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19183855 No.19183855 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We discuss the impact and legacy of Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.19183879

Kek shits gonna get crazy this decade for sure. First moldbug now this, it's actually happening.

>> No.19183883

Carlson is too based for his audience

>> No.19183884

Curing insomnia

>> No.19183885

Lol Tucker isn't even hiding it anymore that he cribs talking points from /pol/

>> No.19183890

Will Tucker be running for president?

>> No.19183893

Nothing will happen. Moldbug and Carlson are not exactly important people. When the RNC or DNC feature stuff like this, then I will take notice.

>> No.19183899

Mainstream news isn't important? I'll disagree there.

>> No.19183902
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>muh T-celebs!

>> No.19183908

Tucker is not mainstream. Wake me up when he's on NBC/ABC/CBS/CNN.

>> No.19183909
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Who's the puppetmaster now, huh?

>> No.19183914

Isn't he on FOX? >>19183908

>> No.19183915

He probably doesn't rule it out but my bet is he thinks it would be both too obvious and not enough of a sure bet, and he'd rather play kingmaker instead.

Think of how much he is shifting the overton window of conservatism toward the genuine right in just the span of one or two years. This is shit the Buchanan movement couldn't have even dreamed of, and it's headed even farther right. He is uncancellable because he's found a loophole in the ZOG machine by being too profitable (highest rated show on TV) to isolate and humiliate. He has a very good niche, from which he can do a lot of good. He might not want to trade that in for a slim shot at being an isolated and humiliated president in a totally corrupt system.

With the global economy about to experience the worst and most bizarre recession since the Great Depression, multiple countries guaranteed to fail or otherwise implode in the ensuing chaos, and China probably going to flail in desperation and cause WW3, we might actually get national socialism in our time.

>> No.19183917

Fox is fringe news, not mainstream. It's something the conservatives eat up.

>> No.19183918

His show is the most-watched on cable television

>> No.19183919

>With the global economy about to experience the worst and most bizarre recession since the Great Depression
Why does everyone keep saying this? I don't see why such a crash will happen. Sure we have supply chain issues, but those will resolve as COVID fades.

>> No.19183922

>as COVID fades.

>> No.19183929

What are you smoking? Fox is one of the biggest news outlets
>2019, Fox News was the top-rated cable network, averaging2.5 million viewers.

>> No.19183931

COVID is a glorified flu. The completely factitious response to COVID by world governments, finance, and the culture industry has been an attempt to proof-of-concept a control mechanism for hanging onto power when the coming depression hits. Everybody knows it, the elites know they're in 1928 right now leaning over the precipice of 1929. They want precedents in place for manipulating the mongrelized retarded population efficiently instead of just having general disintegration.

>> No.19183933

Never would I have thought the TV dinner heir who wore a bowtie and used to be best known for being btfo by Jon Stewart would lead the resurgence of far right politics in the mainstream

>> No.19183935

Lol this guy is a millionaire employed by a media conglomerate who defends industrial capitalism. He's the antithesis of Kaczinski, who shits on conservatives by the way.

>> No.19183938

They literally play Fox news to the military lol its pretty relevant

>> No.19183942

He has negress Candace Owens on his show every night

>> No.19183948

I think what we are witnessing is the neutering of the previous decade. 2020's will be interesting in ways different than the GOP excavating 2015 twitter posts.

>> No.19183949
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> would lead the resurgence of far right politics in the mainstream
Am I being trolled rn? The far-right movement died at Charlottesville. BLM rioted with impunity and no right-winger response emerged. Trump lost (rigged or not, the right was defeated). The media and tech companies have proven they will crush any right-wing sentiment that emerges. How the the hell is the far-right even a relevant movement (outside of being a boogeyman), much less something mainstream?

>> No.19183958

>far right
LMAO. I really want to show people just how far right we can go.

