for an infinite amount of time, there would be repetition of lightning striking in the exact same way twice over because of that great deal of time. There are only so many things that can happen.
This is why I can't take you seriously, you completely misunderstand the concept of infinite time. You are phrasing it just wrong and it makes you sound stupid, it makes you sound like you believe that only a set number of things can happen in the universe. They way to rephrase this is: "on a long enough time frame, lightning will strike the same place on the same earth because anything can happen in an infinite time period." You are trying to justify a Boltzmann brain type scenario in the wrong way which makes me think you don't understand the concept.
>If it were truly stable nothing would exist as something had to come from "nothing"
Not if something always existed. We don't know how things were before the big bang, so we can't say that something came from nothing. Therefore you can't argue that it is instability in existence that caused something to exist. The big bang might not have been the beginning of something but rather the conversion of something to something else.
>It makes perfect sense and is a very strong sentence.
>What is happening is a finite number of variables in an eternal Universe at the very start.
This sentence, if it can be called that, makes no sense. What are you trying to say? Tell me which of these better matches your idea:
Reality is impacted by a finite number of variables at the beginning of an eternal universe.
A finite number of events are occurring in the beginning an eternal universe.
The infinite universe is impacted by a finite number of variables.
You need a stronger verb than 'is' to get people to understand the relationship between the subject and the object.
>And then you write: Who taught you to write? It is necessary to restate this.
That is irrelevant, I was just going through each statement to pick over, and I had already criticized this one, so I was acknowledging it existed and leaving no stone unturned. My statement had nothing to do with whether or not it belonged at that point.
>But real, and the rest of this is original.
Your "original" theory was the plot point of a futurama episode, you are not some genius who has figured it all out.
>It's all mathematics. You just don't want to admit I am the strongest mathematician on the face of the planet.
You are right, I do no want to tell a lie.

>> No.19208321

My ears are very large but I have a rather meek forehead

>> No.19208803

IQ mentioned over 300 times. LOL

>> No.19210238

My critique is that you don’t build this from the ground up. You’ve chosen the modern areas of ambiguity, relying on knowledge you assume others have. I think it’s pretty good but incomplete.

>> No.19210509

>this thread again
every year?

>> No.19210524

>It's all mathematics. You just don't want to admit I am the strongest mathematician on the face of the planet.
You seem like you'd fail to understand calculus

>> No.19210528

>There is no free will.
Stopped reading

>> No.19210559
File: 377 KB, 828x883, 1632816930831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the schizo mutt is on /lit/ as well
It's all so tiresome

>> No.19210564

>Because the universe is fundamentally unstable it is likely eternal
This is fucking nonsense, the rest of the header are complete high-school level dribble too. If there was any ounce of seriousness in this post OP, be very ashamed.

>> No.19210609

>The big bang is not a fire starting

It's the exact same thing. There are only so many things that can create a big-bang no matter the particles involved in the same way there are only so many ways to start a fire.

>> No.19210646

I would, but that's not important.
Algebra runs very very high when it comes to thinking. I've beaten Adolf Hitler (359 IQ) at running Germany, and he would understand calculus, so mathematical ability doesn't mean much of anything.

>> No.19210677

It is only a set number of things that are possible in the universe. It's a very very high number, near infinity itself, but it's finite because the big-bang can only start so many ways. There's a failure to understand eternity here. You don't realize how long eternity really is, so you're thinking in billions of years when you need to think in 1 googol googol years.

Something had to come from nothing. There is no conversion. Fundamentally it all came from quantum instability which is the theory of the big-bang itself.

A finite number of events are occurring in the beginning an eternal universe. It's very obvious to me.

I don't agree that the writers of futurama could write what I've written about life. They're not that smart. They're 360 IQ, but that's the end of them.

>> No.19210686

You've been drained of your arguments. Go resupply.

>> No.19210736

>a 363 iq couldn't do this but as 408 iq you can but a 502329 iq might be able to
my friend this is not a video game, if you think iq works this way you are severely misunderstanding it.
Also the highest measured iq is around 200 so I don''t know where your getting these numbers from

>> No.19210762

You're saying Nathan Leopold, an ethnic Jew that killed his own race with a random DNA male and didn't even deliver the fatal blow, and Christopher Langan, a European man that made a life for himself where there is nothing, have the same IQ score. That's a lie.

