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[ERROR] No.19201948 [Reply] [Original]

More like BAD philosophy tube

>> No.19201950

Is this a relative of Dana Scully or just a man?

>> No.19201952
File: 58 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the tube
Take your meds

>> No.19201956
File: 128 KB, 745x1024, F68B2A9F-E05E-418F-86E6-B79ED5EB65B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember watching her marx videos a long time ago, didn’t like them

>> No.19201957

She was right about incels, we really should put them all in jail.

>> No.19201961

I'd suck her philosophy tube, if you know what I mean

>> No.19201962


>> No.19201969


>> No.19201972

Her coming out as trans made me reconsider the whole trans/non-binary thing. Before I didn't really have an opinion on it since it was so far removed from anything in my real life and I just didn't care about it. Now I still don't care about it but it opened my eyes to the fact that there's a large contingent of impressionable minds that become trans/non-binary just to fit in with their desired in-crowd. This moron just basically copied contrapoints to the point of becoming trans. It's really uncanny.

>> No.19201979

Trans people are just a consequence of what Baudrillard described as the "postmodern condition"

>> No.19201983

What was the problem? 2eme? Tankie? Gramsci implied a counter-hegemony? The value composition of labour power doesn't work like that in the cycle of reproduction of labour power, and Federici was wrong because?

This is /lit/ not "Mummy like me, my clit is big."

Fuck you, join your fucken union. (Sexworkers are under IU690 nice btw)

>> No.19201984

This man makes me physically disgusted everytime I see his tranny face

>> No.19201988

His newest Jordan Peterson video fucked up on structuralism so hard.

>> No.19201989

Excuse me I meant "zxhirh"

>> No.19201993
File: 72 KB, 750x563, tranny jew freak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're a consequence of jewish pharma billionaires like the Pritzkers astroturfing it as a pet project. Read "The Transgender Industrial Complex" by Scott Howard. It's on libgen.

>> No.19201996

That's a genuinely funny photo.

>> No.19201997

we got too COCKy trannybros

>> No.19202002
File: 1.48 MB, 2182x3000, bye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elucidating my exact thoughts on something that i watched probably years ago in a thread that's gonna be spammed with reactionary white noise
umm no

>> No.19202025

He mostly no concept of what he is talking about and at best read Wikipedia articles about certain topic.
I'd really recommend you to watch Carefree Wanderings video's about him.
He tries to extend philosophy to topics where you clearly need to let go of a priori judgements and bring in empirical data.

He also proofs the Distributists point that Breadtubers can't be cis white heterosexual men because of intersectionalist ideology.

>> No.19202027

Same thing, you're just more Schizo

>> No.19202041

>Carefree Wanderings
Great channel, anti-woke leftists are always worth a listen. CCK is the only other solid major philosophy channel I'm aware of, he explains big concepts quite clearly and accurately through the lens of media, a good starting point.

>> No.19202048

Yeah, CCK also has some bullshit takes though, eg his conception of fascism and when he tried to shoehorn the concept of master-slave-dialectic onto inceldom.

>> No.19202053
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>> No.19202056

>shoehorn the concept of master-slave-dialectic onto inceldom.
He's right though.
>eg his conception of fascism

>> No.19202062

I've seen your trip and concur, but you ought to know that the grounds of critique are more advanced than you could expect from the general catalogue of posts.

If I meet you down the pub, you should be aware that you're in for a withering critique of all your social relations, past and present.

Oh that's why the history journal is called past and present.

>> No.19202064
File: 86 KB, 400x400, carlos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he still have his "philosophy tube" or has it been removed?

>> No.19202065

Seems like schizo shit, but the idea that psychologists are force to not be critical and analytical of trans patients as a means to serve big pharma is not surprising at all.

>> No.19202066

Rumor has it she was a massive contra stan to the point where it freak contra out. Another rumor is that she sexually assaulted contra b4 she transitioned and they dont talk anymore

>> No.19202068
File: 138 KB, 350x350, url(12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's an inner tube now

>> No.19202071

Correct, so not so schizo after all? The only "schizo" thing you could accuse it of is noticing the ethnicity of the major players pushing this.