>> No.19183972

There is really nothing about far right ideology that precludes allying with people of other races, including blacks. Only white nationalists have that autism and they barely qualify as right wing imo, they're all crypto commies. A right wing government would eliminate the current sources of interracial tension

>> No.19183985

>WN are barely right wing and are crypto communists
how can you be this retarded

>> No.19183987

For the first time since the great Reaganite experiment to create the ultimate controlled opposition "right wing" movement with no potential to ever do anything useful (libertarian + evangelical coalition), Buchanan's ideas, which were unable to germinate in the early 1990s, are becoming mainstream in the Republican party. All the news fags are whining about how the "populists" are taking over Republicanism. The old Republican vanguard have no idea what to do, some of them are changing with the times out of opportunism or necessity (who cares, either way works). More people know what RINOs are than ever, to be a Republican now either means to be a populist or a RINO.

I agree that nothing is going to come out of this organically. Americans are too psyoped to conceive of anything beyond bland libertarianism and a little mild patriotism. But the exact tensions that the left and liberal alliance have been stoking and whipping into a frenzy for the past 10 years because they thought it was helping them, the promotion of degeneracy and weirdo faggots, the psychotic obsession with race and hatred of white people, etc., are creating a natural enemy for the populist right. One that can no longer be controlled or steered into milquetoast RINO/lolbertarian shit. And it's only going to get worse. Niggers are now fully insane and permanently uppity and think the state supports them, and removing all social controls from them (weed decriminalized, police quitting or disbanded) has given them delusional levels of self-confidence for the next major conflict. They WILL start storming suburbs and South Africa tier raping and killing white people.

You don't need Republican neo-populism to generate fascism or an ethnostate organically from within the 1990s husk it was until Trumpism, and which in many respects it still occupies. You have to get it as ready as possible so that full ethnostate fascism is the natural organic development of Republicanism under pressure as pressure mounts over the next 10 years.

All the controls that might have helped are fucked. The liberal left coalition failed to play pied piper with AOCs. They really should have let Bernie in and cucked him internally instead of permanently alienating hip young left leaning activistically inclined people. All of the attempts to steer Trumpism into another libertarian cul de sac have failed. And on top of all that there's a guy on mainstream TV promoting further solidarity and consolidation around a new ideology and leadership elite, one that simply hasn't emerged yet.

Read Sam Francis' "From Household to Nation" and project it onto the current moment. This is more exciting and interesting than the emergence of Trump in 2016, because it has much more of a backbone and has revealed that it is not just an ephemeral and hopeless rear guard action.

>> No.19183994

I am a white nationalist and I have nothing against allying with blacks, I support black nationalism and think they have suffered terribly from association with us. I don't see them as inferior or myself as superior. I just think the only natural basis for a nation state is a group of people who fundamentally like eachother and feel common cause, and "white" (as more convenient code for "European, no not third generation Turk immigrant, you know what I mean, actual European") is as good a common cause as any, including black.

>> No.19184000

If you are a WN and you support capitalism you deserve to be shot.

>> No.19184004

I've probably talked to a lot more white nationalists than you have and they are not very right wing whether you define that in relation to capitalism or aristocratic privileges. Nationalism was a left wing phenomenon in the first place and Natsoc had many strands of commie ancestry.

Wanting a white ethno state is not right wing in any very meaningful sense if your erhnostate is a liberal welfare democracy

>> No.19184007

>only european-americans prefer their own kind
Anon, I…

>> No.19184011

I somewhat agree with you but I think the nation state is simply kind of artificial. That isn't necessarily all bad, a constructed mythos can be beneficial. I dont think multiracial states are inherently doomed though, only in democracies and the shithsow we have now is that true. Mass immigration is obviously bad though

>> No.19184023

>They WILL start storming suburbs and South Africa tier raping and killing white people.
Sure, but whites won't fight back. The media will spread the narrative that whites are to blame for it, whites will acquiesce, and it'll continue. This frog has been boiling for a while, it's not going to wake up now.

