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[ERROR] No.19202514 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to get my first e-Reader. What do I need to know? Any tips and helpful features I must know of? Fwiw its a basic kindle, which won't be connected to the internet and will run books I sideload with Calibre. I'm still a physicalchad, and I'm picking it up to enjoy alongside paperbacks, not as an alternative.

>> No.19202517

There's a new Kindle coming out in a couple of weeks, make sure to get that one.

>> No.19202518

>helpful features I must know of?

it has a built in dictionary, and a vocabulary learner

>> No.19202523

Nah. I specifically don't want the paperwhite. I prefer the bezel on the basic as its easier to know if you're going to touch the screen. Don't care for water resistance and the basic has a backlight now. IMO, the PPI/resolution difference is only noticeable side by side. I'm going to save a few bucks and go basic

>> No.19202527

get the oasis, it's nicer to hold

>> No.19202530

Comfy, thanks. Is the dictionary on the device or would I need to forfeit my privacy and connect to the internet?

>> No.19202533

it will be less hassle to get a kobo because they read epubs natively, and almost every pirated book is an epub. i've had to convert thousands of books to get on my kindle, and while it doesn't take long for a single one, it adds up, and it's a chore.

get a kobo, or something like that. if it has expandable storage even better.

>> No.19202535

Maybe. Its nice, and has buttons, but maybe too large

>> No.19202539

The Clara HD is almost double the price of the Kindle. I've been torrenting books in anticipation for a while and have already converted about 40 books to MOBI and Kindle formats. Its not a hassle for me. I also feel amazon would be able to repair or replace a kindle much easier than it would be to replace a kobo, if anything goes wrong.

>> No.19202541

You'll want to convert to azw3 not mobi. Mobi is an older further that isn't used anymore.

>> No.19202542

It's on the device. Just hold on the word and the definition pops up. You also have the option to look the word up on the internet, and wikipedia too, but just keep your kindle on airplane mode. You can download other dictionaries too, but eh.

>> No.19202552

Kobo DRM is much easier to defeat, or at least it was when I bought mine
never buy any digital media from Amazon

>> No.19202565

what do you need to beat a DRM for? that's what libgen is for

>> No.19202566

You can cheat Amazon quite easily. What you do is buy the ebook, download it via usb (the option to do this is in kindle settings on the Amazon website), strip the drm with calibre, then refund the book. I've done this at least 5 times now.

>> No.19202572

>Mobi and Kindle formats
I literally forgot the file name but yes, that's the one I've converted to, in addition to MOBI

>> No.19202574

That's great, many thanks.

>> No.19202578

I didn't specify what I am sideloading in OP but I will be using libgen, yes. So this isn't a consideration.

>> No.19202583
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You can download dictionaries from the internet and load them into your kindle as you'd load a book. It's great for learning languages, as I for example currently have a Russian-English dictionary and have been reading bilingual Russian-English books. Kindles are great language learning tools!

>> No.19202588

>Doing all these unnecessary steps when Libgen exists

>> No.19202602

That's excellent, thanks. Probably won't use this feature but its handy to know you don't need to connect the kindle to wifi to access this

>> No.19202611

I'm an ebook veteran at this point. I got my first kindle in 2011. A few tips that make the reading experience better.

You can automatically format books when converting them in calibre. I recommend the following:

-removing custom fonts
-changing line-height to 1
-changing 'vertical-align: super;' to 'vertical-align: text-top;'
-removing all margins
-setting font-size to 1 for the main text content

I've set this up, along with a bunch of other small changes, so it automatically applies these changes to any book that I convert. Yes, I am autistic, and yes, I do have OCD. How could you tell?

>> No.19202629

Sometimes the book you want isn't on libgen/zlibrary. This is a good last resort that you obviously shouldn't abuse or Jeff will find you, and kill you.

>> No.19202675

I like the dyslexia font, even though I don’t have it. It makes reading faster.

>> No.19202735

(Not OP)

I haven't heard about that, and will DEFINITELY use it since finding books I want in my native language is so freaking annoying, especially since it isn't a broadly spoken language
(Serbo-Croatian) and I don't like reading in English if I don't have to.

