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[ERROR] No.19200528 [Reply] [Original]

Post based Bookstacks.

>> No.19200571

Extremely based remove Zizek though

>> No.19200579
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>> No.19200636

Can't be based if it has Richard Nixon talking about a war he helped drag on to win his presidency

>> No.19200643

Sounds based

>> No.19200650

Treason sure is based

>> No.19200652


>> No.19200677
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>> No.19200705
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>Describes incredibly based action
>Can't be based
Pic related

>> No.19200708

Anon what the fuck

>> No.19200711

>dragging out a meaningless war for capital hill favoritism

>> No.19200723
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It's only not based if this is the type of world you want. For the rest of us it's based

>> No.19200726
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>> No.19200734

It's only considered based if you've literally never read a book about the Vietnam War or the backstory of the French Indochina War, get more prospective of history outside of the Cold War and le democrats vs republicans

>> No.19200737

I understand you're 15 and you just learned about Chomsky but once you get older you will read more about foreign policy and realize it's not all le bad America

>> No.19200738

That stack is reddit and cringe.

>> No.19200748
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Pseud chad reporting in

>> No.19200750

Do you live in the third world

>> No.19200759

Didn't even say that, I'm saying that interfering with peace talks that Hubert Humphrey set up to get a leg up on the polls and led to 20k more American deaths isn't based. But I'm talking to a brainlet that knows nothing about American history anyway so what does it matter.

>> No.19200765

usa so fourth world

>> No.19200772

Why is your camera so bad? Do you not have lights?

>> No.19200783

>nooo not the American lives!!!

>> No.19200788

Nice. The journalism bits from France and England are nice to have as well, anon. Did you read the brown Edel abridgement before picking up the complete?

>> No.19200793

So that's your rebuttal? Green-text about a subject you know nothing about? Unironically educate yourself about the backstory of Vietnam and the Vietnam War itself, it's actually interesting.

>> No.19200797

Old phone, bad lighting, volumes yellowed with time, an all but tangible astral shameglaze invisibly dominating everything.

>> No.19200800

I know more than you can imagine. Did you expect Nixon to just let the other guy win? Also Peace in Vietnam? Who wants that shit?

>> No.19200810

Dif anon. My pop fought in that and has the most hateful memories; that he was as young as the youngest youngfags here when all that went down just blows my mind
Dif anon, of course

>> No.19200814

I doubt you know that much if you think the retarded puppet government in South Vietnam was good. The domino effect didn't amount to much based on Laos and Cambodia looking at history through a Cold War Lens perspective.

>> No.19200817

>The domino effect didn't amount to much
Yeah it didn't thanks to us being secretly involved in every country. In your ideal world where the US wasn't involved anywhere and we let everyone be free we would be living under Communism

>> No.19200821


>> No.19200834

So you can look at modern society and willingly say that we're well off by sacrificing 50k+ lives to a war that had no meaning other than "beating communists"? I don't even support communist political bearings, but this sounds like some retarded ideological McCarthy idealism.

>> No.19200843

The 60 million killed under Communism is nothing compared to the US deaths huh

>> No.19200847

No shit, I already said I'm not an advocate of communism, They went through their own retarded war with Afghanistan like Vietnam in the 80s.

>> No.19200854

So what did you want the US to do? Would you be fine with just using a Nuke and saving US lives?

>> No.19200865

>DC Schindler
Extraordinarily based

>> No.19200869

Letting Ho Chi Min win like it was apparent then destabilization of their government from the inside to show that communism doesn't work on a large scale would've been the most straightforward route instead of fighting an 11 year war that every president since JFK said was unwinnable.

>> No.19200870
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>> No.19200958

>Bro just let the Communists trust me we win if they win

>> No.19200977
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Schizo nigger reporting in

>> No.19201088

You're still looking at war through a childish viewpoint in winning or losing like collegian football. Expand your knowledge on the topic.

>> No.19201095

Notice how you haven't provided any real information. You just keep saying "look it up" I feel like you don't have any knowledge.