>> No.19184049

Why are you calling a normal healthy response to your people getting murdered "Fascism"?

>> No.19184058

you can be right wing and oppose capitalism retard. stop confusing fiscal conversativism with social conversatism
how exactly do you define being right wing in such a way it would exclude ethno-nationalism? do you think being right wing just means "supporting wholesome chungus capitalism"? WN is built upon a fundamental assumption that races are unequal, that's about as far away from communism as you can get, considering every bolshevik was a dedicated "anti-racist" aside from stalin. if you think WN can be left wing in anything other than an economic context, let alone "crypto-communists", you're a mongoloid
retard tier logic. the aim of nationalism is to expand the interests of your own in-group, supporting black nationalists does jack shit to accomplish this. sorry to tell you this but le based niggers aren't gonna be your friends

>> No.19184072

I just told you that the sensible definitions of right wing are hereditary aristocratic privileges(the original meaning) and a commitment to capitalism(the post-commie meaning but capitalism and hereditary class obviously intersect). Being racist is simply not very relevant to this question, Marx was racist towards Mexicans etc. I agree with you that racism is a right wing sort of position but it is the only one WNs have, they arent uber-libertsrians and they arent trying to bring back blood nobility, at least the vast majority arent, they want a Hitler or even FDR type situation, they like 50s america, etc.

>> No.19184078
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>you can be right wing and oppose capitalism retard. stop confusing fiscal conversativism with social conversatism
You are thinking in meme terms. You clearly don't read books if 'right wing' to you is 'social conservatism'. You are just a retard who thinks in memes and call yourself right wing because the media calls you that and you just embraced it.

Unless you're a literal Evola tier reactionary or bourgeoisie liberal you have no business calling yourself right wing.

>WN is built upon a fundamental assumption that races are unequal, that's about as far away from communism as you can get,
Yeah this confirms that you don't read.
>communism is about equalityyyyy!!!!
-people who haven't read Marx.

>> No.19184088

>considering every bolshevik was a dedicated "anti-racist"
Anti racism then meant not being a dick to other Europeans.
Bolshevism was pan-slavism since the beginning.

>> No.19184093

Many white nationalists are fascists and fascism is third positionist, which has a prominent left wing.

>WN is built upon a fundamental assumption that races are unequal
That is white supremacism, which is propaganda to make anybody who might otherwise be a common sense nationalist into a retarded skinhead. White nationalism means nationalism on the basis of whiteness, sometimes not all-inclusive whiteness either. It doesn't necessarily mean anything more nor less.

>the aim of nationalism is to expand the interests of your own in-group
One of the aims of my in-group is to have a nation for itself on a planet full of potential allies, enemies, and trade partners.

You have been manipulated by propaganda into thinking the best way to serve the interests of European civilization is to be a white supremacist IQ obsessed rageful skinhead online, and fantasize about a single globohomo empire of skinheads who brutalize themselves by pissing on non-whites for fun. That may be your vision of a future for whites but it's nobody else's, neither Jared Taylor's nor George Lincoln Rockwell's.

>> No.19184317

Fascism, National Socialism is a third position between capitalism and socialism

>> No.19184351


>> No.19184402

Holy cringe

>> No.19184490

Tucker is literally the most watched news show of all time on boomer TV

>> No.19184519

I could honestly see Tucker praise Lenin pretty soon.

>> No.19184524


>> No.19184718

>Tucker is not mainstream
If you're American you can't get more mainstream than Fox. There's literally no one more mainstream than Tucker.

>> No.19186319

god I hope so

>> No.19186338

where can I watch these
>no tie, no jacket, top button open
Tucker morning shows if I am not American with cable access or whatever?

>> No.19187667


>> No.19187725

>We’re totally going to reverse course all of a sudden, just you watch!

>> No.19187744

Things would appear to move along around 50 year cycles in the US.