Chris Langan is 70 IQ points above Leopold even though people both say they're 210 IQ.

>> No.19210792

you can't quantify differences with iq
for example if someone can solve a certain math problem and another can't, we can't say that the former is 15 or whatever number of iq above the latter. It doesn't work that way.
And I'm surprised at how you can estimate the iq of people you've never met and who have never even taken tests to the 3rd digit (nietzche has 363 apparently), when in reality people sit for hour long tests and answer a comprehensive selection of questions for an estimate. Yet somehow you're here assigning scores left and right to people you scarcely know,
Could you tell me my iq by the way?

>> No.19210806

If I saw a full picture of your head I could do it.

That's the Level IQ test that gives you a tutorial on how to get your IQ score.

>> No.19210842
File: 18 KB, 600x600, 1624742352368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic bait

>> No.19210905

It's all real.

>> No.19210916

No mutt, I've been drained of something else and don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.

>> No.19211009

We don't know what caused the big bang, so we don't know if there are finite possible causes to a big bang.
>It is only a set number of things that are possible in the universe.
Not if the universe is infinitely large
>Something had to come from nothing.
You are assuming that there was a time when nothing existed.
>I don't agree that the writers of futurama could write what I've written about life.
They wrote the main point of your paragraph in the episode.

>> No.19211025

If the Universe is infinitely large, that's even better because that means the finite number of big-bang patterns (which are created because there are only so many ways for a big-bang to begin) guarantee repetition as there is no interference from prior big-bangs.

>> No.19211040

It's the same idea, but not fully explained.
It's typical of 360 IQ.

>> No.19211049

What are these ear measurements based of? Can you link me some studies? Honestly this reads and sounds like some schizo stuff

>> No.19211061

Lmao is this satire? Read "Foundation for Exploration"

>> No.19211206

Very important post.

>> No.19211222

So true

>> No.19211223

oh boy the schizo is back
you are completely mentally ill btw, sad!

>> No.19211280

Mmm, shallow and pedantic

>> No.19211333
File: 52 KB, 944x1280, schizoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19211345


>> No.19211354


>> No.19211623

>claims to be the strongest mathematician on earth
>admits to not knowing calculus
again, why should anyone take you seriously?

>> No.19211638

Only faggots don't believe in Free Will.

>> No.19211644

Because no one can touch the amount of algebra that I can. They don't have that many neurons. It's the same thing as Robert Fischer being the best in the world at Chess and beating down men far beyond calculus mathematically.

>> No.19211651

>claims to be great at algebra
>unable to see how analysis affects algebraic structures

fuck off schizo

>> No.19211652

>Because no one can touch the amount of algebra that I can
And how do you prove that?
You seem like just another fallible person too enamored with their own perceived heightened intellect

>> No.19211748


>> No.19211756

>I've beaten Adolf Hitler (359 IQ) at running Germany, and he would understand calculus, so mathematical ability doesn't mean much of anything.
When you win HOI4 for the first time

>> No.19211899

>Even a little bit of foreign blood, genetic distances like German-to-Norwegian, destroys the race.
How can you be the smartest if you are not racially pure?

>#7.) Race-mixing selects for autism
Are you autistic?

>#10.) Your name is an IQ test that your parents took, and because IQ is hereditary, you can not escape your name no matter how hard you run-up in IQ. So you can look-up people with your name, and you will know your intelligence standing
I can change my name whenever I want or a retard could name their child Albert. Explain further

>#14.) The lower your IQ, the more liable you are to find joy in life. This is because you are strong enough to be insane enough to find joy in most things
The amount of different hobbies you have doesn't = amount of enjoyment. I can get just as much enjoyment from one hobby as you do from 10, potentially.

>#31.) The best possible meaning to life is to grow and move forward through things
You get it, anon.

>> No.19211921

Yeah this is an 408 IQ ear, checks out.

>> No.19211926

No it's not.
I don't count this man as valid. It feels like he's taking advantage of the fact he has an angled ear. I think he's only 280 IQ