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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 474x488, vocaroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.19194933 [Reply] [Original]

paste your recitations of your favorite poems or prose passages :D
Mine is the opening of Dryden's poem, Absalom and Achitophel

>> No.19194967

>Mine is the opening of Dryden's poem, Absalom and Achitophel
This thread is often comfy. Do you have it recorded already?

>> No.19195016

>Do you have it recorded already?
Dumb post. I'm listening to it now.

>> No.19195031

Kek. I enjoyed it a lot, anon.
Why don't you go on?

>> No.19195097

great recording

here’s my Prufrock, pls no bully: https://voca.ro/15D0EzBExzvf

>> No.19195140

Of course not, it goes on for a thousand lines
since you asked so kindly
verses 25-56

don't forget to post your own recitations!

>> No.19195167
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>> No.19195206
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Excellent, I especially liked the way you dictated 3:00 - 3:17, great emotion and cadence!
>And I have known the arms already, known them all—
>Arms that are braceleted and white and bare
>(But in the lamplight, downed with light brown hair!)
>Is it perfume from a dress
>That makes me so digress?
>Arms that lie along a table, or wrap about a shawl.
>And should I then presume?
>And how should I begin?

>> No.19195254

I love these threads!
>Lunatic Lover by Eric Stenbock
And some Boyd Rice

>> No.19195282

she be cry

>> No.19195334
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thank you anon

>> No.19195386
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sounds like Poe, I enjoyed the emotion you've injected into it
Another excellent piece ESLbro, but read some something in your native language so I can hear the rhythm of a far off coast beating within my ear drums!
A pleasurable recording burgerbro but you need more pathos in your ebonics naw mean?!

>> No.19195419
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I did a recording of some anon's poetry a while ago. It was quite the experience.

>> No.19195615

Thanks anon, you're very kind :)
>read some something in your native language
I've recorded a lot of stuff in Spanish before, sorry if it is too much. I usually read out loud and record it in order to memorize fragments or poems.
>A poem by Baudelaire translated into Spanish
>España, aparta de mí este cáliz - César Vallejo
>Oda a Walt Whitman (Federico García Lorca)
>Ulrica (Borges)
>Sigismund's first monologue (La Vida es Sueño - Calderón de la Barca)
>La gallina degollada - Horacio Quiroga
>Vuelta de paseo (Federico García Lorca)
>Paternidad responsable (Carlos Alfaro Gutiérrez)
>La casa de Asterión by Borges
>El suicida (Jorge Luis Borges)
>Los heraldos negros (César Vallejo)
>Es Olvido (Nicanor Parra)
>El pozo (Luis Mateo Díez)

>> No.19195624

Prufrock-anon here, these Vallejo recordings are especially beautiful. you have a wonderful voice. one of my favorite poets. can you read Trilce IX?

>> No.19195626
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lovely schizo rendition bongbro

>> No.19195631

Haha. Yeah.
No one ever seems to know.

>> No.19195686

Thanks anon. I had not heard your recording before, but I liked it a lot.
>can you read Trilce IX?
Sure, but I'm going to bed. I will do it tomorrow if the thread is still up.

>> No.19195700

thanks fren, i just recorded it in one shot and posted it here for the first time. listening to some of yours for the second time now too: again, really great. the Parra is one i especially like too.

>> No.19195757
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here's Hans in Luck (part the one)


>> No.19195773
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Incredible! I've copied and pasted this into a doc if you don mind because I want to learn the proper rhythm of Spanish someday. Patrician taste.
Did I get it wrong? Idk im pissed af and about to pass out.

Anyway here is a very drunken reciting of Catullus 5 before I pass out in English and Latin. Good night everyone andd I hope this thread is still here by the time i wake up in a couple of hours.

>> No.19195803

Reading the nutrition information on an old pepsi can from 10 years ago.