>> No.19188854

I don't watch tucker apart from a few youtube clips, but if you're going to pretend his views are consistent with those of the globalist machine, which is the mainstream, you are delusional or purposefully being dishonest. He is watched so much because he is the only person with actual alternative views immediately available for boomer-tier normalfags on tv. People are desperate for this. Like when Jordan Peterson exploded in popularity for basically saying it was OK to act like a man. Even the rest of fox is pretty pozzed and will rarely go to the more controversial topics tucker has covered. He is basically the only person in mainstream corporate/state media who will cover topics like replacement migration.

>> No.19188872

If we play make believe and pretend you're correct, we would see the UN, all the big tech megacorps, all the ads, the music industry, the academic instutions, all the big cable news corps, etc etc all promoting what he promotes. He is a black swan, and that is why people like him, because normies are starved for someone that tells them it's actually ok to be white and not want the facebook and google deciding what you can say online. you are seriously fucking stupid if you believe the shit coming out of your mouth, i think yuo're just being dishonest on purpose.

>> No.19188885

marx is for subhuman plebs, 100% unironically. if you read his works and are motivated for a "revolution" you deserve to be enslaved, you are of an inferior character.

>> No.19188888

Yes they will, maybe not all but many will, especially outside the cities and in rural areas.

>> No.19189021
File: 50 KB, 550x750, 558f5-lenin-1440x750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest men of the last century were influenced by him.

>> No.19189038

not even these digits give me hope
I agree with that anon, people are so far deep into learned helplessness they won't even fight for their spouse or kids

>> No.19189093

Then you're a coward and a disgrace to your people, but probably also a victim of demoralisation, so I won't be too hard on you. When shit gets bad, not all of us are going to roll over and die. I'm not a coward like you.
>learned helplessness
says you

shut up you fucking retard

>> No.19189104
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>shut up you fucking retard
I hope you live through the horror in your next life

>> No.19189115

You are so pathetic and spiritually not white, assuming you even are white and redpilled and not some faggot shitskin leftist. Very effeminate, not virile, you should be ashamed.

>> No.19189912

Without a political movement there is no mechanism to enact any change, in fact Carlson plays his role in the general Republican controlled opposition. He leaves out bait like talking about 'critical race theory' or 'replacement migration' which his White listeners desperately want to hear, and the other 90% of his show is going over typical neoliberal Republican talking points from a few years ago. He just gives a sneak preview of what dissident Right concept the Republican party is going to co-opt next. The Right should have learned its lesson from trusting establishment figures who signal nationalism like Tucker during the Trump presidency.

Even if Tucker mentions things like replacement migration in passing, all he has to do is muddy the waters by making non-ethnonationalist and individualist critiques in response, whereupon the chance for actual political reaction from his audience approaches zero.

You are proud that Lenin was influenced by Marx, and Lenin undeniably attacked nationalism and was an advocate of national equality, does it not follow that Marxism has something to do with equality?

>> No.19189924

Depends on what is meant with respect to “mainstream”, he is mainstream in the sense that he has the most viewers of any news host on any channel. Not sure if he is the most commercial in the sense of selling ads though.

>> No.19189928

>bad person, but...

>> No.19190230

it's not

>> No.19190438

>but if you're going to pretend his views are consistent with those of the globalist machine
Nobody said this. We were responding to the retards that said nobody watched his show

>> No.19190441

Holy fuck. Was it Tucker the whole time?? All the desperate waiting for our Caesar, and it was Tucker?

>> No.19190670

>You are proud that Lenin was influenced by Marx, and Lenin undeniably attacked nationalism and was an advocate of national equality, does it not follow that Marxism has something to do with equality?
Lenin was an advocate of making sure families had food to eat. He attacked Nationalism because it was precisely Nationalism that lead to shitty bankers wars like WW1—and hr was completely in the roght for it.