>> No.19202828

Its also a good method if you want to skip all the formatting, setting a cover photo, etc. Also, sometimes I have found that the Amazon kindle version is superior to everything on Libgen.

>> No.19202836
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how to repair kobos? i've broken six over the years. definitely got my money's worth in all the free reading however.

>> No.19202841

Make sure it has a light. I wouldn't recommend buying one that doesn't.
Also, if the back has that rubbery coating, then consider buying a case. That stuff turns into greasy fingerprint soup after a few years.

>> No.19202843

uhm...how did you break six of them? like, don't be stupid

>> No.19202988

Thanks. It does have a light, but I'm divided on a case. I'm only going to be reading at home, and I feel its probably nicer to hold without, but I take good care of my stuff.

>> No.19202990

Time to get a Kindle. Every time I hear a story of one breaking, the user has been able to get Amazon to send a free replacement. I've never used a Kobo but I sort of trust Amazon more in terms of hardware reliability, definitely not in terms of privacy though

>> No.19203064

bit of a drinking and clumsiness prob.
ya eh. i would prob airplane mode it 24:7 anyways

>> No.19203076


>> No.19203087

i'm the clumsy guy. always had Kobos and liked them well enough. What's wrong with kindles? My girlfriend has one seems to work OK

>> No.19203094

>he doesnt know

>> No.19203113

what is airplane mode?

>> No.19203117

if you haven't bought it yet, id suggest buying on ebay. tons of people got kindles for christmas or birthdays a couple years ago and want to get rid of them. saves a little money and helps the environment to use their old kindles rather than buy a new one. from personal experience i would suggest a kindle touch 4th gen which is under $20 used on ebay.

>> No.19203124

He who has only known a pond has no concept of the ocean.

>> No.19203128

People hate Amazon, which is fine, but 99% of issues associated with privacy are eliminated by using it offline.

>> No.19203136

Kobo ClaraHD chad reporting in.

>What I like
I love the size, it allows me to bring it where ever I go, which I do. Even bought pic related to be able to bring it in the summer when I only wear a shirt and bathing shorts. Perfect little fag bag with all my edc essentials. Life has never been more comfy. The bag was designed around holding a 6" ereader and has an enforced divider to protect the screen.
I also love that I can extract my annotations to my laptop with calibre. This was a total game changer and saves me tons of time. Nothing beats this shit. Only 20% of what I read is fiction so I be annotatin' a lawt (Amazon has a limit on words you can annotate at once, because of "copyright" bs. Fucking cringe).
Another great plus is that I read so much more ever since getting the kobo. Am 21 books deep so far this year. I even had to buy one book that wasnt on libgen from the kobo store and let me tell you, these kobo epubs are smooth as fuck. So ever since I kinda look forward to having to buy another one. But the difference isnt that big compared to normal epubs so dont feel like you're missing out by reading pirated stuff.
Love the warm light and the ability to invert screen which is the best thing ever.
I also love that it has nothing to do with amazon.

>What I dont like
The powerbutton placement. My first ereader was the kobo aura2 and it had this stylish blue powerbutton on the back. If it had the warm light option it would have been perfect. Though the aura2 was heavier than the clara.
I dont like that it still uses the old usb port and not a usb-c connection.
And I wish there was a white version, because I like to read fully nude in the sun on opiates and the device gets hot quickly and I start fearing for the battery. Also waterproofing would have been sweet too.

In the end I can say that buying this ereader was the single best purchasing decision I have ever made in my life.

>> No.19203215

My only concern with white devices is, do they turn yellow over time?

>> No.19203218

Anything white that absorbs things will turn yellow over time. If you're concerned you can just get a cover.

>> No.19203219

If you buy a Kindle, you'll turn into just another book consumer like all those doctors and entrepreneurs. Do you really want to be in the same league as those people?

>> No.19203976

Check if your model can run KOReader. That'll let you run EPUBs directly, PDFs will render better, and you can use a folder layout--no need to use Calibre at all. On top of that, it'll let you use Stardict dictionaries, which may be better depending on what language/language-pair you want a dictionary for. It's a little bit of work to get KOReader installed on Kindles, but after the initial setup it's fairly easy and you'll only return to the stock software when you want to sideload more books.
Secondly, if you plan to read any real amount of PDFs, either learn folder management/self-control (if you plan to stick with the base software and Calibre to move books) or get a 32GB model.
>t. owns both a Paperwhite and Clara HD

>> No.19204052

Yo I was just thinking about this. Are kindle 3 and 4 still good?there's some uber cheap near me that I was thinking of getting or maybe I'll just buy a pinenote when it comes out.