>> No.19202075

Give me 5 reasons tripfags shouldnt be fed to a lions den.

>> No.19202076

Idr CCK making a video in which he spoke on fascism, but if he made the typical "fascism is capitalism in decay" point, he's absolutely right. i watched the Keith Woods video trying to deboonk that, very funny video. Woods and the traditionalist youtubers really can't hold up to their neoreactionary superiors in most respects.

>> No.19202077

>He's right though.
Incels are in 90% of cases unsuccessful because of lack of physical attractiveness. To cope with the fact that they are to lazy to change anything they blame women and their "evil nature". It has nothing to do with "seeing them as equal/mutual objects to oneself" or anything.
I don't know if you're one of that fellas but if you look at historical data this Marxist "Fascism is capitalism in decay" narrative is simply wrong and ideological cope. Since I don't know your position on this I can elaborate further if you want.

>> No.19202078

I'd argue the Jew stuff is only a consequence of how American industry was founded. But whatever, I've never read it. Probably never will, I already knew that big pharma creates diseases where there are none.

>> No.19202080

Please explain how fascism is capitalism in decay lmao

>> No.19202081

>anti-woke leftists
Are there any leftists that aren't liberal feminists that bend over to capital?

>> No.19202083

>if he made the typical "fascism is capitalism in decay" point, he's absolutely right.
How? It's a narrative that was established by Marxist historians for ideological reasons with no real empirical foundation.

>> No.19202084

It's a man, and a degenerate lefty one too, but he is pretty hot.

>> No.19202086

yes, it's called communism

>> No.19202088

>Since I don't know your position on this I can elaborate further if you want.
Please do

>> No.19202095

internet communists constantly bend the knee. even your tankies bend to right-wing governments if they arent western

>> No.19202096

Incels are slavish "ressentiment" embodied.

>> No.19202098

They're just being realistic

>> No.19202104

>Incels are slavish "ressentiment" embodied.
Yeah, just that as far as I remember CCK didn't put Incels into the position of the slave (although I'm not 100%sure).

>> No.19202106

It's imperialism turned inwards, compare the way the Anglos fought with the Boars to the structures in Nazi Germany and Italy. This in addition to the class collaborationism of every fascist movement, and the fact that economic privatization always followed their rise, this is the point of the argument. Imo, wokeism is a new form of fascism, as it is the tools of the imperialist state turned inwards in a similar fashion. Now that being said, I am aware Fascism as an ideology is much more complex than that, Gentile's interpretation of Hegel isn't just "imperialist at home lmao". It's just that no movement that calls itself fascist has really embodied that, more so than they embodied the decay of capital. The shock troops of capital so to speak.

>> No.19202109

QRD on this man?
Why does /lit/ hate him other than the fact that he's a pseud?

>> No.19202120

Yet the anglos did not fight with the axis agaisnt the commies.

>> No.19202125

Before she came out I had an "uncanny valley" reaction to "him", and I wonder if that was because he was a she.

>> No.19202128

This is just revisionist history with marxist propaganda. Any non-marxist state/movement will be regarded as "class collaborationist" and "imperialist" (even though any regime could be regarded as imperialist to some degree, including communist ones). That's just the false narrative emerging from marxism. It sees everything that is not-marxist as "in league with capitalism" just as fascism sees everything that is non-fascist as "in leage with communism" etc.
If you look at it objectively, fascism in practice has as much in common with capitalism as with communism.

>> No.19202129

Ok. First and foremost, leftists consistently ignore the underlying ideology of fascism and it's intellectual framework and try to depict it as some tribalist Emotion that capitalists politicize to fight against revolution. A good example would be Ecos definition.
That's why they never discuss fascism but merely talk about it with the assumption that it's ideological content doesn't matter anyway. This (especially nowadays) is done to link any kind of far right political activism to Auschwitz.
This in itself is pretty funny, since Italian Fascist didn't see Nazi Germany as fascist and Nazi ideologes weren't really fond of fascism either. This distinction in ideology also shows in reality. Think about why there were no purges of any kind of minorities in Italy until Germany forced them diplomatically in the 40s (and even then it stayed half way humane). Literal killings only really happened when Germany occupied Italy (1943-1945).