>> No.19190674

You tell the people of Serbia and the Turkish minorities that WWI was a banker's war, lol

>> No.19190718

He is sweeping the path, he will not be the man on the horse

>> No.19190774

Question to Teddyfags: do you realise that the ideal you aspire for is literally just niggers? Think about it. Niggers retained their animalistic passions despite centuries of urbanisation, despite enforcing them into education by a civilized society they're still tribal and ruled by natural impulses. They don't care for technology, incapable of following any encompassing social order and strive to destroy the very structures that support then.
Teddyfags = BBC worshippers

>> No.19191006

tedfags were never racist just like Ted himself.

>> No.19191038

>They WILL start storming suburbs and South Africa tier raping and killing white people.
expecting niggers to actually manage such a feat is a little ridiculous. they can riot and storm in major left-leaning cities but as soon as their rowdy shenanigans spill out of the controlled daycare tard-yard of urban centers they'll be shot down either by citizens or by the police. Let a few niggers fuck up a few stores in some nameless rootless metropolitan shithole? no problem. Do they start causing actual problems and migrating out of their containment zones? put the boot down.

>> No.19191063

>either by citizens
Gun control.
>or by the police

>> No.19191067


>> No.19191193

Africans were anarcho-primitivist and Tedpilled long before Ted was a sperm in his dad’s nutsack.
Then whites came, colonized and forced them to adopt industrial civilization.
Post-independence Africa is such a shithole because wars are waged with white man weapons like assault rifles and airplanes. More people end up dead in the first two months of fighting in the typical post-colonial African country than in 30 years of sporadic tribal warfare because modern Africans are sedentary so when the fighting starts the already fragile civilian supply lines get cut off and people die of starvation because no food, water or electricity reached their homes. Back in precolonial times the non-combatant population could just move and hunt and gather somewhere else away from the fighting.
Africans behave the way they do because whites essentially dragged Stone Age anarcho-primitivists licking and screaming into modernity against their will.

>> No.19191225

You have a problem with a man keeping a house nigger as a pet?

>> No.19191412

Nah during the BLM riots, the rioters did some excursions to suburbs and there were men and women armed, just standing around, at the entrances of the cul de sac. The niggers got real quiet and left quickly.

>> No.19191435

Is a massive faggot who unironically wants for his clique to rule without any impedinents.

>> No.19191442

>btfo by Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart said nothing of substance and his entire argument was "You guys... are le bad".

>> No.19191472

kek, Tucker's staff is copying telegram content

>> No.19191481

No he said his kids would kill him in his sleep

>> No.19191489

Real nazis stan Cynthia G

>> No.19191495
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So that makes him anti mainstream. Have you seen mainstream news?

>> No.19191507

because fascism is a normal, healthy response to your people getting killed.

>> No.19191798

Just more proof that his ideology is an nonthreatening meme to the system. In fact its useful as it directs people's intellectual and organizational energy into a cause as unfeasible as anti tech revolution, while those in power wield tech to further their control on society. There's a reason even university academics are becoming amenable to it, despite the stifling atmosphere of academia, as it is a good fall back position once liberal ideas weaken. Probably no coincidence also that Ted came out of CIA MKUltra ops that made him into what he is.

>> No.19191836

not even just American, the hosts on channels that pander to conservatives like Sky Australia or GBN adore him.

>> No.19191862

Damn I used to be embarrassed of my dad for liking this guy so much but he just keeps getting more and more based. He went from boomercon to antiwar to antivaxx to antinsa to anti industrial society? Fuck me I love Tucker Carlson.

>> No.19191894

When did Tucker get so based? First he runs an entire segment on replacement migration, then he has Moldbug on, now he’s talking about Ted. You can’t get better than this.

>> No.19191898

He gets better ratings than all of those despite looking like an angry deer in headlights blinking too much instead of talking coherently.

>> No.19191906

Wow do you still actually believe the two parties are real?