>> No.19204081

What others said about languages is true.
Get a USB cable that can transport files, kindle's default cable only charges the device.
Libgen and z library as stated in the sticky.
Calibre lets you transform books onto the format that Kindle works with, and can also adjust resolutions according to your device and model.
Use airplane mode, if you're getting a 2019 kindle or such, these have unremovable ads, so airplane mode helps a lot, also good if you don't trust amazon.

>> No.19204082

Be sure to upload it to libgen / z-lib for everyone

>> No.19204107

>I'm still a physicalchad
nonsense. books are books, the words don't change just because you're reading it on a screen or paper. self defeating mindset, you should only be concerned with what's in books and you should get your hands on them in whatever way is most convenient for you

>> No.19204116

you can send an email to the kindle and it works as a file transfer...i've sent multiple libgen books like that.

>> No.19204117

I have only bought ebooks two or three times through amaz*n, I thought there was no refund for ebooks. Maybe I'll try this

>> No.19204128

What DRM?

>> No.19204168

Bro it takes like <2 seconds to convert an epub to azw3. How slow is your computer?

>> No.19204216

>these have unremovable ads
you just buy the model that doesn't have ads.

>> No.19204421

There are some horribly formatted books on libgen and this might be a decent solution for that.

>> No.19204439

stands for digital rights management

basically a digital lock that can only be opened under certain circumstances like being online

>> No.19204464

Can a Kindle be jailbroken? I'm really only interested in one if it can be messed with

>> No.19204478

Yes, but not quite as much (or as easily) as a Kobo can

>> No.19204489

Bullshit about the cable, I've got my kindle now (OP), the 2019 one yes, and I was able to put books on it using the packaged cable. I don't know where you heard that from. Thanks for informing about calibre, which I have figured out in anticipation of getting the device and already converted some books. I have it on airplane mode and connected it only to my phone hotspot to set up the device. It's great if this will also prevent ads which make the screen look ugly.
Always physical media in this day and age, all formats. CDs for music, DVDs for films, paperback books for reading. Digital is a substitute for an enthusiast, it is simply not reliable in the long term. Yes, books wither and yellow, but hard drives break and who knows if those websites will still be up in 20 years
>giving an extra £10 to amazon
Anyway, amazon can take them off for you if you tell them you didn't know you had to pay to get rid of them.

>> No.19204507

>he doesn't back up his data
In what universe is it too hard to copy everything over to a flashdrive once a month or something? Data you don't back up is data you don't care about.

>> No.19204524

get anything other than a kindle

>> No.19204537

Jailbreak is such a misnomer, but you could just install cfw

>> No.19204597

Too late, its offline anyway. Enjoying the experience.

>> No.19204714

CDs and DVDs degrade too. They're not the permanent storage media you think they are.

>> No.19204737

>Can a Kindle be jailbroken?
what do you mean jailbroken? what are you trying to do?

>> No.19204744

No, but I have CDs from the 90s. Now how many times have the spotify servers gone down since then?

>> No.19204746

Most books on Libgen have multiple versions to download. Generally the higher the file size the better the quality.

>> No.19204776

i use a Kindle, only pirate, and connect to the internet whenever i feel like it
i'm a bad boy

>> No.19206667


>> No.19207430

>Load ebooks into folder
>Load click "send to device" on calibre
>Asks if you want to convert
>Click yes
Literally does everything for you in one single click anon

>> No.19207446

Kobo durability is pretty stinky

>> No.19207461

I bought an ereader and it got bricked very quickly, I think I read 4 books on it. It was a slightly obscure euro brand. Still I'm not very keen on acquiring a new one. Traumatizing.

>> No.19207475

Trust me, I know people who have kindles 9 to 10 years old which still work, the only thing which starts to fail is the battery over many years, which is true of most electronics. If you aren't spending any money on ebooks, then you could in theory go through a device every year and still save more than you would buying physical books.

