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19182829 No.19182829 [Reply] [Original]

I'm interested in what this guy had to say, both because I find Christian theology fascinating in its own right, but also because I want to have the most enriching experience possible with The Divine Comedy. At the same time, the sheer size and erudition of the Summa is daunting. What's the best intro to his thought? Are there any good abridged editions of the Summa?

>> No.19182926

>the summa is daunting.

Let’s begin. Let me first state to everyone that the Summa Theologica and its other door stopper volumes are an ENCYCLOPEDIA. You shouldn’t read it like a typical Philosophy book. You don’t read it from page 1 to 1000. That would be be like reading every Wikipedia article starting from A to Z rather than the specific article you’re looking for. You select the article you want to read, head to the table of contents and read it. Simple as that.

However to understand Aquinas, you need to be familiar with his influences such as Boethius, Augustine of Hippo, Aristotle, Averroes, etc.

That may take time if it weren’t for modern summary books like Peter Kreeft’s Summa of the Summa or Edward Feser’s Introduction to Aquinas.

If that’s still daunting for you, start first with the Summa Contra Gentiles. Its a summarized version Thomas made for traveling Missionaries converting pagans.

I’m planning on read Aquinas someday and this is the advice I came across my research.

If you want YT videos about Aquinas, visit the Pints with Aquinas channel. The best Aquinas content in the site.

>> No.19183609

How would you rate the summary books?

>> No.19183618

just do as I do and download it volume by volume from libgen
rest when you need it

>> No.19183751

Excellent post, anon. I will check out the YT channel. (I know that sounds sad but these days I find visual/aural learning much better for me (the irony of being on /lit/ is not lost on me)). Thank you.

>> No.19183798

you will never be a real prime mover

>> No.19183807
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>> No.19183825

The thomist institute has a website called aquinas 101 and a free internet course that introduces you to aquinas and the entire summa step by step doesn't get better than that.

>> No.19183840


>> No.19183936

Ed Feser’s Intro book is 9/10. Haven’t read Kreeft but its been recommended to me a lot by my research.

>> No.19183954

Fesers book is like a seriously dumbed down version of Gilson's. All you have to do is read Gilson and you wont need any kind of general summary after

>> No.19185393

what are the most basic articles one should start with?

>> No.19186296

Nice post, thank you for the effort anon.