>> No.19191919

“The two parties are the same” is only said when a Republican is trying to convince me not to vote for a Democrat. Look at how the parties are responding to climate change. The Republicans literally think it’s a hoax and the Democrats are trying to solve it.

>> No.19191929


>> No.19191942

Most of the younger writers/researchers for The Daily Caller are on twitter, have appeared on some "very online" podcasts rooted in rw twitter.
I don't think he is personally reading Moldbug, Kaczynski, and others, but his employees feed him dot points on these things.

Tucker is aware of the discontinuity between younger and older conservatives, and seeks to maintain his relevance.

>> No.19191955

Seems like they are all scrambling to ensure whatever cronies own them get the lions share of stolen money or forcibly coerced "oppurtunity" from any legislation they pass. Same as every issue. The two party system isn't real and the only way out is third parties.

>> No.19191962

>solve it
yes, by doing nothing about it and instead complaining about it on twitter. both just have fingers up their ass, leaving the mess to their constituents. nice digits btw.

>> No.19191973

>The Republicans literally think it’s a hoax and the Democrats are trying to solve it.
(1) - cool digits. (2) - Not even true, and this is literally midwit thinking (Democrats GOOD republicans BAD EVIL HORRIBLE WOW SO AWFUL). On a personal/municipal level Republicans are far more likely to promote self-sufficiency in energy policy than Democrats are, and by-and-large the way most households/cities get to energy-self-sufficiency is through renewables. The skepticism about climate change (which y'all used to call global warming) on the right is largely about whether it is primarily anthropogenic, and if it is, a question of whether there are enough fossil fuels still available to be burned to make a significant difference beyond what we've already done. There is such an enormous amount of lock-step thinking on the 'left'/'WE BELIEVE IN SCIENCE' reddit-tier crowd that even asking a question about a primary cause turns the asker into persona non grata. Nevermind that in the old days 'science' meant asking questions and testing hypotheses instead of dismissing them out-of-hand because they might run contrary to your political leanings.

>> No.19191975

and it looks like it's working, judging by this thread. does anybody use that "Fox Nation" thing they keep pushing?

>> No.19192035

It’s the coolest digits I’ve ever gotten :)

I don’t think this view appreciates how severe climate change is. It’s literally doomsday tier.

>> No.19192041

The other enormous aspect that literally no democrats talk about because they look down their noses on rural people is soil health. The soil itself can absorb massive quantities of carbon if we started switching to regenerative agricultural practices but that would make all their fast food and falafel shit cost more. Energy is only a tiny aspect of the equation. The destruction of soil health and the use of nitrogen fertilizers and monocrops and feed are all horrible. Not to mention the city basedboys eat up the canola oil and basedbean oil poisons.

But fundamentally and most of all the issue comes down to population control which nobody wants to talk about because of the ethical issues and because fractional reserve banking is completely dependent on population growth and resource allocation to survive. None of which are solvable by SELLING fucking battery powered cars and inefficient solar panels.

>> No.19192061

>China probably going to flail in desperation and cause WW3,
china isnt the violent rogue state in serial decline

>> No.19192066

>I don’t think this view appreciates how severe climate change is. It’s literally doomsday tier.
In what way does the severity of its consequences have any impact on whether or not we should be able to openly ask questions about its cause?

>> No.19192078

They are a rogue startup built on a house of cards real estate economy with no regard for their own peoples lives or international law.

>> No.19192119

There is no China, there is the CCP which is an unloved junta that could just as easily be replaced by any other puppet government tomorrow afternoon, and then there are two billion mainland chingchongs who have been so dehumanized they have more barbarous morals than prehistoric cavemen.

The level of passive resistance of a normal population can be seen in how the USSR ground to a halt over its final decades. Simply put only idiots and crazy people gave a shit about it anymore. That's a normal population. The mainland Chinese population literally pulls birds out of the trees at parks and bites their heads off. They are incapable of solidarity, they can't even maintain solidarity within their own family unit. They are brutalized in a way that will probably take a thousand years to fix.

