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19189120 No.19189120 [Reply] [Original]

Why exactly does this board hate Evola?

>> No.19189127

didn't we just go over this

>> No.19189129

the guy was born in Rome bro

>> No.19189138

Not to keen on schizophrenia, you should visit >>>/x/ for that
Philosophers/writers/poets are mostly autistic, bipolar, depressive, schizoid, BPD etc

>> No.19189143

I actually think we ought to be more respectful toward the disabled.

>> No.19189149

his name is a disease...
.....no wait!

>> No.19189155

>i saw one guy hating him and so that means the entire board hates him because its one guy

>> No.19189157

Because /lit/ is a Christian board.

>> No.19189160

Not limber enough for yoga

>> No.19189213

I think he largely failed regarding what he set out to do.

>> No.19190672

He's been memefied by angry marxists and christians and therefore people are very reluctant to take him seriously, "Muh ebil fascist sex wizard, ride the tiger yeehaw!" But there's more than a handful of people here who enjoy his works.

>> No.19190680

not fascist enough

>> No.19190685

Guenon is even more hated

>> No.19190696

>Why exactly does this board hate Evola?
Because there are constant threads about him, but no one in the threads has ever read him.
Here he's more prominent than Marx as the political philosopher whom no-one has read, but of whom everyone has very strong opinions.
In short, almost every single thread is filled with vacuous /pol/ vs /leftypol/ shitposting, and worst of all, the same thread gets posted nearly daily. There is never anything new or interesting about the threads and they attract the worst kind of people.

>> No.19190704

superfascist, even

>> No.19190727


>> No.19190747

the butthurt leftoid menace needs to seethe in order to engage in collective action

>> No.19190760

People that actually read know that he's a hack, just like most right-wing """intellectuals"""

>> No.19190784


>> No.19190979

>People that actually read
What does that have to do with this board?

>> No.19191308

You've never read him

>> No.19191407

no no he read 10 pages in an emotional way, having made up his mind and ruined his entire day before his eyes met the page

>> No.19191411

what exactly are the tiger riders doing right now? working at burger king? what does their life look like

>> No.19191415

He’s a LARPing syncretist that is constantly shilled by other LARPing syncretists. Ride le tiger, surf le kali yuga, so heckin based and raycist like me!

>> No.19191419

selling drugs and using the money made with drug dealing to invest in cryptocurrencies while working out daily and alternating semen retention with orgies

>> No.19191446

I can tell you've never ever read him. Why do pseudo-intellectual leftists always believe to be an authority on who is intelligent and who isn't?

>> No.19191449
File: 116 KB, 748x935, 1626503342179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no they're all crypto millionaires and have fled the west

>> No.19191471

believers in historical materialism like to pretend that they're being objective, but this is simply how they justify unlimited cruelty over who they have power over. underneath this veneer lies bad emotions which are deliberately harnessed to get the great masses of downtrodden people to trust in the plan.
it's like when you're fighting with your significant other and you claim to be and perhaps even think that you're being """""rational""""", when you're just trying to hurt the other person and dominate

>> No.19192114

Why do Christians think that everybody else that has different beliefs to them is a "LARPer"?

>> No.19192120

Christ is the way, the truth and the life

>> No.19192141

Because the internet can’t believe there’s still genuine christcucks left in this century. They’ve been called larpers so often, so like the children they are they say it back to people.
Same with schizophrenic. They like to call rational people schizos for not believing in the spirit realm

InB4 hat tip

>> No.19192186

This board has a hand full of commies and christcucks

>> No.19192198

>anyone I don't like is 'angry'
opinion discarded

>> No.19192455

There's many people I don't like, only some of them are angry. Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.19193707

we don't

>> No.19194296

Have you read any of the replies on this thread?

>> No.19194467
File: 123 KB, 800x579, Straet, Jan van der (Flemish, 1523-1605).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just commies getting filtered by having to read a book above midwit tier

>> No.19194509

Because he was a hack. There have been fascists who happened to also be good philosophers (Heidegger, Schmitt, etc.), but Evola isn't among them.

>> No.19194519

Name a single useful contribution he made or way that he improved your life.

>> No.19194767

Ride the tiget by getting dome from a goth bitch on a park bench.