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19184428 No.19184428 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Homer love black people so much?

> “Only yesterday Zeus went off to the ocean river to feast with the Aethiopians, loyal, lordly men, and all the gods went with him.”

> Homer also calls Aethiopians ‘blameless’ and ‘favoured by the Gods’

>> No.19184437

Ethiopians aren’t niggers, they are half Arab half nigger

>> No.19184455

oriental romanticism

>> No.19184459

Does Aethiopian mean anyone with dark skin in Ancient Greece or does it mean someone from Sub-Saharan Africa?

>> No.19184468

Iirc it referred to both the people in the region we know as ethiopia today as well everyone with dark skin. Also, the aethiopia in the iliad is more of a mythical place than the actual ethiopia you're thinking of.

>> No.19184476
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>> No.19184482

They were kings, that's why.

>> No.19184488

People on the periphery on the known world are either demonized or exalted as special and magical. It's the second foe Homer's Ethiopians.
It's not like the early Greeks had a lot of actual contacts with black Africans (which could lead to conflict and thus symbolic demonization).

>> No.19184489

Ethiopia isn't very far east of Greece. It's due South of Ankara, which is just a few hundred miles east of Greece. It would be meridional romanticism, or austral romanticism, maybe. But not oriental.

>> No.19184495

they were the real, original jews

>> No.19184498

Black people are pretty cool, once you get to know them. They're good friends, bad strangers, terrible enemies. You get one sufficiently mad at you, and he'll ruin lives including his own to wreck you. But if you demonstrate that you've physically got a black man's back in a fight, you'll have a loyal friend for life. They form really tight bonds, so they don't form often or easily.

>> No.19184505
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surely you arent this autistic

>> No.19184513

>When I make careless errors, everyone else has autism.

>> No.19184532

>nooo you cant use orientalism to refer to general romantic depictions of exotic cultures in media, what a careless error!!

>> No.19184535

In general the American Black has forever ruined the reputation of all dark skinned peoples everywhere.
The American Black did not exist in Homer's time (it was thus a better time).

>> No.19184540

Why would you want to? "Oriental" doesn't mean "foreign", unless you're a xenophobic racist.

>> No.19184567

Well no, you can't. Words have well defined meanings.

>> No.19184571

>Why would you want to?
because the term originally exists to refer to such depictions of far off exotic cultures in the east, and it would be quite an apt to use it to refer to other far off exotic cultures being given the exact same treatment for the exact same reason?

>> No.19184580

No. That's stupid. Oriental means eastern. Occidental is western. Boreal is northern. Austral is southern. Use of these terms implying Europe is the center of the world, and also your use of this word "exotic"are offensively ethnocentric. If you're in liberal academia, you're not going to make it. You need to wise up, and stop being so careless.

>> No.19184586


>> No.19184649
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why did i even reply to you. this is a wake up call for me

>> No.19184663

>an apt
you are so, so stupid. too stupid to even realize it apparently

>> No.19184677

you see, this is africa, and to the north of it is africa, and there's also africa to the east of that. i'm just using the term africa to refer to all continents, it's called quiet apting, don't you know anything? i learned it from the smurfs

>> No.19184696
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Got 'em

>> No.19184710

>be hector
>move your pinky finger
>helmet flashes

>> No.19184761

Aethiopians were the people south of Egypt, so Nubians and other afro-semitic tribes.
They had dark skin but were not sub-saharan bantus.

>> No.19185329

Only a portion of sub Saharans are Bantus. Also only a portion of Wthiopians are of the part semite tribe. Also at this point a large part of what the Greeks know as sub saharans are probably Sudanese which are ethnically distinct from Ethiopians. They’ve got some Arab in em.