The CCP was another Qing, another Jin dynasty. You can't build an empire on the back of that, only a subcontinent-sized labor camp, which is what the CCP is. The reigning junta/clique/dynasty of the labor camp is interchangeable.

>> No.19192205

Damn this shit slaps.

>> No.19192229

solely for his continuous
>anti war and heedless military aggression
>anti big banks/pharma/MIC/oil/etc.
>anti political establishments and political puppets
>anti Governmental intelligence agencies
stance even in “”””””””trying””””””” times, like muh Sarin gas attack, he is above the rest of the american political news casters/pundits you see on tv. Which doesnt say much, but he is better than absolute shit at least.

Your dad is still a retard for watching him.

>> No.19192237

>it's not
Where have you been the last 18 months? Covid is a total hoax. We are living in a totalitarian bio-security state. Globally.

>> No.19192241

It was always called climate change since the 50s you retard. It's global warming cause the global temperature is rising which leads to extreme weather hence climate change. It's so tiresome having to go through the same arguments over and over again.

>> No.19192252

Thanks for picking up on the most inconsequential part of my post. You really dun shone me good!

>> No.19192254

hes literally had to fire a young writer before because it came out he was an edgy racist online.
100% most of his writers come from the younger yet edgy right wing group that sees some unaware powerful ally in Tucker on an otherwise relatively hostile and torpid network.

>> No.19192300
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I'll tell you a secret...
I'm a Dave Smith guy.

>> No.19192310

You got even the basics wrong why tf would I bother responding to the rest of your nonsense.

>duh how do we know it's manmade, the climate has always changed lmao
you're not original

>> No.19192321

Well let's talk about your argument then. Let me preface by saying that I have done very little research on this myself but isn't it basically consensus in the scientific community that many climate change aspects we are seeing are man-made? The Mauna Loa curve seems to prove the increased CO2 is due to industrialization.

>> No.19192325


Leftoids solutions to natural degradation is always to CONSSOOOM NEW PRODUCT BAN OLD PRODUCT NEVER LEARN ONLY CONSOOOOM. Refute this.

>> No.19192343

>“The two parties are the same” is only said when a Republican is trying to convince me not to vote for a Democrat.
No, that's not true at all.

>> No.19192349

I'm not trying to argue that climate change isn't caused by man, but am mainly pointing out that many are not denying the existence of climate change when they ask (1) Is man the primary cause of climate change, and (2) if so, can he continue to be the primary cause of climate change, or are there insufficient fossil fuels available at this point to keep up this course (i.e./for shorthand the 'peak oil' thesis). Asking those questions is not denial, but the way that anyone who does ask them is painted as a denier is troubling.

My other point was that on a more granular level, regardless of the answers to the questions above, Republicans also end up pushing for renewable on a smaller scale (cities, counties, etc), and that decrying all Republicans as evil is lazy, reddit-level thinking.

>> No.19192369

Republicans only actually function on local levels. Federally elected republicans besides maybe the Pauls have always just been neoliberal democrats who drag their feet instead of run off the cliff. That is why the two party system is a fucking joke on the federal level. Republicans are democrats who just move slower and pretend to not want the same things.

>> No.19192380
File: 3.84 MB, 204x204, dissatisfaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A moment of silence for the untimely death of real federalism. :(

>> No.19192389


>> No.19192435

He's right though, modern whites are confused because they think one of the things big daddy State shakes his head and makes the no-no face about is defending yourself without the state's approval. White people are instinctive natural law proponents, they think that there is a right way to do things and they should conform to it, and they can't imagine that the entire edifice of modern civilization has collapsed so thoroughly that we've defaulted to raw rule of nature type shit like "you're allowed to defend your property within reason."

