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[ERROR] No.19202680 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone point me to some good books on the different Irish Cycles? I've been reading some of the works of Yeats and Lady Wilde on folklore and I'd like to read a little deeper into the subject. Is there anything like the Prose/Poetic Eddas or the Sagas of the Icelanders for Ireland? If not, are there any good collections you'd recommend? I'd like to read all four Cycles at some point.

>> No.19202694

Campbell's Romance of the Grail

>> No.19202701

This year I read Early Irish Myths and Sagas (edit. Jeffrey Gantz) and the stories were like really bad parodies of myths written in an archaic way.

>> No.19202757
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Wasn't quite what I had in mind, but you have my interest.
So is it all retellings rather than translations?

>> No.19202935

Check out The Táin and Tales of the Elders of Ireland

>> No.19203059

Very cool, especially liking the look of Tales of the Elders. Will put both on my reading list.

>> No.19203164


>> No.19203657

Awesome, will look into this

>> No.19203723
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>Old Gaelic

>> No.19204245
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here's your grain of salt (also a fun read)