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File: 377 KB, 500x492, Nobel_Prize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19182528 No.19182528 [Reply] [Original]

It's tomorrow.
Make your bets.
Who will win?

>> No.19182532

Hopefully a /pol/lack.

>> No.19182541


>> No.19182542

Javier Marías.

>> No.19182544

Jon Fosse.
Screencap this post

>> No.19182548
File: 174 KB, 907x1360, 71rMP8iAgUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Crowley is the only American writer that deserves it. He should have won it last year instead of Gluck.

>> No.19182555

Giorgio Agamben

>> No.19182558


>> No.19182563

Gerald Murnane. Screenshot this.

>> No.19182593

Keep seething 3rd worlder.

>> No.19182612




>> No.19182637

Why should I care about what a bitter 3rd worlder wonders about? Go clean my toilet, make my clothes or whatever you people do instead.

>> No.19182638



>> No.19182663

>Who will win?
the shitiest one.

>> No.19182693

How is that you can say something I agree with, and still be intensely hateable.

>> No.19182728

Ko Un or Bei Dao

>> No.19182849

Whoever wins, it won't be Lobo Antunes.
The Academy is too stupid for it. If some Portuguese language writer gets it, it will probably be that mediocrity of mediocrities, Mia Couto.
My bets are Ernaux (I've read some bits of her writings, and I thought it utterly inane, but she seems to be a favorite of the Academy) and Fosse (who does deserve it, and might very well get it because he's a Scandi).
My own choices would be Krasznahorkai or Lobo Antunes. If a poet, Adunis.
If it had to be a Hispanic, then Cesar Aira or Villa-Matas. Don't really know about the French. Houellebecq is mediocre.
Also, no Anglo will win it. They already got it in 2016, 17 and 20. So no McCarthy, Pynchon, and no Stoppard. Germans are unlikely, as Handke won in 2019.

Ko Un was #metoo'd, so he won't win.
And I don't see what's so good about his poetry, but then again I've read it in translation.

>> No.19182870

>Houellebecq is mediocre.
So is Aira.

>> No.19182881

Is Vila-Matas any good

>> No.19182912

I'm only interested in the Econ prize this year.

>> No.19182944

It’s going to be the best ever……most fuck you to all the sjws everywhere…..it’s gonna be a Whites African.

>> No.19183157

David Grossman will be the winner. Screenshot this.

>> No.19183379

mia couto then

>> No.19183558

>I'm only interested in the Econ prize this year.
Not a nobel prize though

>> No.19183608
File: 203 KB, 1293x700, Pinecone Writes Lit A Song.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He won't win it but she should

>> No.19183615

Murakami 100%

>> No.19183694

will never happen fortunately kek

>> No.19183699

Rupi Kaur

>> No.19183722

Can xue

>> No.19183758

>Ko Un was #metoo'd, so he won't win.
A genocide denier won 2 years ago. The Swedish Academy cares more about internal politics than external. And I would recommend reading his criticism in translation rather than his poetry.

>> No.19183921

He won't win because the Academy has specific problems with the #metoo question.

>> No.19183923

Ernaux, Fosse, Couto, Cartarescu or Can Xue. Outside chance: Ngugi.

>> No.19183928

Yes. Check out his Dublinesque, Bartleby & Co, and Never Any End to Paris

>> No.19183957

You think they care more about this than they do. This isn't the Pulitzer. The most they would care to do is split the prize with Can Xue or Ernaux.

>> No.19183978

>You think they care more about this than they do

They literally postponed the prize for one year because of a #metoo case.
Whatever. If you think he'll win, bet your money on him, then.
You'll probably lose it, but who knows.

>> No.19184028

Jesús G. Maestro and his revolutionary literary theory

>> No.19184040


>> No.19184085

Handke won.

>> No.19184188

Michel fucking Houellebecq. Mark my words

>> No.19184212

Where to start with Lobo Antunes in english? I can't find translation for his first published novel Memória De Elefante

>> No.19184217

Imagine being so desperate for attention

>> No.19184264


Been waiting for that nibba to get it for quite some time now.

>> No.19184296

nah that man is pretty much cancelled

>> No.19184324
File: 173 KB, 1200x1200, 00000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alan Moore for his contributions to capeshit. Seething will exceed that of Bob Dylan's win.

>> No.19184615
File: 1.81 MB, 1000x1037, antonio-lobo-antunes-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's HIS year

>> No.19184618

>The Academy is too stupid for it.
>If some Portuguese language writer gets it, it will probably be that mediocrity of mediocrities, Mia Couto.
Let,'s take it easy, Mia is also a great writer. Not as good as ALA, of course, but good.

>> No.19184770


>> No.19184784

Just learn portuguese, don't be a bitch.

>> No.19184785

I keenly await the torrent of articles seething about his "problematic" depictions of women

>> No.19184794


>> No.19184803

Which one of ALA’s books should I read first? Which one is his magnum opus?

>> No.19184813
File: 371 KB, 1134x1787, René_Goscinny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk, who will be the first capeshit/bd/manga writer to win it?