>> No.19202136

Exactly.rise above the Dow and out.

>> No.19202139

My point wasn't that the Anglos were fascist since it's imperialism turn inwards, not just regular imperialism.
>fascism in practice has as much in common with capitalism as with communism
My guy fascist economics is von Mises at worst and Social Democracy at best, this is like saying Corbyn was a radical dissident.

>> No.19202143

You could, but that raises a whole heap of other question as to why that is the case. Fact is that it's perpetrated mostly by jews, and targeted mostly at whites, as is very often the case.
But yes this is another instance of big pharma making money by slow genociding whites and having them pay for it. And keeping the rest of the human population as weak and sickly as possible.

>> No.19202147

>all the leftists are taking drugs and pretending to be women
yikes, I'm definitely staying far away from marxism.

>> No.19202154

My point is that the capitalist nations chose to ally with the communist ones against the fascist ones, which does not make very much sense if fascism is just capitalism in decay or capitalisms shock troops.

>> No.19202155

>fascist economics
But this is the issue, your argument only makes some kind of sense if you restrict it purely to the economical sphere, but since fascism went far beyond just that, you have to account for that too. I can say the same for any communist/socialist regime in practice, that they were just slaves to capitalism or "on the way to institue true communism", and then all we've asserted is that true communism is nothing more than a pipe dream.
What set fascism apart from both communism and capitalism is not letting materialism be the decisive issue, yet that is the criterium you judge it by from your standpoint.

>> No.19202164

The reason capitalist countries generally fight against fascist states in the first world is because it's a release valve, but not an effective system to keep in place.
>purely to the economical sphere, but since fascism went far beyond just that
>What set fascism apart from both communism and capitalism is not letting materialism be the decisive issue, yet that is the criterium you judge it by from your standpoint.
This matters as much as what kind of dessert the leader of your country prefers.

>> No.19202175

I think this person is a good example of why more people don't take mental illness seriously. For every tranny who obviously has something fucked up inside them that convinces them they were born the wrong gender, there's another person that claims to be trans almost like it's a fad, making the problem look less serious by comparison. It happened with Depression, it happened with OCD, it happened with ADHD, it happened with Anxiety, and so it happens with Gender Dysphoria too. Fuck, it even happens with Autism to an extent. The only mental illness that won't ever get co-opted in this way is schizophrenia because it provides no social benefits, all it can do is potentially get you thrown in the loony bin.

>> No.19202181

Why wouldn't they ally with the fascists to defeat the communist threat? It makes absolutely no sense, how are you calling WW2 a "release valve"

>> No.19202187

>It's imperialism turned inwards
Starving 20 million Ucranians to build up your industry is "imperialism turned inwards
>This in addition to the class collaborationism of every fascist movement,
Class collaborationism is throwing any industrialist that goes against your will into concentration camps?
>and the fact that economic privatization always followed their rise
Privatisation was a measure taken by Hitler to enable the build up of his military. It was not a ideological decision but rather a pragmatic one.
>It's just that no movement that calls itself fascist has really embodied that
Corporatism was established in fascist Italy in the late 30s/40s.
Of course we can't see how this would have turned out, because the states stopped to exist at some point.

>> No.19202190


>> No.19202195

Who is this?

>> No.19202202

You've not actually said anything new to prove that "fascism is capitalism in decay". You're clutching hard to try and jam it somewhere comfortable enough to maintain your worldview.
>philosophy is irrelevant to your worldview
are you trying to be retarded on purpose?

>> No.19202203

More important question why would Italian industrialist fund communists to fight against fascists?

