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[ERROR] No.19204045 [Reply] [Original]

Is Joseph Campbell worth reading?

>> No.19204047


>> No.19204051


>> No.19204115

Is there anything someone who is already familiar with Jung would gain from reading Joseph Campbell?

>> No.19204204


>> No.19204538

it's worth having read

>> No.19205325

My mother really really enjoys Joseph Campbell, he is an interesting guy but hes kind of diet Jung. Think of him as Ayn Rand and Nietzsche as Jung

>> No.19205473

Care to elaborate?

>> No.19205899


>> No.19205903

he and jung ruined myth studies

>> No.19205906


>> No.19205910


>> No.19205911

I liked Jung's collected work compiled by him.

>> No.19205983

Why do you say?

>> No.19206065

yeah but mostly cause of his influence than for the work itself

>> No.19206070

>bruh every culture is, like, virtually the same lmao

>> No.19206103

Yes, if you’re okay with him inserting his new-age pantheist kookery alongside his study of the Hero’s journey and Jungian archetypes.

If you’re Christian, be warned that Campbell has an immense bias against it and interprets various Christian beliefs and ideas to his kookery. In his book “Power of Myth” he likens the the snake in the garden of Eden as this cosmic force as seen in this quote: “ Immortal energy and consciousness engaged in the field of time, constantly throwing off death and being born again.”

He also does comparative religion and says the God of the Bible is merely the most powerful god amongst many.

Should you read it? If you can ignore the unscientific kookery, yes. If you’re Christian, go ahead but keep in mind what I said.

>> No.19206139
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Bruh. No.

>> No.19206227

It’s for the best. There’s no better way to spot a pseud than to ask for their opinion on Jung.

>> No.19207037

So, why *should* one read it?

>> No.19207238

No. He is the epitome of sexy ideas attracting a general audience but lacking in any sort of rigor making those ideas bunk. Everything you learn from him has to be unlearned. Skip him. Not even worth a browse. Even using The Hero With a Thousand Faces as a writing tool isn't going to be very helpful. Utterly regret both books I read by him.

>> No.19208331

What should I read instead then?

>> No.19209053

I did the big mistake of making my friend buy thish book a long time ago, now he´s just come around to reading it years later.

I now have to explain to him that Jesus is God and not a "hero myth". To which he responds that Campbell is not making any religious claims...