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/lit/ - Literature

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1918358 No.1918358 [Reply] [Original]

I've never read anything by DFW. Should I bother?

Are his books just for angsty try-hards?

>> No.1918359

Just read the book and make your own opinion.

>> No.1918360

Yeah, try A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again

>> No.1918362

Not wanting to read a book because of it's fanbase. And you are inferring they are the hipsters.

>> No.1918367

Fuck it, why don't we just call this board /dfw/ and end with all this?

>> No.1918369

No, they're not for angsty try-hards, but in any case, the people who use that term are people who never try and end up reading GRRM at thirty.

>> No.1918376

moot should make a separate board for people to talk about David Foster Wallace, Tao Lin and Ayn Rand.

>> No.1918379


So you can discuss eating the nacho crumbs out of GRRM's pubic beard? Naw.

>> No.1918389

Fantasy and science fiction will also have their own boards so /lit/ can finally go back to talking about literature.

>> No.1918416

First they came for Ayn Rand, and I didn't speak out because her books are objectivist garbage.

Then they came for Tao Lin, and I didn't speak out because he's an attention whore hack of a writer.

Then they came for GRRM, and I didn't speak out because he belongs on /tv/

Then they came for DFW, and I wrote this.

>> No.1918420


You know, that's a great idea.

In fact, I think you should take it up with the mods begin reporting every fantasy and sci-fi thread you see.

Let me know how that works out for ya. I'll be right here.

>> No.1918423


>so /lit/ can finally go back to talking about literature.

Screenshot, or it never happened.

The last thing /lit/ needs is to get even smaller and more circle-jerky. /lit/ should be euthanised and a general /cul/ture board established instead of /lit/ /mu/ and /tv/ - they're all three cesspits of tripfaggotry (although /mu/s tripfags are marginally less irritating than /lit/).

Why should books be held apart from comics and tv? They're all expressions of writing. Plays have more connection to TV than they do to novels, so they should be off-topic for /lit/, or teleplays and screenplays should be on-topic. There's too much overlap in all the creative arts to ghettoise any one part of it.

>> No.1918449

/lit/ would be absolutely drowned out if combined with /mu/ and /tv/. It would be entirely Animal Collective and NMH threads and paedophilia.

>> No.1918645
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Follow this lady's advice. He writes nonfiction extremely well.