>> No.19207570

tell me more

>> No.19207650

Not him but I'd have to agree. I stepped on and broke my first Kobo before I even got to use it

>> No.19207707

>I stepped on
so for non-retards the quality might still be ok?

>> No.19208503
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Update: day off, setting it up now bros. Will check in when I've put my books on there

>> No.19208523

awww yeah. welcome to the kindlegang!

>> No.19208526

Nice try, owner of three Kobos only one working

>> No.19208548

don't buy the knockoffs then. i've had one kindle for 11 years and i know people who straight up destroyed theirs by doing stupid shit like throwing a backpack out of a window and still got a replacement free of charge because amazon wants to keep you in their ecosystem (that you will actually sever yourself from by turning off the wifi and stealing everything forom libgen).

>> No.19208575

What books do you have? Take a picture of your calibre library so I can judge you.

>> No.19208586

My autism doesn't let me do that. I have to edit the metadata, tags, description etc. then find a good cover and resize it so it fits the paperwhite screen perfectly. It adds a bit more time.

>> No.19208589
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Can do, but I'm not sure how to display my library so the book details aren't cut off.

>> No.19208597
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Stop being a zoomer.

>> No.19208605

Calibre finds the cover, metadata, description, and tags for me with every book I load in. Of course, nowadays my grandma has my kindle semi permanently while I load Patterson or other schlock that I grabbed from ebooks irc in it for her.

>> No.19208624
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I don't know if this is an anti-Semitic Christian board but there we go. And I'm not a /pol/tard. I see you also have A Christmas Carol, looking forward to reading that this Christmas. As for the rest of the fiction selection, I'm very new and I just need to discover what I like and dislike.

>> No.19208672
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I read A Christmas Carol every Christmas and have done since I was a wee babe. My Mum used to read it to me on Christmas Eve before she died and I've just kept up the tradition.

Also, if you want calibre to look nice and can use cover view. It makes it feel comfy.

>> No.19208706
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Great, thanks man. Are there any of those books you recommend? I have the KJV Bible in my bedside table, I couldn't imagine reading it on a screen because I like to pick it apart and sticky certain pages. I still need to read the Old Testament front to back.

>> No.19208726


it's literally what I do
Offline kindle to read books outside/books I don't want to pay
Real books for the shit I like

>> No.19208737

i'll upload my whole calibre library later if interested. it's about 3700 books, an excellent literary library if i say so myself. all azw3.

>> No.19208740

is that a custom view or can I get this view on Calibre easily?

>> No.19208744

Bottom right > Layout > Cover grid

>> No.19208747

Bottom right, click layout and check cover view

>> No.19208789


Based Calibre enjoyer.

>> No.19208860


>> No.19208882

Did you step on all of them?

>> No.19208901

Wouldn't you have seen me do it if I did?

>> No.19208965
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Will the new Kindle be good for manga and comics?

>> No.19208971

no. it's barely any different to the current paperwhite.

>> No.19208984

No. They are still too small, they don't have a color screen and color eink sucks anyway.

>> No.19209016


Okay, screw comics, how about just regular black and white manga?
I've seen manga on the Kindle store and the screen size seems to be pretty much the same as a standard paperback manga page.

>> No.19209033

>seems to be pretty much the same as a standard paperback manga page
Are you sure? A 6.8in diagonal is really small. If it was a book it would be the smallest book you've ever seen.

>> No.19209041

Google says the standard format for manga in the US is 5x7.5in which is a diagonal of 9in.

>> No.19209091


>Although Japanese manga tankobon may be in various sizes, the most common are Japanese B6 (12.8 cm × 18.2 cm, 5.04 in × 7.17 in) and ISO A5 (14.8 cm × 21.0 cm, 5.83 in × 8.27 in)

Shit, yeah, it's too small. I must have been looking at the overall dimensions.
It needs to have a size of at least 8.7 to fit the B6 standard.

>> No.19209121

does anyone host a calibre content server? I'd love to browse some of the libraries of /lit/izens

>> No.19209174
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Yep, its everything I wanted. Thanks for all the tips etc!

