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[ERROR] No.19205037 [Reply] [Original]

Add to the iceberg chart created by one of (You).

>> No.19205045

Some of the black on blue is difficult to see.

>> No.19205059

secret book of john

>> No.19205287

Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition, near the bottom

>> No.19205304

>Pound’s Cantos

Nowhere near as esoteric or complicated as you fags think.

>> No.19205306

The chart is fine as it is. Adding anything more would be spoiling its quirky charm. It's a bit of a weird chart in some respects but the guy who made it has clearly read a lot anyway. Only thing that could improve it is removing the apostrophe from "Finnegan's".

>> No.19206683

R.C. waldun: ascended

>> No.19206695

Joyce is a gross shit obsessed bloated queer

>> No.19206711

Let us read your assessment then, thou seeker of knowledge thou.

>> No.19206784

Shakespeare should be higher. Everything else is fairly accurate

>> No.19207304

Arno Schmidt Zettel's Traum a.k.a Bottom's Dream way down below

>> No.19207485

a little surprised hemingway is that high and milton is that low

>> No.19207507

"Coelho" is misspelled.

>> No.19207512

honestly king should be in the 2nd level. you guys hate on him too much just cause he's popular rn and bloom shat on him

>> No.19207521

cervantes should be higher, Don quixote might be considered "high-brow", but it's also the best selling book of all time so it balances out.

>> No.19208381

Homer, augustine, Bible, virgil, Dante are way too low. Those are super highly read by all sorts of normals. Just because your fellow 16 year olds haven't heard of them doesn't mean they are special to adults

>> No.19208419
File: 530 KB, 1595x1742, 05BCB6F1-E904-40EB-AE29-792BA3743233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone add this cutie onto like level 4 or 5 please

>> No.19208433

>poonfeed meeee!!!

>> No.19208435

Is the Gospel of Eve really good?

>> No.19208439
File: 102 KB, 1176x1048, EoOamctWMAAaW62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be stephen king
>be put on this Earth solely to disprove the adage "the book is better than the movie"

He's fine where he is.

>> No.19208443

Everyone reads Hemingway in grade school, mate.

>> No.19208445

anon thats german chancellor angela merkel

>> No.19208462

Is it based on Difficulty or obscurity?
On both accounts, Cervantes should be higher; Nabokov should be in level 3; Shakespeare, up; Dickens, up up; Mccarthy should be below Saramago, Bellow mildly near the boundary of 4; Early Joyce in level 3; Tolstoy, again level 3; Melville should be just on 3 to 4 boundary; Proust should be below Borges; McElroy must be in level 5 (one of the few anons to have read something of Women & men), no way he is above Gaddis, Burroughs and Nabokov; Bulgakov in level 2.

>> No.19208474

Missed Marquez. Up in level 2.

>> No.19208488

>but the guy who made it has clearly read a lot anyway.
Lmao, You sure don't read a lot.