I think that, if Goscinny had lived into the 2010s and kept being as prolific as he was in the 60s and 70s, he would have eventually written something that would have given him the Nobel.

>> No.19184905

15 minutes

>> No.19184908

Can't f*eaking wait!

>> No.19184938

Its live now

>> No.19184941


Pretty nice door

>> No.19184944


>> No.19184954


>> No.19184959


>> No.19184961


i remember reading someone on here saying that the Nobel Prize wasn't as pozzed as it was made out to be

what have you to say now?

>> No.19184963

I will now read your books Abdulrazak Gurnah

>> No.19184965

>blattenigger får Nobelpriset

>> No.19184966

Warning to the Crocodiles. It was recently released in English.

>> No.19184968

Väx upp, fitta

>> No.19184969


>> No.19184970

polfags, i kneel

>> No.19184972

Rate the prose of the nobel prize winner:

THERE WAS A STORY of his first sighting. In fact, there was more than one, but elements of the stories merged into one with time and telling. In all of them he appeared at dawn, like a figure out of myth. In one story, he was an upright shadow moving so slowly that in that peculiar underwater light his approach was almost imperceptible, inching forward like destiny. In another, he was not moving at all, not a tremor or a quiver, just looming there on the edge of the town, grey eyes glittering, waiting for someone to appear, for someone whose unavoidable luck it was to find him. Then, when someone did, he slid forward towards him, to fulfil outcomes no one had predicted. Someone else claimed to have heard him before he was seen, to have heard his beseeching, longing howl in the darkest hour of the night, like that of an animal out of legend. What was undisputed – although there was no real dispute between these stories as they all added to the strangeness of his appearance – was that it was Hassanali the shopseller who found him, or was found by him.

>> No.19184974

Its not pozzed just because they gave it to an arab or whatever. It would be if it was systematic

>> No.19184976

I am entirely convinced that this award is chosen by drawing random authors out of a hat

>> No.19184981

As long as its not a woman I don't care. I hate women more than blacks.

>> No.19184980

lmao aldrig sett något mer politiserat val av vinnare. har de utomstående experterna övertagit kontrollen redan i år eller har akademin fattat beslutet helt själva? oavsett, priset har varit ointressant i flera år, dödsstöten var dylan och det här är begravningen. vem fan bryr sig.

>> No.19184983


>> No.19184986
File: 111 KB, 1200x900, 1615176955290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would you have given it to?

>> No.19184988


>> No.19184990

fragile witebois will now hate something they'll pretend to have read

>> No.19184991

De kan ju iaf ge till någon tredjevärldare som är någorlunda rotad i sin kultur såsom>>19184988

>> No.19184992

not bad. it's readable and somewhat interesting. i dislike those similes.

he won it because his work's depictions of colonialism and some refugee nonsense. if it were a christian white guy writing this same tripe it would be equally as sad, but in that case no one would care. nobel prize is so rooted in identity and image that they have lost all sense of artistry.

>> No.19184993

hvordan er dette verre enn glück?

>> No.19184996

Giorgio Agamben to trigger the libs

>> No.19184998

>another english-language writer

>> No.19185002

Lobo Antunes, Adunis, Krasznahorkai, Fosse, Enzensberger, Magris...

>> No.19185005

Reads a bit like Rushdie. I like it.

>> No.19185009

go to bed Dylan

>> No.19185014

Exactly. They claim to be diverse but where's the diversity when it's all English?
Where's Lobo Antunes, for God's sake?
Where's Adunis? Where are all the Asians and Arabs? Bei Dao? The Italians?

>> No.19185016

For real its the blandest type of decision. They probably don't trust translations enough and won't bother learning the language.

>> No.19185018

Not bad, yet not exactly captivating and a bit somnolent.

>> No.19185024

>perhaps you could rephrase the question
>proceeds to ask the question again in the exact same way

>> No.19185043

>Who will win?
Some irrelevant third world author nobody actually reads. Swedes will always prefer virtue signaling over rewarding someone with real merits

>> No.19185059

He's essentially British so I agree 100%

>> No.19185065

Reads like your average lame by-the-numbers magical realist chock full of bland or cliched expressions like: inching forward like destiny, anything involving glittering eyes, longing howl of the darkest hour of the night (come on!), an animal out of legend (at least specify it to make it more unique than your usual self-aware mythologic ramble!), some ambiguous descriptions about some shadow moving (like that biblical shit hasn't been done before!)

This is literature for zombies, a manufactured poesy that lightly gilds the usual bland ideas and psychologies about postcolonial alienation and other such shit, full of melodramatic self-seriousness. If you've read one of these you've read them all.

>> No.19185081

The problem with these colonial African countries is that their history starts and ends at colonialism. There is nothing else defining them, and the people there don't define themselves with anything else. The message in their literature will always be the same: racism bad, colonialism bad. But we've already listened to this message for the past 50 years. Why give Nobel prize for that?

>> No.19185090

This is a correct diagnosis, but I'm happy with the choice nonetheless. They filled their quota and can perhaps give it to some actually readable northerner next year.

>> No.19185146

you never fail to disappoint with how little of value you have to say