P.s, I vastly prefer this device without the backlight, thus I am glad I saved on the paperlight. I mean, the official case meant I paid pretty much the same, but the paperwhite just kind of sucks to me. The screen is glass and much more delicate. The bezels aren't so clear cut, and so there will be no accidental page skipping on this. I don't think the difference in resolution really matters unless (A) you are used to using a paperwhite or (B) you read comics and manga.
Also neat: I paid for the device with ads, but on airplane mode you can avoid that. I didn't even need to sign in to set up the device. I was fully anticipating I would need to and even had a throwaway account at the ready.

Tonight is going to be comfy

>> No.19209185

Deciding between reading The Last Wish (The Witcher) or some nonfic about jewish world power. I feel the highlight feature is going to be very handy for nonfiction.

>> No.19209201

Kindles are frontlit, not backlit. That's what makes them easy to read on. Also, that looks like a modern kindle basic, which means it is frontlit.

>> No.19209205

Sorry, frontlit*. Yes, it is, but I prefer it off, so I don't really understand the selling point of the paperwhite otherwise, beyond the selling points I discussed.

>> No.19209211

>having any sort of light on your kindle
my kindle has no light and I read with some comfy lights on like a chad

>> No.19209265

I turn off the cover view entirely. You can fit more books on a screen with the traditional list view. A lot of time book covers suck anyway, and they basically always look like shit on an e-ink screen. It's much easier to not concern yourself with them at all.

>> No.19209277

i use list view but i like to have the book cover as screen saver. it's also nice to browse the library in calibre in cover view.

>> No.19209364

7.8" models are usable.
Ideally you want a 13.3" one so you can display two page spreads.

>> No.19209371

Read by candlelight Anon, for extra comfyness.

>> No.19209391

It works, but not really ideal, especially for pages that are bigger and spreads like >>19209364 said

>> No.19209619

Okay, done. Download it if you want. 3740 books, vast range of authors, been curating it for some time now. Mostly retail quality.


>> No.19209624

OP here, thanks for this I'll have a look through.

>> No.19210199

what do i buy to just transfer pdf from computer to tablet? hoping i wont have to spend more than 50$

>> No.19210236

Uncultured swine.

>> No.19210266

if you don't care about eink, then just get a cheap android tablet and install moonreader or just adobe pdf reader. if you weren't a cheap cunt though you'd get an onyx boox note.

>> No.19210374

cool didnt know about eink. maybe when i begin school that will be my next purchase. just need something convenient and cheap for now.

>> No.19210434

what makes an e-reader better than using a reading app on your phone? i have a Sony Xperia One and i've always found that the screen size is ok for reading

>> No.19210475

No distractions. You don't have notifications and crap popping up all the time, you don't have the temptation to open up some app, you can just read.

>> No.19210479

Digital paper is far closer to reading on regular paper. They also have a huge battery life since they only need power to change pages and to light the screen (which often isn't necessary). It's easy to read in bright conditions since the display doesn't have to outshine the rest.
Some people prefer devices without further distractions.

>> No.19210543

If you have oled with yellowed text and reading mode it's pretty nice, but an actual ereader is way nicer to look at.

>> No.19210596

I bought a kobo clara hd last week and I love it so far. I really underestimated how comfy e-ink is.
Also is there a /lit/ epub zip or something anywhere? I’ll download this too thanks anon >>19209619

>> No.19210637

Lol, my laptop can barely load it, so I can't really flick through unfortunately. Any highlights I should grab?
Nice. I only got the Kindle over the Clara due to the price, but the Kobo is probably the better system desu. Glad you're enjoying it.

>> No.19210656

>doesn't hurt my eyes
>better battery
>no notifications

>> No.19210675

Wolf Solent and Glastonbury Romance by John Cowper Powys, Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos, and The Book of Monelle by Marcel Schwob. I say to grab those because you can't pirate them anywhere else (not in good quality anyway). All the other stuff you could eventually compile yourself through libgen.

If you can't load it with Calibre because of your laptop, maybe just peruse the authors and google them and make a note for the future of ones that interest you, because there are a lot of obscure but very good authors in there.

I am surprised you can't load it though. My laptop is also a piece of shit but it handles it okay. Maybe it is just because you are trying to load it all at once.

