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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19202857 [Reply] [Original]

>She seemed half drugged, whether by some soporific in the heaped cushions or merely by the fatigue induced by our walk in the open and the burden of so great a quantity of voluptuous flesh. I freed her breasts, each nearly as large as her own head, and those wide thighs, which seemed to hold a new-hatched chick between them.

>> No.19202869

>rape a half conscious innkeeper
>fuck your grandmother
>fuck a giantess then let her die
>molest a little boy and lie about it
Nice Jesus figure you got there.

>> No.19202901
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How did Wolfe square his Catholic morality with being a massive coomer? isnt Catholicism anti sex?

>> No.19202907


It makes you wonder if Severian actually did such things or just made them up like the unreliable narrator that he is.

Also, on a side note, why are Muricans such coomers? Like, you guys serious worship to such a degree that Slannesh from Warhammer might be so aroused with your damn country,

>> No.19202915

It makes you wonder if Severian actually did such things or just made them up like the unreliable narrator that he is.

Also, on a side note, why are Muricans such coomers? Like, you guys serious worship sex to such a degree that Slannesh from Warhammer might be so aroused with your damn country.

>> No.19202917

Always thought it was weird how heretical this series is and that tradcaths apparently like it. Wolfe must have been a very liberal Catholic.

>> No.19203051
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I like to imagine this is what all the women Severian fucks look like. Especially the Boob goddess he lays by the river.

Also why do Jannies fear Dakota Warren, the new Queen of /lit/?

>> No.19203077

>molest a little boy and lie about it

>> No.19203920

it's not mindless coomershit. each one conveys something important

>> No.19204175


>unreliable narrator

God, please kill this meme. It's not like it's impossible but the lack of critical thinking evidenced by people who just meme "Severian is lying!" at every talking point is depressing. It's not an authoritative interpretation. If you want to actually engage with the text, try reading it again with the impression that Severian does not lie or, alternatively, that he does not know he is lying.

>> No.19204310

It was a far future series where Catholicism turned into something else. It wasn't meant to be a commenrary on anything.
>liberal catholic
By all accounts he was a conservative.

>> No.19204345

>Dakota Warren
Wow, she's amazing. She looks like the kind of girl who will shit in my heart and then suck me off

>> No.19204487

The Bible has a whole book of erotic poetry.

>> No.19206169


catholics LOVE sex*, we're just not so keen on those contraceptives

*monogamous, marital sex

>> No.19206369 [SPOILER] 
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Was he thinking of Milena when writing this side candy?