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19182653 No.19182653 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite work of his?

>> No.19182659

The opening paragraph of Call of Cthulhu

>> No.19182922

My personal favourite is the thing on the doorstep, I like the fake out double twist, and I think he did a good job of mixing up his usual formula of massive hamfisted foreshadowing. Its not his best work though and it doesn't stand on its own as well without the context of shadow over innsmouth.
His best work is probably the call of cthulhu, colour out of space or shadow over innsmouth.

>> No.19182965

Why does this board circle jerk shitty authors all day?

>> No.19183711

>shadow over insmouth
>the rats in the walls
>the horror in the museum
>the demon from the middle span
In loose order

>> No.19183731
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Then make your own thread, you paedo.

>> No.19183739

The Outsider, bar none

>> No.19183761

Color out of Space, followed by The Whisperer in Darkness.

>> No.19183768

Lovecraft is one of the most influential writers of the 20th century.

>> No.19183784

Rats in the Walls
Arthur Jermyn

>> No.19183831

>Rats in the Walls
I loved the concept but I legitimately could not take the story seriously when the cat is literally named "Nigger-Man"

>> No.19183843

Shadow over Innsmouth is still good for a shiver

>> No.19183881

Perfect! I was just about to post about how to get into Lovecraft. Thanks!

>> No.19183889

So Dragon is best for beginners?

>> No.19183895

Np, enjoy the ride, read Shadow Over Innsmouth first

>> No.19183901

Dragon? I don't remember that story

>> No.19183907

Dagon? Aka the god of crotch rot

>> No.19183927

Christ almighty. Every copy of his books I see online are cheap, cringy prints for normies

Do you guys get his books off Amazon

>> No.19183950

I don't like that progression at all. Some of my least favourite Lovecraft stories are first and the longest hardest (but among the most rewarding once you like Lovecraft) is second.

I don't know if this one goes by mythos construction, maybe that's it. But it's not for me. I would read something fun like Haunter of the Dark, Colour out of Space, Pickman's Model.

I highly recommend looking up audiobook versions too since some are quite atmospheric. For Haunter, Mountains, Dagon, Red Hook, Shadow over Innsmouth, and a few others, look up Wayne June and see if you like his voice. For serviceable readings, HorrorBabble on Youtube is okay, and some others are fine too. Haven't had much luck with Librivox personally.

I also recommend as starting stories if you're just into the Lovecraft "vibe":
>The Night Wire by H.F. Arnold (great audiobook version on Youtube, read by Edward French)
>The Hounds of Tindalos, by Frank Belknap Long

>> No.19184038
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Get this first

>> No.19184103

At the mountains of madness is the best at pulling me into it's atmosphere imo, but I've personally always loved the case of charles dexter ward just a bit more than the rest (with the thing on the dorstep and the dunwhich horror being very close). The dreams in the witch house is an amazing story as well.
My favorite of his shorter stories are nyarlathotep and the music of erich zann.

>> No.19184408

The Temple.

>> No.19185966

>Haven't had much luck with Librivox personally.
I've always found librivox recorders have the worst microphones known to man.

>> No.19186048

Dunwich horror gang ww@
I like the whisperer in darkness a lot too

>> No.19186125

On the creation of Niggers from 1912

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shap'd at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next design'd;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Fill'd it with vice, and call'd the thing a NIGGER.


>> No.19186156

>Mountains of Madness
>The Mound
>Call of Cthulhu

Simple as.

>> No.19186456


>> No.19186840

Kek it's unironically good

>> No.19186964

The Mound, The Festival, Erich Zann

>> No.19186983

Lovecraft ISN'T even spooky

>> No.19187011

I've never once in my life been scared by reading something, but lovecraft has been the only one that can make me at least feel somewhat pertubed.