>> No.19210935
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>all azw3

>> No.19210957

Straight conversion is painless. All the metadata is there for them, all the covers etc.

>> No.19211034


you never have problems with formatting when converting? i always find little issues, especially with graphics, indents, blockquotes.

>> No.19211055

Not really. The only things I do when converting is disable font size rescaling in look and feel, and I make sure remove fake margins is disabled in structure detection. I think I have had issues with drop caps in the past. It depends on how the book was structured originally I suppose.

>> No.19211067

do americans really?

>> No.19211090

Finding non-english epubs is a huge pain in the ass. So if you're not an American have fun buying your books.

>> No.19211098

i'm french and if you know the right websites it's as easy as english books really

>> No.19211100

>1 big zip file


>> No.19211102

which sites might those be? I've been looking for some French books and can only find shitty pdfs.

>> No.19211106

Gallicachads rise up

>> No.19211117

I get most of my shit here https://www3.yggtorrent.nz/
but sometimes I use other websites even though I don't remember their names

>> No.19211143

Will make an account, thanks

>> No.19211229

OP here, probably final comment on this thread but I'm glad people are using it to discuss.

The kindle/ereader experience is excellent. Dictionary and highlight functions are seamless. Haven't put it down for an hour now. And this is just at home, I have several opportunities in my work day to cram reading in. Anyone on the fence, just do it, kindle or kobo it doesn't matter. You won't regret it.

>> No.19211467

>onyx boox note
whoa, I want it

>> No.19211655

I downloaded it anyway, there are some nice surprises

Gottfried Benn, Carlo Ginzburg, Ivo Andric, Tanizaki. Nice Calvino collection. No Schopenhauer though, weird. Some other inclusions are out of my taste (harry potter) but eh, it's not like we can all like the same things

>> No.19211700

Anyone have one of the larger models e.g. the Kindle Oasis or Kobo Libra?
I have a 6" paperwhite and I think I'd like a bigger screen. Are the bigger ones still comfy to hold and do you think they're worth the extra cash? The Kobo Libra is $170 I think.

>> No.19211892

Based. I just did this. Thanks, anon.

>> No.19212595


>> No.19212967

tell me ur old without telling me ur old

>> No.19213033
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I have a kindle but just bought a Samsung Tab S4 for like $200 used off Amazon because those faggots at Amazon won't let me jailbreak my kindle from 2015. I just wanted to be able to format PDF's better bros... I argued with support for over an hour and those pajeets just wanted to give me 50% off a new kindle device. Fuck their little ecosystem. I've been resistant to tablets for reading but chose the S4 for it's price and AMOLED screen - it should be better for reading but idk we will see. I also have been wanting one for zettlekasten, specifically Obsidian. Now I should be able to take notes and read all in one.

Anyone here actually prefer reading on a tablet? Mine hasn't come yet.

>> No.19213185

I do all of my reading and handwriting on a Boox Max 3.

>> No.19214341

>Boox Max 3
yea that thing is $500 used. I was looking at an 8 inch or 10 inch e-ink and the the Boox stuff looked nice but for the price you might as well get a full on tablet. If they were around the $200 market it would make sense.

>> No.19214399

I just bought a book today for the first time in years, and it's over a thousand pages. This thing is heavy, the paper is thin, there are end notes and i'll need to flip back and forth, I can't press words to get the definition. Goddamn ereaders are the best.

>> No.19214584

For $200 your best bet is an old Likebook Mars.
LCD tablets aren't that useful for reading.

>> No.19214881

Which bük?

>> No.19214922

Imaš ruski/hrvatski i ruski/srpski knjige

>> No.19215047

What book is it?

>> No.19215202

My Life History - Casanova. William Trask translation.

>> No.19215408

How is it? I'm not sure I would find that interesting, I never have sex and I'd probably seethe too much

>> No.19215421

I only got it today and so I've read only a little but yeah, it's good. He had a crazy life based on what I've read is in the book.

I wish I could have gotten an ebook of it though.

>> No.19215445

I don’t think his translation is available on eBook, so physical was the only way to go Anon.

>> No.19215856

Any language learners using an ereader? Where do you find high quality dictionaries?