>> No.19201104

Because "look it up" is a common rebuttal to someone that just says that Nixon is based without previous historical knowledge since they just rely on current political trends without seeing how they were in the 60s and 70s.

If you actually want substance to your argument look up a million documentaries like Ken Burns or Reporting Vietnam.

>> No.19201180

Do you jak' it thinking of Henry?

>> No.19201182


>> No.19201192

The only thing thatvworths something there is leather.

>> No.19201300

>Ken Burns
This doc was Refuted by academic consensus. Already proved you know nothing.

>> No.19201312

keep going anon.

>> No.19201413

Based Conservative reading list. Remove Zizek though. He’a no Diogenes.

>> No.19201415

Based Henry James reader.

>> No.19201428

Read any yet? Hows the Deficit Myth?

>> No.19201470


>> No.19201491

The Golden Asse - Apuleius
Orestian Trilogy - Aeschylus
I Numeri Sacri - A. Reghini
Culture of Critique - K. Macdonald
La Roi du Monde - R. Guenon
Symbols of Sacred Science - R. Guenon
Tradizone ermetica - J. Evola
Morals - Plutarch

>> No.19201524

Does anyone have a Henry James reading chart? I’m kind of interested in his work. I would also like one for William J as well.

>> No.19201580
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I've got kino here.

>> No.19201586
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>Cass Sunstein and Vermeule
Have you listened to nothing Bap has said?

are you ok?

Based but get better lighting, hard myron the Godwin

Christpilled but a bit boring

Esoteric Hitlerism is the strangest thing to me

>> No.19201895

What a hideous cover
>Arktos by Godwin
Where did you get those Devi books? I've only found Lightning & Sun
>Esoteric Hitlerism is the strangest thing to me

>> No.19202679

Damn I wish I could be autistic about a writer like that

>> No.19202768

Other Devi books are from counter-currents.com

>> No.19202896

Based. Check out her book on Akhnaten too.

>> No.19203457

If you're not comfortable and well acquainted with James' style (specifically his later work) I suggest reading him in stages to ease yourself into it.

Stage one
>The American
>Washington Square
>The Portrait of a Lady
>Roderick Hudson
>The Europeans
>Watch and Ward

Stage two
>The Bostonians
>The Princess Casamassima
>What Maisie Knew
>The Tragic Muse
>The Spoils of Poynton
>The Awkward Age

Stage three (final boss)
>The Wings of the Dove
>The Ambassadors
>The Golden Bowl
>The Sacred Fount
>The Outcry

Stage 4 (read if you have a deep appreciation for James)
>Travel Writings
>Essays and Criticism

Essential short stories
>Travelling Companions
>Madame de Mauves
>Four Meetings
>Daisy Miller
>Georgina's Reasons
>An International Episode
>The Author of Beltraffio
>The Aspern Papers
>The Lesson of the Master
>The Pupil
>The Private Life
>The Real Thing
>Owen Wingrave
>The Middle Years
>The Death of the Lion
>The Next Time
>The Figure in the Carpet
>The Turn of the Screw
>In the Cage
>The Altar of the Dead
>The Real Right Thing
>The Abasement of the Northmores
>The Beast in the Jungle
>Fordham Castle
>Julia Bride
>The Jolly Corner
>A Round of Visits

This is the Henry James Experience. Daisy Miller, Washington Square and Portrait of a Lady are all good entry points. Good luck and have fun! He truly is one of the greatest.

>> No.19203745


I do not listen to homosexuals rping as the Nietzschean Ubermensch online.

>> No.19203779

>destabilization of their government from the inside to show that communism doesn't work on a large scale
are you saying the US should actively sabotage a government to show that the government doesn't work

>> No.19204803

no you're boring

>> No.19204874
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New stack, what do you think?

>> No.19204883

Nice, but I think The Art of Fiction's a tier two desideratum; why do you withhold all essay reading till the end? Just curious

>> No.19204897
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>> No.19205530

What is the best place to start if I want to learn what Stirner meant by "spook"?

>> No.19205547

Thoughts on Violence?

>> No.19205550

I kneel...

>> No.19205559
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>> No.19205679

>remove Zizek though
why? only a retarded faggot would do that