>> No.19202215

>fascist economics is von Mises at worst and Social Democracy at best
When has there ever been an economically libertarian fascist state? The only example of fascism, Italy, had 50% of its industry under state control, with an almost total one on basic industries such as steel. Fascism =/= conservative authoritarianism

>> No.19202221

Ask him why FIAT built a literal factory town in the 60s USSR, through the mediation of PCI officials.

>> No.19202231

does this one use similarly shit sources as "irreversible damage"?

>> No.19202266

what do you mean?

>> No.19202273

>This matters as much as what kind of dessert the leader of your country prefers.
Nice dodging the issue there. Why are commies always spineless fucks? Unless your civilization has a cultural/spiritual basis, economics is moot.

>> No.19202277

iirc irreversible damage used an irrelevant blogpost as its main source and the other ones seemed quite laughable too

>> No.19202283

I don't know what that is but no this guy did his research, he even digs into who finances the academic research on this topic etc

>> No.19202293

sounds interesting, maybe i'll give it a try
what are the authors views on homosexuality?

>> No.19202298

>typical "fascism is capitalism in decay" point, he's absolutely right
Nobody except marxoids repeat this mantra in order to protect themselves and others from abandoning marxist theory for alternatives, it’s a form of brainwashing. Marxists are scared shitless because they know that the working class aren’t going to be ”theoretically orthodox” reds

Contemporary scholars of fascism don’t take it seriously at all, because it’s a reductive, black-and-white thinking of a complex social phenomenon.

>> No.19202306


>> No.19202351

>NOOOO fascism is ackshully super deep theoretical phenomena nooo its not capitalism nooo
Fascism is peak midwitt ideology. In essance it is the same autistic Platonian "Republic" / Hobbsian "Leviathan" utopianism, where some schizo manifesto writer makes up his 100% original dunotzsteel Utopia OC, in fascist case mostly based around nation, ethnic identity or some 19th Century aristocratic idealist gobbledygook about philosophy of power. At the end of the day this Utopia OC is as ridiculous as some internet anarchists or hippy commune guys fetishizing some long dead indian society or Pol Pot dreaming about Year 0. None of them have any material basis in reality how to bring the society about and it crashes and burns if they ever try.

However what you do have are discontent, militant middle class movements that pick up these ideologies, usually around the same time lower class people pick up socialism, and then receive massive help from the countries industrialists (Germany) or current ruling elites (Italy). Now, we can either claim that these states of Hitler and Mussolini were betrayals of fascism, or that they were fascist. In case you believe the latter, then you must face such facts as Germany being great buddies with US industrialists (like Bush family that made millions from concentration camp slave labour investments), these countries privatizing and generally taking an anti-worker and pro-capital position. They share these traits with such cohntries as Pinochets Chile and modern Singapore. This system very clearly is just a militant form of Captialism that in a point of crisis takes up a more authoritarian position just to secure its position, while using useful idiot middle class movements as an ideological veil.

>> No.19202356


>> No.19202359

The world that incels talks about exist in most mammal species. The people who disagree are zoologically ignorant.

>> No.19202360

read the fourth political theory retard

>> No.19202363

PT 100% coasted all through uni. I'm studying philosophy and her videos usually have the depth of papers written by freshmen during their first courses. I'm often surprised by how shallow her videos are, to the point where I cannot help but agree with the other anons who said that she probably uses Wikipedia as her main source. It is weird to find someone who supposedly is a philosopher having literally no view of their own.

Contrapoints is a similar case. One does not even need to study philosophy to reach her level of sophistication.

>> No.19202364

Replace every instance of "fascist" in your post with "socialist/Marxist" and the entire post is still correct.

>> No.19202365

>In essance it is the same autistic Platonian "Republic" / Hobbsian "Leviathan" utopianism,
These at the very least are reasoned positions. Most fascists I've met just go with their gut instinct, there's no real theoretical insight behind it.

>> No.19202381

>Most fascists I've met just go with their gut instinct, there's no real theoretical insight behind it.
Everyone does it, not everyone admits it.