Look at what happened to people who defended their property against BLM during the riots, they got arrested while BLM jeered. Nobody's quite sure what the rules or boundaries are anymore, and when white people try to think through the situation, the two radically opposed mental states "niggers want to kill me!" and "I'm a nice guy! I shouldn't say nigger! It's not the nigger's fault, Barbara Walters told me niggers are suffering!!" are deadlocked until eventually "I guess I'm letting the nigger burn my house down!" happens by default.

>> No.19192444

>Look at what happened to people who defended their property against BLM during the riots
The BLM riots took place in urban centers. Most of the country is not in the middle of a city. Get out of the big city, and there's no question that the state isn't going to come after you for defending yourself and your property.

>> No.19192473

>Just abandon the cities bro
And then the suburbs and then the rural areas. You see why I think whites are finished? They are a broken and conquered people. Honestly I think their ethnic replacement is a kindness. I’d rather have them be remembered as how they were in the past than whatever pathetic state they are in now.

>> No.19192474

itt meds now

>> No.19192475
File: 173 KB, 733x1200, wtakbwz16h121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thinking of specific incidents where they went to some guy's house out in the suburbs and said poopoo peepee slogans out his window until he brandished a shotgun. Now I am not a constitutional scholar but I am pretty sure if some guy lightly brandished his mantlepiece shotgun a century ago because a bunch of people were a-hootin' and a-hollerin' on his front lawn after partly burning down the nearest city, local law enforcement would focus on breaking up the incipient incident rather than shoving three nightsticks up the guy's ass for breaking some bylaw. He was clearly afraid for his life within reason, and anyway one is allowed to be afraid for their property and homestead, not just their life.

I agree with getting out of cities but they will still come after you, and they'll let the cities overrun the surrounding areas when it's convenient to them. It's just a paradoxical moment. Most states at this level of decay are not actively promoting it, so they at least let isolated homesteaders defend themselves within reason.

>> No.19192489

>Tucker Carlson
What? He was undone by Jon Stewart mocking his bowtie.

>> No.19192506

>I am thinking of specific incidents where they went to some guy's house out in the suburbs
No kidding; can you provide links?

>> No.19192609

There was the famous case of that white couple which got in big trouble for being armed when BLM rioters came to their house. Here’s a link to an article explaining how BLM seeped into smaller towns and suburbs.


>> No.19192625

On the famous story, I think I recall them being in a gated house in the city. I admit that in general I am not concerned about what happens in big cities, which is maybe a bit of blindness on my part.

That said, thanks for the link about the smaller town, I'll give it a read.

>> No.19192633

I can't find the specific one I mean, only a few similar ones where to be fair the homeowner was not doing his utmost to disengage, but still I think they were all in their rights to say get the fuck off my property.

And case in point, it's not only hard to find news articles on this phenomenon (surprise surprise), the ones that do exist spend 80% of their allotted text running apologetics for the mob, by showcasing and stretching as much as humanly possible everything the homeowner did wrong.

And further surprise, even searching for something like this just gets you inundated in articles about the stupid January riot. We are a hop and skip away from China level propaganda ruling over a docile retarded mulatto population.

>> No.19193027

Damn, glowieposting has really gone downhill. Those budget cutbacks have really done a number on you. You motherfuckers couldn’t convince anyone except the most psyoped redditor or twitterite.

>> No.19193060

Can you point out to me which posts are from glowies?
I cant decipher it myself.

>> No.19193286

mirin' digits

>> No.19193623

>Why does everyone keep saying this?

>> No.19193756

Any time anyone posts negatively about china /leftypol/ tourists post "glowfags trying real hard tonight" and other such things, because you either want chinks to colonize you or you're a CIAnigger, those are the only two states matter can be in.

>> No.19193853

Hyperinflation is about to crash every fiat currency when chinas real estate bubble bursts. Their entire economy is built on sandcastles in their metropolitan hives. Sandcastles on 30 year leases built even more cheaply than american housing that will erode and fall down

>> No.19193867

i hope ur right bro