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/lit/ - Literature

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1920182 No.1920182 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, checked sticky, no humor books. looking for something along the lines of David Sedaris, but really any cynical, sarcastic, dry wit will do.
Make my day.

>> No.1920187

You just made this thread yesterday and got several recommendations.

>> No.1920191

Don Quixote
Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.1920311

I apologize, I thought it didn't go through because my thread didn't show up.. I guess my shitty connection had trouble contacting the server because every time I refreshed any of the boards, they didn't show any new material so I gave up and went to bed.

>> No.1920326

Bet you feel like an asshole, now.

>> No.1920334

Well, in that case, I'll just re-recommend what I recommended to you the last time you posted this thread.

If you want something that's more or less precisely like David Sedaris, check out David Rakoff. "Fraud" is probably his best book, but the others are also amusing. You might also like Sarah Vowell----"Assassination Vacation" is probably her best known book.

As for any cynical, sarcastic, dry wit:

John Lanchester, The Debt to Pleasure
Terry Southern, Candy
Terry Southern, The Magic Christian
Terry Southern, Blue Movie
"Saki", The Unbearable Bassington
Randall Jarrell, Pictures from an Institution
SJ Perelman, any anthology of his best work (make sure it includes "No Starch in the Dhoti, S'il Vous Plait")
George Saunders, Pastoralia
any of Veronica Geng's old collections (prob out of print)
Gore Vidal, Palimpsest

>> No.1920340

Rubber Balls and Liquor by Gilbert Gottfried

>> No.1920361
File: 78 KB, 600x400, Gilbert-Gottfried-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh book was just mediocre. like a glass of orange soda and a slice of pizza. i doubt you even read it.

>> No.1920371
File: 26 KB, 359x450, YoureAwesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I do.
Very much appreciated. Promise you won't see this thread again. Looks like I have some reading ahead of me. +3 internets to you sir!

>> No.1920376
File: 33 KB, 307x475, cover Fletch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire Fletch series is "good" at its worst, and "fucking wonderful" at its best. They're quick reads, too. Dialogue heavy.

It's about a newspaper journalist (initially) in a detective role. Great stuff, fun, and funny.

>> No.1920429

I thought Journey to the End of the Night was hilarious.

>> No.1920863

The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul - Douglas Adams

>> No.1920874

I read Robert Rankin books when I was in highschool, they're pretty funny

>> No.1920881
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>> No.1920887
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>> No.1920892

Christopher Moore is pretty great. I just read Fool, which is a hysterical parody of King Lear. On his website, he has tons of pages of recommendations for funny books.