>> No.19215941
File: 55 KB, 524x354, ebooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a Kobo Clara HD about 2 months ago. Never going back. All you gotta do is disable wifi and install koreader, which makes reading PDFs a breeze, as well as just speeding up the machine a lot. It's crazy how much better the machine runs using Koreader than the Kobo OS.

Also maybe download some fonts like Bookerly, Chareink and Literata. It comes with Georgia though which is fine, but I like to have one go-to nonfiction font and one go-to fiction font. Anyway, Kobo Clara is retard proof. You "sideload" everything which literally means drag and drop onto the icon on your desktop.

Pic related is the only downside. You will become a digital hoarder, but as long as you accept you can't read it all, it's fine. It's just brilliant to have a personal library and selection to scroll through with all the best books ever

>> No.19216003

48gb! What the hell is in that? Is it so big because of pdf file sizes?

>> No.19216034
File: 1.00 MB, 2610x1744, Screen Shot 2021-10-12 at 3.30.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PDFs add up. But if you divide the file size by files it comes to an average of 8 mb per book, which isn't bad, but also consider that 1 "book" is really just 1 file. 1 file may in fact be dozens of books in one. So really the number of books must be closer to 10 000

>> No.19216044

Amen to all that. Clara has upped my reading so much. Personally I also connect to Calibre. It makes library management and sending books wirelessly a breeze. And to my shame, I used to doubt these readers and e-ink screens for years.

>> No.19216071

>And to my shame, I used to doubt these readers and e-ink screens for years.
Same. Even if you still read physical books, it's still worth buying because you can use it for out of print books or exorbitantly expensive academic books. Indeed, an e-reader is a great tool for university students who can pirate all their textbooks, something that normally would be a massive expense.

>> No.19216254

I'm OP, I fucking love this device (kindle). Like you, I run it offline etc but its just so great. I've read more today and yesterday than I did during last week.

>> No.19216290

I was thinking about getting one for pirated cookbooks only. Are there any cheap as fuck options out there? If I could edit the files as in scribble some notes on the sides, that would be nice.

>> No.19216305

>Are there any cheap as fuck options out there?
eBay, old generation can be had for $30
>If I could edit the files as in scribble some notes on the sides, that would be nice.
Get a tablet then

>> No.19216363

>If I could edit the files as in scribble some notes on the sides, that would be nice.

You can add comments with a kindle. I don't think it's a very good feature though, myself. I can't even access my notes and highlights as a separate file on the kindle, and can only view notes when I am inside the particular book; it's poorly done. Better to have a seperate notebook.

>> No.19216604

I hope you and the others that downloaded it found some things in there that were new and interesting to you. There's a lot of books there that never get mentioned here, as well as most of the books that are found in all the charts. Some of my favourite authors I have read from the collection this year are: Antonio Tabucchi, Wolfgang Hilbig, Jean-Phillipe Toussaint, Daniel Kehlmann, Colin WIlson, Par Lagerkvist, Klaus Modick, Mary Oliver, James Wright, Jim Crumley, Steven L Peck, Annie Dillard, Sergio Chejfec ...

>> No.19216796
File: 131 KB, 1279x853, phil_entertained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my old kindle (first gen paperwhite) i went rawdog and it's still in good condition because i took care not to put it anywhere that might risk damaging the screen. my newest is the oasis and i got a cover for it only because i got my old man the exact same setup. the case is nice- extra peace of mind that the screen is getting protection and it has a sensor that knows to wake up/go to sleep when the case is open/closed.

congrats on your first e-reader. carrying 1000 books in your pocket is extremely addicting.

>> No.19216814

>I hope you and the others that downloaded it found some things in there that were new and interesting to you.
Maybe I'll make a torrent out of it, so that people can
1)See all the files before downloading them
2)Download only what they want
Suggestions are cool, but not everybody has the patience of downloading 8gb in the first place.

You are based anon though

>> No.19216820

Your Amazon account creates an email address for the kindle account. Find it.

Send emails from your Amazon account email to the generated kindle email address, with no message body and an attached pdf, epub of a book. Make sure the subject is "convert"

It takes a minute, but will automatically convert the book into Kindle format and place it in your library on all devices