>> No.19196176

you sound like a faggot

>> No.19197616


>> No.19198229

Thanks frens :). Very nice reading of Catullus too.
>Trilce IX

>> No.19198516

very based. thanks anon. just found this poem yesterday after putting that book off for a while. the bird sounds were kino

>> No.19198880


>> No.19199849


>> No.19200767


>> No.19200806

have a bum vocaroo anon

>> No.19200953
File: 1.74 MB, 492x270, 1434348444362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Noche de Verano, by Antonio Machado.


Your voice is amazing. Excellent prosody too. Sounds like a professional actor would read it in front of an audience.

>> No.19201137
File: 1.84 MB, 320x240, 1626892423292.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading something I wrote.

>> No.19201187

I swear to god you sound just like one of the cunts who does this stuff

I wouldn't be surprised if you were him desu

>> No.19201202

Really enjoyed this one mate
Hard to find content in Spanish where I can understand the speaker, but you were very clear if still faster than my ears are used to yet.

>> No.19201483

Many people say I have a nice voice, so I recorded this in the spirit of Halloween.

>> No.19201857


>> No.19202050
File: 81 KB, 751x770, Tumblr_l_325802065896043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty drunk rite now so i don't really give a shit if this recording is not literature, but I want you anons to listen to this song I recorded a few weeks ago for a very special someone. song's longer and i've learned another decent chunk of it since then


>> No.19202085

Posting content because why not.
Very pretty anon, what's the song?

>> No.19202711

James Earl Jones recording.

His voice is excellent. How I wish I had his voice.

>> No.19203191

This is great.

>> No.19203404

first vocarooooo ever

>> No.19203610

Shameless self bump to get more vocaroo anons in here

>> No.19203785

Poor reading of Inferno 34, there are mistakes

«Vexilla regis prodeunt inferni
verso di noi; però dinanzi mira»,
disse ’l maestro mio, «se tu ’l discerni».

Come quando una grossa nebbia spira,
o quando l’emisperio nostro annotta,
par di lungi un molin che ’l vento gira,

veder mi parve un tal dificio allotta;
poi per lo vento mi ristrinsi retro
al duca mio, ché non lì era altra grotta.

Già era, e con paura il metto in metro,
là dove l’ombre tutte eran coperte,
e trasparien come festuca in vetro.

Altre sono a giacere; altre stanno erte,
quella col capo e quella con le piante;
altra, com’ arco, il volto a’ piè rinverte.

Quando noi fummo fatti tanto avante,
ch’al mio maestro piacque di mostrarmi
la creatura ch’ebbe il bel sembiante,

d’innanzi mi si tolse e fé restarmi,
«Ecco Dite», dicendo, «ed ecco il loco
ove convien che di fortezza t’armi».

Com’ io divenni allor gelato e fioco,
nol dimandar, lettor, ch’i’ non lo scrivo,
però ch’ogne parlar sarebbe poco.

Io non mori’ e non rimasi vivo;
pensa oggimai per te, s’hai fior d’ingegno,
qual io divenni, d’uno e d’altro privo.

Lo ’mperador del doloroso regno
da mezzo ’l petto uscia fuor de la ghiaccia;
e più con un gigante io mi convegno,

che i giganti non fan con le sue braccia:
vedi oggimai quant’ esser dee quel tutto
ch’a così fatta parte si confaccia.

S’el fu sì bel com’ elli è ora brutto,
e contra ’l suo fattore alzò le ciglia,
ben dee da lui procedere ogne lutto.

Oh quanto parve a me gran maraviglia
quand’ io vidi tre facce a la sua testa!
L’una dinanzi, e quella era vermiglia;

l’altr’ eran due, che s’aggiugnieno a questa
sovresso ’l mezzo di ciascuna spalla,
e sé giugnieno al loco de la cresta:

e la destra parea tra bianca e gialla;
la sinistra a vedere era tal, quali
vegnon di là onde ’l Nilo s’avvalla.

