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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19194749 [Reply] [Original]

guys i officially made it. went to a huge used book sale in town, literally thousands and thousands of used books for sale. everything is donated, so everything is dirt fucking cheap. grabbed a solid 15 books or so, and this ancient cashier lady after ringing me up asked if i was literature professor. feeling smug as fuck.

>> No.19194758

Teenage hands typed this post.

>> No.19194775
File: 60 KB, 1024x913, cool_apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh based???

>> No.19194778

even worse they're over 30

>> No.19194786

Seriously, how are people in current year still teenagers. Grow up.

>> No.19194790

what else were you expecting?

>> No.19194796

How dare them

>> No.19194866
File: 81 KB, 1080x990, yotsuba cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work OP. You're going to make it.

>> No.19196169

thank God for nice old ladies. they're holding this world together like no one else.

>> No.19196210

So what did you get baka
Stack pic preferably

>> No.19196230

One time in high school I was volunteering at a library that was selling a large amount of books to help with some church thing. I worked for about 2 hours and at the end of it the lady who I was running the thing said I could take a few books for free. I declined because even then I had money to spend on books and I was well aware of places like libgen. She insisted so I ended up snagging an old book on math that was aimed at WW2 vets looking to start college with their GI bill, the second an old book on first aid. Belonged to some nurse in college. And the third was Moby Dick.

>> No.19196736
File: 1.99 MB, 4032x2268, 20211008_172939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its nothing too crazy, lots of things I've been meaning to get around too, some stuff I never heard of. Only cost a whopping $24 for everything

>> No.19196845

Did you just assume his gender neutrality on a 99% male imageboard???

>> No.19196879

I’ve got a similar Edition to the Tolstoy only it’s Works of Ballsack.
The Red and the Black is oddly underrated on this board. I’ve tried getting threads started on it but it drops off in a while and some Twitter outrage bait thread goes on for a week

>> No.19197024

Its an odd edition, the translation picks different spellings for lots of names of that.

>> No.19197045

shieeet been looking for Don't Look Now everywhere

>> No.19197120

I've been thinking about life for months now, nonstop. I keep thinking everyday, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep; NO! even while sleeping I dream about life. As the days go by, I grow curiouser and curiouser. It's hard to define what it is, it's ambiguous. Many philosophers had pondered about life, but no one has it figured out. Don't lose hope anons, you got me. I almost have it all figured out, wait for me. In this literal shit of a world we live in, people like is what society actually need but sadly society doesn't even know who it needs, so I still am an anon to everyone. When I have it all figured out, please don't write books about me. I ain't that great, I'm just a human like everyone else. Shit! I forgot I have an exam, gotta go
ps: to be continued

>> No.19197194

Can you now do college level math, perform first aid and recite Father Mapple's sermon?

>> No.19197200

nta but they used "they" because they were referring to their old hands.

but assuming gender neutrality is pretty based

>> No.19197442

Just know that all the books had probably been well-travelled toilets wise.

>> No.19197465

Stop being an ipleb

>> No.19199447


>> No.19199477

We need a Start with the Flea[market]s chart