>> No.19202383

>He also proofs the Distributists point that Breadtubers can't be cis white heterosexual men because of intersectionalist ideology.
thanks for letting me know everything you wrote can be safely ignored

>> No.19202411

>thanks for letting me know everything you wrote can be safely ignored
Name me one Breadtuber who is a heterosexual cis white male

>> No.19202436

I thought Contrapoints and philosophy tube were made by the same person. I don't really follow their channels closely, but they seemed so similar, and even look a bit similar, that I didn't bother to look into it too deeply.

>> No.19202454

considering the incel to tranny pipeline i agree

>> No.19202468
File: 303 KB, 1188x1423, FineWine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retract that comment.

>> No.19202475

>>NOOOO fascism is ackshully super deep theoretical phenomena nooo its not capitalism nooo
obvious bait anon
If you wanna post the fake lefty redpills (got from anti-racist (le europeans aren't actually replaced) / anti-transphobia youtube and reddit ) then don't start with a greentext that makes me realise there's no reason to read the rest
me too
the only video I watched from the tranny in the OP is that one about carl schmitt,donald trump and black lives matter,

>> No.19202477
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>watching a disgusting Troon over wholesome Asian existentialism waifu


>> No.19202483


>then receive massive help from the countries industrialists
A total of 2 major industrialists donated to the NSDAP. Borsig dropped his support pretty quickly, and Thyssen ended up in a concentration camp and had his business nationalized.
>privatizing and generally taking an anti-worker and pro-capital position.
Doesn't matter if they privatized bankrupt sectors of the economy if overall state control of the economy increased massively anyway.
>They share these traits with such cohntries as Pinochets Chile and modern Singapore.
If you abstract the actions of completely different political regimes enough, sure you can pretend that anyone not instituting YOUR specific brand of violent proletarian revolution is anti-worker. Only you can speak for the working man after all.

>> No.19202500
File: 389 KB, 561x631, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fell for bait retard

>> No.19202505

Just use 4chanx with anynomizer feature, then you'll just skip past them thinking it's a random schizo rant.

>> No.19202540

Before this guy revealed he's a turbofaggot I felt like his videos are kind of random and merely flexing some philosophical jargon on the internet it being mostly 20th century Jewish stuff... when It revealed the thing I've just blocked the channel.

>> No.19202559

does he even make videos about philosophy or does he just play dressup and read wikipedia articles

>> No.19202580

please get off leftypol

>> No.19202589

hbomberguy? does jonas ceika count? they might not be heterosexual but i can't imagine caring about that, also jonas has a wife fwiw

>> No.19202715

Learned behavior needs to enter current public consciousness in a big way. Not every facet of your personality is some grand built up expression stretching across decades. Some of the shit you adopt is spontaneous desire and mimicry. There's nothing wrong with picking up new behaviors on a whim--if you don't take yourself too seriously. These fuckos are elevating what would have historically been labeled as "hysteria" or a fad to the essential, serious, and beyond joking sphere. Does anyone buy that a gay male's cunty exaggerated behavior is natural, genuine, or serious? Of course not, we all know it is for fucking fun and levity and that's precisely why fags can make such enjoyable companions.

I have a little sis in high school and tik tok has convinced the zoom zooms that they have tourettes. It's literally the south park episode come to life. 7/40 girls in her choir have spontaneously developed tourettes in the last month. At the concert 6/40 were miraculously tic free but 1/40 stuck to the act and was blinking like an epileptic the entire time. Trans may come and go, but this shit is not stopping ever unless someone gets out the message to stop taking behavior seriously.

>> No.19202726

>The Transgender Industrial Complex
will check it out. Love me some schizo core

>> No.19202746
File: 54 KB, 600x400, Kollontai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read Kollontai
these faggots aren't leftist at all

>> No.19202748

kys faggot

>> No.19202776

>Carefree Wanderings
I agree. He's great.

Also I recommend Daniel Bonevac lectures on youtube.