Sotto ciascuna uscivan due grand’ ali,
quanto si convenia a tanto uccello:
vele di mar non vid’ io mai cotali.

Non avean penne, ma di vispistrello
era lor modo; e quelle svolazzava,
sì che tre venti si movean da ello:

quindi Cocito tutto s’aggelava.
Con sei occhi piangëa, e per tre menti
gocciava ’l pianto e sanguinosa bava.

Da ogne bocca dirompea co’ denti
un peccatore, a guisa di maciulla,
sì che tre ne facea così dolenti.

A quel dinanzi il mordere era nulla
verso ’l graffiar, che talvolta la schiena
rimanea de la pelle tutta brulla.

«Quell’ anima là sù c’ha maggior pena»,
disse ’l maestro, «è Giuda Scarïotto,
che ’l capo ha dentro e fuor le gambe mena.

De li altri due c’hanno il capo di sotto,
quel che pende dal nero ceffo è Bruto:
vedi come si storce, e non fa motto!;

e l’altro è Cassio, che par sì membruto.
Ma la notte risurge, e oramai
è da partir, ché tutto avem veduto».

>> No.19203805

but not even everyone got a review so far

>> No.19203808

In "aggiugneno" the double g sounds like "jester" rather than a ñ sound, that was pretty bad.

>> No.19203897

Supposed to be the ecclesiastic pronunciation

>> No.19203900

some René Char :)

>> No.19203939

Thanks anon. I love Spanish, what a massively underrated language.

>> No.19204539


>> No.19205033


>> No.19205562


>> No.19205565

let it die anon

>> No.19205567

dont you have any shame? this is pathetic.

>> No.19205579
File: 47 KB, 450x510, 1491271031061.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now reading "El Poeta dice la Verdad" by Federico García Lorca.



>Musical version

>> No.19206385

No. Bump.

>> No.19206468
File: 264 KB, 1169x1200, winning smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I'll throw a dog a bone when he's down.
To bump the thread and inject some life into this party.

>> No.19207578
File: 1.73 MB, 273x271, 1627948923035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres my favorite poem, kudos to anyone who can identify the source


>> No.19208933


>> No.19209493


>> No.19210804


>> No.19211502

let it die

>> No.19211717


>> No.19212781

Very nice

>> No.19213187


>> No.19213622

Bases Kraut Bro

>> No.19213781
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The Sequel

>> No.19213897
File: 120 KB, 1000x667, Jabberwocky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. I have a penchant for nonsense poetry.

>> No.19213920

What type of British accent would you say you have mate.
Some of your vowels sound really weird, but not in a bad way.
Just very unique, which matches the poem well.

>> No.19213955

Oh really, I never really noticed. I come from a middle class background, so I suppose its some provincial form of RP? Not sure, I spent a lot of time growing up with my grandmother who spoke in a very old fashioned manner. I'd be interested to hear your reading of the poem to compare.

>> No.19213975

I guess RP makes sense, especially since you mention your grandma. It's very refined but also a little old-fashioned I guess? Hardly a bad thing though.
I'm not british but I'll give it a go.

>> No.19214004

Haha, that was brilliant. Mogs mine attempt completely. Carroll would be proud.
On the topic of accents though, you sound similar to a man I knew from near Boston. You're not from round there are you?

>> No.19214026

Thanks, but yours is still good, if a different style.
Honestly I’m not sure if it’s the greatest representation of my accent, the stylized reading is, naturally, a little affected.

I’m actually from the opposite side of the country. I live in Idaho now. I’ve heard European friends say I sound Canadian, and many people I’ve met from around here think I’m from the south. Oddly, anytime I meet someone from Tennessee they always ask if I’m from there too.

I do think it is somewhat dependent on whom I’m around however. I’ve always been fond of doing different accents, so I may be subconsciously emulating those of others.

>> No.19214847


>> No.19214876
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>> No.19214882
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>> No.19215165

>The Futurist Manifesto in English
Thanks anons

>> No.19216392
